Your longest wait


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ToTallToSlow112
60 min Peter Pan's Flight... nothing to look at in that que.

:hurl: I know what you mean!!! You do get to one part of the que, however, when you get to look at those shields! Woop dee doo! :rolleyes: :D


New Member
Who's the winner?

And the winner iiiiiis:

TEST TRACK, definitively; it seems like you guys have been waiting sooooooo much for this ride (most of you on the "opening days" or so). But you're not crazy...

I don't know how much time I would be ready to wait for Mission: SPACE on the opening day; honestly, I'm OK for 3 hours if it's on the very first day(s).



Well-Known Member
Our longest wait would also have to be Test Track. 2 long hours in the blazing hot sun. I can hardly wait for Mission Space!! :p

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Ok i waited for 2 1/2 hours on the Test Track line......only to get up to that blue room with the spikes on the wall....(note:this is in july) and then there was a storm so everyone ahd to leave the biulding or something.....but they gave us passes to come back later.....but that was a long wait:slurp: :hurl:


New Member
before fastpass i remember my brother and i waited a good 2 hours and 30 minutes for Tower of Terror. I think it was the first year it opened.

also one time we waited around that same amount of time for summit plummit.

no complaints though, both were defintely worth it!!


New Member
Longest Lines

Both were on the same day. First, I spend 2.30 hours in the queue are of Kongfrontarion, then 3 hours in the queue of Back To The Future The Ride.
This was on July 1994 or 1995, I dont remember well.:mad:


Mine would have to be Kali River Rapids. The sign said 30 minutes but it took us almost 2 hours in line. Even though ever time I go to Disney the lines seem to be long.


New Member
A little off the subject... but do any of you know if they still use the indoor zig-zag queues in space mountain?

You know the ones in the loading areas. I have always wondered why the line backs up to the Astro Orbiter and the indoor air-conditioned queues with the tvs wasnt open.


New Member
Original Poster
<<<"A little off the subject... but do any of you know if they still use the indoor zig-zag queues in space mountain?">>>

No. They stopped using the inside area, so people will use Fastpass. It is a good marketing move because "If you are waiting in a line, you are not in stores or restaurants buying things."


New Member
i just won't wait any more than 30 minutes for anything, except a show... if we can get seated and wait for the show, we will grab snacks and sit and relax while waiting for the show... but i will not stand in any line for more than 30 minutes... it's too much of a waste of my precious disney time!!


New Member
I was only there once (headed for time 2 in 3 days!)
The longest wait had to be the "Bug" show at Animal Kingdom. I don't remember how long it was but we were lured into line thinking it looked short (like we should have known better) but when we turned the corner we got trapped in the never ending line beneath the tree with no way out. It was August and more humid than you could ever imagine...We had 5 kids with us the youngest was 6 months and oldest was 15 and he did most of the complaining. The 6 year old had to go to the bathroom.. I mean he had to go BAD!!!I kept thinking we were going to get to the end or get somewhere were we could duck out of line and I could find him a potty... at least 1/2 an hour went by before we turned a corner and I found a way out but he was exploding and we almost didn't make saving his shorts! Those lines kept us totally entrapped.. we couldn't backtrack or go forward.

I think all total we spent almost 2 hours waiting to go into the show.
I never wait in lines... its fastpass or nothing so that was REALLY unusual!


New Member
Jungle Cruise

The first year that we went to WDW!! The line didn't look very long... Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn yikes! It snaked back and forth, and it seemed like forever to get on board. Over two hours, we learned our lesson on that one... LOL!!!


New Member
I remember in 1999, it was a saturday in the Magic Kingdom in January. This was before Fast Pass. We waited in the FULL Queue line for splash mountain. It was about a 2 hour wait. This was also when the entrance for the ride was by the bridge over the large drop.

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