Disney to increase the number of FastPass+ entitlements per day and include park hopping


Active Member
I've been wishing for a purple MB since the beginning. Very sad when there wasn't one.

Give it time... I'm sure at some point Disney will have every color you can think of to choose from for MagicBands, but until then, top priority is making sure the system works.


Well-Known Member
Is all this really necessary, we are getting more FPs guys!!! exactly what people wanted to begin with. I don't care how they do it, but again... We are getting more FPs!!!

I would have thought this thread would be a little more positive...o_O

This. Exactly.

I have learned the hard way these last two days that disagreeing with those who know everything will only get you bashed and insulted until you either agree or let them have the last word. I have no further comment on this thread. All I was trying to do was contribute to the discussion and am still a little shocked by how determined some are to be right.

Like said above, this should be a positive thing, not a reason to argue. As I said on a different post, it's not like Disney will change their procedure just based on this thread anyway (something that has been ignored as the discussion continued), so why can we not just agree to disagree and be happy that they are working to improve this?

I'm not interested in furthering the debate. That's all I am going to say.


Premium Member
This. Exactly.

I have learned the hard way these last two days that disagreeing with those who know everything will only get you bashed and insulted until you either agree or let them have the last word. I have no further comment on this thread. All I was trying to do was contribute to the discussion and am still a little shocked by how determined some are to be right.

Like said above, this should be a positive thing, not a reason to argue. As I said on a different post, it's not like Disney will change their procedure just based on this thread anyway (something that has been ignored as the discussion continued), so why can we not just agree to disagree and be happy that they are working to improve this?

I'm not interested in furthering the debate. That's all I am going to say.

You sound like, @WDWDad13 .lol. jk. I respect that you remain objective in your posts, but you cant always claim your getting "bashed" when someone disagrees with you. Nobody is claiming they "know everything" and you should continue to contribute to the conversation. You, @ToyStorygirl , @lazyboy97o , and I had this discussion yesterday and lazyboy97o made a good point about generalizations being made in regards to people feeling that others on this site are bashing people or anti-Disney. It deserves a re-post as it was very insightful:

@lazyboy97o :These discussions all go the same as they are built on generalizations and not specificity. There are far more people who are genuine in their posting than there are trolls just looking to stir up trouble. If anything this subject seems to reflect far more of their original posters. A common theme mentioned by the "naysayers" is that upon self-reflection they realize there was a period where they wanted to hear no ill because they were starting to notice more and more but were too emotionally and financially invested to let anything tarnish the magic. If there is no concern about for the validity other people's negative thoughts there would be no impetus to question those views.

big difference in someone disagreeing with you and someone trolling. You shouldnt feel attacked. I see more of the pixie dust crowd getting angry and lashing out at other posters and then claiming they feel attacked. You make it a "versus each other" type scenario when you seperate yourself from the group as a victim.


Well-Known Member
It's not about deceiving the guest into lesser attractions, it's about getting to do what u and your family want to do, wether there is a standby wait or not! If my kids favorite ride is small world, I would definately make sure I had a FP for it wether it deserves it or not. That's the thinking behind this new system in terms of guests ensuring they get to do what they want.
I agree, sort of like the one man's junk is another's treasure. However you can't deny ranking of rides and attractions does exist in the park guest mind, otherwise we wouldn't have the extreme wait times for some and none to moderate for others. And so then you get into the decision process of choices and touring style and definitely vacation planning.


Well-Known Member
You sound like, @WDWDad13 .lol. jk. I respect that you remain objective in your posts, but you cant always claim your getting "bashed" when someone disagrees with you. Nobody is claiming they "know everything" and you should continue to contribute to the conversation. You, @ToyStorygirl , @lazyboy97o , and I had this discussion yesterday and lazyboy97o made a good point about generalizations being made in regards to people feeling that others on this site are bashing people or anti-Disney. It deserves a re-post as it was very insightful:

@lazyboy97o :These discussions all go the same as they are built on generalizations and not specificity. There are far more people who are genuine in their posting than there are trolls just looking to stir up trouble. If anything this subject seems to reflect far more of their original posters. A common theme mentioned by the "naysayers" is that upon self-reflection they realize there was a period where they wanted to hear no ill because they were starting to notice more and more but were too emotionally and financially invested to let anything tarnish the magic. If there is no concern about for the validity other people's negative thoughts there would be no impetus to question those views.

big difference in someone disagreeing with you and someone trolling. You shouldnt feel attacked. I see more of the pixie dust crowd getting angry and lashing out at other posters and then claiming they feel attacked. You make it a "versus each other" type scenario when you seperate yourself from the group as a victim.

I wasn't just claiming to be attacked, I very much felt it yesterday on more than one thread. I was told on a different thread that I wasn't qualified to have an opinion about something, so between that and having people on this thread basically telling me that my opinion was wrong, I very much felt attacked. It may not have been anyone's intention, but at that point I was literally going back and forth between those two threads and it was not fun LOL.

It's an opinion... I said several times that no one had to agree with me, but people kept insisting that I needed to change my opinion to match theirs. That's the cool thing about opinions; it's really of no consequence to anyone if theirs and mine differ, and I just wanted to get the same respect in return as what I was giving, and that didn't happen. It's one thing to discuss it for a few minutes and move on, but when every time I log in there is more and more of it, to span over several pages, IMO that's a bit much.

Was I perhaps reading more into those responses than what their authors meant? Very possibly. If so, it just goes to show how electronic communication, albeit the way of the future, really stinks lol... no way to read tones beyond the words on the screen.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, but given how seldom they let any kind of record, particularly where one of their own is quoted, seems to be made public (think of how little time there was between when we knew they would let offsite guests reserve FP+ in advance and when it went live), this just doesn't meet their current pattern of trickling out information. Just an observation.

Well the most recent I recall is PUSH was staying...


Well-Known Member
I agree, sort of like the one man's junk is another's treasure. However you can't deny ranking of rides and attractions does exist in the park guest mind, otherwise we wouldn't have the extreme wait times for some and none to moderate for others. And so then you get into the decision process of choices and touring style and definitely vacation planning.

One thing that, in my mind, helps to level out the lines for some of the smaller attractions (at least in the MK) is that there are so many of them in comparison to how many headliners there are. I'm not going to sit here and list which ones I think fall into what category (no need to give Disney any ideas lol), but basically, with the exception of Peter Pan and the M&G's, the attractions with the longest lines tend to be the thrill rides. Think about how many calmer rides there are at MK versus how many thrills. Makes sense that the people who prefer those for whatever reason have more to choose from than the ones who prefer the thrills, so that crowd tends to get spread out more effectively.

Now that I think of it, from what I know, this probably holds true at Epcot as well. Not sure about HS and AK, since I haven't been to HS in over a decade and have never been to AK.

That's just a generalization, but in my mind it makes the most sense.


Active Member
The problem is Disney has a group of people running the parks who DO NOT LIKE THEME PARKS, Just ask @WDW1974 or @Lee about what the P&R executives think and SAY about the guests. Bad decisions flow downhill from there.

There is no question that TWDC has more DATA than we do but the people in charge of P&R at the moment have not the skills or inclination to use it to make a better park experience their SOLE concern is maximizing their quarterly bonus.

Used to be I thought the worst possible thing would be for P&R to be sold, Now it looks like it may be the only salvation for P&R is to be sold to someone like Oriental Land Company (Tokyo Disney etc) who have a passion for theme parks.

Totally agree with this!


Well-Known Member
@RSoxNo1 is fundamentally right. None of those attractions need fastpass. Not a single one of the tier 2 attractions at EPCOT needs a fastpass unless waiting 10 minutes is too much. I picked a couple for an upcoming family reunion trip because I had to. My wife was immediately critical until I explained the system. I was actually wondering about cancelling fastpasses and getting another tier 1 fastpass. I set it up so my Soarin' fastpass is first.

Honestly, this right here is the only thing I don't like about having three FP+. I too ended up picking a third FP+ that I really don't care anything about using, but I went ahead and picked it because, if the option to get more FP+ ends up being available by the time I get there, I don't want to risk losing the chance to get another Tier 1 FP+ just because I had room for one more tier 2.

Maybe a good compromise would be to keep it at 3 in MK and AK, and then in HS and Epcot find some other way to address the tier thing? I still don't like the idea of taking away the third option for people who want it, whether they really "need" it or not on a time management level, but it seems like there should be another way to fix this for people who want more thrills and less of the slow rides.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about that LOL... it's from before I started planning my trip ;) Didn't PUSH end up leaving in February? Or did that change?

Yes and the Friday before Disney made the statement PUSH wasn't leaving and Sunday he was escorted out for good....
I'm sure it doesn't happen too often but Disney has and does go on record about things that just don't work out to be factual.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a good compromise would be to keep it at 3 in MK and AK, and then in HS and Epcot find some other way to address the tier thing? I still don't like the idea of taking away the third option for people who want it, whether they really "need" it or not on a time management level, but it seems like there should be another way to fix this for people who want more thrills and less of the slow rides.

The easiest thing would be to have people be able to select up to 3, not be forced to choose 3. I'm not entirely sure what the motivation is for requiring 3 to be chosen, but not allowing fewer -- my guess is that Disney feels that if you have 3 booked, that you are more likely to stick with the plans to visit the park, while with only 1 or 2 you might not think it is as big of a deal to not go that day and skip the parks.


Well-Known Member
The easiest thing would be to have people be able to select up to 3, not be forced to choose 3. I'm not entirely sure what the motivation is for requiring 3 to be chosen, but not allowing fewer -- my guess is that Disney feels that if you have 3 booked, that you are more likely to stick with the plans to visit the park, while with only 1 or 2 you might not think it is as big of a deal to not go that day and skip the parks.

Hmm... interesting theory. I thought it was more along the lines of three sounding like so much more than two (much in the same way that $1.99 sounds like less than $2.00), so it was a way of making people feel more at ease with the new system if that makes sense. For all we know, it could be a combination of both of those plus more, or neither of them lol.

I don't know that they have ever come out and say that you "have to" book three, but like I said, with the language from that blog acting like you can only get another one after you use the first three, I'm led to believe that, if there's any chance of doing Test Track and Soarin' on the same day and both with FP+, you have to book one of them first with two tier twos. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how else the system would know to reset and allow further options if it still thinks you have one left.


Premium Member
Let's be honest it most certainly is about deceiving guests. They are simply trying to lock guests into staying on property. Simple as that. We have all talked about the "potter swatter" and this is it. Although it's a laughable response it certainly is their response to keep guests from leaving for Universal.

Agreed that it is far more about deceiving guests as opposed to actually caring that you and your family get to do what you want. Do people really believe that they sit in the board room and discuss their desire to please the guests and make sure little Johnny can ride his favorite attraction??? Yeah, right. You said it, MM+ is strictly about keeping guests on property. Everything else Disney says about it is pure spin. All Disney has to do is say, "its to guarantee that your family gets to do what you want" and people feel like Disney really cares about them. Yes, they care so much about us, which is why they charge between $125- $650 per night for a hotel room and raise park admission, parking fees, food prices, etc. I really feel the love.


Well-Known Member
You "have to" book three. The FP+ system only allows you to schedule 3 or 0. You cannot book 1 or 2 -- it won't allow you to move to the next screen until 3 are chosen.

Oh, ok. I hadn't tried. I guess you could always just not show up to the one you don't want... but since you still wouldn't be able to select a fourth one until the time of the third is up, you might as well pick something you'll enjoy, whether there's a need for the pass or not, since you're burning that pass anyway.

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