your most memorable disney memory


Well-Known Member
I would have to say mine is when my DH proposed to me in front of the castle at the partner's statue. He even had a glass slipper engraved with the date and with the ring in it. It was soo sweet.


New Member
There are so many but my two that I would say are my Honeymoon 1977 first time there. Sitting at the Poly watching fireworks with my new wife!

The other was last year on my 50th birthday. Watching wishes from the roof of the Calif Grill with my wife and two sons! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
All of them have been memorable, but this year will be the best. Taking my 2 1/2 year old for the first time this June. She loves Mickey and the Gang, and keeps saying "im going to Mickey's house in June, daddy""


Edisto Pluto

New Member
Christmas 93 at the BC when the three year old had his presents delivered to the hotel lobby and put under the tree. What a Christmas! What a memory. It could not have been better for us all.


New Member
When we left.....

Haha jk jk jk!

Probably when i got to stay in the dream sweet!

jk jk jk again

But for real, when my sister got to start the pochohantus ride or when my and my casuin were in our hotel room and we were pretending to be snakes and then he killed me and i stuck out my toungle like i was dead but i was 5, i still watch that tape today

EDIT: The me and cuz thing was on a VHS from a while ago

Grim Grinner

New Member
The first night of our honeymoon in 2000 brought us to WDW and I could think of no other place to take my new wife than Epcot (Center). It was a place that inspired me like no other as a child, and I wanted to share a part of that with her.

Horizons was still standing, but had sadly closed a few weeks earlier. Instead, we rode Test Track as our first ride as a married couple.

That night the weather was perfect-that sort of embryonic temperature where you just glide through the air and don't really feel your surroundings.

We watched Tapestry of Nations and Illuminations. The music, the colors, the parade and fireworks were all so surreal and dreamlike. It was a truly magical night.

Whenever we hear that music, tears start to form (as they are right now.)

Last September, on the 2nd night of our trip- we found ourselves in the World Showcase at a time when it seemed miraculously like there were only about 20 other people in that side of the park. I have plenty of perfect pictures where nobody is around.

It started to pour, but it wasn't cold. To save our shoes, we took them off and put them in a backpack while walking barefoot, alone, hand-in-hand around the entire Showcase...just the two of us. It was a spontaneous moment that just felt right.


Well-Known Member
Might be a good time to bump this thread back up so that more people can post their memorable Disney memories.

Did I say that this is my most favorite thread? :)



Well-Known Member
Well since I have returned home from my trip in January I have a new memory to add to the list.

It was my first vacation with my parents in 10 years, and it was my Dad's first visit to WDW.

One night we were walking through MK, my parents, and then hubby and I in front of them, and I turned around and my dad was standing in the middle of Main Street, slowly circling, looking up at everything around him in awe like a little kid.

He just stood there and said "Wow, this is like a dream. It really is like a dream. Its perfect".

The whole time he never let go of my Mom's hand. She just looked up with him smiling and nodding.

I couldn't help but fight the tears lol. It meant the world to me that he felt the Disney Magic as I have in all the times I have been there. It was so sweet. *sniffle sniffle*

I also got a good picture of him and my mom after they walked through the castle together for the very first time, looking up at it...



Active Member
I guess i will be the brave one and bump this thread again. (The monitors here wont hurt me. Will they??)

My most memorable was watching the Tapestry of Nations parade May 6, 2000. This was 2 days before my 42nd birthday.

I saw 2 scenes that remain with me to this day. They are at 7:52 - 7:55 for the butterfly lady hugging the child (or is it sprite?) and at 11:30 - 11:40 when the Diskman puppet dances with the little girl. I saw both of these same things happen when I saw the parade. I can still hear the girl I saw dancing with the puppet saying "Mommy he danced with me! He danced with me! And the little boy saying "Mommy, Daddy the pretty butterfly lady. She hugged me!

I know some of you did not like the parade. And thats ok. Lets be respectful of each other. We can voice our likes and dislikes and that is fine. But let us not rip each other apart because someone likes something we don't like etc.

This parade and these moments remain with me to this day 10 years later next month May. They make me wish we could of had all the things that were said in the parade.

Peace, joy, happiness, compassion, goodwill, kindness, togetherness and love.

May we reach out and touch the stars as they light the way to Tomorrow. And bring us Hope for a better world!

Need to edit again. I saw this video on mousevids but now have seen it on Martins video page. I am sorry Martin, didn't know it was yours. You did an A#1 job. This parade will always be special to me. Didn't get a video camcorder until 2004. So I missed my chance. Have some photos, but not many.

Thank you very much Martin. You deserve any and all credit you get.


New Member
There are some memories I have from looking at old home videos from Disney, and some still fresh in my mind like I was there yesterday. This is why I love Disney: unforgettable memories.

It was the year 2000, on my birthday, and it's one of those rare times that I go to Disney for my birthday. Side note: my birthday is during summer and my parents don't like to go during summer because of the amount of people and the horrible heat! Anyways, we went for the weekend, and the exact day of my birthday I was at DHS (at that time MGM).
It's one of those unforgettable moments because that's when I bought my first Mickey Mouse plush toy. I still have that Mickey, and I don't go to any vacation without him. In addition, it was the first time that my family and I watched Fantastmic! I remember watching the show hugging Mickey and making him dance like the real Mickey in the show. I literally watched the show with my mouth opened in awe. The music, the characters, the colors almost made me cry. It was like Disney was telling me Happy Birthday personally. Going back to the hotel I slept with a huge grin on my face thinking that this was the best birthday ever.


There are so many great memories that I have. However my two favorite would be my Honeymoon last August and the family Christmas we had in 07.


Active Member
This is my fondest Disney memory and one I will take with me for the remainder of my life, so anyways, here goes....

The date was September 15th, 2001, the Saturday after 9/11. I had my whole weekend planned around the University of Florida/University of Tennessee football game, which, of course, had been canceled due to the attacks. So, I had a whole weekend off of work and school with nothing to do. All one could find on the television were replay-after-replay of the towers falling and after the fourth day of this incessant loop-of-depression, I snapped and told my fiance (now my wife), "We're going to Disney tomorrow." She had never been to EPCOT, so the next morning we awoke bright and early and made the trip down from Gainesville to WDW, to attempt to escape reality for a few short hours. I think she and I were two of like twenty people in the park that day, so we pretty much had the run of the place.

Anyways, sometime in the day we ended up at the American Adventure. As we waited to enter the theater, we stood and listened to the Voices of Liberty. Next to us, in a wheelchair, was an elderly gentleman wearing a WWII-vet ballcap. As the group started The Star Spangled Banner, the man started to try to rise from his chair on shaky knees, but his overprotective wife kept forcing him back into the chair. After watching this for like the third time, I just stepped over, pushed her aside and grabbed his arms and lifted him. I stood there holding this gentleman upright while we both bawled like little babies listening to our national anthem. After the song was finished, I helped him back into his wheelchair. He looked up at me and said, "Thank you." I just said, "No, thank you, sir," back. And off we went our separate ways into the theater.


Well-Known Member
This is my fondest Disney memory and one I will take with me for the remainder of my life, so anyways, here goes....

The date was September 15th, 2001, the Saturday after 9/11. I had my whole weekend planned around the University of Florida/University of Tennessee football game, which, of course, had been canceled due to the attacks. So, I had a whole weekend off of work and school with nothing to do. All one could find on the television were replay-after-replay of the towers falling and after the fourth day of this incessant loop-of-depression, I snapped and told my fiance (now my wife), "We're going to Disney tomorrow." She had never been to EPCOT, so the next morning we awoke bright and early and made the trip down from Gainesville to WDW, to attempt to escape reality for a few short hours. I think she and I were two of like twenty people in the park that day, so we pretty much had the run of the place.

Anyways, sometime in the day we ended up at the American Adventure. As we waited to enter the theater, we stood and listened to the Voices of Liberty. Next to us, in a wheelchair, was an elderly gentleman wearing a WWII-vet ballcap. As the group started The Star Spangled Banner, the man started to try to rise from his chair on shaky knees, but his overprotective wife kept forcing him back into the chair. After watching this for like the third time, I just stepped over, pushed her aside and grabbed his arms and lifted him. I stood there holding this gentleman upright while we both bawled like little babies listening to our national anthem. After the song was finished, I helped him back into his wheelchair. He looked up at me and said, "Thank you." I just said, "No, thank you, sir," back. And off we went our separate ways into the theater.

Read that story on another thread you posted, and it's still a great story.


New Member
I have been to WDW probably 15+ times in my life and i have 2 favorite memories. To rewind a few years, my uncle was a CM when i was growing up so i was at WDW every year. After my uncle left disney in the mid 90's i had not gotten the opportunity to visit mickey again until October of 2005 when i was reintroduced to the magic by my boyfriend and his disney obsessed family. I hadn't been to WDW in at least 7 years and the build up to our trip was so exhilirating. I remember watching the planning dvds and thinking of how amazing and magical it all seemed. We picked up the rental car from the airport and headed into the world. When i saw the castle (again) for the first time at age 16, my life changed. I am now almost as crazy about disney and everything mickey has to offer as my bfs is and await my return visits with his family each year.

The next memory took place last may. I once again traveled with the bf and his family but this time had the opportunity of bringing his niece and nephews for their first visit. Seeing the magic in their eyes gave me a whole new meaning and outlook on disney world and just made me realize how much i look forward to taking my own children there one day. The last day of our trip together we were at EPCOT. I had seen illuminations a few times before this trip but this time it really hit me. I stood out along the fence just watching the fireworks and listening to the music and realizing how amazing of a trip this was, thinking of how the next morning we would all be parting our separate ways and entering back into the land of reality, tears began to stream down my face. I realized at this moment what specials memories, family values, traditions, and magic that was all captured inside this world of Disney. It truly made me realize how lucky i am to have the chance to go to WDW and how be surrouned by such loving people really makes all the difference.

I can not wait for our trip in 8 days!! see you soon mickey! :wave:


Well-Known Member
My most memorable Disney memories are:

My first Disney memory that I have aside from pictures my parents took is from an Early 80s trip to WDW, staying in the Contemporary and buying the first stuffed animal I'd ever been allowed to pick out. I couldn't have been more than 3 or 4. It was Marie of the Aristocats and I picked her out from the Fantasia shop in the Grand Concourse. My parents had taken me to the movie or something because I knew who Marie was. I still have her and although her current incarnation is alot cuter, she remains one of my favorite Disney memories.

Another memory is getting stuck in a flash rainstorm under the small snack stand that was originally going to be where the Africa pavillion was going to go. This was about ten years ago and that covering didn't do too much to keep the rain out. For some reason, my family decided to then go watch the American Adventure. Brrr. Sopping wet and air conditioning.


Well-Known Member
With all the negativity going on around here lately, I thought it might be time to bring this back. If you've never read it before, I suggest you grab your favorite beverage, sit down and relax, and start at the beginning.
Enjoy! :kiss:

PS - You might want a box of tissues too.....

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