The Chit Chat Chit Chat Thread


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I need this view, NOW



Well-Known Member
I baked youngest dd’s bday cake today. Here is a fun story. She informed me today that she wanted a dolphin cake. Her bday is Tuesday. I have been super busy and thought I would take the easy way out and just get one from the supermarket. Nope, they did not have a dolphin. She also originally wanted a creamsicle flavored cake. So being the crazy parent that I am I did a quick search for vegan creamsicle cupcakes. Found one. I just needed a couple of things from the store that I did not have like all purpose flour. I usually use whole wheat which would not work. So I drove to the Walmart which is closer to my house than the supermarket. Picked up what I needed. Measured my ingredients. I was about to mix wet into dry when I noticed the flour was moving. :confused::mad::banghead: Probably serves me right for buying organic flour at Walmart. Probably never moves. Anyway I had to go back to the store and get more flour. In the end it smells delicious. The cakes have to be frozen so I can cut them into shapes to form a dolphin. If it turns out well, I will take a pic.
Perhaps I'm dense...why was your flour moving and what does it have to do with it being organic?


Well-Known Member
I'm the primary administrator for our project management software, which includes everything from the storage of our projects to timesheets in the system. So....yes, rather critical. If it goes down, no one can enter their timesheets. But my boss can also handle the system, so she and I just make sure that we're not away at the same time. Even for Thanksgiving, she'll be off Wednesday and Thursday, and I'll be off Thursday and Friday. They can live without us for one day (Thursday).

That's the way it is for everyone in the department: there is always back up. Most of the upper level managers will check their email periodically, but they don't work. Even the VP of IT security doesn't do work while he's away; there's a bunch of other IT security people who can also do the job. He just checks email periodically. When I went to WDW, I just left an away message saying if you need this, contact this person, if you need this, contact this person...yadda yadda. But your run-of-the-mill analysts don't work while they're on vacation. They leave you an away message that they'll respond when they return, and they do. And they just rotate so that there's always someone there as backup. For instance, the two guys who deal with the Office 365 issues alternated who was away over the summer.

It's also one of the benefits of being in a 270 person IT department as well, I guess. There's always backup.
What drives me nuts is when the backup doesn't know what they are doing. Not necessarily on the tech end, but just management in general. I was at work Friday night and there was a pub quiz that the normal Friday evening shift manager organized, so he wasn't there and one of the managers above him covered for the evening. I had an issue, asked the manager to come with me so I could show him the problem and he said "No....I don't understand any of this. Just leave it...they can figure it out Monday." I felt like it was incredibly unprofessional not to even come LOOK. As a manager, it's your job to oversee's your job to know my job so you can help....that's why you're there. And I also thought it was REALLY rich coming from the guy who gave me the horrible evaluation last year, saying I didn't show initiative to learn different parts of the job and that I didn't have enough knowledge in other departments to help out where they needed me...especially when I've asked repeatedly to LEARN those other parts and they told me it wasn't worth THEIR time to teach me because I don't work enough hours. don't know how to do my job, but you are being paid big bucks to sit here while I do it, and you won't even bother to TRY to figure it out, but I'M the one who doesn't show initiative??


Well-Known Member
Yet another good reason to not put them in a kennel. Seriously, why would either of them need monthly flee and tic medicine? They're INDOOR CATS! Good grief.
I don’t use the flea and tick stuff on my indoor cats. The dogs do go out but they only wander in our yard that is open and not wooded. That frontline stuff is poison.
It sure does look pretty in a picture. But that is where I would like it to stay. ;):p


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I'm dense...why was your flour moving and what does it have to do with it being organic?
There were bugs in the flour. :eek::eek::eek: Happens when the flour has been sitting a long time. I usually will put my bags of flour in the freezer, especially whole wheat because it can go rancid. My assumption about the organic flour is that it costs more than regular and the normal clientele at that Walmart would most likely not be apt to purchase it. The date was 12/17 so it must have been sitting there for close to a year. I unfortunately didn’t bother looking at the expiration date when I bought it. Anyhow so far it looks like this and tastes delicious by the way.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
There were bugs in the flour. :eek::eek::eek: Happens when the flour has been sitting a long time. I usually will put my bags of flour in the freezer, especially whole wheat because it can go rancid. My assumption about the organic flour is that it costs more than regular and the normal clientele at that Walmart would most likely not be apt to purchase it. The date was 12/17 so it must have been sitting there for close to a year. I unfortunately didn’t bother looking at the expiration date when I bought it. Anyhow so far it looks like this and tastes delicious by the way.
View attachment 243983

So cute so far. Can't wait to see it finished.

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