Your most relaxing moment


Well-Known Member
On our first trip to WDW our kids were DS 18 m and DD was 6m and we had a heck of a morning in MK and went to Columbia Harbor House to eat lunch. We got in sat down with our food just in time to miss a downpour. Then the kids fell asleep. My DH and I actually got to taste the food we were eating and just chilled in our quite little spot in CHH and watch the rain over HM. We even got dessert because it was so peacful. In fact when I think of WDW I think of how peacful and happy that lunch was.

Swamp Fox

New Member
My wife and I were in the the Magic Kingdom on Main Street having an ice cream by the old plaza swan boats loading area. It was so relaxing for us. We had a great view of the castle. Plus the background music seemed appropiate to have an ice cream. It was a nice cool shady spot we had all to ourselves. We sat there and people watched until we finished our ice cream.

Swamp Fox


Active Member
walking along the river/pond thing late night at the marriot world center.

Waking up and sitting on your balcony as lake buena vista wakes up :)
Last April, me and my best friend got Dole Whip Floats and ate them sitting on the ground behind the Jungle Cruise fastpass kiosks. We must have been sitting there for at least an hour. It was lovely.

LeeLee D

New Member
Mine was in June. I was waiting for Illuminations. I had a seat near the Outpost by Germany. The sun was setting and I was chillin'. My avatar pic was taken then.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I got on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority one morning...

...we were the only people on it. It's like no one knew it was even open but us. We rode that whole attraction sitting across from each other, both of us with our feet propped up.

Now that in itself was pretty darn relaxing, but when the castmember asked us if we wanted to go around a 2nd time, we said yes, and that 2nd trip was even MORE relaxing than the first.


My most relaxing moments

Well I have two, both of which take place at the WL. Every morning I get up early before my wife, grab our two WL travel mugs, and head off towards the Roaring Forks for Hot Chocolate for me and a Diet Coke for her. There are others doing the same thing, all carrying their green and tan mugs. I walk back past the ducks floating in the heated swimming pool. Then, later that night as we drag it back in from whatever park or Dinner show we went to that day, we crash in the rockers by the fireplace for awhile before going up to our room. We're already booked for the week before Christmas.
It's not coming quickly enough.


New Member
Laying on the hammock with my wife at the Polynesian! It's about the only relaxing thing we do while in WDW but we love it. It's also nice to hear all of the sounds in the background- children playing, boat horns, and the faint sound of the Magic Kingdom!


Le Meh
Premium Member
My most relaxing memory is on February my wife and I took a grown up trip to WDW. Stayed at VWL. One afternoon my wife was sound asleep taking a nap, so I went on my own Bay Lake and Seven Seas Lagoon cruise. Took the launch from WL to Ft. Wilderness then to Contemporary. Rode that for about an hour, then took the MK launch and switched over to the Poly, Grand Floridian and MK launch. I did that whole loop to loop for about three hours. It was rather chilly that day and drizzly. It was sooo nice and relaxing.


New Member
So nice to see other coffee lovers here! :wave:

My habit is to get up early, slink down to the lobby, grab a cup of coffee and sit somewhere nice and relaxing. At WL, it's the patio just off the lobby. At AKL, it's the Savannah overlook to the right of the lobby. Both places have rocking chairs that are hardly ever occupied. It's my own little bit of relxation that i do every morning I'm at WDW.


Well-Known Member
We also like to enjoy a beverage at the Bel Vue Room after a long day at Epcot. It's always so quiet there, probably one of WDW's best kept secrets!

What and where is Bel Vue?

........carried it up to one of the little alcoves just off the lobby overlook ......

Shhhhhhhh!!! Don't tell people about those. I always thought that if I was silly enough to spend Christmas at the WDW resort, I would do it at WL. I would get the family up early and claim one of those fireplace alcoves. That is where my family would open our presents and hang out together. Those alcoves are one of my relaxing places to go.

My other relaxing tradition is to head to Fort Wilderness, grab an adult beverage at Crockett's Tavern, sit on a rocking chair on the porch, wait till the fireworks begin, head to the beach and watch the fireworks, then see the Electric Water Pagent.


Well-Known Member
DH and I find some relaxing places at the parks:

Sitting on a park bench and people watch.

Relaxing at the resort.

Eating at a nice restaurant in the parks or DTD.


Any of the boat rides after dark are very relaxing. I really like the one to Downtown Disney late at night, and riding all the way to Fort Wilderness from the MK, especially during fireworks.

Once we sat in chairs out on the boat dock at the Contemporary, during the Electrical Water Pageant. That was probably the most relaxing thing I've done at WDW.


New Member
The Monorail ride back from Magic Kingdom to the Transportation and ticket Center.

...but...the hotel monorail. Where there's not as many people and makes every and any stop on its way. And you notice just how much you did that day, and just how close it is to ending, and just how big of a smile everyboy you went with that day has on their faces despite just how tired they all are....which....they all are. It's euphoric, every bit of it.


New Member
I could sit on those chairs in the Wilderness Lodge lobby, right by where the bridge/creek comes in for hours. I'm not staying there on my next trip, but I plan on taking an afternoon to do just that :)


New Member
Our second trip to DW, we decided not to go to any parks, but just to go visit resorts and goof off. It was early February and in the middle of the day, resorts and transportation, especially the monorail, are empty. At times it was really close to having a little part of the world all to ourselves. No rushing, no hurrying, nowhere to be. Now, I really want to go back. :cry: Hopefully, this December. :sohappy:
For me it was Feb 2007 on our lake facing patio at the Contempo. Sitting there, relaxing, looking at the water. That has to be the most relaxed I've ever been on a Disney trip.


Well-Known Member
My last trip in November 2006, one of nights I went to the Magic Kingdom by myself. The week that we had gone, the parks were not crowded at all and we never waited long for anything. So one night I decided to head over to MK alone, just walking around the park was enough relaxation for me & not having to keep up with anyone else. I even took a ride on BTMR and the went to that little section right off to the left after you exit the ride, there are rocking chairs under a small canopy. I just sat and people-watched for a while, and I still remember that moment. It was so relaxing.

I also love just strolling around our resort, and sitting on a lounge chair by the pool at night, also very relaxing.

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