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  • good afternoon my good man, just wondering if you have any advice for a trip to Disneyland in which I'm trying to ride every ride at both parks
    Hello, I was wondering if you had any tips for RR status? I just found out thats what I was, and the man said I could apply to any job and if I am considered I will talk in further details with my recruiter. Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting hired? What do I do next?
    Provide at least one year of positive employment history with the same employer, show how you've grown and improved, and be apologetic for the reasons you were given restricted rehire over - even if they were completely justified.

    Basically, prepare to kiss .
    Hey Rob,
    I'm going to be staying at Rincon Beach Resort April 13-16 on business in Anasco. Let me know if you're around.
    Rob, Just a quick message to let you know that Tramp could use some good thoughts beaming his way. He thinks they "got it all" (throat/oral cancer) but........
    Hope you're not in San Juan with Omar approaching. If you are, be safe! Marcia
    Awwww...I wish I could read what you wrote me!I never learned how to read and write in hebrew.:(

    In any case, Happy New Year!:D
    Yeah... the older I get... the less I can handle these Chicago winters. I so need to become a snow bird. lol
    I saw one of your past threads you posted something about the walt disney internet group.. or I think now it's the interactive media group

    Do you know anything about that division?
    Have a good weekend! :wave:
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