Yeti to be never fixed... solid evidence!


Well-Known Member
I find it mind-boggling that with the resources that Disney has, that this thing can't be fixed. The Yeti was/is promoted as the main character in this attraction, and the fact that he's not operational, is disappointing. With all the other projects constantly going at WDW, certainly you would think they would find time to repair their largest animatronic.

Supposedly the problem, if you believe the rumor, is simply that it cannot be fixed - it was causing damage to the structure (the poorly designed structure in the first place - love how they show in those Everest specials how great the CAD was - apparently not! LOL).

The whole thing was botched - the ride design in the first place (putting the Yeti where you fly past him and even working many people don't even notice it), the fact they spent far more effort on the queue design and details than the attraction itself, and they couldn't even throw up some decent paint to cover the backside of it (which from the parking lot looks awful).


Active Member
Wasn't walt frozen only to be brought back when there is a cure for cancer? I'm just saying... Wonder what kind of generic email we would get if we emailed them on that one.


Active Member
Although WDO does have people who actively search web forums trying to gain feedback on WDW, the best way to get the Yeti fixed is to keep sending in letters or e-mails to WDW guest communications, in particular, addressed to Meg Crofton or Tom Staggs. For those that don't know, Meg is the president of Walt Disney World and Tom is the chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. They give the ok on all major projects. Disney DOES use guest feedback. The broken Yeti is a huge undertaking, and i don't believe it will be broken forever. We already know that Disney is run by penny pinching accountants, and some things take a long time to make their way down the pipeline. But if u have thousands of letters pouring in every year from guests stating that they are unsatisfied will WDW in regards to a neglected attraction and willing to spend their money at Busch Gardens or Universal instead of Animal Kingdom, it is going to start getting some heads turned and taken seriously. Simply posting on this forum isn't enough. Online petitions are pointless and a waste of time. If anyone wants to make a difference, send a letter to WDW. Our dollars are what keep WDW open for business and Disney knows it. When attendence drops, Disney provides hotel, meal and merchandise discounts. Because they NEED us. Your feedback matters! We fund the magic and Disney trys to satisfy as many people as they can. :king:


Active Member
the fact they spent far more effort on the queue design and details than the attraction itself, and they couldn't even throw up some decent paint to cover the backside of it (which from the parking lot looks awful).

I quite like the ride itself, and I also think the back side looks fine (unless you're referring to how it used to look)...


Mr. Yeti is the only thing I've got a problem with.


Well-Known Member
I quite like the ride itself, and I also think the back side looks fine (unless you're referring to how it used to look)...

Mr. Yeti is the only thing I've got a problem with.

I agree, it's the backside and it's painted fine. There are other favorites here that have bigger lapses in theming than that (*cough* Forbidden Journey *cough)


Well-Known Member
It will be fixed eventually. If what we have been told about the issue is true (major foundation flaw that will require at least a half-year closure, if not a year) it is probably not going to be in A-mode for 5-6 years. Animal Kingdom can't afford to lose a signature ride. It's going to take an expansion a little bigger than Fantasyland's expansion for an extended closure of Everest, which, even if announced tomorrow, is a good four years or so off. At that point, Disney might find it a little less risky to close Dinosaur for an overdue refurbishment to get everything working 100%, though I'm not sure that they would do it as complaints related to it are minimal.

And five years is a totally speculative best-case-scenario which most likely won't happen.


Well-Known Member
My favorite post from the other thread was talking about giving the Yeti a name, and the poster said:

"I've always just called him...


It's been broken for so long that most riders who've experienced the attraction have no idea what the attraction is supposed to be like. Although we go to WDW every year, my son has never experienced it in "A mode".

Very sad.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Not bad for the most profitable resort Disney has (thanks Staggs)

Milk the cash cow. But put more than a drop back.


Well-Known Member
It will be fixed eventually. If what we have been told about the issue is true (major foundation flaw that will require at least a half-year closure, if not a year) it is probably not going to be in A-mode for 5-6 years. Animal Kingdom can't afford to lose a signature ride. It's going to take an expansion a little bigger than Fantasyland's expansion for an extended closure of Everest, which, even if announced tomorrow, is a good four years or so off. At that point, Disney might find it a little less risky to close Dinosaur for an overdue refurbishment to get everything working 100%, though I'm not sure that they would do it as complaints related to it are minimal.

And five years is a totally speculative best-case-scenario which most likely won't happen.

I've said that upgrading Dinosaur is one approach to make the downtime of Everest easier to absorb. I think another option is to add show elements to the Discovery River Boats and bring those back as well.

Otherwise if they're waiting until after an expansion to the Animal Kingdom is complete, then the time frame is unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't walt frozen only to be brought back when there is a cure for cancer? I'm just saying... Wonder what kind of generic email we would get if we emailed them on that one.

Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your interest in Walt Disney's frozen remains.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the absence of Walt Disney. Please know, decisions about defrosting Walt Disney are made with the utmost consideration for all of our Guests. I wanted to personally assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously and let you know how much we appreciate your comments. Our Guests’ feedback allows for our continual growth and the preservation of the magic Walt Disney dreamed about.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.

Wishing you a magical day,

Andrew Shepard
Guest Communication Services
Walt Disney World Resort



Well-Known Member
That's Disney's basic form letter. They do not ever say anything in a letter.
The barely say anything when they call me either.

It will be fixed one day. I am sure they are working on a better system since the one they have is not working well.

I emailed WDW a couple weeks ago about the yeti not being in working order (in A mode) and here is what they just wrote back to me. Makes me think they never will fix it! :fork:

Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the Yeti scene currently being used at Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain®. Please know, decisions about extended use of secondary shows are made with the utmost consideration for all of our Guests. I wanted to personally assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously and let you know how much we appreciate your comments. Our Guests’ feedback allows for our continual growth and the preservation of the magic Walt Disney dreamed about.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.

Wishing you a magical day,

Andrew Shepard
Guest Communication Services
Walt Disney World Resort


Original Message Follows:

I recently went to WDW and visited Animal Kingdom. I was so excited to
ride Everest only to find out that the Yeti was not working. After some
further research I found out that the Yeti has not been working for over
a year! I find this absurd that the main feature of an E-Ticket ride has
been broken for over a year!! Walt Disney used to have higher standards
for things, there's other issues with the park that I won't get into at
this point, but I can say as a life time Disney fan and someone who's
father personally knew Walt Disney this is unacceptable. Walt Disney is
probably rolling over in his grave because the Disney company simply
doesn't seem to put the effort into the details like they used to. I am
a shareholder in the Disney company and as a shareholder I'm very
disappointed. Please fix the Yeti and go back to how things used to be

Thank you,


Premium Member
Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the ___(insert complaint here)___. Please know, we are trying our hardest to allay your concerns by using big corporate speak words with lots of syllables but not a lot of meaning, in order to confuse you into thinking we are actually making progress in fixing the problem you have asked about.

I wanted to personally assure you conglomeration, understandable, current and future, magic, ongoing, company goals, magic, Walt Disney, dreams, children, smiles, Mickey Mouse, magic, opportunity, achievements, accommodations, magic, and Disney.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.

Wishing you a magical day,

Mr. Auto Responder


Active Member
Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your interest in Walt Disney's frozen remains.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the absence of Walt Disney. Please know, decisions about defrosting Walt Disney are made with the utmost consideration for all of our Guests. I wanted to personally assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously and let you know how much we appreciate your comments. Our Guests’ feedback allows for our continual growth and the preservation of the magic Walt Disney dreamed about.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.

Wishing you a magical day,

Andrew Shepard
Guest Communication Services
Walt Disney World Resort


HA! Yep I bet that's what it would look like.


Well-Known Member
To be honest...for what it would probably cost to fix it at this point...just build a new ride elsewhere in AK, LOL.

The essential problem of the Yeti still remains - you are whizzing by so quickly that unless you know where to look you miss him anyway.

I know in original designs they decided against stopping near a large version of him so as not to imitate Kong, but Kong is now long gone...that would have been a heck of an attraction to have an AA you get that close to.

I think the reason it's just been left to rot for so long is because they would have to spend many millions to fix it, and even if they fix it most people who don't know exactly where to look are gonna miss it anyway.

Brer Funk

New Member
The essential problem of the Yeti still remains - you are whizzing by so quickly that unless you know where to look you miss him anyway.

most people who don't know exactly where to look are gonna miss it anyway.

It's a giant monster right in front of you who comes inches away from clawing your head off. I've never heard anyone ask "Where was the Yeti?" coming off the ride.

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