Worst Disney ride experience.


Original Poster
Ok worst ride experience, lets keep this Disney only.

Ok mine is Mission Space, I know its popular to pick on but I rode it in preview and not only did I almost throw up, but the little kid next to me did while the ride was going.

I have gone on the ride since then and I swear it is toned down ALOT.


New Member
I've honestly never had a bad Disney ride experience and I've been on everything but Mission Space...which is the only ride that scares me :eek:

That's what I love so much about the Disney parks, the rides are so much fun but pretty tame :D

Scratch that - I haven't been on Everest yet - but that's only 10 day away!


New Member
With no doubts, the Halloween night I rode Big Thunder Mountain and the lady with husband and son sitting behind us, as soon as the ride started moving, started screaming "my eye, my eye" and tried to jump out of the wagon.
Her husband took off his shirt for her to clean her eye that she supposedly pinched with her glasses when "Goofy" ordered to take everything off before you lose it. Meanwhile, their kid (8 or 9 years old) kept crying loud along with the woman. It was the most horrifying ride I´ve ridden.... and in Halloween night!

When it ended and we were back at the beginning, we told the cast member to call an ambulance and amazingly, the couple and son just walked away. Stupid lady only had a little scratch and seemed to be fine. We had an awful time the few minutes it lasted and I never rode it again while I was in Orlando.


New Member
By far it was Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland. The ride broke down and my oldest son was 9 at the time. He is severely autistic so when the ride stopped he started freaking out completely. We were in the "garden" part of the ride. The stupid CM evacuated THREE other caterpillars before getting us out. And then had the nerve to make a comment about his crying. Uhhh..doi...the kids is mentally disabled you moron.

That was bad, bad, bad. :(


New Member
This is kind of an odd one because I have loved the ride every single time. My bad experience is on Space mountain. My problem was that I am a little taller and don't fit in to the shuttle very well with the leg harness. Instead of holding my legs under it, it gets lowered in between my legs to where my legs have to pinch it just so I stay in the shuttle. This is very uncormfortable. The fun part is that at every camel hump I feel like I am going to fly out of the ride. But the next day I always have black and blues on my theighs.


New Member
For me it is the Haunted Mansion. Last year when the ride was over my sandal got caught on the edge of the car. Needless to stay down on the moving walk I went. :eek: Embarassing at the time but now I look back and it was more funny. Other than that I have not had a bad ride at WDW.
Mine was this past week on the Haunted Mansion. There were 3 small crying kids in the stretch room screaming so loud that you couldn't hear the Ghost Host at all. Luckily on the actual ride I wasn't too close to them, but I did hear their screams during the whole ride! If your child is afraid of a ride, good Lord please don't put them through the agony of it. It ruins it for the others.


New Member
should-be-BELLE said:
Mine was this past week on the Haunted Mansion. There were 3 small crying kids in the stretch room screaming so loud that you couldn't hear the Ghost Host at all. Luckily on the actual ride I wasn't too close to them, but I did hear their screams during the whole ride! If your child is afraid of a ride, good Lord please don't put them through the agony of it. It ruins it for the others.

Oh goodness that *is* horrible! My youngest is 5 and loves HM. But that is because he has been on it since he was a baby. LOL But, for a while my youngest DD didn't like the ride. I never forced her. I remember being forced to go on rides as a kid. I *hated* it.

Frank Stallone

New Member
From a cast member's perspective....

I had a guest with a disability literally try to jump into Catastrophe Canyon on the Backlot Tour while I was working. I'll never forget that.


New Member
Big Thunder Mountain.

Last time we went on, we got stuck on an incline, and were stuck there in the blaring sun for about 20 minutes in the FRONT CAR. We did eventually get to evac through the back way and get free fastpasses for any ride at any time, but still, I got a horrid sunburn from that.


New Member
I have had two bad experiences. They were both on attractions I love and they both involved screaming people. The first time was on TTA when the entire family, parents included, screamed at the top of their lungs the entire time. Whenever we would enter one of the indoor sections the sound would echo to the point where I wanted to tear out my eardrums. Never mind all the dirty looks I gave them. They weren't about to stop. I'm all for having fun but come on. The second time was on Winnie the Pooh. Two teenage girls sat behind us and screamed the entire time. It's one thing when you're on a thrill ride - then I'm all for letting out a couple of good screams, but screaming at the top of your lungs on something tame like Winnie the Pooh or TTA when you're old enough to know better ruins the experience for everyone else.


i was just down there in march with some of my friends who hadnt been there in almost 10 years, they were looking forward to splash mountain more than anything. We got in the line which had a 90 minute wait, we waited, we were the next group on the ride....and they shut it down for the night, it was our last night there so that was it


Active Member
You would think mine would be M:S since I do not like the ride, but nope.. My worst was Test Track. I was in my test vehicle, outside when the ride suddenly stopped... It did not slow down, but stopped short.. what made it worse, a typical florida summer rain came through, for 20 minutes, as we were stuck outside.. Not only were we hot, but now we were wet... No one even came over to make sure we were alright... We got moving again, albeit it slow.... By time the 30 inte ordeal was over, we were soaked to the bone... The sun came back out so we dried off pretty quick.... For that, no fast passes or anything...


Well-Known Member
PoC, could have been DL or WDW. This kid sitting in front of us, around ten, I guess, kept yelling at the top of his lungs THE ENTIRE RIDE, "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's Life for Me!" No other parts of the song, didn't matter if the song was actually present, no concept of tone, just constant yelling. My children were as annoyed as I was. We got right back in line, so we could actually hear what was going on. Now that I think about it, it was probably DL, because the ride lasted FOREVER!


New Member
Never had a bad experience. Even the times when Maelstrom and Spaceship Earth broke down. It was awesome on SSE, because we were coming down backwards and it stopped. YEA!

Although I always sort of stand up going down the drop on Splash Mountain, thinking I'll fall off. I don't know why I said taht. Speaking of Splash Mountain, I got to ride it three times in a row w/o getting up, just before MK close. I don't know why I said that either. Um.................



New Member
hcswingfield said:
Standing in line for what seemed like hours for Test Track, only to have the ride close down before we could get on it.

i know exactly what you mean. this seems to happen to me everytime i get on line for it. my worst experience. hmm... well there was one time where i was on line for test track, where while we waited for what seemed like hours, my cousin was 13 at the time was freaking out so badly. she was crying like a baby and ppl around us just looked like we were all crazy. it made me so mad cuz when the ride started before the seat belt check, people gave us nasty looks. what made me even more angry was after the ride was over, she loved it. she put all of us throught her crying and complaining. she said i hate this ride i dont want to go and all this other stuff. i was happy that she liked it, but she put us thru her tantrum for no reason. anyway. thats about it and it wastnt that bad. the other things that were posted sound horrible especially with the kids on the haunted mansion screaming.

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