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  • Oh hai...I kno u from teh obnozious posts!!1!


    Heya!-Yeah,Shannon and Jackie had been bugging me to join forever.So Shannon just ended up sponsoring me-She's great!I'll deffinatle renew when I have to.I love the PML so far.

    Thanks for the welcome!:D
    You must check out the LOLcat on my Facebook page. An oldie but goodie.

    Have a great weekend, d00d.
    Happy Monday -- it's been a while since I graphed you...
    Happy holiday weekend! You still on your regular schedule or are they loosening the leg chains for the day?
    Hey, d00d. I gotta tell ya, I about wet myself laughing yesterday. A guy with a nearly non-understandable accent called into our trading post program trying to sell what sounded like "dfgfkjdvnlrnwgn4tn." Before I could catch myself, the country boy in me kicked the city training to the curb and asked "DO WHUT NOW?" -- and then I realllllllly had trouble stifiling the laughter once I realized what I'd said.
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