Your Opinion .. RnR or Expedition Everest.. Which one is scarier??!


Well-Known Member
They are two different rides. RnRC has a fast launch and upside down loops. Everest has only one large drop and no loops. RnRC has a shoulder harness; Everest has a lap bar. The roller coasters are very different on the thrill scale. I think the scariest part of RnRC is the launch; I personally don't find anything on Everest scary, but I would think the drop would get most people.

RnRC seems much, much faster, it's much darker inside, and has upside down parts and nice theming. Everest has a mean drop, a backwards part, and a two and a half ton audio animatronic. If you're scared of speed and loops, RnRC is scarier. If you're afraid of heights and Yeti, Everest is scarier.

Personally, I prefer Everest to RnRC. Mostly because the harnesses on RnRC are uncomfortable to me because of my... *ahem* buxomness.


Well-Known Member
Everest just seems fun to me. I dunno.

The initial RnR launch I think is the most frightening part of either attraction, just because of the waiting, and the countdown and what not, so I'd say RnR. :)


Well-Known Member
Going backwards makes me really dizzy and nauseous, so for me, Everest is much scarier. I rode it at night once and while I was fine getting off the ride, after a few minutes I needed to sit down or I felt like I was going to pass out. The part on Everest where you're going backwards is so intense for me, that even after numerous rides, I still tense up.

The launch for RnRC is the most intense part, and while I still get nervous waiting for the countdown, I absolutely love it and it's my favorite part.


New Member
I don't really find either scary, sickening, etc. I must say though, the backwards portion of EE can disorient me for a few seconds. I lose my sense of direction for a split second during that portion. It doesn't make me sick or uncomfortable, its just a wierd feeling.


New Member
I think RnRC is more scarier for me because of the launch. I guess it is the anticipation. I loved EE, I didn't think it was scary at all but going backwards did make me a little dizzy after I got off. I usually don't get motion sickness on rides. I can't wait to ride it again though!


Well-Known Member
I would say rrnr is scarier. Just because at E:E you can kinda see most of whats happening to you, so you know what to expect before you walk on the ride, whereas rrnc you cant tell until you are experiencing the ride. But it really depends on what frightens you, heights/drops would go to EE whereas darkness, quick accelearation and loops goes to rrc. Neither frighten me anymore, but Rrc used to.

Now which ride is better, EE. RRc is to quick and noisy, EE is a quality ride.


New Member
I love both! RnRC is scary from the beginning and the whole ride is thrilling!
Everest was scary before I rode it. Once I was in it, it was more fun than thrilling. I rode it again and laughed the whole time. When I ride RnRC, no matter how many times I have done it before, my stomach still feels weird before and after riding - it is all exciting!


New Member
RnRC is a superior experience in every way! Neither is really "scary" (as others have mentioned), but RnRC is just much more thrilling and it is fast from beginning to end.


Active Member
yukon0013, "scary" can mean different things to different people. What's your definition? Are you nervous to ride either of them for any particular reason?


New Member
Original Poster
No im not nervous to ride them i LOVE the rock'n'roller coaster just want to know well... here ill rephrase the question "Which roller coaster do you prefer between Expedition Everest and Rock'n'Roller Coaster and why??"


New Member
I don't think either are very "scary" - more just fun! I'd say ToT is more "scary" for me. :shrug: And I know Dinosaur scared the heck out of my niece and nephew - more than any other ride did!


New Member
For me it is more anxiety that actually being scared. It is the whole countdown at RNRC that really gets me wound up.
Same for Expedition Everest when the ride lingers at the top where the track is torn up and you know you are going to fall backwards. The anticipation there is harsh.
This ride seems scarier overall though. Maybe it is because I only rode it once and that was last year so the experience of being scared of the unknown and what was in that moutain is fresher in my mind. With RNRC I pretty much knew to expect a harsh launch but other than that a regular roller coaster experience.

Of course in the end, you realize it is more fun that scary :)


Well-Known Member
I think Dinosaur is scarier. I can't keep my eyes open on that one.

Which is better? Hmm. RnRC has the launch, which is awesome, Everest goes backwards, which I think is great though I can understand why it can be disorienting. I'm thinkin my favorite is RnRC though because I love that it's in the dark.


I personally love both of the rides. RnRC is my favorite in the park and I am usually riding while the DH goes on ToT as I won't. Everest is AWESOME and the Yeti is magnificent!!!


Well-Known Member
I like both rides. My DH has issues with a disablility. He can ride RnR but Everest hurt his back. I think it is not as smooth a ride and the backwards part really made him sore.

In terms of being scared my DS(7 last year) rode RnR 6 times in a row. The Yeti scared him on Everest. :shrug:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
no ride is really "scary" to me so i guess i cant say either. no saying im Mr. tough guy... i just know that it is what it is and that isnt scary. now, take me to traveling carnival and id be really scared. mostly of the workers. :D

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