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  • Ha ha, well I am trying to keep positive. Sometimes easier said than done, but I'll get through it. And yes, thank God it was nice weather last night!! But of course, they lost... go Reds. I have decided that Cincinnati Sports teams really don't care about winning much :). Tee hee
    You are awesome!! Great attitude! I hope you had fun at the game. It's a shame they loss. Yay! for good weather!!!!! It is really nice here too.
    That sucks about the boyfriend issues. I hope it all works out for the best and I think it will because it seems like your attitude is pretty good about it.

    The freeze is coming. I was just outside playing with the dogs, and it is getting cold...quick!!! Were you planning on going to the Reds game?

    P.S. I hope you feel better!
    I am just getting over a cold myself. Got it right after we came back from our WDW trip a couple of weeks ago. At least it was AFTER we got back and not while we were down there though. Have a nice day :)
    Well, the weather has been nice, but I've been sick! It's like I can't win for losing. :(

    I hope your weekend was better than mine!
    Sorry it took FOREVER for me to get back to you! It was exactly the same here. Horrible weather over the weekend, beautiful the first part of the week, and now it has gone down here. Said thing is they are saying to expect 30's next week! :brick:
    Hellllllloooooo!! Finally on here, eating lunch. Its a crazy day here at work.....blah. Mondays.
    Cool, I'll have to keep Yak & Yeti in mind for future trips. I hope you are having a great weekend. It's nasty weather here. We're under a tornado watch right now. Looks like another weekend in for me. :lol:
    oh..ok good :) I didnt want to have to go back so soon. i think it would hurt way to bad.
    yes, yes it is. did you call the tattoo place? i'm not really sure I'll need a touch up. its looking pretty good. i might have the guy take a look just to be sure though.
    I have about a month still to go with school and it is KILLING me! I'm so ready to be done with this junk. What ADR's are you planning on getting?
    yep yep. getting off this site now. I have to run errands earlier today, so just email me :)
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