your most memorable disney memory


Well-Known Member
There were many memories for my first trip to WDW when DH and I went on our honeymoon in 2003. I'm not sure if I posted on this thread or what I have written previously. But I'm too lazy to do a search so I'll just post one anyways.

One memory I have was opening MGM/DHS. We were the first people in like for MGM and we started chatting with this very nice older CM. He was so polite and was telling us about his kids who live near where we live. He then talked to another CM and he offered us to help them open the park! They were trying to have a special arrangement with Donald and Eeyore, but that fell through. That didn't mattered to us. We were so excited to be the first guests in the park. We got some nice pictures of us alone in the park. It was so much fun. The CMs made us feel so special.

But I won't bore you with the same stories that I've been telling for 4 years. In six days we'll be at WDW...and I'll come back and spill the beans and bore all of you with new stories! :xmas:


Well-Known Member
Yeah putting faces to screen names was great. There are so many wonderful people on WDWMagic. I'm not kidding. We need to have more meets. They don't have to be on the scale of C-25, we just all need to get together.

Maybe in the near future we'll be able to.



Well-Known Member
I've got two, but they go together :)

1) The first would be the moment where I proposed to my g/f at the time on the balcony of our Boardwalk villa room.


2) And the follow up memory would be the day we got married one year later at the Polynesian resort at Sunset Pointe. We got married on our 7 year anniversary of being together.


3) And I'm pretty sure my next favorite memory will be when we return in a few years with our daughter who's on the way. :)


New Member
Goodness! These stories are all so wonderful. I had to take out the box of tissues, as I've been balling like a baby. Thank you, everyone, for sharing!

This thread is truly what Disney is all about.


New Member
Original Poster
Ok, so i know that there has not been a post for a while but i just had to share some of mine from this past trip.

Lets start at the beginning shall we? This past spring break five of my friends and I along with two parents went to Disney for four days. First off out flight had been delayed about an hour and a half so we didn't even take off until 9ish. We finally get to Orlando and take Magical Express to Saratoga Springs, it is about 12-1 in the morning but we are all excited because we are all HUGE Disney fans. The parents had used their DVC points to reserve a deluxe villa so we get into the room and are just bouncing off the walls with excitement!
We try to get some sleep (didn't really happen) and the next morning we wake up and head for DHS where we would be meeting up with one of our other friends who had never been to disney for that day. She is one of my best friends so i wanted to make it the best day ever for her and i think i accomplished it. We decided to watch BPB where my friends got pulled into the parade to dance which just made all of our days! We did the park and it was AMAZING, then we got our seats for Fantasmic! everyone had a great time and then it was off to Magic Kingdom for Wishes. We got seats in the hub and it was just the most incredible moment of my life as we watched the fireworks in the sky that we had literally been counting down for for 170 some days. I could not have asked for a better time and it will be something I will remember for ever.
The next day after saying good-bye to our friend we headed to Epcot. I dont know what it is about fireworks but it was just magical. After Illuminations we went to go get EMH wristbands and the lady who was putting mine on for me casually asked if i was enjoying my day and i said, how could i not, i am in disney. Then she squezed my wrist and whispered "i know!" That is why i love cast members, because they get the magic like we do.
The next day we headed off to Animal Kingdom Lodge where we stayed for the last two nights. We ran into our room and could not believe it, there were 3 bedrooms and 3 balconies where we could see giraffes and other animals! So then it was off to AK but then that night we went to the California Grille for an amazing dinner. Afterwards we went out on the observation where we literally stood for about an hour and just looked at everything.
After some sleep we were off to Magic Kingdom which was the perfect ending to a perfect day. At about 9:30 we watched Wishes from the rose garden. It was so magical because of the six of us four were seniors, one junior, and one sophomore so it was our last trip together as High Schoolers. There were many tears shed but they were happy ones. I would have to say that my absolute favorite moment was when we watched the 11:00 Spectromagic. There were absolutely no people watching it so we got to have priceless one on one time with the characters. Towards the end of the parade when the chorus comes on we all started waltzing and dancing in the hub while singing the words because we are that cool :p.
It really was the perfect trip. The next morning we woke up and left for the airport and finally got home after an experience that none of us will ever forget.

Here are some pictures, i was the official photographer so sadly i am not in any. ( I took over 1200 pictures)



New Member
I love everybody's! Mine is Maybe 3 years ago whwn we went to a Luau on the night of my parent's anniversy, and they got to go up and dance together. I will never forget that night:sohappy::sohappy:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Walking out of Epcot with my Mom and Dad hand in hand after IllumiNations and the best birthday ever.There was something so special about that trip that we were all very happy and content.


New Member
The day i got my GCSE exam results, i cried from happines lol, then met mickey, minnie, donald and goofy. Also, flying to WDW on my birthday was awesome, the excitement and because it was my birthday made all the turbulance bearable =D


Well-Known Member
Been a bunch of times but what sticks is the first trip I took with my DH and DS. Seeing my sons face when he first saw Donald, Mickey and the gang was priceless. The pictures look like he was about to jump out of his skin...priceless!:):)


Well-Known Member
Been going to WDW since it opened-I was one the first year it opened.

Have many great memories as a kid,Teen,young adult,Hubby,Dad etc.

I have to say the most memorable were the time every year my Grandparents took me and brother to WDW for a week each year....

They would spoil us ROTTEN.

I do remember once I was about 16 and I was "Macking on a Babe" in the pool one night and my Grandma came running out screaming I just ate Dinner and I will get cramps so get out of the pool.

Ruined that one for me.:D


Active Member
My Disney Story (this one's for you, Tommy)

Hi everybody - this is my first post! This is my Disney story.

When I was 14 and my brother 15 (he was only 10 1/2 months older than me) his kidneys failed. He went on the waiting list for a kidney and endured dialysis. Unfortunately, he did not tolerate dialysis well and was quite ill. You can imagine our surprise when my mother announced that we were going to go back to Disney World. "How is Tommy going to walk around the Magic Kingdom?" we asked. "He'll use the wheelchair," she answered. My brother balked at this and almost refused to go. You see, this was in the early 80's and way before the ADA. Most places were not wheelchair accessible, and my brother also felt uncomfortable being in public in a wheelchair. But, my mother was assured by the hospital social worker that Disney was very accessible and accomodating for those using wheelchairs. So, my mother being the force of nature that she is off we all went to Disney World.

To say that Disney (and all the CMs) were accomodating would be an understatement. Here's this 15 year old kid, sick and pale and fragile and used to be stared at and pitied in public. But in the Magic Kingdom CMs go out of their way to help him. Go out of their way to give him a smile.

And now for my favorite Disney memory. We're getting ready for the afternoon parade. We're trying desperately to find a spot where Tommy will have a good view in the wheelchair, and where we all will fit. And here comes a CM to smilingly tell us that there is a special area just for those using wheelchairs. The CM escorts us to a prime viewing spot. I will never forget the look on my brother's face. I know that it made him feel so special. And he was treated that way for the whole trip.

I know that those years were pretty dark for my brother. Often only lit by hospital fluorescents. But that trip to Disney World let him shine in the sun, if only for a while. And. That. Is. Magical.


Well-Known Member
I'm not crying... it's allergies... yeah, that's it... allergies!:lookaroun

Ok, my most memorable moment is not as amazing as some of you folk but for me it was the moment I realized why I spent all the money I spent...

It was our first evening in the MK with our son (3 at the time). Well, he spent the evening literally skipping through Fantasyland and Mickey's Toontown Fair. We waited until the fireworks were about to begin and we just sat on the ground to watch them. Anyways, holding my son watching Wishes was the most magical moment for me (and watching his face light up). After it was all over we sat down while daddy took a potty break. And right out of no where my son looks at me and says, "Mommy, I like fireworks they make me happy!"

It was at that moment that I knew Disney would have every bit of our disposable income for years to come!

Can't wait to hold my son and watch Wishes together in Sept....


One of my best DISNEY memories... to start the story, it was Christmas 2005, my folks bought a place in Ocala, FL, and said, next year (2006) lets have Christmas in Florida and spend the 25th in MK. My wife and I said that we would have to see how the year played out for time off from work and such.

In Jan (2006) Jill and I started planning a great suprise for my folks. Long about May/June we told them that we could only make it for 24-26, and only hit MK Christmas day becuse of work comments. Jill and I planned for a year to pull off a 9-day trip for folks and us.

We flew in and surprised them on the 23rd. Then we presented them with a scrapbook that Jill has been working on...openning page said "Welcome to your 9-day All Inclusive Vacation". Both my parents broke down. That next morning we drove to SSR and had a WONDERFUL time. It was after that trip that both my folks decided to work for the Mouse. :)


New Member
In 2000, we took our children to WDW for the first time. Maggie was 5 and Colin was 3. Maggie was a HUGE fan of Snow White. We had been at the World for 6 of our seven days of vacation and had yet to meet her... saw her briefly in the daytime parade at MK, but no meet-n-greet. On that 6th day, as we were getting dressed, Maggie chose her "Snow White" dress, saying, "If I wear a matching dress, she will find me!" So, we set off for MK, with high hopes.

Late in the afternoon, we finally inquired with a castmember as to where we might find Snow White. He checked for us and told us she was in the American Pavillion at Epcot. We knew this was important to Maggie, so we looked at each other and in unison said, "Monorail!" We had a dinner reservation at Liberty Tree, so our time was limited... we had maybe 90 minutes to go and get back. So off we went... running (and pushing a stroller) to the monorail, running thru Future World and then World Showcase until we finally reached the American Pavillion. (ON A SIDE NOTE, THERE NEEDS TO BE A QUICKER WAY FROM THE FRONT OF EPCOT TO THE BACK!!! :veryconfu )

Snow White was in the garden to the right of the pavillion... and ALL ALONE! She had her back to us as we approached. Maggie whispered loudly, "It's really her!!" She turned to face us, opened her arms and Maggie ran to her. She spent about 20 minutes alone with Maggie... they talked about life as a princess... it was so cute! The whole experience was amazing!

We headed back to MK and made our dinner reservations. We exited Liberty Tree just in time to take a seat along the parade route for the Electric Light Parade. When the Snow White unit approached, we could see Snow White coming, along with the dwarves. She was all lit up and skipped along the parade route blowing kisses and waving. When she reached us, she made a bee-line for Maggie... hugged and kissed her, saying, "I'm so glad to see you again... You are so beautiful... I love you!" She then skipped away, blowing more kisses and waving. I watched her go, and she never intereacted like that with another child... our experience was so special and perfect! And of course, during it all, I was crying like a big sap! :eek: I guess the dress worked! Snow White found us, not once, but twice (with a little help from a great CM and the monorail!).



New Member
:sohappy:Being proped to in the World showcase in Epcot two years ago this month! After going every year since I was ten years old,made this my most awesome experience at the park without a doubt!! It was AMAZING!!!!!! See you in 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave::sohappy::ROFLOL::)


New Member
My magical moment happened on the Disney Wonder. My youngest ds was waiting in line to get his picture with Lilo and Stitch. It was a long line and they had to leave before he made it to the front. He was very upset (he was 5) and began to cry. One of the cast members spoke with him and told him they would have something very special for him. When we got back to our room that night there was an autographed photo of L&S and a message telling us to be at a certain location the next day(which was the last day). They had sent us to a staging area for the goodbye performance in the atrium. EVERY character was there. They all came up to my ds, calling him by name, and made the biggest fuss over him. I'll never forget how magical it was, for both of us!

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