Worst dining experience


Excuse me while I unload here. The Coral Reef.

One night, we're hanging around waiting for Reflections and think, we've never been here, looks pricey but good, lets give it a try. There's an older gentleman working a kiosk out front, we ask how long a wait. 'Ten minutes, ten minutes tops, here give them this.' and he hands up a slip of paper. We think 'cool' and head in.

We give the paper to the young woman working the front counter and explain the gentleman told us to give it to her.

"Oh, is HE still working out there?" she said with enough venom that we should have taken that as a clue and run."What hotel are you staying at?" We say "All Star Sport." "Have a seat and we'll call you."

For the next 45 minutes. One person after another walks in the door, tells them they're from the Contemporary, or Animal Kingdom Lodge or any other of the upper scale hotels and ZOOM in they go. All of us saying All Star, Pop Century and the like are left cooling our heels. And NO I'm not missing the whole Priority Seating bit, those I would expect to be shown in right away. These were people who, like us, just walked in.

Finally allowed into the restaurant and, even though the place is fairly empty, we're given the closet table to the door. I mean seriously, door - three steps - table. We look down and there MANY empty tables closer to the wall of glass windows looking into the Living Seas. But we get the crummy seats way in back.

So we said something. Could we get closer? Could we have one of those empty tables? Not demanding, just asking. But if we thought we had been treated like trash before, it was nothing compared to what we got for the rest of the meal. Ignored by the server, half our order never brought out.

Learned our lesson. People staying at the economy hotels better know their place, and that place is standing in line waiting to buy chicken strips, not paying four times as much for half the food and heap of snotty attitude.


Well-Known Member
WOW! Some of the responses are a surprise to me. We love Chef Mickey's(breakfast), CRT(lunch), LTT(dinner), 50's Prime time(lunch) and Sci-Fi(lunch). But the one we did not care for at all is the one in Norway. The service and the characters were great, but didn't care for the breakfast food at all. Lunch came early that day!:lol:

Sharon L

New Member
My family and I had a bad experience at California Grill. We watched as children at a table near us were brought crayons so they could draw on the white paper table cover. Their server brought the kids goldfish crackers as well. Our server did nothing without having to be asked, and even then it seemed to be a problem for him. I felt like he thought he was doing us a favor by being our waiter. Then we saw other servers telling their customers that they had the kitchen hold their meals until the fireworks at the MK were over. Our server brought our food right before the fireworks began, and then told us we were welcome to go watch the show (so our food could sit and get cold). I am sure the waitstaff at California Grill are used to getting very good tips, since the restaurant is so pricey. Our waiter was probably very unhappy when he saw his tip, which I believe was maybe 10%.


Mama Melrose. My wife got sick soon after eating there and was wiped out for the last day and half of our trip. We will never eat there again.


New Member
As with any place, you go there long enough and you're bound to have a bad experience.

Ours was the star light cafe at MK. We were there for MVMCP last year and was HUNGRY. Well, that was pretty much the only place to eat and the menu was small, food was bland and it cost was huge for a couple of burgers and fries.

I do agree with most here that the Sci-Fi dinner is a great idea, but the food is something to be desired. They need to revamp the menu.

And I do agree that the Chef Mickeys Breakfast isn't worth the price. We love going there for Dinner and do that every trip... 1900 Park Fare for breakfast is the best Disney breakfast offered.


New Member
Coral Reef and Narcoossee's at the Grand Floridian are tied for me. Both had the same problems: The food was decent, but very overpriced. Also, (and please no one flame me on this. I don't mean to sound rude or anti-child) we were surrounded by noisy, misbehaving children at both places. I know it's Disney and I know kids will be everywhere. But we went to both places at later times, hoping to avoid a crowd and have a quiet meal. We were wrong. We also thought the prices at both restaurants would be a deterrent. Honestly, why take a 5-year-old to someplace that serves $35 entrees?

On the plus side, Artist Point at the Wilderness Lodge is fantastic! Worth every penny!
Sadly, our worst experience was the waiter at Chef Mickeys. All he had to do was bring everyone a soda and you would have thought that we asked for the world. The children love the place. We have been back,for both breakfast and dinner and wouldn't you know it, once even with the same waiter.

PS I did politely complain to the manager, who apologized repeatedly, and was given a 20% discount on our next meal. Sometimes stuff happens but overall we have had really good experiences.


This March at Flying Fish. How many times can someone ruin a steak on your birthday.

I ordered a Medium steak and my cousin ordered a Rare. We both received gray steak so over cooked it was hard. Are waitress (who was so nice) took them away. New steaks come back my cousins was fine but mine was now so Rare that even my cousin won't eat it. (Cold on the inside) So it goes back again.

They did give us 20% off the entire bill. But by the time I got my food I had at 10pm I didn't want to eat it. Glad the moderates have fridge's in the rooms now.


New Member
Pizza Guy said:
The last two times we have eaten at Alfredo's, the service has been terrible and the food has been incredibly ordinary. This used to be one of our favorite restaurants, and now it has officially been crossed off our list of 'Must eats" when traveling to WDW.

I was so excited to bring my friends to Alfredo's on my last trip. All four of us got Lasagna. I took my first bite, and I swear I was eating Chef Boy R D (SP) I said something to my friends, and they all agreed that it had tasted familiar. I wasnt really upset though, since I like Chef Boy R D. I just cant see spending that much money for something I can get in a can. So, I agree it is pretty Ordinary. And what is up with paying $25 for an appitizer that consists of Hard Cheese and Dry Meats!!!!!


Well-Known Member
DMC-12 said:
I have mentioned this before... but I will post it here as well:

Chef Mickeys = worst breakfast EVER! :hurl:

The service was bloody awful.

The picture Nazi was a complete ***hole, and was rude to my family.

The sausage links were like jerky. It took the server 20min to bring us another coffee mug for our table. The food overall was just blah, and icky... not what one expects at 20-25+ dollars a plate. :hurl:

...never again. :hammer:

Ditto to everything. The only time I actually considered asking for a refund or not to pay. We saw 2 characters the whole time there -- in 90 minutes. the 1/3 year olds would have loved to just hug Mickey between tables but the "wrangler" literally pushed us back saying we couldn't intterupt him until he was to our table. I understand the safety, but 90 minutes and 2 characters with the tail end only half way to us was STUPID! And the food SERIOUSLY SUCKED! It was literally a buffet of McDonalds Big Breakfast. I felt like Jurassic Park "so, are there going to be any characters at your character breakfast?"

We were very pleased to visit Crystal Palace a few days later.


New Member
Hollywood Brown Derby...

Food was alright, but the server was a total jerk. Made comments about my husband and I being cheap because we didn't order alcoholic drinks and/or a dessert. I believe he said something along the lines of what's the matter mommy and daddy didn't give you extra money for dessert. I wanted to punch him in the face!:mad: Sorry for not having an exact quote - but it was in 1998 and I've kind of shut it out of my memory - traumatizing event you know...

We've never been back there!


New Member
I can't say we have ever really had bad service at Disney but have been quite disappointed in the quality of food at some of the high priced places to eat. The worst was probably Alfredo's. We were expecting this great italian food and got some bland stuff they were trying to pass off as good italian. Needless to say we won't be going back there. The other we were disappointed in was the Brown Derby food was not worth the price.


Active Member
A friend had recomended eating breakfest at the Poly, and since we were staying at the Contemporary and only a short monorail ride away, thought we would give it a try. I dont remember the name of the restaurant, but one of the specialties was the banana stuffed french toast. You could have it either traditionally fried or sauteed. Naturally I wanted to try it the traditional way. When it came it looked so good until I had the first bite. It was so greasy. I maybe ate half a piece at most and a few hours later :hurl:. Thank goodness I was not sick enough to have it ruin my entire day, but dont think I will be making any special trips there again for french toast.


New Member
Looks like ABC Commissary received quite a few votes for stale food so I'll add mine for the terribly dry burger and 3 fries that I got and the one small piece of fish they give you for the kids meal. To their credit, if you bring the food back you can get another item and they usually give you a larger order. Also why do they always get rid of the extra condiments, cheese sauce etc during the off season. Us Floridians like cheese sauce, onions and mushrooms too.


Active Member
Reading all of these reminded me of a horrible time at WDW......does anyone remember the Turkey Burger tragedy of the early nineties? It was either 91 or 92 when all restaurants went to "healthier" turkey burgers and dogs - tasted worse than soy! I was pleased when I went back a couple of years later that had all gone away and has remined GONE! I mean it is ok as an option for those that like that sort of thing - but not as our only choice!


Well-Known Member
I gotta add my two cents:

Rainforest Cafe in DD - consistant bad service and overpriced food.

Never, never, never let anyone at Nine Dragons talk you into trying an appetizer called Drunken Chicken - it is NASTY!! We had reservations there as part of the Candlelight package. We all sampled and I will never touch it again.:lol:

Oh, Columbia Harbour House - have gotten sick twice from their bowl of clam chowder. I won't ever attempt that again.


Active Member
I've found something to like at just about every restaurant - and I've eaten at most of them now. The only meal I was disappointed in was dinner at the Sci Fi. The service was horrible and slow, and the salmon was overcooked, dry and tasteless.

BTW, 50's Prime Time is our favorite. We love the banter with the wait staff.


New Member
Hmm...I have to agree with a lot of people about Cinderella's royal table. We old did it once and it was neat to be in the castle, but the food was nothing to brag about.

Also - Brown Derby. The food is great, I like the atmosphere but the service the last time we where there was just horrible. That server should have been fired. Seriously, he was so rude and the two tables nearby obviously felt the same way. I saw them making comments about his rude behavior and lack of service.

Planet Hollywood at DTD is another one totally lacking in service.

Other than that - we normally have great dining experiences at Disney! In particular, Spoodles on the boardwalk is always great in terms of service and we love the food! We always go back because the service is always fabulous. California Grill is great, too.


New Member
Norway - or as we call it, Wrongway

For the week before my cousin's wedding, we all chose to spend some time at Disney. Needlesstosay, we were all psyched. The trip was fantastic with the exception of our meal at Norway.

We figured the buffet style would warrant us spending $20+ on dinner, so we all waited in the line to get in and prepped ourselves for some food. (To set this up better, it was about 5:15 on a weekday afternoon.) After waiting 20 minutes for a waiter to let us order our dinners, we were unleashed on an "appetizer" style buffet line with bread, cheese, and some meats for us to feast on while we waited for the entrees, which were prepared in the kitchen. We immediately realized that this wasnt a standard buffet.

After sitting down and eating that bread for about an hour (not an exaggeration) our meals came. I ordered some beef with pasta - what came out, however, was 2 beef cubes on my plate with (I counted) 10 individual strands of pasta.

We were all disappointed with this extreme downsizing of our meals, but we figured we'd make it up by ordering more than one the next time the waiter came back. First, it took him another 30 mins to return to our table; second, he told us we could only order one plate at a time per person.

So a little over two hours into a meal that provided us with very little food and a lot of spare time, we spotted a manager who came to us and eventually told us that they were so busy they were having a hard time keeping up. A silly point considering there were about 4 families in the restaurant. He gave us the meal for free. It was quite an afternoon.

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