Yeti to be never fixed... solid evidence!


Active Member
Original Poster
I emailed WDW a couple weeks ago about the yeti not being in working order (in A mode) and here is what they just wrote back to me. Makes me think they never will fix it! :fork:

Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the Yeti scene currently being used at Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain®. Please know, decisions about extended use of secondary shows are made with the utmost consideration for all of our Guests. I wanted to personally assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously and let you know how much we appreciate your comments. Our Guests’ feedback allows for our continual growth and the preservation of the magic Walt Disney dreamed about.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.

Wishing you a magical day,

Andrew Shepard
Guest Communication Services
Walt Disney World Resort


Original Message Follows:

I recently went to WDW and visited Animal Kingdom. I was so excited to
ride Everest only to find out that the Yeti was not working. After some
further research I found out that the Yeti has not been working for over
a year! I find this absurd that the main feature of an E-Ticket ride has
been broken for over a year!! Walt Disney used to have higher standards
for things, there's other issues with the park that I won't get into at
this point, but I can say as a life time Disney fan and someone who's
father personally knew Walt Disney this is unacceptable. Walt Disney is
probably rolling over in his grave because the Disney company simply
doesn't seem to put the effort into the details like they used to. I am
a shareholder in the Disney company and as a shareholder I'm very
disappointed. Please fix the Yeti and go back to how things used to be

Thank you,


Well-Known Member
Now for the serious response:

In your original message you even pointed out that it has been in B mode for over a year. It would seem to me that Andrew was referring to that point when he said "decisions about extended use of secondary shows."

I don't see any "solid evidence" that the Yeti will never be fixed.

With all that said, it is a shame that it still hasn't been fixed.


Actually everyone, if you take a glance over at the Everest effects thread located in the general discussion section of these boards, there are a few claims that CM's have been saying that a solution has been found to fix the Yeti and he will be fixed this year. It's on Page 57. I have no idea the extent of the fix they are talking about. But it would be awesome if they got him fixed this year.


Well-Known Member
This is nothing more than a one click response e-mail by the customer service reps. It doesn't say one way or the other than something is or is not getting fixed. It's simply an auto-generated response. I got a similar one myself last summer, although a bit longer, and it was still very generic and unhelpful.

I'd love to know a stat about how many e-mails have been taken about the Yeti since it's been down.

Everest needs attention!


Premium Member
It's true, you just have to read between the lines...

Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your recent visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park.

I am very sorry for your disappointment with the Yeti scene currently being used at Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain®. Please know, decisions about extended use of secondary shows are made with the utmost consideration for all of our Guests. I wanted to personally assure you that your feedback has been taken seriously and let you know how much we appreciate your comments. Our Guests’ feedback allows for our continual growth and the preservation of the magic Walt Disney dreamed about.

Mr. xxx, thank you again for your honest and constructive feedback.
We should start a post of of things that need attention and include pictures as proof.examples of a bad show,YETI,hat guy ,test track crash scene,chipped paint,broken gutters,dirty hotel rooms (corners of the bathroom floor),black sheets in cave scene on BTMRR.
We should start a post of of things that need attention and include pictures as proof.examples of a bad show,YETI,hat guy ,test track crash scene,chipped paint,broken gutters,dirty hotel rooms (corners of the bathroom floor),black sheets in cave scene on BTMRR.

I might be mistaken but a long while ago there was and were threads of this very nature on this forum.

I'm glad they're not here any more. This place can be too negative already.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I applaud your enthusiam regarding the park. Many of us here are also upset about the still-broken Yeti. And it's so cool that your dad knew Walt Disney. I wish I could make such a claim.

Your letter from Mr. Shepard, however, is not a definitive answer either way. It was a politely worded evasion. And I'm afraid that evasion is all that anyone who inquires into the Yeti situation is going to get. We'll just have to wait until Lee or Raven or someone else here who's knowledgable about such matters receives and provides solid information to us before we will truly know the Yeti's fate. :shrug:


New Member
I find it mind-boggling that with the resources that Disney has, that this thing can't be fixed. The Yeti was/is promoted as the main character in this attraction, and the fact that he's not operational, is disappointing. With all the other projects constantly going at WDW, certainly you would think they would find time to repair their largest animatronic.

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