Its not that we complain because we want DAK out of The World. We complain because we, as cheesy as it sounds, want the best from it. It seems reasonable to say that most DisneyParks fans seem pleased with the content at the other offerings WDW has. When we show up at DAK, its fun for a little while, but to many serves little more than to be a day walking around a park. There simply isn't enough to do to pull in a full day.
I don't think I've ever given DAK more than a half day, and its not that I haven't tried. There just isn't enough to do. And when we have Epcot, MK, and DHS as nearby alternatives, more often than not they are the more intriguing option.
One day, DAK will be plussed to a point where we'll have to stay there longer. More importantly, it will be plussed to a point where we'll WANT to stay there longer. I will welcome that day, whenever it comes.
+1. Couldn't agree more. Half a day at DAK, then we're done. Fastpass EE, wait in line for KRR, PW, then maybe D!, ride EE, choke down a late lunch, then go to another park or back to the resort. Rode KS last year for the first time in about 3 years and I will say it was slightly more enjoyable than the times we've ridden it before (they prodded more animals into the open :animwink

, but we're good now for several years. We have friends that love DAK, but to us, it's really just a glorified zoo (with great theming) and only a handful of decent rides. I know people really like the "shade" at DAK, but to me, the pathways always feel cramped and crowded. Nothing worse than a very hot, humid day and constantly bumping into lots of other hot, sweaty people in the bottleneck at the entrance / exit of the park :hurl:. Look at EPCOT, MK & DHS: lots of nice, open walkways, plenty of refreshments, facilities and better theming / rides / activities IMHO.
Also, if you happen to get stuck on the "wrong" side of DAK when there's a parade, forget about easily getting to the "right" side of the park. Last year when we rode KS, we were meeting friends at KS. We were on the other side of the park when we got a call from them and started to work our way to KS using the shortest path and got caught by the beginning of one of the parades. We had to backtrack what seemed like forever to work our way back to KS, because once a cramped path is blocked off at DAK for a parade, there is no way to get through there. Unlike MK, when there is a parade going down Main Street, you can still easily walk on the sidewalk or duck into the shops and make your way past this bottleneck to other areas of the park. EPCOT and DHS have multiple paths and sidewalks that you can take to avoid parades, etc if you like. Just poor, poor crowd control planning at DAK, which amazes me 'cause it's Disney after all.
I'm really not trying to bash DAK; I'd love to see it live up to its full potential. Even with the broken Yeti, EE is still one of our favorite rides at WDW. It's just that EE and KRR have this incredible theming, are good / great rides, but that's pretty much it for the park. Also, why make a show (IB'sL) that too scary for much of it's target audience? I'm just askin'.