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  • Soooo.... you noticed it then? Look closer. Think what the avatar is. Think what there are a lot of in the descent.... ;)
    Martin. What is that drawing you have added to your avatar? (on the right side) It looks like a sharks fin. :)
    Hey all. I`m over the jet lag now - just got work-lag. Night shoots start next week too. Yippee. Not. Pays the bills and for air tickets so I can`t complain though :D
    jt - thank you. You`re all welcome :wave:
    Matt - I`m glad you liked it. I love that shot Ruwin took of the 2 of us, cameras facing rope drop and the one Chris took as we all ran to the stage. I still think about that day. Probably always will. I was so lucky to have been able to be there.
    Martin! I finally got to download and watch your Epcot 25 stuff... It was great!
    Plus, I'm in it! (once even with you!) :wave:
    Thanks for all the work you put into posting here. It is appreciated and amazing.
    Argh! No wand!

    I`m home. Jet lagged, but happy. What a great trip, apart from a flat tyre on the hire care last week. 27 hours of DV and gigs and gigs of stills. I`ll post a full report later this week, but I did ride SSE 8 times and shot from every angle, and have some GREAT Space Mountain non-ride lights on footage ;) as well as full pre and post show coverage. And loads of other great stuff too!
    *wonders how the trip is going*

    *waits for Martin to return with hours of new footage and material for new and AWESOME tributes*

    *sneakily installs a wand on Martin's profile during his absence* :D
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