A quick update...since it'll help get my mind off of the approaching storm.
Colorado was crazy but wonderful. Honestly, this storm has me thinking again about how I'd like to hit a point where we can be comfortable enough to move away from this area.
I feel like we've been away forever. Maybe it's because we were away in OK for nearly a week, back home for a few days, and then on the road to CO for another 12-13 days. I'm still thoroughly annoyed that my vehicle wasn't ready in time for travel. David's check engine light came on again right after we hit the road, so the truck's going to have to go back in as soon as I get my vehicle. If storm conditions subside quickly enough and they have power for me to pay, I might have it back tomorrow. We're in a similar situation with the dog and power tomorrow to pay. Hopefully, I'll at least get some sleep time in my bed before having to retreat to the living room for safer sleeping quarters.
As for CO, there was the softball part of it. Sam played in two separate tournaments and attended one collegiate camp. The exposure was phenomenal but we were up and down with overall performance. My parents also joined us on day 4 of the trip. Actually, they arrived day 3 but didn't want to drive that far north in the dark to see us at that point. I get it. Safety first. We were at least in the same hotel for the latter portion of the trip. They probably got more softball than they bargained for! On their day without us, they went to Red Rocks and the Rocky Mtn Wildlife Arsenal. We also spent a day in Rocky Mountain National Park together and I took them up to the Lariat Loop area while Sam went whitewater rafting. David, Sam and I also went to the Arsenal yesterday, after my parents left for the airport. I didn't bring my big camera this time, but I got a new phone before the trip and got some pics that I'll share at a later point. In RMNP, we saw several marmot, a pika, some least chipmunks, golden mantle ground squirrels, a dusky grouse, a ton of elk, and a moose cow and her calf. At the Lookout Mountain nature center, I was surprised by a mule deer sleeping next to the porch. One of our hotels was the same as last year, so we had tons of prairie dogs. In fact, we watched fireworks on the path in the middle of their town on the 4th. In the Arsenal, we saw several coyote, a number of bison, quite a few mule deer, and more prairie dogs. Oh...and outside of RMNP, we spotted a number of magpies. You know I love them. Up on the Lariat Loop, we saw several mountain bluebirds in the shadows and were buzzed by a couple of hummingbirds. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some pics and video later this week.
Oh, and my ankle...it got really uncomfortable about halfway through the trip. So, I found an urgent care right across from hotel #2. They put me on a new antibiotic, told me to leave it fully open even though it was weeping some, and to come back later in the week for stitch removal. That stitch removal was one of the most horribly painful things I've ever experienced, but I'm in less discomfort. I think things were healing over top of the stitches and due to the location, they were really tugging. I now have steri strips on the area. There's still some discomfort, but it's not nearly as bad.
Wish us luck with this weather!!!