Well-Known Member
Whens your trip to wdw again?
It doesn’t look like my wife is going to be able to take the time off work.

Not going to lie - kind of fantasized about just doing a solo trip to see all the stuff that will be going away soon but know she’d hold it against me for at least 6 months (and rightfully so). Would also feel like a jack@$$ going without the kids. Lol. 2026 was always the plan but a couple months ago I was feeling a little “spontaneous” and thought why not go and see all the attractions that are going away. With potentially lower crowds too becasue we would have been going right before Epic Universe opens. So as of now the idea is 2026 again. Not sure if there is any upside there other than Test Track and HOP being open but who knows what might be down? I guess I can add a day at Epic universe but wasn’t planning on visiting Universal anyway on this trip. And my daughter will be 40 inches tall by then which will make things a lot easier.
Anyway being spontaneous just isn’t in the cards for me I guess. Not at this point in my life. I was a tornado alert away from driving down to WDW from Fort Lauderdale on the last day of my Disney cruise trip in 2023. Our flight back home kept getting delayed to the point where it appeared we were going to be entitled to a reimbursement. Started planning an impromptu trip to WDW as we sat in the parking lot of a hotel near Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for our flight. Literally put WDW in the navigation, exited the parking lot and hit the road when a tornado alert flashed on my phone. But for those 60 seconds I felt so alive. Lol. I’m not even kidding.
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