The Empress Lilly
Well-Known Member
I will take a special trip to see Illuminations one last time.Just to clarify, a goodbye trip for me would be for the final show. I wouldn't do it for just any ride or show, but would consider it for my absolute favorites. If I know it's the last time I'm seeing something I experience it differently, but I guess that's a personal thing. In rare cases Disney also do something special for the final performance. The last MSEP at DLP, for instance, was the longest I'd ever seen. They pulled out everything they had and you could tell that the performers were also "living" it differently. The atmosphere during a final ride or performance is something special.
Although I might skip the final performance. I might prefer my last time to be more intimate, less a communal event and more a personal one.
I will be devastated and heartbroken though, so that would be easier to hide in crowds of others aware of the occasion. I'll just have to find a quiet spot I guess.