Worst thing you forgot


Active Member
The recent post about items you should bring on your trip got me thinking. What is the worst or most embarrassing thing you have forgotten on your trip?

Personally I accidentally only packed three pairs of underwear for a seven day trip. I had placed them on the bad while packing at home and sure enough that is where they were when I returned. Thank goodness they had laundry facilities.<o:p></o:p>


Active Member

:wave: I wear glasses, so use some expensive clip-on sunglasses. Anyway, I left them home so the first thing I had to do was buy some at MK for $14. The sun is too bright for my eyes. Then, we went in Dec. and were going to Mickeys Christmas Party and forgot jackets. I had a sweatshirt but about froze to death. It was cold. everyone had on winter jackets and gloves. never did that again. always take too much.:lol: :wave:
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New Member
As we travel full-time in our RV, I always have everything with me. However, as several posted, Walmart is not too far away. The stores at FW carry several thing people comonly forget or might need.
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New Member
Every year I have the checklist. I start checking the list about 2 months in advance. Then I start packing about 2 weeks in advance and by the last day I just have a few items to pack. I plan for a full outfit a day and a few nice evening outfits.

Has worked well the past 10 trips, until last year.

For some reason, I left about 5 of my husband shirts at home this past year. Ended up having to do laundry at the resort......I look forward to no laundry vacation!
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Last time we went, we forgot our park tickets. I even asked my wife after we had been shortly on the road if she got them. We got to the in-laws (stayed the night there to get free ride to the airport :) ), and when I looked for them, they were not there. Called home, and they couldn't be found.

Fortunately, I brought a copy of the reservation we bought them, and the conceirge at the hotel was able to pull them up and gave us new tickets. To this day, those things still have not shown up.
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Well-Known Member
My very first visit to WDW was 1972, and I was 6 years old. My family rented an RV and we stayed in Ft. Wilderness. No one in my family had ever been to Florida before. My mom just knew that Florida is warm, right? So she packed for warm weather.

Unfortunately, we were vacationing over Christmas break!! :eek:

We woke up Christmas morning to find frost on the camper windows. We had nothing with long sleeves or pants. We walked through the gates of the MK and straight into a shop to buy sweatshirts.

And we never let my mom live it down, either. :lol:
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Active Member
The last time we went down, we drove. we weren't even 5 minutes form home when my sister realized she forgot her cell phone, so we went back & got it. By the time we were 45 minutes from home, my mom realized she left the park tickets sitting on top of her dresser. We ended up leaving w/o coming back for anything an hour & a half later than we wanted. (We had to go through Chicago on the Thursday before Easter)
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New Member
Last summer I forgot my camera. I had just gotten a new telephoto lens and was looking forward to using it to capture details I hadn't been able to get on past trips. I was so excited that I double checked to make sure I had the lens in my bag, but I actually forgot to put the camera in the bag. :hammer:

Ah well, it just meant I had to make sure to go back this year!!
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Well-Known Member
December 2003, we forgot the Disney Dollars.....it was a little over $700 in Disney Dollars. We drove all the way from Atlanta to just inside the GA/FL line when I found out that Gabby forgot to take them out of her safe. Thank God, Brad Paisley's song "Little Moments" was just becoming popular....it may have saved our relationship. lol Maggie
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New Member
This past Feb 06', I always do the packing for me and hubby. With trying to get stuff done for our customers at the business, pay bills, bank, post offices, & etc. Hey, we been together for 6 1/2 yrs so I never forgot anything. Except this time, I packed all our clothes, laptop, DVD player w/ movies, food, my bathroom stuff, & etc BUT I forgot my hubby's bathroom stuff. I'm thankful there is a Wal-Mart pretty much everywhere we go. LOL My hubby will never let me forget this. :lol:
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Not old, just vintage.
jrobinson424 said:
CONDOMS. TWICE. Both of my childeren were conceived at WDW.

I think this happens a lot more than people realize. I know Disney sells them but I think it would be SERIOUSLY embarassing to ask for them there. :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
I forgot my tickets once and had my parents Fedex the tix to my hotel room. It cost me like 40 bucks for that.

My friend brought the wrong bad with him. He was going to Disney World with me and his dad was going on a trip to Texas. He grabbed his dads bag by mistake. He spend a fortune getting new clothes.

My friend forgot protection and 9 months later had a baby.
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Originally Posted by jrobinson424
CONDOMS. TWICE. Both of my childeren were conceived at WDW.
tiggerific418 said:
I think this happens a lot more than people realize. I know Disney sells them but I think it would be SERIOUSLY embarassing to ask for them there. :lookaroun

LoL Im reading this thinking about the times Ive been wayyyy to tired.... It wasnt until the 3rd night of my honeymoon that this became an issue, The way I said it to the male CM was "Hey its my honeymoon and we forgot the most important thing" He knew exactly what it was....

does that go under a CM adding a little more magic to my stay??? :D
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Heather Joy

New Member
Blind as a bat!

On my last trip to Disney I left my glasses *of all things, home. :brick: I didn't realize until I was at the gate, ready to depart... going through the checklist again in my head, I regretfully realized that they were not in my bag.:cry:

At first I didn't think it too big a deal, since I'm a bit near sighted and mainly use them to watch TV at home. :p The rest of the time I can see quite well. So I thought..'no problem' I'll be okay. Right? Wrong!:lookaroun

Walking through the parks in the day was a bigger hastle then I realized as I couldn't see further in the distance then I thought, and I couldn't sit further then the 4th row on most rides and attractions like Voyage of the Little Mermaid, Carosel of Progress, Tarzan etc. It was awful. Luckily I used my twin sis's glasses every once in a while to catch some of the fun.

I learned my lessons...#1 I'm blinder then I thought and #2 Don't walk in the parks, especially at night without your glasses...all I could make out was bright orbs of light every now and then. Scary and quite Dangerous.:eek:
Belive me I'll never forget them again.

Thanks for listening to my trama-drama.:drevil:

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New Member
I guess this not forgetting but it is cute anyways!

When I was 10 my mom decided that I was old enough to pack for myself. Big mistake! We were going in the middle of summer for 7 days and I only packed one dress, and no socks, or underwear. I also only put a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt in there. I think I also put in my swimming suit and some pool toys but that is it! She also put on my packing list a coat, but me being from Colorado, I packed my winter coat. LOL! Lucky for me, my mom went to pick up my suitcase and felt it was so light and checked it and then packed for me! LOL, after that, she made sure for awhile to come in and check in me packing to make sure I was packing the right kinds of clothes! :lol:
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