working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I went for a walk this AM. The humidity was much more comfortable than yesterday morning's walk. Yesterday's walk was not fun. I did a 20 min kettebell workout yesterday and I slogged through a workout on Friday that was I probably was not recovered enough to attempt. lol

Callie is still in town. She does ask to come in when she gets too hot. She just plops herself on the kitchen floor. My husband brought out an old fan for her, so we turn it on low for her. We're just keeping her hydrated, fed and cool.

Pardon my dirty sliding door. I am still catching up on cleaning from when I was sick.


Well-Known Member
Glad you made it safely. That weather sounds gorgeous. Are you going to DLR when you go to CA? I remember you saying something about making your way to Anaheim when you were going to CA.

Sorry, I got caught up in travel. The weather was really pleasant...for the most part. We had some days in the low 90s, but virtually zero humidity. We just got home and are now bracing ourselves for Beryl to make landfall. We are planning to say in Anaheim for Sam's CA tournament. If all goes as planned, we'll have several days of park time at DLR at the end.


Well-Known Member
A quick update...since it'll help get my mind off of the approaching storm.

Colorado was crazy but wonderful. Honestly, this storm has me thinking again about how I'd like to hit a point where we can be comfortable enough to move away from this area.

I feel like we've been away forever. Maybe it's because we were away in OK for nearly a week, back home for a few days, and then on the road to CO for another 12-13 days. I'm still thoroughly annoyed that my vehicle wasn't ready in time for travel. David's check engine light came on again right after we hit the road, so the truck's going to have to go back in as soon as I get my vehicle. If storm conditions subside quickly enough and they have power for me to pay, I might have it back tomorrow. We're in a similar situation with the dog and power tomorrow to pay. Hopefully, I'll at least get some sleep time in my bed before having to retreat to the living room for safer sleeping quarters.

As for CO, there was the softball part of it. Sam played in two separate tournaments and attended one collegiate camp. The exposure was phenomenal but we were up and down with overall performance. My parents also joined us on day 4 of the trip. Actually, they arrived day 3 but didn't want to drive that far north in the dark to see us at that point. I get it. Safety first. We were at least in the same hotel for the latter portion of the trip. They probably got more softball than they bargained for! On their day without us, they went to Red Rocks and the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Arsenal. We also spent a day in Rocky Mountain National Park together and I took them up to the Lariat Loop area while Sam went whitewater rafting. David, Sam and I also went to the Arsenal yesterday, after my parents left for the airport. I didn't bring my big camera this time, but I got a new phone before the trip and got some pics that I'll share at a later point. In RMNP, we saw several marmot, a pika, some least chipmunks, golden mantle ground squirrels, a dusky grouse, a ton of elk, and a moose cow and her calf. At the Lookout Mountain nature center, I was surprised by a mule deer sleeping next to the porch. One of our hotels was the same as last year, so we had tons of prairie dogs. In fact, we watched fireworks on the path in the middle of their town on the 4th. In the Arsenal, we saw several coyote, a number of bison, quite a few mule deer, and more prairie dogs. Oh...and outside of RMNP, we spotted a number of magpies. You know I love them. Up on the Lariat Loop, we saw several mountain bluebirds in the shadows and were buzzed by a couple of hummingbirds. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some pics and video later this week.

Oh, and my got really uncomfortable about halfway through the trip. So, I found an urgent care right across from hotel #2. They put me on a new antibiotic, told me to leave it fully open even though it was weeping some, and to come back later in the week for stitch removal. That stitch removal was one of the most horribly painful things I've ever experienced, but I'm in less discomfort. I think things were healing over top of the stitches and due to the location, they were really tugging. I now have steri strips on the area. There's still some discomfort, but it's not nearly as bad.

Wish us luck with this weather!!!


Premium Member
Original Poster
A quick update...since it'll help get my mind off of the approaching storm.

Colorado was crazy but wonderful. Honestly, this storm has me thinking again about how I'd like to hit a point where we can be comfortable enough to move away from this area.

I feel like we've been away forever. Maybe it's because we were away in OK for nearly a week, back home for a few days, and then on the road to CO for another 12-13 days. I'm still thoroughly annoyed that my vehicle wasn't ready in time for travel. David's check engine light came on again right after we hit the road, so the truck's going to have to go back in as soon as I get my vehicle. If storm conditions subside quickly enough and they have power for me to pay, I might have it back tomorrow. We're in a similar situation with the dog and power tomorrow to pay. Hopefully, I'll at least get some sleep time in my bed before having to retreat to the living room for safer sleeping quarters.

As for CO, there was the softball part of it. Sam played in two separate tournaments and attended one collegiate camp. The exposure was phenomenal but we were up and down with overall performance. My parents also joined us on day 4 of the trip. Actually, they arrived day 3 but didn't want to drive that far north in the dark to see us at that point. I get it. Safety first. We were at least in the same hotel for the latter portion of the trip. They probably got more softball than they bargained for! On their day without us, they went to Red Rocks and the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Arsenal. We also spent a day in Rocky Mountain National Park together and I took them up to the Lariat Loop area while Sam went whitewater rafting. David, Sam and I also went to the Arsenal yesterday, after my parents left for the airport. I didn't bring my big camera this time, but I got a new phone before the trip and got some pics that I'll share at a later point. In RMNP, we saw several marmot, a pika, some least chipmunks, golden mantle ground squirrels, a dusky grouse, a ton of elk, and a moose cow and her calf. At the Lookout Mountain nature center, I was surprised by a mule deer sleeping next to the porch. One of our hotels was the same as last year, so we had tons of prairie dogs. In fact, we watched fireworks on the path in the middle of their town on the 4th. In the Arsenal, we saw several coyote, a number of bison, quite a few mule deer, and more prairie dogs. Oh...and outside of RMNP, we spotted a number of magpies. You know I love them. Up on the Lariat Loop, we saw several mountain bluebirds in the shadows and were buzzed by a couple of hummingbirds. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some pics and video later this week.

Oh, and my got really uncomfortable about halfway through the trip. So, I found an urgent care right across from hotel #2. They put me on a new antibiotic, told me to leave it fully open even though it was weeping some, and to come back later in the week for stitch removal. That stitch removal was one of the most horribly painful things I've ever experienced, but I'm in less discomfort. I think things were healing over top of the stitches and due to the location, they were really tugging. I now have steri strips on the area. There's still some discomfort, but it's not nearly as bad.

Wish us luck with this weather!!!
Monsters Inc Hug GIF
and I hope you heal up soon that sounds horrible
That sure was a lot of travel in a short amount of time and then you get home to the impending storm
Han Solo Good Luck GIF by Star Wars


Premium Member
A quick update...since it'll help get my mind off of the approaching storm.

Colorado was crazy but wonderful. Honestly, this storm has me thinking again about how I'd like to hit a point where we can be comfortable enough to move away from this area.

I feel like we've been away forever. Maybe it's because we were away in OK for nearly a week, back home for a few days, and then on the road to CO for another 12-13 days. I'm still thoroughly annoyed that my vehicle wasn't ready in time for travel. David's check engine light came on again right after we hit the road, so the truck's going to have to go back in as soon as I get my vehicle. If storm conditions subside quickly enough and they have power for me to pay, I might have it back tomorrow. We're in a similar situation with the dog and power tomorrow to pay. Hopefully, I'll at least get some sleep time in my bed before having to retreat to the living room for safer sleeping quarters.

As for CO, there was the softball part of it. Sam played in two separate tournaments and attended one collegiate camp. The exposure was phenomenal but we were up and down with overall performance. My parents also joined us on day 4 of the trip. Actually, they arrived day 3 but didn't want to drive that far north in the dark to see us at that point. I get it. Safety first. We were at least in the same hotel for the latter portion of the trip. They probably got more softball than they bargained for! On their day without us, they went to Red Rocks and the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Arsenal. We also spent a day in Rocky Mountain National Park together and I took them up to the Lariat Loop area while Sam went whitewater rafting. David, Sam and I also went to the Arsenal yesterday, after my parents left for the airport. I didn't bring my big camera this time, but I got a new phone before the trip and got some pics that I'll share at a later point. In RMNP, we saw several marmot, a pika, some least chipmunks, golden mantle ground squirrels, a dusky grouse, a ton of elk, and a moose cow and her calf. At the Lookout Mountain nature center, I was surprised by a mule deer sleeping next to the porch. One of our hotels was the same as last year, so we had tons of prairie dogs. In fact, we watched fireworks on the path in the middle of their town on the 4th. In the Arsenal, we saw several coyote, a number of bison, quite a few mule deer, and more prairie dogs. Oh...and outside of RMNP, we spotted a number of magpies. You know I love them. Up on the Lariat Loop, we saw several mountain bluebirds in the shadows and were buzzed by a couple of hummingbirds. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some pics and video later this week.

Oh, and my got really uncomfortable about halfway through the trip. So, I found an urgent care right across from hotel #2. They put me on a new antibiotic, told me to leave it fully open even though it was weeping some, and to come back later in the week for stitch removal. That stitch removal was one of the most horribly painful things I've ever experienced, but I'm in less discomfort. I think things were healing over top of the stitches and due to the location, they were really tugging. I now have steri strips on the area. There's still some discomfort, but it's not nearly as bad.

Wish us luck with this weather!!!
The time in CO, minus your ankle, seems lovely. Hope the healing is going ok, getting stitches out can be uncomfortable sometimes.


Well-Known Member
A quick update...since it'll help get my mind off of the approaching storm.

Colorado was crazy but wonderful. Honestly, this storm has me thinking again about how I'd like to hit a point where we can be comfortable enough to move away from this area.

I feel like we've been away forever. Maybe it's because we were away in OK for nearly a week, back home for a few days, and then on the road to CO for another 12-13 days. I'm still thoroughly annoyed that my vehicle wasn't ready in time for travel. David's check engine light came on again right after we hit the road, so the truck's going to have to go back in as soon as I get my vehicle. If storm conditions subside quickly enough and they have power for me to pay, I might have it back tomorrow. We're in a similar situation with the dog and power tomorrow to pay. Hopefully, I'll at least get some sleep time in my bed before having to retreat to the living room for safer sleeping quarters.

As for CO, there was the softball part of it. Sam played in two separate tournaments and attended one collegiate camp. The exposure was phenomenal but we were up and down with overall performance. My parents also joined us on day 4 of the trip. Actually, they arrived day 3 but didn't want to drive that far north in the dark to see us at that point. I get it. Safety first. We were at least in the same hotel for the latter portion of the trip. They probably got more softball than they bargained for! On their day without us, they went to Red Rocks and the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Arsenal. We also spent a day in Rocky Mountain National Park together and I took them up to the Lariat Loop area while Sam went whitewater rafting. David, Sam and I also went to the Arsenal yesterday, after my parents left for the airport. I didn't bring my big camera this time, but I got a new phone before the trip and got some pics that I'll share at a later point. In RMNP, we saw several marmot, a pika, some least chipmunks, golden mantle ground squirrels, a dusky grouse, a ton of elk, and a moose cow and her calf. At the Lookout Mountain nature center, I was surprised by a mule deer sleeping next to the porch. One of our hotels was the same as last year, so we had tons of prairie dogs. In fact, we watched fireworks on the path in the middle of their town on the 4th. In the Arsenal, we saw several coyote, a number of bison, quite a few mule deer, and more prairie dogs. Oh...and outside of RMNP, we spotted a number of magpies. You know I love them. Up on the Lariat Loop, we saw several mountain bluebirds in the shadows and were buzzed by a couple of hummingbirds. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some pics and video later this week.

Oh, and my got really uncomfortable about halfway through the trip. So, I found an urgent care right across from hotel #2. They put me on a new antibiotic, told me to leave it fully open even though it was weeping some, and to come back later in the week for stitch removal. That stitch removal was one of the most horribly painful things I've ever experienced, but I'm in less discomfort. I think things were healing over top of the stitches and due to the location, they were really tugging. I now have steri strips on the area. There's still some discomfort, but it's not nearly as bad.

Wish us luck with this weather!!!
Did I understand you correctly that you want to move away from Texas? Where would you want to go?

Glad you are in less discomfort. I'm sorry it was so painful to remove the stitches!


Well-Known Member
Did I understand you correctly that you want to move away from Texas? Where would you want to go?

Glad you are in less discomfort. I'm sorry it was so painful to remove the stitches!
Yes, but it likely won’t happen until we retire. Colorado is #1 on the list.

I guess it’s better than having everything grow over top of them. Still wish it would finish healing. I’m really limited with footwear.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.
Sending oodles and oodles of prayers and pixie dust your way.
I'm just glad you were spared the worst of the storm and your family is safe


Premium Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.
I’m glad you are all safe and your home appears to be in good condition. Sorry about the inconveniences though, hope you can have some fun in California.


Premium Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.
Sorry to hear that all those issues heaped up on each other, all at once. As others have mentioned, the good news it that your family is o.k. Sending best wishes to your family, and hoping everything gets sorted out in a reasonable timeframe.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.
It’s a really bad situation in Houston. Most of the city has no power in this tremendous heat wave and friends who live in the suburbs.


Well-Known Member
Sending oodles and oodles of prayers and pixie dust your way.
I'm just glad you were spared the worst of the storm and your family is safe

Thank you! The safe part is a big thing. As much of a headache as the "stuff" can be, seeing so many fatalities from one of my biggest fears (tree falling on home) helps put a lot of it into perspective.
I’m glad you are all safe and your home appears to be in good condition. Sorry about the inconveniences though, hope you can have some fun in California.

I hope so! We're having to do some game planning in case power isn't restored. It may result in a very awkward, bringing the dog along, sort of trip.
Sorry to hear that all those issues heaped up on each other, all at once. As others have mentioned, the good news it that your family is o.k. Sending best wishes to your family, and hoping everything gets sorted out in a reasonable timeframe.
Thank you! Yes, it would be nice if they could get us restored quickly. I know people in other parts of town that have gotten their power back, but it's such a mess. I can't help but think back to 2008 when Hurricane Ike knocked out our power for 3 weeks.

It’s a really bad situation in Houston. Most of the city has no power in this tremendous heat wave and friends who live in the suburbs.

Yes, we're in a burb, but technically part of Houston by way of annexation. Either way, it's bad. We decided to leave town for a hotel with power. While a number of people I know have been restored, the outage maps they're providing are inaccurate. A number of people are also being temporarily restored so they can test sections and being brought back down again to complete and test adjacent areas. I sat home for weeks after Hurrican Ike with no power. I just can't do it again.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! The safe part is a big thing. As much of a headache as the "stuff" can be, seeing so many fatalities from one of my biggest fears (tree falling on home) helps put a lot of it into perspective.

I hope so! We're having to do some game planning in case power isn't restored. It may result in a very awkward, bringing the dog along, sort of trip.

Thank you! Yes, it would be nice if they could get us restored quickly. I know people in other parts of town that have gotten their power back, but it's such a mess. I can't help but think back to 2008 when Hurricane Ike knocked out our power for 3 weeks.

Yes, we're in a burb, but technically part of Houston by way of annexation. Either way, it's bad. We decided to leave town for a hotel with power. While a number of people I know have been restored, the outage maps they're providing are inaccurate. A number of people are also being temporarily restored so they can test sections and being brought back down again to complete and test adjacent areas. I sat home for weeks after Hurrican Ike with no power. I just can't do it again.
Post hurricane sales of whole house generators go up. For my family and some friends it was a very wise $12K ( 12 years ago ) spent. It has saved them many times over. The homeowners will well water are worse off. Without power they can’t even use any water in the house.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to check in. Beryl hit our area really hard. We have all kinds of large limbs and branches down and a neighbor’s tree fell partly into our yard…taking out a fence. As of right now, it looks like we got by with little to no house damage. Vehicles also appear to be ok.

We have no power. Temps were at least mid 90s today with heat index well above 100. Finding gas stations with power is a real task and then packing your patience to wait in the long lines. We were at least able to get to boarding yesterday to pick up the dog. No way to pay them but it’s one less animal to care for in this tough time.

I can’t remember if I mentioned that I didn’t get my vehicle back before Colorado. They ordered the wrong windshield. Their power was restored this afternoon…right after I rented a car. So, I got my vehicle and K follows me in it back to the airport rental facility (one of the few with power and vehicles).

My boss wants us all to try and get into the office if we don’t have power to work from home, so that’s the plan tomorrow. I just don’t think we can handle much more of this hot house. So, we’re thinking about getting a hotel west of the area where there’s power, gas, and WiFi. It’ll need to be pet friendly.

We’re also scheduled to leave for California middle of next week. If the boarding place doesn’t have power restored, considering the widespread outages, bringing the dog with us seems like the only way. It’s just not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It’s really tough because I had all kinds of things set up this week to be trip ready and Kendall leaving for college ready. It’s just all blowing up on me.

End rant. We’re safe, our house appears to be good, and I’ve got my vehicle back…even if I think it might need to go back in after CA. Whew.
Thanks for checking in. I was wondering of you were OK when they said on the news this morning that Beryl had hit Texas. I'm glad your house and vehicles seem to be ok. Sorry about the fence, though.


Well-Known Member
A got his results today. He passed with flying colors. He had one failing grade because of the panic attack during the first exam, but his central exam and oral exams for that subject brought it up. It was BARELY insufficient anyway. You need a 5.5 and he had a 5.4, but he got a 7.2 on the central exam, so his final grade is above a 5.5. He barely missed C um Laude. All his grades are above 6,which is one requirement, but he barely misses the average of 8. If you could round them off, he'd have it. He has mostly 8s and 9s on his final grade list because they round everything off. So his 9.1 in chemistry becomes a 9, but so does his 8.7 in math. But unrounded, he just misses the 8. He was also unlucky with his social studies examiner for the oral exam. Apparently multiple students had problems with him, and he asked A, "You HAVE heard of the United Nations, haven't you?" You really can't be so condescending to students in their exams, especially at a school for kids with Autism! But, he passed, regardless. Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony. Pictures will follow then.


Well-Known Member
Post hurricane sales of whole house generators go up. For my family and some friends it was a very wise $12K ( 12 years ago ) spent. It has saved them many times over. The homeowners will well water are worse off. Without power they can’t even use any water in the house.

We had priced whole home Generacs after Harvey back in 2017. Not that $12K is cheap, but I think the cheapest option we looked at that would work well for our home was around $19k, and that was 7 years ago. Of course, if we were on well water, I probably would have pushed DH to go for it. What also worries me is having it work properly in a time of need. My neighbor's seems to be perfect. We lose power and I immediately hear his come on, but I see a lot of people in my community group on FB that are dealing with Generac failures and struggling to find people and parts to make it work. Some of that could be user maintenance error, but that seems to be an issue with all generators. We had tried doing something solar a couple of years ago, but after two failed units that had to be returned and some issues getting all of the panel pieces...we just sort of abandoned it. We're discussing revisiting it, because he really doesn't want a traditional generator. With gas and propane scarcity...really just due to lack of power...people are struggling to keep generators going. We'll see after we get past this one.


Well-Known Member
We had priced whole home Generacs after Harvey back in 2017. Not that $12K is cheap, but I think the cheapest option we looked at that would work well for our home was around $19k, and that was 7 years ago. Of course, if we were on well water, I probably would have pushed DH to go for it. What also worries me is having it work properly in a time of need. My neighbor's seems to be perfect. We lose power and I immediately hear his come on, but I see a lot of people in my community group on FB that are dealing with Generac failures and struggling to find people and parts to make it work. Some of that could be user maintenance error, but that seems to be an issue with all generators. We had tried doing something solar a couple of years ago, but after two failed units that had to be returned and some issues getting all of the panel pieces...we just sort of abandoned it. We're discussing revisiting it, because he really doesn't want a traditional generator. With gas and propane scarcity...really just due to lack of power...people are struggling to keep generators going. We'll see after we get past this one.
Some tips on maintaining a whole house Generac

1x a year or 100 hours continuous run time or 100 hours for the year - have a mechanic change oil , filter and spark plug
Cost $300

If the unit runs for several days and power is still out call mechanic to change oil if run time approaches 100 hours

After several years the mechanic during a service call said our starter is on its last legs so recommend a new starter. Cost $350

During a big snowfall the outside vents of unit has got to be free of snow. If snow is not removed then if power goes out and machine turns on the unit will overheat and the motor will break down. Cost -$$$

Mechanic said Generac can break down if homeowner runs all appliances - AC or heat , fridges , every single light on, doing heavy cooking , multiple TVs, washer and dryer all at same time. Mechanic advised just use minimum usage - AC, a few lights , TV and fridge


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking in. I was wondering of you were OK when they said on the news this morning that Beryl had hit Texas. I'm glad your house and vehicles seem to be ok. Sorry about the fence, though.

I took video from our yard, which I'll share in another post, but I wish I'd taken some from when we drove around the area. I may take screenshots of some neighbor pictures just to compare and contrast. The power situation is a real mess. I know a few people in our area that have been restored, but none in my actual neighborhood or any of the adjacent villages. From what I've seen and been hearing, ours is one of the hardest hit, but our section is one of the ones supposedly in better shape for restoration. Some people are hearing it could be another 2-3 weeks for some of us. We're about to head to California for softball, so if it's not restored by then...we at least were already planning to be away. The only hitch is that we will have to bring the dog if that happens.

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