Not saying I disagree with being positive but I don’t know how you can look at what Disney has done in the past few years and still go “I have complete trust that this will be amazing and anyone who says anything bad is just biased and mad about the rivers”
They’re building essentially a slower Test Track but mostly outdoors in a part of the world that has rain and storms all the time. If Test Track has to shut down when the weather gets bad just because of its outdoor portion, this ride is gonna be down a lot… assuming it runs perfectly when it’s dry out.
Plus, I fully expect the scope of this project to be scaled back because of the inevitable economic collapse America is facing. Best case scenario, the off the shelf kid ride is cut to keep this ride as imagined. Worst case scenario, it’s cut down considerably.
Disney hasn’t been at the top of their game as of late, at least in terms of rides. (CBMJ was well done but that’s an AA show, not an E Ticket.) I think Tiana’s is pretty but it breaks down constantly and has had animatronics broken for extended periods of time, much like Splash at the end of its life- which is bad considering one was a 30+ year old ride and the other is brand new. Every other new attraction to my knowledge is a clone of something from another park or an overlay of an old attraction. The cause? Disney cheaping out. They over promise and then cut budgets and scope until you’re left with something the Imagineers had to cobble together with what little money they were given.
Will Cars be good? We’ll have to wait and see. Josh may remove that “turbocharged” budget and leave us with an attraction that doesn’t work most of the time and is half of what it was going to be. No matter what though it’s a bad fit for the center of Frontierland.