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  • Hey Mr. Wonderful,

    I'd LOVE to at least explore any possible career advancements - Sirius being my dream. Honestly, just knowing you'd think of me makes me feel awesome. You're truly amazing. :o

    Have a fantastic day!
    Yeah, what possible issues could his girlfriend have with me staying with him? :lol:

    Grizz did move up around here, actually! I didn't know you had the distinct pleasure of meeting Sir Stevey. He's such a good guy. I spent an entire day in MK with him in January just the two of us. How fun was it to see the park through an 'insiders' eye? :D
    We'll be so close, Dave! The BF's going to see Cheech and Chong in ATL for the weekend. Perhaps I'll attempt a trek to Clemson. :drevil:

    Have a fantastic day, and thank you for always being sunshine on a dreary day.
    Yeah, strange name for a dining plan. Sounds like every few minutes you have to change places.
    Hope the trip is going well. KUNGALOOSH for us!

    Can't wait to see you back to your normal posting regimine. Miss you. :D
    WOW LSU tickets are hard to come by! They definitely need to stop by on that day. Give them my number. We'll be having jambalaya. Actually I've been challenged to a cook off between my jambalaya and a neighboring tailgaters gumbo :lol:
    Thanks Dave! I sure wish you had more time to be here more often :) Hope all is well with you too. :) I'm doing fine, but I WILL say that, unless my memory is just fuzzy, this baby is by far and away the wiggliest, strongest baby I've ever had to deal with! I hope that's not a sign of things to come :eek:
    Yes...!!!!! I have been so busy moving and setting up my new office that I really have not had the chance to post anything about it. I will send you some pics once we get all moved in.....LOL I have bears and deer and wild turkeys that hang out in my backyard.
    Hey Dave! We're going to try DL this time around. WHOO! It'll be a first for all of us!
    First song up at the top of the 1pm hour...

    Hey hey hey hey hey!
    If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
    Never make a pretty women your wife
    Go for my personal point of view
    Get an ugly girl to marry you

    A pretty women makes her husband look small
    it very often causes a system fall
    As soon as he marrys her then she starts
    looking for things that will break his heart
    but if you make an ugly women your wife
    you'll be happy for the rest of your life
    An ugly women will put peals on that
    and she'll always give you a piece of that.

    Don't let your friends tell you you have no taste
    go ahead and marry anyway
    Her face is ugly her eyes don't match
    take it from me shes a better catch

    If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
    Never make a pretty women your wife
    Go for my personal point of view
    Get an ugly girl to marry you
    Yep! I'm home. :) It was so good to see my family and now I don't feel like I'm as kept in the dark as before.

    Thanks for thinking of me. :)
    The only issue, the Bee is the bigger subject in the image, and I think only 1 image the bee is in focus... I tried to encourage others at the meet to take similar photos, but they didn't hear me or want too for some reason.
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