working out for Disney

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
So I ask myself....Why are we here..Because we're here...Roll the Bones...Roll the Bones..:rolleyes:...The funny thing is I'am enjoying this walking thing..:eek:...So as I comfort my aching body with a cold beer..:hungry:( another ) I will ask Mrs Hatter to rub some deep heat oil on my legs tonight...As Wednesday is our anniversary,I know she will,as she knows that the champagne and strawberries await her..:joyfull:

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
So I ask myself....Why are we here..Because we're here...Roll the Bones...Roll the Bones..:rolleyes:...The funny thing is I'am enjoying this walking thing..:eek:...So as I comfort my aching body with a cold beer..:hungry:( another ) I will ask Mrs Hatter to rub some deep heat oil on my legs tonight...As Wednesday is our anniversary,I know she will,as she knows that the champagne and strawberries await her..:joyfull:
Happy Anniversary for wednesday Mr & Mrs H :inlove:

Well the sun has got his hat on today (hip hip hip hooray) so might brave the reservoir this evening and get in as much as possible before the weekend and the forecast rain :cry:.

Git R Done

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Happy Anniversary for wednesday Mr & Mrs H :inlove:

Well the sun has got his hat on today (hip hip hip hooray) so might brave the reservoir this evening and get in as much as possible before the weekend and the forecast rain :cry:.

Git R Done
Good Morning...Yeh this morning has a weird skyline..As I look North it's sunny...As I look south it's bleak..Thanks for our anniversary card..September 11th is a date we will never forget..Apart from our wedding day..We were in California on 9/11...:(


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good morning, first off to my friends on the east coast be careful with the heat coming back in please stay hydrated and don't forget thirst can be mistaken for hunger! Btw thanks for asking the boys both had a really special day yesterday, and my life can now get back to normal whatever that is. So far 5 indoor miles and a basic flow to unkink my body. I'm really starting to like yoga, thnx @LuLaSue . I'm going out after the busses leave to do 2 1/2 miles around my lake. Any movement after that will depend on the weather. I'm not going t over do in the heat. I can't believe close to 90 today and yesterday I was bundled up for my walk gloves and all. I hate having all my clothes out at the same time but that's what you get when the seasons can't make up their mind about which one is in chargeo_O:banghead: With it already being warm I'm starting my day with some Good Earth sweet and spicy de-caf tea. Breakfast will be a smoothie (cucumber, celery, lime, ginger, garlic and either spinach or kale) lunch spicy cole slaw with black beans and dinner will be some type of mixed veggie salad. Tonight's desert chocolate berry shake. @SaraJ732 don't worry it's frozen mixed berries, cocoa powder, unsweetened almond milk and stevia. Everybody have a magical day and keep moving forward. xoxo

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Good morning, first off to my friends on the east coast be careful with the heat coming back in please stay hydrated and don't forget thirst can be mistaken for hunger! Btw thanks for asking the boys both had a really special day yesterday, and my life can now get back to normal whatever that is. So far 5 indoor miles and a basic flow to unkink my body. I'm really starting to like yoga, thnx @LuLaSue . I'm going out after the busses leave to do 2 1/2 miles around my lake. Any movement after that will depend on the weather. I'm not going t over do in the heat. I can't believe close to 90 today and yesterday I was bundled up for my walk gloves and all. I hate having all my clothes out at the same time but that's what you get when the seasons can't make up their mind about which one is in chargeo_O:banghead: With it already being warm I'm starting my day with some Good Earth sweet and spicy de-caf tea. Breakfast will be a smoothie (cucumber, celery, lime, ginger, garlic and either spinach or kale) lunch spicy cole slaw with black beans and dinner will be some type of mixed veggie salad. Tonight's desert chocolate berry shake. @SaraJ732 don't worry it's frozen mixed berries, cocoa powder, unsweetened almond milk and stevia. Everybody have a magical day and keep moving forward. xoxo
De-caff tea :confused:o_O Is that not called water ??

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Water is what @real mad hatter calls anything less than 20 proof:D
You better believe it..I was choosing a bottle of bubbly yesterday for tomorrow night,and I saw this one reduced from $30 to $15..( You know me by now..The scots bargain hunter ) Then I looked at the alcohol percentage..7.5...:jawdrop:....Whit the ....:confused:....It's lucky if its even kissed a grape...Did however find a nice French one..:)..Oooo La La...13.5...:happy:...Thats better...:hungry:


Well-Known Member
Good morning, first off to my friends on the east coast be careful with the heat coming back in please stay hydrated and don't forget thirst can be mistaken for hunger! Btw thanks for asking the boys both had a really special day yesterday, and my life can now get back to normal whatever that is. So far 5 indoor miles and a basic flow to unkink my body. I'm really starting to like yoga, thnx @LuLaSue . I'm going out after the busses leave to do 2 1/2 miles around my lake. Any movement after that will depend on the weather. I'm not going t over do in the heat. I can't believe close to 90 today and yesterday I was bundled up for my walk gloves and all. I hate having all my clothes out at the same time but that's what you get when the seasons can't make up their mind about which one is in chargeo_O:banghead: With it already being warm I'm starting my day with some Good Earth sweet and spicy de-caf tea. Breakfast will be a smoothie (cucumber, celery, lime, ginger, garlic and either spinach or kale) lunch spicy cole slaw with black beans and dinner will be some type of mixed veggie salad. Tonight's desert chocolate berry shake. @SaraJ732 don't worry it's frozen mixed berries, cocoa powder, unsweetened almond milk and stevia. Everybody have a magical day and keep moving forward. xoxo
Keep cool Figgy and the rest if my magic pals. Figs I am glad you are enjoying your practice. I practiced hard this morning 108 sun salutations with double vinyasa and a 20 minute meditation. I was awake so why not. Half way to work and I have indulged in a roastaroma almond milk and agave. Breakfast is grapefruit and Tofu scrambble. Lunch is a salad and dinner is escarole and beans. After work it time to start packing. I am teaching one class and have the opportunity to take one with my favorite teacher tonight. Life is good. Be well and remember moving slow is better than not moving at all.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Keep cool Figgy and the rest if my magic pals. Figs I am glad you are enjoying your practice. I practiced hard this morning 108 sun salutations with double vinyasa and a 20 minute meditation. I was awake so why not. Half way to work and I have indulged in a roastaroma almond milk and agave. Breakfast is grapefruit and Tofu scrambble. Lunch is a salad and dinner is escarole and beans. After work it time to start packing. I am teaching one class and have the opportunity to take one with my favorite teacher tonight. Life is good. Be well and remember moving slow is better than not moving at all.
Ok...Hold the phone.:confused:..I know my lingo can get lost on here sometimes,but whit's all this Sun Salutes..Double Vinnys..Roast A Roma's ( Is that a new coffee shop in Italy,Epcot ) Agave ( As in Cactus ? ) Tofu Scrambles..Escarole...???o_O...I require a book on what your eating..drinking..exercise ..etc..;)..For example..Today I Salute the Sun ( RA ) as it raises it's head above yon Cactus tree..In pure excitement I do a Double Vinny on my living room floor,before settling down to a nice cup of Roast a Roma..Tonight I maybe scramble some eggs ( Tofu style ) and later pour me a shot of 80% Agave...:joyfull:...Now I get it..It's great being Mad as a Hatter..:happy:

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