working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

Yesterday was a bit of an unconventional workout. After traipsing all over the area on Saturday with K to buy various things for college (hey, I got in some really good power walking in Walmart and Target), we jumped in with David yesterday to help with the debris. We spent about 4 hours. He sawed while Sam and I carried limbs, branches, and logs from the backyard to the curb. I had noticed that the people whose tree fell into our yard cut up everything until about 3-4' before the fence line. In other words, they left us with about 90% of the treetop. There's still a lot of big trunk and limb pieces in our yard...connected to their yard and the other neighbor's yard, but at least it's no longer a forest out there. We're afraid to keep cutting because if it shifts the wrong way, it could create more damage. In any event, I haven't sweat and worked that hard in a long time. I can kind of feel it in my back and legs, but not too bad.

Beyond that, I'm really ticked off at the neighbor to my right. The home is owned by an older woman but occupied by her granddaughter. In the early days of us living here, the girl was dating a guy who would blast his car stereo to the point of shaking our all hours! We called the police multiple times. She's been dating a new guy for the last couple of years and things were pretty quiet until they started taking on dogs. They now have three and they are LOUD! Her new guy also smokes a lot of weed. I don't really care if you smoke it, but I can't go out into my yard without the possibility of a contact high on most days. In any event, grandma came by yesterday and decided to confront Kendall about storm related stuff. 1. She was furious that branches from our trees fell into their yard and insisted that we move them into our debris pile, noting that it's not the first time branches of ours fell in her yard. They're trees! Huge trees! Branches and limbs fall where the wind takes them. Hence our May situation with the other neighbor's limb! 2. Over 85% of our debris has been from other people's trees. I have never heard such absurd pettiness since moving into this town. It's practically a given that someone else's tree debris may impact your property. What's funny...if they old witch weren't such a petty beast, they could have added our branches to their debris pile and possibly gotten the attention of yesterday's debris truck. The truck stopped at our house but bypassed their dainty little piles since they insisted on separating out our branches. 3. She has spoken to David several times in the past and we were home. Why on earth would you unleash your bitter nastiness on a 17 year old? She's old enough to know that it's totally inappropriate to take her gripes to a kid. It should have been addressed with us. Especially since she wants us to cut down a branch that she insists is dead and I have no idea what the hag is referring to. If there is any more ugliness with this, I will not hesitate to call the cops the next time the dogs bark for hours in the middle of the night or the guy starts stinking up the place. Sorry for the rant, but I'm so ticked off. This is such a difficult time and some people just have to be disgusting.

Our CA trip may also be changing. K has decided she doesn't want to go. I'm reluctant to leave her home, especially with power going in and out and the neighbor being a witch, but it would save a significant amount of money, it would afford her time to get things done before college, and it would mean Voodoo could stay home. Voo likes boarding, but after the storm, she may enjoy the peace and comfort of her house. I'm really torn.
Is weed legal there? I'd say call the cops. If they want to play the "Your stuff is impacting my life" game, two can play. Bonus points for getting him arrested.

Curious as to why you are reluctant to leave K home. Do you think she would have a party? Or is it just the safety with the power unstable? Is there somewhere she could go if the power went out? To a friend's house maybe? I'm assuming she'll have transportation if she needs it. I would trust either of my kids to stay home alone, but I might be reluctant with A because he doesn't have the problem skills to figure out what to do. Like.. E can go grocery shopping and prepare a meal for herself no problem. A can turn on the deep fryer or the oven to make himself some chicken nuggets or a pizza, but he's never been to the grocery store by himself. He can ride his bike to McDonald's and buy himself food. But he wouldn't know who to call if he needed a place to stay. E would call around until she found a friend with electricity and she could bike there. She's very responsible and independent. A, not so much.

I'd say think about whether K would be able to handle possible issues and decide based on that.


Well-Known Member
Ours came with 10 year warranty. So at least we are good if anything goes big time wrong we've got the warranty. Whole house generac is the way to go for us, family and some friends that invested in one.
That does help, but the newest knock on them we are seeing locally is parts availability. Just saw another guy posting this morning with the gripe that it’s going to be 5+ weeks before they expect to get the replacement parts to fix His 3 year old unit.

Ultimately, I know that I’m more likely to see posts about the negative and for every one post like this, there are probably 5-10 people (or more) who are issue free. I don’t know where we want to go with this, but I can see the merits in having the standby as an option.


Well-Known Member
The yard cleanup definitely sounds like quite a workout. It must have been awful in the heat.

Does your neighbor talk like that to you or your husband? I was wondering if she felt "safe" screeching at a 17 year old, because she thought she wouldn't get push back from her? She sounds awful. I'd be grateful she doesn't live in that house, because you'd probably have to deal with her stank attitude a lot more frequently. I don't blame you for discontinuing your leniency on calling the cops. I don't like the smell of weed, either. I know people who love it, but it smells like skunk spray to me. A few years ago, my husband and I went to a Caribbean Festival in Philly. It was fun, good music and tasty food, but it should have been called "Cannabis Fest." I was worried about my husband being able to drive home. :hilarious:
She’s been very nice the 2-3x she’s spoken to David in the past, so I was surprised she got an attitude with K. Then again, David doesn’t pick up on attitudes and negativity very well. Conversely, Kendall is extremely sensitive. Still, 70+ year old woman should know better than going to a 17 year old with her issues. What’s crazy…they paid someone to clean up their yard and move our supposed tree debris to our pile. I know for certain that some wasn’t ours. I can’t even see the dead branch that has her upset. Of course nearly every tree around town has a few and most are waiting out the price gouging period for any tree work if possible.

Yeah, I will not hesitate to call if they want to be like this. I really cannot stand the smell. At least you guys got a festival with your possible contact high 😂


Well-Known Member
Is weed legal there? I'd say call the cops. If they want to play the "Your stuff is impacting my life" game, two can play. Bonus points for getting him arrested.

Curious as to why you are reluctant to leave K home. Do you think she would have a party? Or is it just the safety with the power unstable? Is there somewhere she could go if the power went out? To a friend's house maybe? I'm assuming she'll have transportation if she needs it. I would trust either of my kids to stay home alone, but I might be reluctant with A because he doesn't have the problem skills to figure out what to do. Like.. E can go grocery shopping and prepare a meal for herself no problem. A can turn on the deep fryer or the oven to make himself some chicken nuggets or a pizza, but he's never been to the grocery store by himself. He can ride his bike to McDonald's and buy himself food. But he wouldn't know who to call if he needed a place to stay. E would call around until she found a friend with electricity and she could bike there. She's very responsible and independent. A, not so much.

I'd say think about whether K would be able to handle possible issues and decide based on that.
We are not a state where weed is legal. Ultimately, I’d be fine with it being legalized, but it could be a card we play to our advantage if they want to be like this.

I see it with a lot of kids here, but there’s sort of a learned helplessness that is prevalent in a lot of kids her age. For example, she cut her finger on a can on Monday and first reaction is to come to me. For the power part, she has some options if it were to go out, but it’s also a major imposition on whoever takes her in because resources are spread thin and stress levels are exceptionally high. For the cooking, she’s usually just using the microwave, but she’s even had some issues with that. She has her truck and hopefully that won’t have any problems, but it is older and high mileage. This is the same kid that clogged everything In our hotel room last year because it didn’t occur to her that dumping dirt down the drain and adding water would create mud. In the end, it’s just a long stretch of time to be home alone.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Today I did body weight cardio workout, yesterday was a kettlebell workout and Wed was a 10 min ab workout that was not worth my time. lol

I had a blood draw appointment this morning. It was my third attempt. The first time my doc gave me paperwork for the wrong lab chain and I didn't realize it, the second time I had covid and today was the cloud strike thing or whatever it's called. There was no where to sit in the waiting room and people were queued out the door. They were still drawing blood, but I think they were inputting things by hand and not scanning the doctor's orders, but the line was long and nobody was checking anyone in. I was getting hungry and there was nobody there giving an ETA. It's fasted blood work, so the early appointments go quickly. It takes me 3-4 weeks to get an appointment that isn't noon. I have been trying since May to get this bloodwork done. So, now my next appointment is mid-August. I miss when you could get blood drawn during your doctor's appointment. Now it's like so many components of a doctor's visit has been outsourced and monetized by third parties. Anyway, I went out for breakfast and stuffed my face with eggs Benedict. I sat outside, too. The air was dry and cool.

Callie came back last night, too. She is looking very thin. I could easily see her shoulder blades this time. Each time she comes back, she looks skinnier. I am hoping it's because she doesn't always eat regularly while she is gone and not something else. It's also been very hot when she goes away. I honestly thought I might not see her again, because we had triple digit heat, before any dew points were factored in. She has a hearty appetite and she is napping on a deck chair. She seems happy to be back. She's been looking for lots of pets and giving me "prairie dog head bumps". 😻


Well-Known Member
We are not a state where weed is legal. Ultimately, I’d be fine with it being legalized, but it could be a card we play to our advantage if they want to be like this.

I see it with a lot of kids here, but there’s sort of a learned helplessness that is prevalent in a lot of kids her age. For example, she cut her finger on a can on Monday and first reaction is to come to me. For the power part, she has some options if it were to go out, but it’s also a major imposition on whoever takes her in because resources are spread thin and stress levels are exceptionally high. For the cooking, she’s usually just using the microwave, but she’s even had some issues with that. She has her truck and hopefully that won’t have any problems, but it is older and high mileage. This is the same kid that clogged everything In our hotel room last year because it didn’t occur to her that dumping dirt down the drain and adding water would create mud. In the end, it’s just a long stretch of time to be home alone.
Yeah, I think it just depends on the kid. E can make a whole meal by herself. Her chore the last few years has been to help me with cooking and when I switched jobs a year ago, I started working days instead of evenings. There are nights that I didn't get home until almost 7pm, so she had to handle dinner herself. So she is absolutely competent in the kitchen and I could leave her for a month and she'd be fine. A would have more trouble. I wouldn't hesitate at all with E, but I would be reluctant to let A stay more than a weekend alone. He's chosen to stay at the hotel a couple of days on this vacation and we just come pick him up for dinner. But that's only a day and he doesn't have to fend for himself for food. It would be quite different for a longer amount of time. If K mostly does microwave stuff, it's kind of a toss up. If the power goes out, she'd be in trouble. What kind of stove do you have? Gas, electric, induction?


Well-Known Member
I didn't have time to post pictures for the last couple of days. Today was a travel day and it's now too late to start posting, so I'll have to do it when we get home. It's been a good trip and we've had some great food. (tonight was a highlight.) We're only a few hours from home now and there's a castle that's been on my bucket list since high school and it only takes us a little bit longer to get home if we take a route that goes past it. So we'll go there tomorrow on our way home.


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Today I did body weight cardio workout, yesterday was a kettlebell workout and Wed was a 10 min ab workout that was not worth my time. lol

I had a blood draw appointment this morning. It was my third attempt. The first time my doc gave me paperwork for the wrong lab chain and I didn't realize it, the second time I had covid and today was the cloud strike thing or whatever it's called. There was no where to sit in the waiting room and people were queued out the door. They were still drawing blood, but I think they were inputting things by hand and not scanning the doctor's orders, but the line was long and nobody was checking anyone in. I was getting hungry and there was nobody there giving an ETA. It's fasted blood work, so the early appointments go quickly. It takes me 3-4 weeks to get an appointment that isn't noon. I have been trying since May to get this bloodwork done. So, now my next appointment is mid-August. I miss when you could get blood drawn during your doctor's appointment. Now it's like so many components of a doctor's visit has been outsourced and monetized by third parties. Anyway, I went out for breakfast and stuffed my face with eggs Benedict. I sat outside, too. The air was dry and cool.

Callie came back last night, too. She is looking very thin. I could easily see her shoulder blades this time. Each time she comes back, she looks skinnier. I am hoping it's because she doesn't always eat regularly while she is gone and not something else. It's also been very hot when she goes away. I honestly thought I might not see her again, because we had triple digit heat, before any dew points were factored in. She has a hearty appetite and she is napping on a deck chair. She seems happy to be back. She's been looking for lots of pets and giving me "prairie dog head bumps". 😻
Speaking about blood draw , the lab is drawing my blood from me early Tue morning so I have to fast the night before. One thing I never knew that blood has to be drawn when the body is at rest. Daily exercise like my lap swimming is my drug and I read that swimming before blood draw will skew the results so no workout pre blood draw. The one thing I'm glad I no longer partake in is drinking and smoking. A cardiologist advised that is the two major no-no for a person to injest.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I didn't have time to post pictures for the last couple of days. Today was a travel day and it's now too late to start posting, so I'll have to do it when we get home. It's been a good trip and we've had some great food. (tonight was a highlight.) We're only a few hours from home now and there's a castle that's been on my bucket list since high school and it only takes us a little bit longer to get home if we take a route that goes past it. So we'll go there tomorrow on our way home.

Hope you guys had a safe trip back home and I'm looking forward to photos.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Speaking about blood draw , the lab is drawing my blood from me early Tue morning so I have to fast the night before. One thing I never knew that blood has to be drawn when the body is at rest. Daily exercise like my lap swimming is my drug and I read that swimming before blood draw will skew the results so no workout pre blood draw. The one thing I'm glad I no longer partake in is drinking and smoking. A cardiologist advised that is the two major no-no for a person to injest.

I did a quick google and I didn't know that. I wasn't even told to fast, I assumed since one of the tests is s metabolic panel I should fast.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a kettlebell workout yesterday and a walk today.

I don't know what is going on, but my cat allergies have kicked into over drive. My eyes have been so watery and itchy. I am taking Allegra, this is the worst reaction I have had since she's been coming around. I have had sniffles here and there, but nothing like this.

I found a different hotel for my husband's work trip. It looks nice and it's in my husband's per diem. It just gets either 1 star or 5 stars at TripAdvisor. I did watch a few YouTube videos and people liked it. It looks nicer than the Spring Hill Suites we were going to stay, but the federal govt rate was a lot deeper at this Delta Hotel Celebration. It's only three nights, as long as it's clean.


Well-Known Member

I did a kettlebell workout yesterday and a walk today.

I don't know what is going on, but my cat allergies have kicked into over drive. My eyes have been so watery and itchy. I am taking Allegra, this is the worst reaction I have had since she's been coming around. I have had sniffles here and there, but nothing like this.

I found a different hotel for my husband's work trip. It looks nice and it's in my husband's per diem. It just gets either 1 star or 5 stars at TripAdvisor. I did watch a few YouTube videos and people liked it. It looks nicer than the Spring Hill Suites we were going to stay, but the federal govt rate was a lot deeper at this Delta Hotel Celebration. It's only three nights, as long as it's clean.
Delta I believe has those old fashioned AC units by the front window of the hotel room. If you get a strong musty smell when the AC is on, I would suggest calling the front desk to have staff check/ change the AC filter. When I called at another hotel we were at the maintenance guy pulled out the AC filter. It was so disgusting and dirty and he replaced it with a new filter. Buca di Peppo has a location at Celebration. Good Italian food with huge portions. We took the leftovers back with us.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Delta I believe has those old fashioned AC units by the front window of the hotel room. If you get a strong musty smell when the AC is on, I would suggest calling the front desk to have staff check/ change the AC filter. When I called at another hotel we were at the maintenance guy pulled out the AC filter. It was so disgusting and dirty and he replaced it with a new filter. Buca di Peppo has a location at Celebration. Good Italian food with huge portions. We took the leftovers back with us.

Yeah, they do have those wall unit ACs. Unfortunately, these are the types of places that my husband's per diem covers. I am not crazy about them, because they can be so loud, but I think we'll be OK. We're going to Jaleo at DS for dinner one night, then Food and Wine the other nights. It's just a bonus trip. My husband is getting some convention-type ticket that gives him park entry after 5 or 6 (I can't remember), so I am just going to buy a 2-3 day ticket.


Premium Member
Yeah, they do have those wall unit ACs. Unfortunately, these are the types of places that my husband's per diem covers. I am not crazy about them, because they can be so loud, but I think we'll be OK. We're going to Jaleo at DS for dinner one night, then Food and Wine the other nights. It's just a bonus trip. My husband is getting some convention-type ticket that gives him park entry after 5 or 6 (I can't remember), so I am just going to buy a 2-3 day ticket.

Lucky girl, you get to eat at Jaleo! I have enjoyed my meals there a lot. I also like the charitable work Jose Andreas does so I like supporting his restaurants.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Today was an another kettlebell workout. It was very intense, my legs were shaking towards the end. After my workout, the cat came in for her breakfast and a 3 hour nap. It rained very heavily last night, so I don't think she had a dry place to sleep. After she ate breakfast, she went over to her blanket and crashed out. I left her to sleep as long as she needed. It's very muggy without a breeze, so she probably felt better being inside. My eyes are still so itchy, but it's hard to say no to her when she sits in her spot and awaits her fussing over. lol

My husband went to work last night, so I am making a sweet chili tofu bowl. I make my own sweet chili sauce, air fry the tofu and serve it over rice with chopped red bell pepper for crunch and some avocado. I can tell my husband is not crazy about it, although he's never complained. I just think it's not filling enough for him. So I make these types of meals when he's gone. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Lucky girl, you get to eat at Jaleo! I have enjoyed my meals there a lot. I also like the charitable work Jose Andreas does so I like supporting his restaurants.

Yes, same! We started going to the one in Washington DC, about 6-7 years ago . It's always a must do when we go there, but I love the DS location. The servers are friendlier and I like the outdoor seating by the lake.


Premium Member
Yes, same! We started going to the one in Washington DC, about 6-7 years ago . It's always a must do when we go there, but I love the DS location. The servers are friendlier and I like the outdoor seating by the lake.

I don't know if the drone show at Disney Springs will still be going on but there is a package offered with a view of the drone show from Jaleo. I think someone mentioned they booked it on Open Table. The drone show looks really cool.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they do have those wall unit ACs. Unfortunately, these are the types of places that my husband's per diem covers. I am not crazy about them, because they can be so loud, but I think we'll be OK. We're going to Jaleo at DS for dinner one night, then Food and Wine the other nights. It's just a bonus trip. My husband is getting some convention-type ticket that gives him park entry after 5 or 6 (I can't remember), so I am just going to buy a 2-3 day ticket.
The nice part about those wall unit AC is the last time I checked in one hotel, the room the AC unit was on full blast and the room was beyond ice cold which is not my favorite. Food and Wine at Epcot is fun but wild on Fri and Sat night when drinking teams drink around the world. They are easily spotted with matching drinking T shirts.


Well-Known Member
We got home last night and I uploaded all my pictures today after doing 5 loads of laundry, going grocery shopping, and getting a walk in. We are heading to Utrecht tomorrow for the day because DH has the whole week off and I don't go back to work until Wednesday, so we're taking advantage of my day off. I have Thursday off, too, but E is hanging out with Rowie, so she's not available. So I'll get pictures posted soon.

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