Worst meal on Disney property?


Ok, let me play the devils :fork: advocate.....we all come on these boards praising everything Disney. (Eisner excluded-wrong thread)...:D
Now, lets see if we can finagle some answers for this question.

Where have you had the WORST meal on Disney property? And why.



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Originally posted by Worldphile
I am shocked by a couple of things in this thread.

First, all the negative reviews on Alfredo's. We ate there in Dec. 2001 and it was pretty good. I have even recommended it to some people that have gone to WDW since. I wonder if the decline in quality is a recent development?

Second, that only one person mentioned Mama Melroses. That place is terrible. We ate there two times (on two different trips. The second time was to give it a second chance) and were disappointed both times. Olive Garden has better Italian food than Mama Melroses. And the service was sub-par.

Other than that, almost every Disney meal has been OK. It is hard to say that any Disney meal is worth what you pay because the prices are so inflated ($15 for two burgers, two cokes, and two fries?) but, other than Mama Melroses, we've never walked out of a Disney restaurant griping or feeling like we had been ripped off.

I have to agree completely with this person's commen that Disney meals are not worth what you pay for. Sure, some have atmosphere worth mentioning, San Angel Inn (my fav.). However, I still feel like Im being served mass produced food, which I am. Back in the back it's probably basically like a major buffet and they just dip out some mashed potatoes on to your plate.

Even at San Angel Inn, it's so packed in there you can't move around and the table next to you can hear every word you say since they're less than 12" from your table. It takes away from the romantic atmosphere.

The prices are overly inflated and in fact, I have almost come to swear that restraunts like Crystal Palace serve the exact same food as other places like CRT. We had the prime Rib at CRT and at Crystal Palace and it was no different. On nice occassions we'll eat at a nice place but, on regular meals we're sticking to the places where we can eat until we drop.
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New Member
Re: comparision

Originally posted by civileng68

The prices are overly inflated and in fact, I have almost come to swear that restraunts like Crystal Palace serve the exact same food as other places like CRT. We had the prime Rib at CRT and at Crystal Palace and it was no different. On nice occassions we'll eat at a nice place but, on regular meals we're sticking to the places where we can eat until we drop.

While I'm sure the same type of food differs in cooking prep from place to place, it will probally taste very similar.

You are right about getting your money's worth. I stick with the buffets too as much as possible.
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Active Member
my only comment to the idea that the food seems 'massed produced' makes sense, yet it is mass produced. Disney serves an unbelievabe about of food every day (where is my disney bus driver with his knowledge when I need him....) and much of it is mass produced, espeically those 'fastfood' reseratunts. There is bound to be some unhappy people every day.
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Worst experience for me was Le Cellier. The food just was not very good, fatty, etc. I didn't ask for a new cut because it took a very long time to come originally, and had I asked, we would've missed our last bus and had to take a cab back to our hotel as the park was already closed.

My friends had a horrible experience with Alfredo's as well, came out feeling ill.

Other than that, I wasn't a fan of the Brown Derby, but more because of the menu choices than anything else. Wasn't my choice to go there....
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Original Poster
Originally posted by rosie.ca
most food poisoning kicks in several hours later like the next day so usually the food you just ate and thought made you sick isn't the culprit

Yes, I agree, food poisoning shows its ugly face approx. 12 hours after you have eaten. Trust me...I had salmonela (sp*) poisioning 3 years ago and out for 10 days! Had to be medicated and almost IV'd and hospitalized...all over a sausage pizza I ate the night before....terrible thing.....would never wish upon ANYONE!:hurl:
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New Member
Re: comparision

Originally posted by civileng68
I have to agree completely with this person's commen that Disney meals are not worth what you pay for. Sure, some have atmosphere worth mentioning, San Angel Inn (my fav.). However, I still feel like Im being served mass produced food, which I am. Back in the back it's probably basically like a major buffet and they just dip out some mashed potatoes on to your plate.

You make a very, valid point...some Disney restaurants serve cusine that is passable (and usually tastes pretty good to the average person) but is very uninspiring. In some places, food is quite bad. In fact, orginally all meals at EPCOT were created beforehand, shipped to the restaurant, and reheated and then served to the guest! :eek:

However, there are places on property that are absolutely incredible. I've eaten at some very nice places...and restaurants like the California Grill, Victoria and Alberts, Flying Fish, and Jiko are all top notch and are right up there with the best that I've eaten.

Is Disney dining expensive? YES! Does Disney have some fantastic restaurants? YES! Are all restaurants good? NO!:)
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New Member
The food and Wine Festival....I love it, I go a couple of times each year, I always swallow a grenade or two. If you can't pronounce it...be careful.

When all else fails,go drunk
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New Member
Food outside WDW

Reading a previous post someone mentioned some restaurants just out the world and was wondering which ones are recommended for our group (Moms with preteens) (March 2004) Thanks in advance.
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I've never really been a fan of the turkey legs. After years of seeing them I finally tried one a few years back, and I found them rather bland. No flavour at all. :(
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New Member
Originally posted by BeachClubVillas
Don't forget Tony's Town Square in the MK. Bad food, worse service. :zipit:

I agree with you about the service, its terrible! We never get drink refils and the waiters take a long time to take your order... Everytime we go to WDW and eat at Tony's we sit at the same table, its sorta wierd. :veryconfu

I like the bread and the dipping sauce they have there its really good! The pasta is a little to much to eat, but I still like it. My brothers love their pizza too. Everytime we're down there we always go back...:p
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Well-Known Member
Well...it would be easy for me to pick if we were talking about Universal...(Burger Digs at IoA without a doubt)

Now...at WDW...that's a tough one...I think I'd have to go with Akershus...

To balance out the bad...I will say that I was pleasantly surprised with the Biergarten :)
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Well-Known Member
ya beirgarten was awesome. the best food at disney by far. boma and jiko come in at close seconds. i don't think i've ever gotten a bad meal at disney. and those turkey legs are good; but they are too big. i share mine and it still doesn't get finished.
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New Member
Originally posted by Kingdom Konsultant
I would have to say Wolfgang Puck Cafe and Akershus in Norway were my worst.

Akershus was one of my favourites! Great service and different food. But them I like giving different tastes a try.

I also like the two places a Morocco. I find it funny when I hear Americans in these places moaning that they don't do burgers!
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New Member
Re: Re: Bad Meals

Originally posted by Slosh
I'm not defending Alfredo's in any way, but I have no love for chain restaurants like Olive Garden where people come to order fettuccini alfredo and call it Italian.

We don't have Olive Garden in England, but I tried the one at Cross Roads after returning from Fantasmic and have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the food was.
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New Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
Well actually in the UK you are expected to pay. In fact poor quality and / or small portions or food not actually resembling the menu is not a requirement. The law stands on the side of the restaurateur and withholding payment for a bad meal is classed as theft. All this was discussed on a radio show recently where they discussed the service standards in UK shops and eateries.

I believe the law states that you have to pay what you feel the food is worth. A few years ago a group of us from work went to a place for a Christmas meal that was dire. We had paid a deposit and refused to pay any more, quoting that we legally only need pay what we felt the meal was worth. We got turfed out, but they knew there was nothing else they could do.
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New Member
I don't think I've ever had a terrible meal on property. The worst I can say is that Magic Kingdom offers a bland selection of food. The counter food exception is El Pirata Y el Perico, which was shut on my last visit. After a past thread complimenting Pecos Bills I gave that a try to be confronted with a burger dull enough to have come from McDonalds.
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
My worst meal was in EPCOT at the Liberty Inn. I know it's just counter service, and I'll take into account that it WAS New Years Eve and raining outside.

My family of 6 couldn't find a table and I literally had to fight this snotty 16 year old for a table. I felt bullet-proof after being hungry and dealing with the crowds all day long. I actually told her if she didn't give me the damned table I'd beat her like her mama never did! :p We only ended up getting 3 chairs for 6 people and it was right next to the condiment carriage. Yes, I said carriage.

My step-mom sat in a chair, my dad stood, my brother stood, my step sister sat in my sister's lap and I sat in a chair.

The final straw was when someone trying to get ketchup knocked my dad's arm as he was sipping his drink and he knocked it all over me.

The food wasn't terrific by any means, but I think that the atmosphere and surroundings made it the most miserable meal I have ever had at WDW.
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