working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
1x a year or 100 hours continuous run time or 100 hours for the year - have a mechanic change oil , filter and spark plug
Cost $300
Generac can break down if homeowner runs all appliances

I strongly suspect that these are the two primary reasons, at least in our area, for failure. The first being the more likely cause, since that's also why most people's standalone generators fail. Routine maintenance is necessary, but overwhelming the system is bound to happen with some people.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.

Wow, glad you'e all safe. I'd been thinking about you, too. I am sorry you're going through so much crap all at once. That would frustrate me to no end.

Maybe this isn't my place to say this, but I think it's nervy for your boss to want you to come in after a disaster because you don't have power.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
E's graduation was tonight. There were 60 kids graduating from VWO, and she was one of 3 who got laude. Super proud of her.

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A got his results today. He passed with flying colors. He had one failing grade because of the panic attack during the first exam, but his central exam and oral exams for that subject brought it up. It was BARELY insufficient anyway. You need a 5.5 and he had a 5.4, but he got a 7.2 on the central exam, so his final grade is above a 5.5. He barely missed C um Laude. All his grades are above 6,which is one requirement, but he barely misses the average of 8. If you could round them off, he'd have it. He has mostly 8s and 9s on his final grade list because they round everything off. So his 9.1 in chemistry becomes a 9, but so does his 8.7 in math. But unrounded, he just misses the 8. He was also unlucky with his social studies examiner for the oral exam. Apparently multiple students had problems with him, and he asked A, "You HAVE heard of the United Nations, haven't you?" You really can't be so condescending to students in their exams, especially at a school for kids with Autism! But, he passed, regardless. Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony. Pictures will follow then.

Congrats to both E and A! 🎉 You must be really proud of them both. What an exciting time. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a 15 min workout. I spent the past couple of days at my husband's apartment. I have been slowly working my way back to my previous workouts.

I am thinking of cancelling my appointment for my polyp removal/ endometrial biopsy. For starters, nobody has told me what I am having done. I asked when they were scheduling me what I was having done and I was told a "procedure." Well, great, that totally clears it up. I am suspecting something like a D and C maybe or an endometrial biopsy. I sometimes watch this anesthesiologist's videos and he often discusses stuff like how doctors are treating pain relief differently now because of the opioid epidemic and how procedures women undergo are often done with little to no anesthesia/pain blocks. I saw a video this morning and he was talking about this video another doctor made where she's moving slowly to the nurse's station because she is not taking this patient's pain seriously. Anyway, there were a flood of comments from women saying they were not given anything for pain or what they were given was inadequate for various gynecological procedures. Many of them said it was the worst pain of their life. I am not doing this. I am trying to figure out who I can call about what I am having done and what my options are for pain relief during my "procedure". I don't know who is even doing my "procedure". I am kind of angry about this and I don't want to hear things like "Don't pay attention to what other women say." from a doctor. That is minimizing and dismissing my very legitimate concern. There are loads of medical articles about the how women are just expected to grit their teeth and endure the pain. I think I am going to reach out to my GYN nurse practitioner to ask her. She doesn't perform these procedures, but I am sure she has familiarity with them and can answer my questions. If nothing else, she might be able to put me into contact with someone who can answer my questions. I am not accepting "it's just a pinch" for an answer.

Anyway, we went out to eat at the restaurant across from my husband's apartment the other night. It was my second time there and I really enjoyed it. I had halibut with lemongrass and red curry with cockles and it was much better than I thought it was going to be. The halibut was really high quality. I also had a side that was different types of supreme-cut citrus with chili peppers, dried shrimp and Thai basil. I know it sounds weird and unappealing, but it was really good. The servers are really friendly, too. I hope it survives. :)


Premium Member

Checking in with a 15 min workout. I spent the past couple of days at my husband's apartment. I have been slowly working my way back to my previous workouts.

I am thinking of cancelling my appointment for my polyp removal/ endometrial biopsy. For starters, nobody has told me what I am having done. I asked when they were scheduling me what I was having done and I was told a "procedure." Well, great, that totally clears it up. I am suspecting something like a D and C maybe or an endometrial biopsy. I sometimes watch this anesthesiologist's videos and he often discusses stuff like how doctors are treating pain relief differently now because of the opioid epidemic and how procedures women undergo are often done with little to no anesthesia/pain blocks. I saw a video this morning and he was talking about this video another doctor made where she's moving slowly to the nurse's station because she is not taking this patient's pain seriously. Anyway, there were a flood of comments from women saying they were not given anything for pain or what they were given was inadequate for various gynecological procedures. Many of them said it was the worst pain of their life. I am not doing this. I am trying to figure out who I can call about what I am having done and what my options are for pain relief during my "procedure". I don't know who is even doing my "procedure". I am kind of angry about this and I don't want to hear things like "Don't pay attention to what other women say." from a doctor. That is minimizing and dismissing my very legitimate concern. There are loads of medical articles about the how women are just expected to grit their teeth and endure the pain. I think I am going to reach out to my GYN nurse practitioner to ask her. She doesn't perform these procedures, but I am sure she has familiarity with them and can answer my questions. If nothing else, she might be able to put me into contact with someone who can answer my questions. I am not accepting "it's just a pinch" for an answer.

Anyway, we went out to eat at the restaurant across from my husband's apartment the other night. It was my second time there and I really enjoyed it. I had halibut with lemongrass and red curry with cockles and it was much better than I thought it was going to be. The halibut was really high quality. I also had a side that was different types of supreme-cut citrus with chili peppers, dried shrimp and Thai basil. I know it sounds weird and unappealing, but it was really good. The servers are really friendly, too. I hope it survives. :)

If no one is willing to explain this procedure to you then I wouldn't do it. Someone, that you are paying, should be able to explain the procedure and after care to you before it is done. I recently had some foot pain and the podiatrist I went to was pretty arrogant and I felt dismissed after my appointment. I talked to some other people who went to him after I went to my first appointment and found out that is just how he is to everyone, not just women. I had a second appointment with him a month later and I went into that appointment armed with a list of questions and I went through all my questions during that appointment and when he suggested a treatment (cortisone shot) I made him talk through all the what could happens before I let him stick that needle in my heel. I don't know if it was because of my list of questions or what but he seemed to take more time with me. I also had my husband's words in my head before I left for that appointment which was "Remember this doctor works for you make sure you get your money's worth" and he was right the doctor or whoever we pay for a service does work for us and even though they are the expert doesn't mean we have to trust them blindly part of their service is to make sure we know what is happening. But that is just my opinion, you and others have to do what seems right to them.


Well-Known Member
Wow, glad you'e all safe. I'd been thinking about you, too. I am sorry you're going through so much crap all at once. That would frustrate me to no end.

Maybe this isn't my place to say this, but I think it's nervy for your boss to want you to come in after a disaster because you don't have power.

That's what's so mentally draining. Each of the big things would be headaches on their own, but compounding larger issues make even the smaller problems feel insurmountable at times. Hopefully the Dodge dealership has power before we leave for CA so we can get David's new truck back into the shop for the CEL.

At this point, there are no threats of come in or be fired. It's just a nudge that the physical office is open to anyone that can come in. I'm sure he, and others, see it from the "if I can make it work with gas, so can you" mindset. Still, some routes and parts of town are better for gas than others. The funny part is that I'd really like to work. I was out for nearly 2 weeks before the storm, so I would like to work to do some catch up before being out again. By the time we get back from this particular hotel stay, I think enough places will have gas that I might just be able to work in my car...assuming power hasn't been restored.


Well-Known Member
E's graduation was tonight. There were 60 kids graduating from VWO, and she was one of 3 who got laude. Super proud of her.

View attachment 798130View attachment 798131

A got his results today. He passed with flying colors. He had one failing grade because of the panic attack during the first exam, but his central exam and oral exams for that subject brought it up. It was BARELY insufficient anyway. You need a 5.5 and he had a 5.4, but he got a 7.2 on the central exam, so his final grade is above a 5.5. He barely missed C um Laude. All his grades are above 6,which is one requirement, but he barely misses the average of 8. If you could round them off, he'd have it. He has mostly 8s and 9s on his final grade list because they round everything off. So his 9.1 in chemistry becomes a 9, but so does his 8.7 in math. But unrounded, he just misses the 8. He was also unlucky with his social studies examiner for the oral exam. Apparently multiple students had problems with him, and he asked A, "You HAVE heard of the United Nations, haven't you?" You really can't be so condescending to students in their exams, especially at a school for kids with Autism! But, he passed, regardless. Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony. Pictures will follow then.

Congratulations to both E and A! It sounds like they both did exceptionally well. Can't wait to see more pictures!


Well-Known Member

Checking in with a 15 min workout. I spent the past couple of days at my husband's apartment. I have been slowly working my way back to my previous workouts.

I am thinking of cancelling my appointment for my polyp removal/ endometrial biopsy. For starters, nobody has told me what I am having done. I asked when they were scheduling me what I was having done and I was told a "procedure." Well, great, that totally clears it up. I am suspecting something like a D and C maybe or an endometrial biopsy. I sometimes watch this anesthesiologist's videos and he often discusses stuff like how doctors are treating pain relief differently now because of the opioid epidemic and how procedures women undergo are often done with little to no anesthesia/pain blocks. I saw a video this morning and he was talking about this video another doctor made where she's moving slowly to the nurse's station because she is not taking this patient's pain seriously. Anyway, there were a flood of comments from women saying they were not given anything for pain or what they were given was inadequate for various gynecological procedures. Many of them said it was the worst pain of their life. I am not doing this. I am trying to figure out who I can call about what I am having done and what my options are for pain relief during my "procedure". I don't know who is even doing my "procedure". I am kind of angry about this and I don't want to hear things like "Don't pay attention to what other women say." from a doctor. That is minimizing and dismissing my very legitimate concern. There are loads of medical articles about the how women are just expected to grit their teeth and endure the pain. I think I am going to reach out to my GYN nurse practitioner to ask her. She doesn't perform these procedures, but I am sure she has familiarity with them and can answer my questions. If nothing else, she might be able to put me into contact with someone who can answer my questions. I am not accepting "it's just a pinch" for an answer.

Anyway, we went out to eat at the restaurant across from my husband's apartment the other night. It was my second time there and I really enjoyed it. I had halibut with lemongrass and red curry with cockles and it was much better than I thought it was going to be. The halibut was really high quality. I also had a side that was different types of supreme-cut citrus with chili peppers, dried shrimp and Thai basil. I know it sounds weird and unappealing, but it was really good. The servers are really friendly, too. I hope it survives. :)

Yes, I would certainly hold off on that procedure until you can get a crystal clear plan for everything, right down to your pain management plan. While not exactly this, I have heard a lot of women upset about gynecological care if it doesn't pertain to childbearing matters. I also know quite a few women who have ended up in surgical situations where both their care/recovery and pain weren't adequately managed. Some of them are to the point that they might require additional surgeries. It's hard to know if it was medically planned from a devious angle concerning monetary gains, if the drs are just quacks, or if it really is the patient not responding as expected. Self-advocacy is just so critical these days.

That meal sounds delicious.


Well-Known Member
I think it happens often that women are dismissed by doctors. I don't particularly like my doctor, but none of the others are taking new patients so we're kind of stuck. E always got really bad menstrual pain to where she's stuck in bed because any movement just kills. It took several visits to convince him that over the counter pain meds aren't sufficient and he finally let her get the pill to avoid periods altogether. She only has to stop the pill for a week once every several months, and she can do it when it's convenient for her. And he never would do anything about the pain I was having in my heels after I started having to wear work boots. He told me it was because of my weight even though I had never had problems before and I don't have problems anymore now that I don't wear work boots anymore.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to pardon my narration. I was thinking more just in case anything happened or came into question with any of the neighbors, it would be best to have something describing and showcasing the debris same day.

It's really still shocking how perfect those neighbors' yards looked just after the storm passed. When we left the other day, most peoples' looked as bad as ours or worse. This is the kind of aftermath we were seeing when we were trying to get to Voodoo on Monday. It made me realize just how lucky we were. I thought that May storm was bad, but I have some serious PTSD from hearing wind gusts pick up and hearing all of the trees and limbs.

We're probably going to drive back tomorrow after work. It's going to be hot, but we're tired of the hotel.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
If no one is willing to explain this procedure to you then I wouldn't do it. Someone, that you are paying, should be able to explain the procedure and after care to you before it is done. I recently had some foot pain and the podiatrist I went to was pretty arrogant and I felt dismissed after my appointment. I talked to some other people who went to him after I went to my first appointment and found out that is just how he is to everyone, not just women. I had a second appointment with him a month later and I went into that appointment armed with a list of questions and I went through all my questions during that appointment and when he suggested a treatment (cortisone shot) I made him talk through all the what could happens before I let him stick that needle in my heel. I don't know if it was because of my list of questions or what but he seemed to take more time with me. I also had my husband's words in my head before I left for that appointment which was "Remember this doctor works for you make sure you get your money's worth" and he was right the doctor or whoever we pay for a service does work for us and even though they are the expert doesn't mean we have to trust them blindly part of their service is to make sure we know what is happening. But that is just my opinion, you and others have to do what seems right to them.

I totally agree with all of this. This is just the first time I've had difficulty with a doctor's office. I guess I've been lucky up until now. I think after I get this done, I am going to move to a different health system. I had an appointment with my NP for a different issue in Sept. and someone canceled it without telling me. I made this appointment in May.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Aw. congrats to A. Is that power point a final project for him?

Does your son like to wear track pants a lot, too I ask because my son lives in them in the winter because it causes sensory issues for him. In the summer, he buys shorts that are a size too big and they hang off of his hips. He will not go out to eat with us unless he can wear his track pants. lol


Premium Member
I totally agree with all of this. This is just the first time I've had difficulty with a doctor's office. I guess I've been lucky up until now. I think after I get this done, I am going to move to a different health system. I had an appointment with my NP for a different issue in Sept. and someone canceled it without telling me. I made this appointment in May.
Sad face for them Cancelling the appointment on you. I haven’t really had many problems with doctors being condescending either but as I look back on my appointments and interactions through the years I don’t think I have been as proactive as I should have been either. For example, I was diagnosed as diabetic in my late 20’s and it was assumed that it was type 2 and my doctor was convinced I would be off insulin if I would just lose weight. I tried but couldn’t seem to lose enough to get off insulin. Then I met with my current doctor and he did a test and I was Type 1, so no matter what I did there was no getting off insulin, my pancreas just wasn’t going to work. So I went for quite a few years feeling like a failure for not being able to get off insulin when really it was pancreas that was the loser. 🙃. Had I pressed the issue of a test when I was first diagnosed I wouldn’t have felt so defeated for such a long time.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
You'll have to pardon my narration. I was thinking more just in case anything happened or came into question with any of the neighbors, it would be best to have something describing and showcasing the debris same day.

It's really still shocking how perfect those neighbors' yards looked just after the storm passed. When we left the other day, most peoples' looked as bad as ours or worse. This is the kind of aftermath we were seeing when we were trying to get to Voodoo on Monday. It made me realize just how lucky we were. I thought that May storm was bad, but I have some serious PTSD from hearing wind gusts pick up and hearing all of the trees and limbs.

We're probably going to drive back tomorrow after work. It's going to be hot, but we're tired of the hotel.
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I watched your video--did you say you were told it could be weeks before power is restored? What are people supposed to do for food? I know you can grill, but not everyone has a generator for keeping a fridge going. What about people who are vulnerable and susceptible to heat stroke? What a mess.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a kettle bell workout this am and I went out for a walk in between rain showers.

I did hear back from my NP and her nurse just forwarded the message she sent to her. It just said that I needed to meet with a gyn surgeon. I did get a name, though, which is more than I had previously. Not mention of pain management. I think this appointment might be a consult. I am not letting anyone do anything without a serious discussion of pain management.

I told my brother I am going to be in FL in September. He said he wants to drive up and hang out. My husband told me to manage my expectations. This trip coincides with his birthday, so we asked him to treat him to dinner at Jaleo. He might come up for free stuff, though. :hilarious:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Sad face for them Cancelling the appointment on you. I haven’t really had many problems with doctors being condescending either but as I look back on my appointments and interactions through the years I don’t think I have been as proactive as I should have been either. For example, I was diagnosed as diabetic in my late 20’s and it was assumed that it was type 2 and my doctor was convinced I would be off insulin if I would just lose weight. I tried but couldn’t seem to lose enough to get off insulin. Then I met with my current doctor and he did a test and I was Type 1, so no matter what I did there was no getting off insulin, my pancreas just wasn’t going to work. So I went for quite a few years feeling like a failure for not being able to get off insulin when really it was pancreas that was the loser. 🙃. Had I pressed the issue of a test when I was first diagnosed I wouldn’t have felt so defeated for such a long time.

Admittedly, I don't know a lot about diabetes, but it seems like maybe you'd run a test to see which type of diabetes of you have, instead of just assuming someone is type 2. The only problem I ever had was another ob/gyn refused to give me a Mirena. She said she wouldn't because of her religion. That's fine. I respect that, but when I asked her for a referral to a colleague who would, she flat out refused. She offered me a script for the pill though. I declined and that was my last visit. She's allowed to decline performing an elective procedure and I am allowed to find another doc. 🤷‍♀️


Well-Known Member
I watched your video--did you say you were told it could be weeks before power is restored? What are people supposed to do for food? I know you can grill, but not everyone has a generator for keeping a fridge going. What about people who are vulnerable and susceptible to heat stroke? What a mess.

You heard correctly. The medically vulnerable are supposed ton put themselves on a special list to have prioritized restoration or interim attention, but that often doesn’t happen. I understand that there have already been a couple deaths tied to oxygen needs and lack of power. As for food, it’s a challenge. We were without power for over 3 weeks when Ike hit in 2008. The big help was that we had a gas cooktop, so I could manually light the burners. Without that, a generator, or significant camping supplies, you’re in a real bind. It’s part of why we picked up and retreated to a hotel. Closest we could find was Lake Charles, LA.

The energy company that covers our area said by Sunday, all but about 400,000 households should be restored. Those that aren’t could have significant waits. We got a real gift today. I was going through my routine task of checking our security cameras and for the first time in days, an image popped up. Within 10 minutes, all were operational…meaning we had power and internet. We were already planning to come home so we could put our rotten food out for the trash, but this was such a huge blessing. I’d say that 80-85% of our village in our town is still without power. I think it’s because they’re tied to main lines in the wooded green belt sections while we’re tied to lines that go to a couple of schools and churches along a main road. Either way…sleeping in our own beds with air conditioning is such a welcome surprise. Still, I feel bad knowing how many are still without.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
You heard correctly. The medically vulnerable are supposed ton put themselves on a special list to have prioritized restoration or interim attention, but that often doesn’t happen. I understand that there have already been a couple deaths tied to oxygen needs and lack of power. As for food, it’s a challenge. We were without power for over 3 weeks when Ike hit in 2008. The big help was that we had a gas cooktop, so I could manually light the burners. Without that, a generator, or significant camping supplies, you’re in a real bind. It’s part of why we picked up and retreated to a hotel. Closest we could find was Lake Charles, LA.

The energy company that covers our area said by Sunday, all but about 400,000 households should be restored. Those that aren’t could have significant waits. We got a real gift today. I was going through my routine task of checking our security cameras and for the first time in days, an image popped up. Within 10 minutes, all were operational…meaning we had power and internet. We were already planning to come home so we could put our rotten food out for the trash, but this was such a huge blessing. I’d say that 80-85% of our village in our town is still without power. I think it’s because they’re tied to main lines in the wooded green belt sections while we’re tied to lines that go to a couple of schools and churches along a main road. Either way…sleeping in our own beds with air conditioning is such a welcome surprise. Still, I feel bad knowing how many are still without.

What a relief that your power is back on. I hope it stays on for you. I can only imagine how good it must have felt sleeping on your own bed, in your own air conditioned house. I would have rolled around and done snow angels in bed. lol

I read an article at AccuWeather where a man who owns a nursing home said his residents had been without power and some of them rely on oxygen. He was angry and wondering why the nursing home wasn't prioritized. Then, of course, with generators, you run the risk of CO poisoning if you're not ventilating your house properly.

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