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  • After Labor Day it wasn't bad at all. I would say about 10-20 mins on average- many we were able to pretty much walk on though- or unless the attraction broke down, like Space Mountain- then the wait became alittle longer. I know Toy Story Mania was about 35, but still, not bad at all- especially if the weather is cooler, your wait will feel like nothing!!
    Oh, and I've decided that you may have a tag-along on your next trip :)...Don't be surprised if I randomly show up among your luggage. j/k
    Yes, THANK YOU!!! It was on the tip of my tongue and I could not remember!!! I recommend trying one on your upcoming visit. You won't regret it ;)
    thanks for the waiting times and crowd level thread. anyway, i would rather wait ALL DAY for anything in WDW than spend one minute in NY traffic!
    Hey there. Things are going well. Just getting back in the routine of things- working, etc. I should have some of my vacation pics uploaded today (hopefully). How is planning going for your vacation?? Not much longer for you! I am attempting to start planning for my next vacation, if all goes well.
    nice job - i would try to make a tinkerbell shirt and probably butcher it! it would be great if like, a year from now everyone's avatars were south park characters. I love my current one though too - i got a magic moments certificate on my honeymoon and was ecstatic.
    haha, i love the Epcot shirt! was that actually an option, or did you make it yourself? I need to make myself one of these characters!
    It is eating my soul. :lol: I just spent upwards of five hours going through my Disney archives and library pulling out minutae for the history walk. :)
    Hey, Nick! Yeah, I've been scarce... real world kickin' my hiney, as usual. How the heck have you been?
    I just have to tell you that I love your avatar, it's one of my favorites that I've seen. South Park + Disney are two of the best things!
    Hey there! Just got back in last night around 11:00pm. The trip was great, as always. I should have pics downloaded sometime soon here, as soon as my Dad sends them to me. I miss AKL already :)
    Oh, Thank you! That is a wonderful idea! I'll have to do that for him! 1 day to go!!!!
    thats awesome that your mom wants to go w/ you this year! I am a big fan of traveling w/ the fam. Grandma is even heading down w/ us this year too..should be a great time (my dad will turn 50 when we are down there this year, so it will be extra special for him!)
    You are welcome! I'll take pics and try to upload them before you leave (just to build more excitement). I have 3 days and counting. This time Friday I'll be in AKL, heading to lunch at Yak and Yeti in AK. Seems unreal! :) Try to eat at Jiko as well (I'm not sure if you are going w/ your family, etc.) but if you have time, it is a great place to dine...and relax. We have reservations for Sept 2 at 9:00pm. It is a great way to wind down after a long day (of course w/ a nice glass of African wine- if you're a wine fan).
    Just had to say that I love how you give due props to classic greats like Humphrey Bear and The Rocketeer - you have very good taste :)
    Hey Nick :)
    The standard rooms aren't that bad at all, and def worth a cheaper price if you want to stay at AKL no matter what the circumstances (you may even get lucky and end up w/ a savannah view too- that has happened several times for my family). You still have the option to walk around the Hotel, so that is nice. Oh, my name is Candra. Nice to meet you!
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