You've been pixie dusted!!!

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
One of the activities I do when at work, when I find I have extra time is graba big batch of Mickey pixie dust (the Mickey confetti) and radomly pixie dust people. This involves either sprinkling it over someone, blowing it on them, or leaving a few in their hair without them seeing so that they will be surprised later.
So today I had time and I grabbed a good amount of pixie dust and began making my screen name (Pixie Duster) true. Midway through a fellow a CM asked, "don't you think people might be annoyed by that?"

I am surely asking biased crowd, but would you be annoyed by a drive by pixie dusting by yours truly?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
This involves either sprinkling it over someone, blowing it on them, or leaving a few in their hair without them seeing so that they will be surprised later.

I am surely asking biased crowd, but would you be annoyed by a drive by pixie dusting by yours truly?

*debates whether to make "You can blow on me anytime you want" joke*

*decides against it and has a cupcake instead*

:wave: :kiss:


Well-Known Member
if i were at work i'd be a bit miffed if someone dusted me.

...but i don't work at WDW

dust away!

If I could offer some advice though - try dusting kids, not adults - I think you'll find that crowd more receptive to dusting.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the suggestion....

I have done this about 6 times and so no one has seemed upset, everyone has taken as it is intended for them to, they become happy. I usually go for kids and sometimes adults who seem tired or temporarily out of it.


Active Member
I'm from New York City and considered one of the most obnoxious people to live here, and I wouldn't mind, in fact I would enjoy the fact that a CM would go the extra mile.

And for people who think you're overdoing it, they need to remind themselves that most people don't live in the Orlando area that visit Disney and don't work for Disney, so for the average guest, like me, keep it up. You'd be surprised by the number of people who regal stories of CMs doing such things when they return from their vacations. I think more is discussed about the dedicated CM then the attractions. Keep up the great work.


New Member
That would be AOK with me! I also don't mind the CM with the spray fan misting me or the CM with the big canvas balls bouncing one my way. :sohappy:

(O.K. guys, let's not get carried away with the "big canvas balls" line);)


New Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
I'd be annoyed I think... I mean.. It’s the equivalent of Rip Taylor jumping out of a bush and throwing confetti at your butt.. I mean... how weird is that... and that guy.. :lol: :lookaroun :p

LOL DMC-12.... But I think this is a little different than RIP TAYLOR jumping from a bush! Who wouldn't be freaked by that!!!!! :lol:


New Member
Feel free to dust me anytime you want, PixieDuster.

Now what is this Mickey confetti of which you speak? Personally, I think gold glitter is a good imitator of pixie dust, but that's probably too messy. Oh well.

Pixie Duster

New Member
Original Poster
It is small size confetti in the shape of Mickey's head. It is used at table service restaurants for various occasions, at the barber shop, and now by that crazy research CM when she's gotten her work done.

The reason I use it as oppose to the regular confetti is a) it is readily available and b) some of it lands on ground so when some of it is left behind eventually another guest will see it on the ground and wonder where it came from.... it's magic :)

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