Young Topless Girl in Impressions de France Film?

The Mom

Premium Member
The film is over twenty five years old and people have become a lot more offended about things in general since then. Remember, this film was done when pirates still chased women and skippers still shot hippos.:lol:

Bingo! It was filmed in a different time, when we weren't worried about everyone our children come into contact with being a potential pedophile.

Were we living in a Fool's Paradise, or are there more pedophile's now than then, or are we just more aware of them, or are we just overreacting? I don't have the answer; it could be a bit of all of the above.

Regardless, it would be a different film if Epcot was just opening now.


Well-Known Member
Bingo! It was filmed in a different time, when we weren't worried about everyone our children come into contact with being a potential pedophile.

Were we living in a Fool's Paradise, or are there more pedophile's now than then, or are we just more aware of them, or are we just overreacting? I don't have the answer; it could be a bit of all of the above.

Regardless, it would be a different film if Epcot was just opening now.
From what I understand, the number of child abductions has actually dropped in recent years. I believe that we are more aware of them and so it appears to be more prevalent.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Bingo! It was filmed in a different time, when we weren't worried about everyone our children come into contact with being a potential pedophile.

Were we living in a Fool's Paradise, or are there more pedophile's now than then, or are we just more aware of them, or are we just overreacting? I don't have the answer; it could be a bit of all of the above.

Regardless, it would be a different film if Epcot was just opening now.

Perhaps it is more to do with the hysterical reporting of Mr Murdochs media outlets and the need to fill 24 hour news channels. And of course it is a fringe benefit that scared people are easier to manipulate.


New Member
wherever france is, it is in europe. what i mean by that is most of the theme parks in europe feature pleanty of statues of topless women. and don't quote me saying 'But you can also find those statues in american parks as well" because it gets even more censored. in tivoli they show carboard cut-outs of topless women all over the park and at bon-bon land one mascot there has exploding .
sorry but, WOW. there is sure alot of sexual harrasment in europe. :lookaroun
and thats my reason why there is a topless girl in impressions de france


Well-Known Member
Bingo! It was filmed in a different time, when we weren't worried about everyone our children come into contact with being a potential pedophile.

Were we living in a Fool's Paradise, or are there more pedophile's now than then, or are we just more aware of them, or are we just overreacting? I don't have the answer; it could be a bit of all of the above.

Regardless, it would be a different film if Epcot was just opening now.

I totally agree with you there.

We talk a lot about whether things are "OK for a Disney attraction", and the like, especially in this thread. And I think that really we are talking about what the general public expects of Disney, and not some set of standards or guidelines that has been in effect for Disney since the beginning.

Remember that Walt himself approved of topless female centaurs and naked people dancing in flames in Fantasia. I know it's cliche on these boards, but I can't help wondering what Walt would have thought of the Riviera scene in IdF.


Well-Known Member
^I actually rewatched Fantasia after 10 years last night and wondered about that same decision. (Despite the whole topless thing, it's amazing artistry regardless. :))


Active Member
Remember that Walt himself approved of topless female centaurs and naked people dancing in flames in Fantasia. I know it's cliche on these boards, but I can't help wondering what Walt would have thought of the Riviera scene in IdF.

Fantasia was supposed to evoke old-school opera, when nudity was less of a social taboo. Case in point- the topless Renaissance statue on SSE (now replaced).


Liker of Things
Premium Member
I wish I spoke British.

I believe he's referring to post immediately before his and implying that the poster either is light headed due to fumes from model glue or smoking some wacky tobaccy. Otherwise, there is no way to explain his arguments. I tend to concur.


You are absolutely correct, and I agree with you.

There are, however, other attitudes that are perfectly accepted in other cultures, in other parts of the world, such as slavery and polygamy, that would never be reflected in an Epcot attraction. So, you see, cultural validity, alone, does not per se indicate that something is appropriate for a Disney attraction.

In our American culture, if a child is old enough to walk around, the majority opinion suggests that the parents of the child should clothe the child (when in public.)


I thought polygamy was accepted in the US...not just other cultures (waiting for rotten apples to be thrown) and personally I don't see a problem with a child of that age appearing topless in a Disney film either. But then again, I've traveled all over the world and realize that it would not be unusual for the majority of countries.

I think there are cultural issues at hand France this would never even be a discussion but it's a movie IN America OF France. There's nothing illegal or immoral here and I think it's very innocent. I also think it reflects what you actually see in the Riveria and it's not like Janet Jacksons nipple burst into the shot. :D

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I have seen the Impressions de France film at Epcot many times. Only recently did I notice that in a particular shot in the film, approximately 2/3 of the way in that displays people sunbathing on a deck in swimsuits (the focus seems to be on the women), at the center of the frame, there appears to be a very young girl who is not wearing clothing. Are my eyes just missing some skin-colored apparel, or is this child actually nude? :confused:

C'est la vie... C'est France... Vive La France... :D

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