Worst Disney Vacation moment


New Member
On my last trip there was a mother with her two kids in line in front of us at Space Mountain. She and my mom were talking and she seemed very nice but when it came time to get on one of her sons started crying and said that he didn’t want to get on. The woman exploded in a fit of rage and started hitting her child it was so scary ... well she made get on and he was balling his eyes out we could here him though out the whole ride... :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
This topic was invented for me. Almost every one of my trips has had a bad moment (except my last thank god for my girl).

Top 3 (in no set order)

1. Standing in City Hall while my (ex)gf's dad went nuts on some CM for an hour. All about how bad WDW was and how Walt would be so upset at how the park looks and the lack of entertainment. He had a bad batch of prozac....i think. That helped that be a REALLY bad trip.

2. My first trip to WDW was in 1980 to help my sister, mom, and myself forget about my father passing away.

3.While on my first trip as a "adult" I started getting odd calls...first from my ex gf's mom then from my mom checking if I was having fun???? Then my sister called me and told me that my best firend had died in his sleep. So we cut that trip short to fly home to be a paul bearer.

Yeah so there you go I could give you a run down on all of the trip reports but I think you get the hint.



Well-Known Member
Oooh...I have two.

One. Back in the day when I was um....let's say MUCH LARGER...this was '95 I had to squeeze myself into the Space Mountain car. Obviously the Disney Imagineers didn't have Polynesian folk in mind when designing the ride. Well, the ride was fine. But when the car pulled up to let us off, I attempted to dislodge myself from the vehicle and immediately went face first onto the platform. I then proceeded to crawl out of the vehicle onto the platform. The poor CM. She had this look on her face like "W-T-F?" I think she was torn between helping me and laughing at me. My friends chose the latter. Thank God there weren't too many people around to see that one.

Two. Same trip. Two days before we left, I had a $1000 stolen out of my drawer where I stored my clothes. I stupidly thought it would be safe storing it under my underwear. Whatever. This also happened to be the day that housekeeping had come. Security came by and we filed a report, but I couldn't say it was housekeeping that did it. That was purely circumstantial. It was partly my fault. I should have put it in the safe, but there were nine people staying at our two bedroom OKW room. I thought my stuff would be safe. Go figure.


Active Member
surfsupdon said:
New Years Eve 2002.

The rain came down and flooded Epcot like none other. It was a deluge. And people were wet and grumpy and packed like grumpy rats in all the pavilions.

If that was our only "worst," however, we should consider ourselves lucky.

And, by the way, this was the only time I ever remember wishing I was elsewhere than at Disney. I was that miserable.

I remember that one....3 and a half hours in the living seas pavilion....NOT COOL!


Well-Known Member
surfsupdon said:
New Years Eve 2002.

The rain came down and flooded Epcot like none other. It was a deluge. And people were wet and grumpy and packed like grumpy rats in all the pavilions.

If that was our only "worst," however, we should consider ourselves lucky.

And, by the way, this was the only time I ever remember wishing I was elsewhere than at Disney. I was that miserable.

I remember that too (although I'm sure my family remembers it better) I was working my last night in Splash photo shop because my college program was getting ready to end. My family who was there to pick me up was in the magic kingdom that night getting drenched.


Well-Known Member
tigger248 said:
I remember that too (although I'm sure my family remembers it better) I was working my last night in Splash photo shop because my college program was getting ready to end. My family who was there to pick me up was in the magic kingdom that night getting drenched.

YEAH!! We even left an hour and a half before midnight b/c we could NOT take it anymore. It was disgusting, and the Guests were even worse. Screaming about how uncomfortable and "stop touching me's". We watched the fireworks from our room at CBR.

And b/c we weren't in the park for New Years, we went last year to make up for it, when it was beautiful.

And b/c it was so nice, we are going again this year.

So I guess the opriginal "worst" has lead to 2 "bests!"


Well-Known Member
Worst moment - taking my brother in law to MK for the day while staying in Daytona Beach and discovering that he does not do well in the heat (July) and with crowds. He was beyond nasty. We ended up leaving the park around 4pm and driving back to the beach. We usually shut the park down and drive back exhausted.

I will NEVER go with him again if there is any kind of heat in the weather.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, im lucky because ive never had anything to bad to me to actually remember over the good stuff, but i do recall last time i went, it was my wifes first visit and we were standing in the line at HM on our first day and this redneck girl in front of us......

(let me paint the picture and please do not get offended if you have any of these qualities, it was a combo of all: shabby hair, tons of earrings, a felix the cat tatoo on her back-neck with paw prints that went down her back, around her torso and into her pubic area, a string bikini on with shorts and shoes with no socks. oh and a partial gut for a girl)

......and the CM was telling her to please put her shirt back on due to rules in the park and she was raising her voice at the CM telling her that she had a bad attitude and whatnot. i assured my wife this was the first time id ever seen something like this.

i wanted to lean over and say, "honey, this is WDW, six flags is north of here if you want directions"

but we blew it off had a wonderfully hot day and never saw felix or her "cat" again. thank god.


New Member
"this redneck girl in front of us......

(let me paint the picture and please do not get offended if you have any of these qualities, it was a combo of all: shabby hair, tons of earrings, a felix the cat tatoo on her back-neck with paw prints that went down her back, around her torso and into her pubic area, a string bikini on with shorts and shoes with no socks. oh and a partial gut for a girl)"

Oh My, that was me! I cannot believe that you are insulting my tatoo!! Felix is a great cartoon role model, and for the record a mullet is not considered a shabby haircut where I come from!!! I'll show you bad attitude,,,,

But seriously, I am totally kidding- your post made me laugh out loud!!! :lol:

You've gotta love those rednecks!!!! :brick:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
glad i could bring humor to your tuesday morning. i am just finishing up mental theropy for the image stuck in my head. wow, this girl was scary. the reason i didnt say the "six flags" comment is because i thought she would literally kick my . oh well........


Active Member
I thought bikini tops were allowed. Last trip we saw quite a few, esp on those who hve no place to wear them ;) . Even saw a girl with a bra on. :confused:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
sorry, disney parks are not the place for bikini tops (unless at one of the pools or water parks, etc etc) i just think it junks up the place. im there to see the scenery of WDW not some girl, i dont care how good she looks.


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
well, im lucky because ive never had anything to bad to me to actually remember over the good stuff, but i do recall last time i went, it was my wifes first visit and we were standing in the line at HM on our first day and this redneck girl in front of us......

(let me paint the picture and please do not get offended if you have any of these qualities, it was a combo of all: shabby hair, tons of earrings, a felix the cat tatoo on her back-neck with paw prints that went down her back, around her torso and into her pubic area, a string bikini on with shorts and shoes with no socks. oh and a partial gut for a girl)

Sounds like you were staring her down to remember all those details!!! :lol:


New Member
Two worst

1. First day of vacation with an eleven month old - 9/11/01
2. Next year (2002) we were taking my father-in-law to Disney. He had a stroke a month and half before and passed away two weeks later. Hardest trip to take, but he had already been feeling ill and made us promise not to cancel the trip if anything happened. We dedicated a few quiet moments at places he liked to go. It was bittersweet vacation.


Well-Known Member
Last year, the entire side of my wife's family planned to go to Orlando to attend a graduation for my wife's cousin. Coincidentally, the trip was the day after we were getting married (date wasn't set until we picked up the marriage license, they were booked until the 30th day and the license was only good for 30 days!) and we thought that this would serve as an impromptu honeymoon (since we already had that trip booked for July)!

It started off staying at the Mariott hotel in the PHL airport. The hallway was noisy all night and we had an early flight so sleep was imperative (and we didn't get much - AND IT WASN'T because we were on honeymoon!)

We arrived in Orlando and went to the grad party. Ok, obligation completed, now on to the honeymoon!

Well, honeymoon it wasn't. We got shackeled with the 2 younger cousins of the family when the aunts and uncles got loaded. We had to take them back to our room at the All Star Sports. Well, in the middle of the night, we discover that the 8 yr old has a tendency to wet the bed (lazy and is enabled by the mother). To make matters worse, he wet his clothes that he fell asleep in which were his only clothes for the day!! We woke up the mother early in the morning and made her bring a change of clothes.

When she arrived, she told the kids that they could stay with us if they wanted (without asking us!!). We intended to go to the park that day so we had to bring them along. We took them to AK and back to the resort and aside from being pokey, they were good. Then in the evening, we decided to go over to MK.

I was happy, the kids were good for the most part and I was seeing the parks. That is until the 10 yr old wouldn't ride any ride we wanted to go on. She cried in the queue for Pirates, wouldn't get near the haunted mansion. Wanted to go on Splash (go figure!) but the line wasn't moving so we ditched that. We went on IASW and Teacups. Then they wanted to go on Indy SPeedway. I was not waiting in line for go karts for an hour. So my wife took them while I went off. I went on TTA and that was about it. Everything was too long of a wait. Back to the resort for another night with the kids because, you guessed it, the aunt and uncle were loaded again. (OH YEAH, he wet the bed again - this time I lost it and called him "y Boy")

Now was the last day before we had to leave, it was Memorial Day and the parks were crowded so we decided to hang by the pool all day. Later in the evening, my MIL and FIL decided to have the family get together to celebrate our wedding and have dinner. We went to the 1900 Park Fare. It was good until my GMIL decided that we needed a wedding cake and bought the most hideous store bought nastiest supermarket cake as a wedding cake. My wife was in tears. She didn't want a big deal made of the wedding (she would have been Bridezilla so I was OK with that) which is why we got married the way we did. Not a big ceremony, just something at the Justice of the Peace. That did not make things sit too well for the entire trip

Before we knew it, our long weekend in WDW was over and we were heading back to Philly on Tuesday and wanting to do it all over again. But alas, there was hope on the horizon in July! (or was there??!!?? - let's just say that Montezuma found his way to Punta Cana, DR!!) :hurl: and something else too nasty to put here


Well-Known Member
During our annual Christmas trip, in 2000, my oldest son got food poisoning from a Disney theme park restaurant [buffet]. He was up all night, VERY sick before our last day in the parks. :hurl: We had left AK for last as it is my husband's favorite park, but had to go to an ER instead of AK that day, then home the next day. At least we had Park Hopper passes, so we did not loose $ on unused admission.
I have a few events that made our trips not so....err...great. I don't really remember how old I was but me and my dad went into the bathroom on mainstreet, the one that is either to the left or right of the US Flag after the train station. I said I was moving to a different stall since that one was nasty and wouldnt lock. So I moved one over, but my dad didnt hear me so he ended up panicing and leaving the bathroom thinking I left or was taken by someone, so then I left cause well maybe hes outside, but a mam in the bathroom found me walking in and out and kept me there till my dad came back. So thats the only time I was ever lost at the Magic Kingdom or WDW for that matter.
Another time was when we were all getting ready to watch Fantasy in the Sky. THey had just announced Tinker Bells Flight being canceled due to weather, and as soon as the first frework exploded DOWN the rain came, it was horrible everyone on mainstreet went running, I ended up getting a cut on my foot from those old medal strollers they used to have and we waited for EVER to get on a monorail.
I think just one more..eh? We were on PotC and one of the boats got off the track, (we were sitting in that cave like area before you see the treasure chest, and skeletons on the beach [with the exit sign hehe]) so we had to listne to "Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A Pirates Life For Me!!" over and over. My enitre boat was going to go insane! We were there for a really long time, I'd say at least 45 minutes, they had to find where the error was or something since when we went thru the harbor all the lights were on, so you could see that the water level wasnt at the right height (the "splash" nozels were high above the water)
So really not too many horrible things happened to me there..other places in NY of course but none related to WDW. (Riverhead...a place of Terror haha)

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