Worst Disney Vacation moment


New Member
We were at MGM, leaving Fantasmic, and had to get our stroller. My grandmother seemed to have forgotten that we had a baby with us, and she went the other way. My uncle went chasing after her, but couldn't find her. We got the stroller and looked around, but couldn't find her. We walked around the park several times before finally deciding that it would be best if we just went to the helpdesk or whatever they call it. The man there said that a woman came and told him to tell her family to meet her by the car. We went out to the car and there she was. She ran at my mother and started screaming and stamping her foot and saying that we abandoned her and that my mother was just trying to get rid of her. The whole ride home it was "nobody loves me, blah blah blah." We got back to the condo (Sabal Palms) and she stormed off. Came back an hour later still fuming. Lucky me, I had to share a bedroom with her. I didn't want to sleep in there when she was mad, and she had already said stuff to me about it that really got me worked up. I was shaking by this time, but I went in and told her I was sleeping in my parents room because I had a stomache ache. She starts screaming again. She says "You're a liar! I know what's really going on!" She thought we were conspiring against her or something. I ran back to my moms room crying. I guess my dad went in and had a few words with her, but she was fine the rest of the trip. It was like she'd forgotten the next day.



Well-Known Member
Amsi, I feel very bad for you and the rest of your family. I hope she didn't do those kind of things everyday there and end up ruining your vacation. Did anyone tell her that she was the one in the wrong leaving the group and going the wrong way or was she addament (sp?) that you all were the ones that were wrong? Either way, hope you had a great trip otherwise! :wave:


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Amsi, I feel very bad for you and the rest of your family. I hope she didn't do those kind of things everyday there and end up ruining your vacation. Did anyone tell her that she was the one in the wrong leaving the group and going the wrong way or was she addament (sp?) that you all were the ones that were wrong? Either way, hope you had a great trip otherwise! :wave:
Oh yes, besides that we had a wonderful time. Thanks! :) My mom did tell her that she was the one who left us, but to this day she still thinks she was right. However, she apologized for freaking out on us. I think she was having some problems back then, but my parents won't say anything else so I'm not sure.

This year my uncle is bringing along his fiancee, who I don't know very well. Some of my family members says shes a bit pshyco, but we'll see how it goes.


New Member
unfortunatly my worst wdw experience was two weeks ago! but we werent in wdw...virgin holidays cancelled our whole vactaion becasue of frances closing orlando airport. completely understandable given the conditions and way worse for everyone who was affected, residents etc, but still sucked. anway we went to ny and san fran cisco instead and had a great time. Cant wait till we finally get to go! were thinking about going june, hard to find time now my borther and i are both at uni. Definatly wont plan a trip for hurricane season again!


New Member
I would say yesterday (9/18) when trying to leave the Magic Kingdom. For some reason, even after the stops for every resort other than Pop Century had been mostly cleared out, there were still only 2 buses running to return guests to Pop. After waiting 90 minutes and having the line for the bus still snake all the way back to the entrance to the bus station we decided to ride the bus to All-Star Sports (on a half empty bus, no less), then to Downtown Disney, then catch the bus back to Pop Century (full of guests that had done the same thing using other resort buses) from there.

The worst part was that we we still made it back to the resort before we would have if we had waited. It was absolutely pitiful. Instead of returning and taking a swim like we had hoped, we didn't get back until midnight and the pool was closed.


New Member
i dont have any really bad experiences but one pretty embarassing one, during spectromagic a cm let us cross mainstreet while there was a break in the parade i was like the last person and i fell right on my face. (a fall just like the one in the lizzie mcguire movie)


Well-Known Member
I have another one to add. When I went this past July, my friend and I were planning to attend an e-ride night. I did one back in 2001 and it was great! Anyways, my friend is a cp. We asked several times before the trip if cast members could do it, and were led to believe that they could. So we were quite disappointed when we went to buy the tickets in the Magic Kingdom the morning of the even and told that cast members can not do e-ride nights. We didn't really think about it until later when we saw them giving out the wristbands at splash mountain. I asked the guy why cast members couldn't do it (just because we were curious). He said they can and to go back and get them because the person had given wrong info. So we walked all the way back to city hall only to be told no again, this time with an attitude. The cast member actually said, "We already told you no once today..." I told her about the guy by splash and she said he had been wrong. She did eventually sell us the tickets, but only when we complained and asked for a manager. Even though we ended up getting the tickets, the manager never did come out to talk to us and the girl seemed to have an attitude with us. I guess I would call this a bad experience because of getting the wrong information and the fact that obviously all of the guest relations cast members didn't know all the rules.

Another one was a year ago last November. I was trying to get the Canada stamp in the world showcase. I had all the other countries and was trying to make sure I got the rest. When I first walked up to the table, there was one kid there so I waited for that kid to finish. Well, in that process, several more kids came up and formed a second line in a different spot from where I was standing. After patiently waiting for kid after kid, being ignored by the cast member, and watching the line grow, I asked the girl (between kids) if she could just stamp my book so I could get out of her way (and go enjoy the rest of my day). She did so with a sort of snotty attitude and told me "Welcome to Walt Disney World, we're here for the kids."

I think these are just fluke bad things and hope that my trip this November will be great (with no bad experiences!)

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
When my Mom and I went down with a family friend and when we were exiting the Haunted Mansion, a person in an electric wheel chair back ended her in the heel and was bleeding badly. We had to get here to first aid where she had to go to the hospital and get a sort of glueish like stuff in the cut. Don't worry, she could still walk on it afterwords, but don't worry, the trip improved later on. :)


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
When my Mom and I went down with a family friend and when we were exiting the Haunted Mansion, a person in an electric wheel chair back ended her in the heel and was bleeding badly. We had to get here to first aid where she had to go to the hospital and get a sort of glueish like stuff in the cut. Don't worry, she could still walk on it afterwords, but don't worry, the trip improved later on. :)

Ooh, sorry to hear about that. I definately know how bad it hurts to get run down by a wheelchair (although I'm sure that it's worse to get run over by an electric wheelchair than a push wheelchair). Glad to hear that the rest of your trip went better.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Amsi said:
We were at MGM, leaving Fantasmic, and had to get our stroller. My grandmother seemed to have forgotten that we had a baby with us, and she went the other way. My uncle went chasing after her, but couldn't find her. We got the stroller and looked around, but couldn't find her. We walked around the park several times before finally deciding that it would be best if we just went to the helpdesk or whatever they call it. The man there said that a woman came and told him to tell her family to meet her by the car. We went out to the car and there she was. She ran at my mother and started screaming and stamping her foot and saying that we abandoned her and that my mother was just trying to get rid of her. The whole ride home it was "nobody loves me, blah blah blah." We got back to the condo (Sabal Palms) and she stormed off. Came back an hour later still fuming. Lucky me, I had to share a bedroom with her. I didn't want to sleep in there when she was mad, and she had already said stuff to me about it that really got me worked up. I was shaking by this time, but I went in and told her I was sleeping in my parents room because I had a stomache ache. She starts screaming again. She says "You're a liar! I know what's really going on!" She thought we were conspiring against her or something. I ran back to my moms room crying. I guess my dad went in and had a few words with her, but she was fine the rest of the trip. It was like she'd forgotten the next day.


Geez. Old people. :rolleyes:



imagineer boy said:
When my Mom and I went down with a family friend and when we were exiting the Haunted Mansion, a person in an electric wheel chair back ended her in the heel and was bleeding badly. We had to get here to first aid where she had to go to the hospital and get a sort of glueish like stuff in the cut. Don't worry, she could still walk on it afterwords, but don't worry, the trip improved later on. :)
A friend had a similar experience when she got backed into and then had the woman's 40-something daughter yell at her for standing behind her. Nevermind that she was across the path and the woman actually had to turn to run her over. :mad:


Well-Known Member
My worst WDW experience came when we were down there for the millenium celebration. We stayed from 12/25/99-1/2/00 and it was New Years Eve when it happened. My grandpa was sick when we got down to Disney and wound up in the hospital on the 30th I believe. At about 2 am on New Years Eve we got the call that he went into cardiac arrest. By the time we got to the hospital he was gone. The thing is, I wish he would have been able to at least see the turn into the new millenium before he died. He came so close to it, but wasn't able to make it, 21 more hours and he would have possibly been able to see it. :cry:


My worst Disney vacation moment well I havnt had one yet at disney Except when i went in 1998 and stayed at cs and all the parks where so hot and crowed i didnt have much fun. That why i go in september each year now. :)

Well the worst part Of my past trip was getting home this saturday night and having to go to work Tommorow morning. :(


Well-Known Member
goofyfan13 said:
My worst WDW experience came when we were down there for the millenium celebration. We stayed from 12/25/99-1/2/00 and it was New Years Eve when it happened. My grandpa was sick when we got down to Disney and wound up in the hospital on the 30th I believe. At about 2 am on New Years Eve we got the call that he went into cardiac arrest. By the time we got to the hospital he was gone. The thing is, I wish he would have been able to at least see the turn into the new millenium before he died. He came so close to it, but wasn't able to make it, 21 more hours and he would have possibly been able to see it. :cry:

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss.


Well-Known Member
goofyfan13 said:
My worst WDW experience came when we were down there for the millenium celebration. We stayed from 12/25/99-1/2/00 and it was New Years Eve when it happened. My grandpa was sick when we got down to Disney and wound up in the hospital on the 30th I believe. At about 2 am on New Years Eve we got the call that he went into cardiac arrest. By the time we got to the hospital he was gone. The thing is, I wish he would have been able to at least see the turn into the new millenium before he died. He came so close to it, but wasn't able to make it, 21 more hours and he would have possibly been able to see it. :cry:

Sorry for your loss. That had to be hard - getting that news while on vacation.


New Member
Worst Trip

My wife and three kids drove down on Sunday from Georgia. The next morning we were waiting to enter MGM when my sister called me on the phone to tell me our mother had terminal cancer.
We imediatly left, packed and headed home that day.
She passed away three weeks later. We think about that day whenever
we go to MGM. She was so mad at us because we didn't stay. :(
Don't mean to bum anyone out but that was our worst trip.

rosebud's mom

Active Member
In light of some of your experiences, I guess my worst experience seems really petty. But since this is what the thread is about...my worst time at Disney was with a Brazilian tour group. My 3 children and I were in line for POTC. There were 2 children, about 10 years old I would guess, in front of us that had the red tour shirts on. Milling through the gift shop and lobby area were numerous others from the group. I clearly heard all of them speaking to each other in perfectly adequate English. When the line reached the turnstiles, about 30 of them appeared and attempted to cut in line in front of me and my children. I firmly but politely informed the burly man shoving my son that the end of the line was way back there, when he tried the "No habla Englais " ( sorry if that's misspelled ) The CM at the turnstile had to call security, and the worst part was, the whole group ended up getting taken down at loaded on the boats just to shut the guy up !


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
I am so very sorry to hear about your loss.

Gucci65 said:
Sorry for your loss. That had to be hard - getting that news while on vacation.

Thank you both, it was hard getting the news while down there. The shock stuck with us for a long time. We have been able to adjust though and have made a few more trips back to WDW. We just don't stay at Port Orleans French Quarter anymore cause thats where it happened. Too many bad memories there now.

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