Yeti is indeed being fixed! Update 8/4/2014

It's funny that you say that. I read somewhere that Roy E. thought that AK was too realistic-- too real life. The point of Disney parks was to provide an escape into the world of fantasy. Hmm.

I think what sets AK apart from the other parks is that it doesn't represent idealized reality. It's design is based on realism. That makes it different from the other Disney parks. Not worse, just different.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a downer and ruin the DAK convo, but does anyone have any new insider info about what is going on with our giant unmoving friend?


Well-Known Member
I may be a Disney apologist, but I am genuinely sad to see all the complaining and negativity surrounding Disney and their ability to realize AK's potential.

Do I agree there could be more to do at AK and better execution on some fronts? Of course, but it's still an amazingly beautiful park with diverse animals, rides, and shows. They do need more, but this park is still young. Something this big evolves.

Unfortunately, I have noticed some cost cutting and failure to maintain detailed effects. That can be cleaned up, but Disney has such an enormous operation, it gets difficult and cost ineffective. The problem I see is that there are so many details, it's hard to keep up with them in a cost effecient manner. At the end of the day, they answer to shareholders and fixing things that don't affect park attendance get put aside. For me, it doesn't take away from the experience because they do so many things well.

The competition might do a few things better, but for me, Disney remains high above the rest overall.

Its not that we complain because we want DAK out of The World. We complain because we, as cheesy as it sounds, want the best from it. It seems reasonable to say that most DisneyParks fans seem pleased with the content at the other offerings WDW has. When we show up at DAK, its fun for a little while, but to many serves little more than to be a day walking around a park. There simply isn't enough to do to pull in a full day.

I don't think I've ever given DAK more than a half day, and its not that I haven't tried. There just isn't enough to do. And when we have Epcot, MK, and DHS as nearby alternatives, more often than not they are the more intriguing option.

One day, DAK will be plussed to a point where we'll have to stay there longer. More importantly, it will be plussed to a point where we'll WANT to stay there longer. I will welcome that day, whenever it comes.


New Member
Its not that we complain because we want DAK out of The World. We complain because we, as cheesy as it sounds, want the best from it. It seems reasonable to say that most DisneyParks fans seem pleased with the content at the other offerings WDW has. When we show up at DAK, its fun for a little while, but to many serves little more than to be a day walking around a park. There simply isn't enough to do to pull in a full day.

I don't think I've ever given DAK more than a half day, and its not that I haven't tried. There just isn't enough to do. And when we have Epcot, MK, and DHS as nearby alternatives, more often than not they are the more intriguing option.

One day, DAK will be plussed to a point where we'll have to stay there longer. More importantly, it will be plussed to a point where we'll WANT to stay there longer. I will welcome that day, whenever it comes.

+1. Couldn't agree more. Half a day at DAK, then we're done. Fastpass EE, wait in line for KRR, PW, then maybe D!, ride EE, choke down a late lunch, then go to another park or back to the resort. Rode KS last year for the first time in about 3 years and I will say it was slightly more enjoyable than the times we've ridden it before (they prodded more animals into the open :animwink:), but we're good now for several years. We have friends that love DAK, but to us, it's really just a glorified zoo (with great theming) and only a handful of decent rides. I know people really like the "shade" at DAK, but to me, the pathways always feel cramped and crowded. Nothing worse than a very hot, humid day and constantly bumping into lots of other hot, sweaty people in the bottleneck at the entrance / exit of the park :hurl:. Look at EPCOT, MK & DHS: lots of nice, open walkways, plenty of refreshments, facilities and better theming / rides / activities IMHO.

Also, if you happen to get stuck on the "wrong" side of DAK when there's a parade, forget about easily getting to the "right" side of the park. Last year when we rode KS, we were meeting friends at KS. We were on the other side of the park when we got a call from them and started to work our way to KS using the shortest path and got caught by the beginning of one of the parades. We had to backtrack what seemed like forever to work our way back to KS, because once a cramped path is blocked off at DAK for a parade, there is no way to get through there. Unlike MK, when there is a parade going down Main Street, you can still easily walk on the sidewalk or duck into the shops and make your way past this bottleneck to other areas of the park. EPCOT and DHS have multiple paths and sidewalks that you can take to avoid parades, etc if you like. Just poor, poor crowd control planning at DAK, which amazes me 'cause it's Disney after all.

I'm really not trying to bash DAK; I'd love to see it live up to its full potential. Even with the broken Yeti, EE is still one of our favorite rides at WDW. It's just that EE and KRR have this incredible theming, are good / great rides, but that's pretty much it for the park. Also, why make a show (IB'sL) that too scary for much of it's target audience? I'm just askin'.


Well-Known Member
I don't see DAK as a half-day. Not for me. I love the theme. I could just enjoy walking around in that park taking photos and be completely satisfied. I also really enjoy the shows. Lion King and Nemo are among the best shows in all of WDW. I don't get to go enough to cheat myself out of those experiences.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm late to the discussion; I've been lurking for quite a while. My problem with DAK is that it excells at nothing in terms of what you pay for; in other words, value. A 1 person/1 day/1 park ticket is $87.33 rack rate. For $75, I can (and do) buy a FAMILY annual pass to our local zoo where I get better views of the same species of animals for the most part. DAK has some that our local zoo doesn't have but our local zoo also has some that DAK doesn't have (albino tigers are really cool). SOME of the habitats are better at DAK but not signicantly so and some are much worse in affording the opportunity to actually see the animal instead of just the beautiful habitats. As a theme park, there are 9 rides, if you count the train back to the (barely above average) petting zoo. The two "signature" rides have broken show elements that diminish them. As a nice place to hang out, slow down and relax; that's not what I go to WDW for. That's why I go to the beach or on a cruise or even the pool out our DVC resort. For these reasons, I think DAK is a very beautiful park but one that is entirely "missable" on a short trip and one that we only spend 1/2 day of a long trip, maybe more if we see a show but not much more. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
A 1 person/1 day/1 park ticket is $87.33 rack rate. For $75, I can (and do) buy a FAMILY annual pass to our local zoo
If I had to pay that I wouldn't go to AK (or HS) very often either. But I've never bought a 1-day ticket. I buy a 7, 8, or 9 day hopper ticket and the extra couple of days for AK and HS cost something like $4 each.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Sorry I'm late to the discussion; I've been lurking for quite a while. My problem with DAK is that it excells at nothing in terms of what you pay for; in other words, value. A 1 person/1 day/1 park ticket is $87.33 rack rate. For $75, I can (and do) buy a FAMILY annual pass to our local zoo where I get better views of the same species of animals for the most part. DAK has some that our local zoo doesn't have but our local zoo also has some that DAK doesn't have (albino tigers are really cool). SOME of the habitats are better at DAK but not signicantly so and some are much worse in affording the opportunity to actually see the animal instead of just the beautiful habitats. As a theme park, there are 9 rides, if you count the train back to the (barely above average) petting zoo. The two "signature" rides have broken show elements that diminish them. As a nice place to hang out, slow down and relax; that's not what I go to WDW for. That's why I go to the beach or on a cruise or even the pool out our DVC resort. For these reasons, I think DAK is a very beautiful park but one that is entirely "missable" on a short trip and one that we only spend 1/2 day of a long trip, maybe more if we see a show but not much more. Just my two cents.
Sorry, but I would not go to any of WDW's 4 parks for the price of a one day ticket.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I would not go to any of WDW's 4 parks for the price of a one day ticket.

Exactly...and I believe Disney wants you to feel that way with their MYW pricing. Why would you go to the park for one day at that insane price when you can go for a week at about 40 per day? We all know that Disney's ticket structure is designed for extended visits, because day visitors do not give them nearly the revenue that they are looking for.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm late to the discussion; I've been lurking for quite a while. My problem with DAK is that it excells at nothing in terms of what you pay for; in other words, value. A 1 person/1 day/1 park ticket is $87.33 rack rate. For $75, I can (and do) buy a FAMILY annual pass to our local zoo where I get better views of the same species of animals for the most part. DAK has some that our local zoo doesn't have but our local zoo also has some that DAK doesn't have (albino tigers are really cool). SOME of the habitats are better at DAK but not signicantly so and some are much worse in affording the opportunity to actually see the animal instead of just the beautiful habitats. As a theme park, there are 9 rides, if you count the train back to the (barely above average) petting zoo. The two "signature" rides have broken show elements that diminish them. As a nice place to hang out, slow down and relax; that's not what I go to WDW for. That's why I go to the beach or on a cruise or even the pool out our DVC resort. For these reasons, I think DAK is a very beautiful park but one that is entirely "missable" on a short trip and one that we only spend 1/2 day of a long trip, maybe more if we see a show but not much more. Just my two cents.

And this is part of the problem, if it's marketed as just a zoo the price is astronomical, if it's marketed as a theme park, there's less to do. The people that go to the Animal Kingdom typically fall into these three categories

  1. Those that like the rides
  2. Those that like the shows
  3. Those that like the animal exhibits

It's rare that someone fits into all 3 categories and as a result it's not a full day park. Even fitting into two of these categories it's tough to get a full day's worth of value. Personally, I enjoy all 3 so I feel I get my value out of the day at the Animal Kingdom.

Comparitively, Epcot can be viewed similarly
  1. Those that enjoy shopping
  2. Those that enjoy dining
  3. Those that enjoy rides

I don't really care for the shopping/dining aspect of Epcot/World Showcase. Sure I like a handful of the shops, but for the most part it's not worth my time. I'll eat at some of the Table Service restaurants but often regard them as over priced. While Epcot doesn't have a lineup of rides as good as the Magic Kingdom, there are enough of them to create that variety that appeals to a larger group of people. Now I enjoy the Animal Kingdom more than Epcot, but Epcot has 3 distinct offerings and has enough of each to satisfy a larger group of people than the Animal Kingdom.


Premium Member
Sorry I'm late to the discussion; I've been lurking for quite a while. My problem with DAK is that it excells at nothing in terms of what you pay for; in other words, value. A 1 person/1 day/1 park ticket is $87.33 rack rate.

This is really a moot point - the pricing there is artificial and doesn't represent what the vast majority of people pay anyways.

The real currency in WDW is TIME. What you feel is worth spending your limited time on.


Well-Known Member
For most of you guys on here you vacation down at Disney and buy multi day park tickets. Well I fall into the category of local Floridian who actually buys a one day park ticket now and then. All my friends and family do the same. You'd actually be suprised how many people still do. Now, that happens maybe once or twice a year for me, because I normally get the Florida 4 day pass in the early spring and hit up the parks...or I just go with my friend that works at the MK whenever he can get me into the parks for free. :)

The parks are pricey. But I'm used to that now. I expect ALOT out of Disney. I don't feel I get my money's worth at all from DAK in it's current state. Look how many rides and attractions MK and Epcot have...then look at DAK's offerings. It's basically half what those parks offer. And if we compare DAK to say, DL or California Adventure...well it's just a laugh. The park is a great themed park, but it needs more. Alot more.

Due to the expenisve price of the one day ticket, if I'm only going for one day, I'm either going to the Magic Kingdom or Epcot. The other two parks I just can't come to grips paying that much to visit. I do hit up Studios when using my 4 day pass...but I skip DAK right now since I've been boycotting it this past year until either the Yeti gets fixed in some way or something new is added. I'm trying to speak to Disney with my money. I would like to go back. I enjoy the park and do like the animal exhibits and always go through the trails, but I like many people am more of a rides person. So I really hope this word of Yeti being fixed is true...and then I hope to see something new at this park in the next few years to beef it up.


Well-Known Member
For most of you guys on here you vacation down at Disney and buy multi day park tickets. Well I fall into the category of local Floridian who actually buys a one day park ticket now and then.
If I were local I would buy an annual pass.

No one day ticket is a good value, whether it's AK, MK, or wherever.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but i can't afford the nearly 500 dollars it costs...and paying have to have a downpayment as well as the monthly payment. It just doesn't make sense to me to pay that much.

I go when I can. Like I said I find ways to go for cheaper when possible.

As for right now I'm sticking with buying season passes to Universal since I get mine for WAY cheaper, and to Busch Gardens. At least those two parks are giving us something new every other year so it seems worth renewing. :wave:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yeah but i can't afford the nearly 500 dollars it costs...and paying have to have a downpayment as well as the monthly payment. It just doesn't make sense to me to pay that much.

I go when I can. Like I said I find ways to go for cheaper when possible.

As for right now I'm sticking with buying season passes to Universal since I get mine for WAY cheaper, and to Busch Gardens. At least those two parks are giving us something new every other year so it seems worth renewing. :wave:
If you are a Florida resident you can get a seasonal pass for about $270. Even with the blackout dates it is the best deal going.


Well-Known Member
As for right now I'm sticking with buying season passes to Universal since I get mine for WAY cheaper, and to Busch Gardens. At least those two parks are giving us something new every other year so it seems worth renewing. :wave:
HP definitely makes Uni a player again. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I HAVE bought 1 day/1 park tickets before when business trip/conferences come up in the Orlando area (poor pitiful me, right?) and I don't know when I'll be returning. I've used them for MK/Epcot/DHS before but just can't see using one for DAK. If all fairness to DAK, I probably wouldn't do it again for DHS; especially on a day when Fantasmic! wasn't showing.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Us fanboys complain because we have been spoiled in the past with true Disney immersion...Parks and rides at the top of their game. Now, WDW may have 4 parks, but two of them are seriously in need of new attractions. The other two in some places date themselves and could use some updating as well.
The biggest problem is knowing that DAK could be so much more, and SHOULD be much more than it currently is. Disney is amazing with theming. Always has been. But you have to have rides and attractions on top of theming or it really gets you nowhere. DAK has so few things to do in comparison to other parks. And seeing so much bad show from them on various rides and attractions(my last visit there over a year ago Yeti was down, the Carnatour from Dinosaur was missing, Hopper was missing from It's Tough to Be A Bug, fire effects not working on Kali...that's just too much from one park).
The park is not that young. It's been around now for 13 years. That's plenty of time to see a new land, some decent expansions, and a few big E-tickets. We have not gotten much in that time.
I'm right there with you. I have been going since I was 2 and have been well over 30 times (I've lost count). I remember the Horizons and World of Motion days, but times change. Some aspects have become worse, but others have become better.

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