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  • True, I will give you that!! You are convincing me here, keep it coming!! Maybe I'll convince my parents we should all take at trip down there during Christmas together. Could be different, but fun! And I bet I would rather be in s. Georgia right now then Cincinnati, OH. ITS FREEZING!!!! and no sun :( Just a gloomy day.
    I bet it really does! Obviously WDW is my FAVORITE place on earth, and Christmas is my favorite holiday, so the two put together must be WONDERFUL!!! :). I'm sitting here at my desk (during my lunch break of course...) wanting to be at Le Cellier then getting ready for a trip on Soarin' instead!!! Errrrr.
    No, not always. I have usually gone around June-July (back when I was in middle and high school and college). Not that I am finished with those things (for now unless law school appears). I like going in Sept b/c it isn't so hot and def not as many crowds. I have gone in March for SB which was nice b/c of the weather, but lots of people! I have never been around Christmas, which I would like to try sometime.
    Yea, I know it. I like structure, but monotony kills me. I'm still trying to get the dates together for a trip in September. Hopefully it works out with work and everything. It will at least give me something to look forward too. When are you returning to the world?
    Good actually. No complaints. Life is moving along, working and hanging out at the apartment. How about you? Anything new with the new year??
    yea, the pearl is pretty nice. I wanted the i-phone or the Blackberry Storm, but the phone carrier I'm on doesn't offer either one of those, so I went with the next best thing. Gotta Love Cincinnati.
    Being a lover is always better than being labeled a sucker... I'm a lover through and through. The fact you paid that much for a C25 Figgie only makes you more of a lover in my book! :D
    So is it wrong that I'm tempted to buy an EPCOT Center spoon on eBay to feed my kids with? :lookaroun :lol:
    Ah, you see, Daddie wouldn't pay for anything more than 4 years of college! :lol:

    Majored in Mass Communication and minored in Sociological Humanities... Basically, I'm a people person! Your profession is much more admirable than what I'm doing.
    Christmas was great (other than being sick). I got a lot of nice things- which is always a plus. A favorite of mine right now is the Blackberry Pearl I bought for myself :) hee hee. Merry Christmas to me!
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