I am glad to hear it!!
Day 4!
We woke up a bit later on day 4. We weren't itching to get to MGM for opening, so we took it a bit slower. We had no table reservation set for this day so we stopped at the concierge desk before heading out. We tried Sci-fi for lunch first with no luck, and ended up getting into Mama Melrose with a noon reservation. In fact when we suggested it, the concierge person kind of laughed and said we'd have no problem.
With our meals planned, we were ready to go. We headed off to the boat dock, only slightly noticing how quiet the lake seemed. When we reach the dock, there was a friendship captain standing there telling us there was a problem at the marina and he had no idea when the boats would be out and running. Soo, off we walked. The walk to MGM is pretty painless and I kind of prefer it to the boats.
We reached MGM about 5 minutes after it opened, even though we hadn't meant to get there so early. We could hear them counting down as we approached the gate. Now, I feel we made a mistake by heading to Tower of Terror and Rock n' Rollar coaster first thing. We headed to Tower of Terror first, I quickly ran to get fastpasses for Rock n' Rollas coaster... only to find that my quick run wasn't going to be so quick. The line for fastpass was huge. I stood there for a good ten minutes without moving at all. When a man started to inch in front of me, and eventually butt right in, I got angry and just left without any fastpasses.
We all lined up for Tower of Terror with my brother leaving on the chicken elevator once we were at the loading spot. My sister rode it for the first time and really didn't enjoy herself at all. I don't think it was the drops that bothered her but the whole ghost thing... not to mention she has a crazy fear of lightning.
We decided to head over to Rock n' rollar coaster and check out the line. Stand by was at 35 minutes so we decided to just do it. Once again, not 35 minutes at all. I must say though, i really like how they do single rider now.
It was my sister's first time on this too, but she absolutely loved it. Sadly, it was the only time we'd make it on the ride for the entire trip.
By this point it was getting pretty close to 12 and time to head over to lunch. On our way over I think we ran into Muppet Vision 3D... but we may have actually done this after lunch. I'm a little foggy on some of the details.
Mama melrose was awesome. I really really enjoyed this lunch. It was also our first sit down meal on the dining plan! So much more food than we would have normally ordered!
This lunch was sooo good. It also seemed pretty empty in there too, maybe people wait for dinner so they can do the whole fantasmic priority thing.
After lunch we fastpassed Star Tours... which later was completely unnecessary. We also checked out Indy, but didn't get in. This was the second trip in a row where we missed Indiana Jones.
We looked in the Indy store and i took this.
We went and got some frozen lemonades and waited for the High School Musical Pep Rally. My sister is a huge High School Musical fan... which is obvious, she's 9 and a girl.
We were lucky to talk to yet another really nice cast member who told us where to stand to get the best spot for the show.
My sister's in there, but i don't really think saying she's the one in pink would really help to identify her.
We did the Great Movie Ride (The people in the last row of our car were given dream fastpasses, which makes me think we did Great Movie Ride much earlier in the day than this) and Voyage of the Little Mermaid, then made plans to head out. It was insanely hot, obviously, and on this day it really wore us down. We decided we'd get dinner first though, so we went over to the ABC Commissary.
While we were eating, a nice storm started to make it's way over the Studios. Just as we were finishing up, it started to rain pretty hard. We stood underneath the roof outside the doors for about 10 minutes waiting for it to pass... which it didn't seem to want to do. So, bored, my brother and I thought it would be a good idea to just run to the Great Movie Ride and wait out the storm in there. Well, my mom didn't want to get wet, and again, my sister is deathly afraid of storms, so my brother and I went alone.
As we stepped outside, the storm was done and the wimps were waiting for us at the exit. When we exited the park, the boats were there waiting. My dad, brother, and I walked anyway. We pretty much tied my mom and sister getting back to the hotel.
I'm going to stop here, there's still some more from day 4 and I'll write about it soon!