Worst dining experience


New Member
Yea, the ABC Commisary food was so bad my teen-age son wouldn't even eat it.

When we ate at the Rain Forest Cafe in AK, we had a long wait to be seated, it took forever for the food to come, like 1 1/2 hours. The food was very blah. It was way cold in there. I would never eat there again,

Garden Grill in Epcot has been my favorite


Well-Known Member
Most of my dining experiences have been great, with a few exceptions.

ABC Commissary - I ordered the fish and chips and it was greasy and horrible.

Rainforest at AK - blah food, horrible service and it's so LOUD

San Angel Inn - add me to the list of those who thinks the food outside is much better (and less than half the price)

Luckily my positive food experiences at Disney FAR outweigh the bad. Actually maybe that's not so lucky...I could probably lose weight at Disney from all the walking around if the food wasn't so yummy.


Well-Known Member
slowbee said:
As with any place, you go there long enough and you're bound to have a bad experience.

I agree with that. That happened to us at the Kona cafe. It was always our must do place for breakfast. The last time we went, we had such an awful waitress, we vowed never to return. We are headed back in 10 days and it won't be on our list of places to eat.

It's really sad because we've probably had the best dining experiences there too. Unfortunately, its the bad stuff that sticks with you.


New Member
The worst food I've had was at the Sci-Fi, which is too bad, because I really like the theming.
Worst service was, also sorry to say, at Cali Grill. I've probably eaten there half a dozen times, and its always been great except that one time. She didn't know the wine list, she was never around, basically just phoning it in. I would definitely go back though.
Best service I've ever had though was at Jiko. The food was good, but our waitress was helpful and happy and talkative, she kept bringing out wine for us to taste, it was great.

also, someone was talking about not being able to substitute fried rice for steamed at Nine Dragons: having cooked in an asian-inspired restaurant, fried rice is usually made to order and is thus more labor-intensive than scooping some rice out of a rice cooker. A side order is only three bucks anyways.

Dj Corona

Active Member
Honestly, either Rainforest Cafe isn't bad if you sit at the bar. I wouldn't recommend it to large groups or those with little ones, however. We go several times for pizza, appetizers, and some cold beverages. Usually no wait to sit and great service. Sorry to hear so many people have had such miserable times there. As far as my worst dining experience..Living Seas.


Active Member
Just a question here about the San Angel Inn:
Is it possible that the overabundance of "tex-mex" style mexican food (which is now so easily found around the U.S.) keeps some of us Americans from enjoying most of San Angel's entre's because they aren't what we expect Mexican food to taste like? Just a thought.


Active Member
Rainforest Cafe at DTD is disgusting everytime we have eaten a meal there. The dining service is bad and the food is even worse. We now just hit the bar for the specialty drinks and an appetizer which is usually safe, but no more meals there. Yuck!


New Member
As far as counter service, Cosmic Ray's was the absolute worst. I avoid the burger n' fry thing as much a possible, and I get dragged in there by my brother and his GF. Made me want to vomit. The mess at the condiment stand, the smell..Ugh.

Contrary to other folks, I did get a decent meal at ABC commisary last trip to MGM, about a month ago. I ordered the beef curry, and the guy keeps telling me it's spicy. I said "Yeah, I know, that's what I'm hoping for". For WDW pricing, it was remarkably authentic, but mild by my tastes. It'll probably be off the menu by the time I go back.

I truly loved Tomorrowland Noodle Station, and missed it last month while it was closed. Anywhere I can get a 32oz cup of iced green tea is awesome.

I've been to both the RC and PH when they used to be in my town. Planet Attitude only begins to describe it. Fortunately, both closed down here.

Of the WDW restaurants, Coral Reef has to be on the low end of the value scale - great view, ok food, pricey, but the wait is just too long. I loved Spoodles (I eat that kind of stuff daily), and Citrico's was by far the best.


New Member
I will absolutely never EVER eat at Garden Grille at the Land in Epcot. Terrible food and even worse service. Family Style doesn't mean self-serve!

Aside from that, every other dining experience I have ever had on Disney property has been top noch, Brown Derby especially!


New Member
ABC Commisary was just horrible.....those of us that ate there felt ill later on, and the rest of us didn't touch their food.....lucky them.......:hurl:

Service was pretty horrible there as well..........


Well-Known Member
Funny how tastes and experiances are differant.

ABC Commisary is a must do every trip for my family. We love the fish and chips there and have never had a bad meal.

Our worst dining experiances have been at Coral Reef and Rainforest Cafe.

Coraf Reef had the worst food and the highest prices.
Rainforest Cafe had the worst service.


New Member
Scooter said:
Funny how tastes and experiances are differant.
That's the key! There is no accounting for taste. This may perhaps be hard to believe, but some people dislike giant turkey legs! :lol: :wave:


Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Just a question here about the San Angel Inn:
Is it possible that the overabundance of "tex-mex" style mexican food (which is now so easily found around the U.S.) keeps some of us Americans from enjoying most of San Angel's entre's because they aren't what we expect Mexican food to taste like? Just a thought.

No, I'm from south Texas and I know that's not what Mexican food is supposed to taste like! :D

As far as all the other restaurants are concerned, there's no way that everyone is going to have a fantastic, magical, warm-and-fuzzy meal every time. Walt Disney World is real life, folks. Don't let one encounter with bad service stop you from visiting a restaurant that you love 99% of the time; just file a complaint with the manager if you have an obnoxious server again.

Edit: Count me among those who dislike the turkey legs. Sorry...


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree with Tirian, let management know if its a bad waitstaff or if the food is not right. However, if you try again a second or third time then maybe the standards have changed and the quality isn't going to be the same as it was on your previous experiences.
For us, we will never bother with the Rainforest Cafe at AK. I mean never. We dont get to WDW often enough to waste precious time and money on a subpar, overpriced experience. But thats our decision, others may just absolutely love the place and our decision not to go will mean more seats for them! We had one bad experience with waitstaff at the Biergarten, let management know and continue to go back and have lots of fun and great food.

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