Well, all I can say is that they can "think" about adding Carsland to DHS, but its kinda meaningless at this point as plans change. Management obviously isn't going to lie to investors and the money men when they describe their spending plans over the coming half decade or so.
Not sure who did the "pitching and presenting" as the whole company knows that Carsland is really pulling guests into DCA, sounds kind of superfluous and premature. After all, the development is done, what is there to pitch?? Remember, Carsland hasn't been open even a year, how big is big, is the question, and how well will Carsland stand up after the initial frenzy is over. Obviously, whatever "presentation" was made, it wouldn't have a lot of long terms facts regarding Carsland's performance.
Carsland is Lasseter's baby, if anybody has any questions about cloning Carsland, they just need to ask his input.