Your feelings on the state and direction of the WDC in 2007

Please select the statements that you agree with

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The Mom

Premium Member
I realize that the Gay issue willnot go away. However, I feel it is wrong for Disney to support something in it's parks when Walt intended them to be "Family Oriented". Regardless of what anyone says, same ______ partnerships with kids does not make a family. It is not natural. With that said, everyone should know that I am not against gays. I happen to have Gay friends & I respect their choices in life. I just think that Disney should not glorify what they stand for by having Special Celebrations for them. Bash me if you like, but it is an OPINION that I stand firm on.

I acknowledge your opinion. I don't happen to share it, but you are certainly entitled to voice it. Now, many will not be as polite in their disagreement, but I caution them to think before posting, and keep things under control.

Please let's not turn a discussion about WDW in general into an argument about particular lifestyles. Thank you all in advance. ;)


Well-Known Member
Those are your opnion. However you really can't speak for Walt and the direction he would take WDC. Family is where you heart is, it's not gender or race bias. I think Walt would embrace the changes for WDC. When Disneyland was opened, mostly on race attended the parks. Look how that has changed, there is something to say about the many colors of a rainbow.

There are two opnions but let's not turn this thread into something ugly and getting the thread closed.

I agree that a Family is love & Love is where your heart is. That is why I respect the choices of my Gay friends as stated above. It is also why I stated that is was simply an OPINION (As stated above). This was not meant to be ugly or hurt anyone's feelings. However, Life is full of disappointments & hurt feelings. Lastly, I will not discuss this any longer. Just voiced an OPINION & will leave it at that.:)


Active Member
I just voted and think this is a great poll. (Speck everytime I see your avatar I crack up. I feel like if your really looking at me like that LOL:lol: anywayz bakc to point) I have no problems with gay marriages and the whole family thing. But to make something special cuz it's gay is kinda weird like making something special out of people being stright. Who really cares? Live and let Live.

I do like the way the company seems to be moving...maybe a little slow, but I think that there is probly more methodical thinkin goin into disney then...hey lets make this one great ride. I am and will always be a disney fan. I don't agree with little issues which I know help out the bottom line and coming from a sales background I understand that if someone is willing to buy it for more then sell it for more type concept. But maybe like maintaining Florida resident rates all year round. Like I said I know it's much more profitable to not have these rates anymore during summer. But it was a nice bonus. I don't like the venture into so much real estate, like time shares and such. Its a old concept and I know it generates tons of cash. But to really sell real estate you have to be in or flirt with a certain state of mind that I am not confortable disney being in. I would also like disney to expand more it's since of aw! I know it is much more difficult and they do such a wonderful job at it. But what I mean is stuff like "Oh! how did they do that?", inventing concepts and technologies "disney magic" that they were famous for instead of off the shelf tech that is common place in the "real world". But I think Robert is doing a decent job and continue to support disney as a fan, a father, and share holder. :)


Well-Known Member
Folks - You know that EVERY single time a thread goes off on this tangent it is closed by the mods - as it should be.

Let's just keep it about the OP's questions. I'm not trying to be thread police - just trying to avert a lockdown.


someone needs to watch the stich move

but anyway the parks are going in the right direction. yes there have been some screw ups along the way but that is always going to happen the parks have changed and become so much better in the last 10 years. yes mexico is being taken over by birds but that will draw a biger crowd. i have said it once and will say it again times are changing and disney is doing a good job to keep up if that means pixar rides who cares only those of us old enough to understand that they where two diffrent companys sem to care. when i was young and saw toy story i had no idea it was not disney and that is how kids still think. if disney keeps making great movies like meet the robinsons then mabey we will see a little disney put in with a mix of some pixar. but right now pixar is all they have

sorry i have strong fellings about how people are to stuck on the past and dont keep looking forward.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
someone needs to watch the stich move

but anyway the parks are going in the right direction. yes there have been some screw ups along the way but that is always going to happen the parks have changed and become so much better in the last 10 years. yes mexico is being taken over by birds but that will draw a biger crowd. i have said it once and will say it again times are changing and disney is doing a good job to keep up if that means pixar rides who cares only those of us old enough to understand that they where two diffrent companys sem to care. when i was young and saw toy story i had no idea it was not disney and that is how kids still think. if disney keeps making great movies like meet the robinsons then mabey we will see a little disney put in with a mix of some pixar. but right now pixar is all they have

sorry i have strong fellings about how people are to stuck on the past and dont keep looking forward.
I think the turning point for Disney was the purchase of Pixar. Their animation department was stale and not being creative. I also think the previous CEO started playing it safe. Of course the economy didn't help matters for a few years.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Folks - You know that EVERY single time a thread goes off on this tangent it is closed by the mods - as it should be.

Let's just keep it about the OP's questions. I'm not trying to be thread police - just trying to avert a lockdown.
I think the OP subject point does reflect the direction for WDC by finally enbracing that lifestyle. What we need to be cautious about how we state our views without it turning ugly. So I guess I'm saying it's not off tangent but should tread lightly not to cause the thread to be closed.

I thought this was a good statment as well "But to make something special cuz it's gay is kinda weird like making something special out of people being stright" by a poster.


New Member
As far as the Financial Statements go Disney is looking VERY good. For such a large company to have so little long term debt is VERY encouraging. Also, the investors are happy because the stock has risen by 30% in one year. That's something we haven't really seen in a long time. Over the past decade or so Disney's stock has been VERY stagnent, you didn't lose money but you didn't make much either.

Now, moving from the financial aspect to the parks themselves:
I feel that Disney has done a tremendous job over the past 5 years or so in investing inside their parks. The new rides and attractions are huge hits (for the most part) and will be here for decades to come. It's also encouring that WDW's and DL's park revenues continue to risk towards the levels they were at prior to 9/11. I believe that this summer will be the year that Disney sets a record for attendance for monthly periods. All the hotels are booking up FAST and the demand to go back to WDW is there as it always has been.

If I had to give Disney a grade right now it would be a B+ but they definately aren't far from an A-

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Things have got better, but have got a way to go to be great. Parks need to keep improving maintenance and adding rides and attractions.


Well-Known Member
Speck, this thread isn't about that...:wave:

I think that Eisner helped the company move in the right direction for years; yet his ego caught up with him and he started believing that he--not the creative people whose imaginations he let loose--had created the magic. He assumed more responsibility over everything, replaced those same people with business-minded ones, and destroyed much of what he had helped develop within a few years.

Now the WDC is moving in the right direction again, but I'm concerned about the consistency of their new products. Expedition Everest is great; Stitch is awful. Their "flagship" park, the Magic Kingdom, is finally getting the TLC it needs, but why did it take so long? The new "Disney Parks" branding has been a disappointment so far; yet if leadership is determined to "make it work," this generic ploy will weaken each park's identity and the quality will suffer.

Overall, I'm optimistic that the future of the WDC is promising, but only as long as leadership continues to understand that an entertainment company depends on risky creative endeavors to succeed. Why can't some of the corporate management understand that? It's an entertainment company; it thrives on creative people. MBAs are necessary to keep the company functioning, but business minds simply don't fully understand the creative process. In this industry, MBAs are supposed to find ways of feasibly carrying out the artist's plans, not vice-versa.

Iger's emphasis on multimedia is important for short-term growth, but if the content remains stagnant, people won't care whether or not something is available for immediate downloading on iTunes. Likewise, the theme parks will become boring if Disney doesn't continue to create new, high-quality experiences.

~End of Article~:)

p.s. Walt probably would have been the driving force behind CGI, just like he made sure his company was at the forefront of talkies, color movies, special effects, color television, transportation systems, theme parks, and urban development.

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