working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
At least it's straightforward for E with who would be tops and who gets in. Things would look very different here if it were strictly grades from high school classes. It's got to take so much of the stress out of this process. The writing approach sounds a bit like how my university did it. I was required to take a certain number of writing credits, but much of it was business and scientific writing. One of them even crossed into advertising and marketing writing, which was a blend of business and creative.

So, would someone put their child on an apartment waiting list when they're like 13 if they've chosen a certain path in school pre-university? It just sounds like that would be the only way to possibly guarantee a new student would have housing. At least E can commute and it's what she wants. From your previous posts, it sounds like it was beneficial that you were able to go away to school and vital that you refused to move in together with your mom while at school. Regardless of what she told people, you did what was the very best for you. Every parent and child goes through the missing each other part when they go away to school or moves out into the adult world, but I think both sides learn a new sort of independence when it occurs. I never watched Gilmore Girls, but K has and I know the Rory school emotions have her wondering how she'll be...regardless of where she goes. At least you know you can make it work for E even if she can't get housing at the start and you've got a strong relationship to help make it work.
I'm not sure how the waiting lists work for housing. I know where E is going, it's not that long, but they also take into account where you live and because we live close enough for her to commute, she has a lower priority than someone who lives further away. She's been on the waiting list for over a year now, but she probably won't get a place in her first year.

Are any of K's picks close to home, or are they all far away? You're right... It was essential for me not to live with my mom, and I needed that distance. But it doesn't sound like that's the case for K, but then again I think college is kind of the time to start that independence. I can understand her wanting to prove herself.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Checking in with an arm work out that was leggiest arm workout I have ever done. But it was still enjoyable.

It's been a weird morning. I haven't seen the cat since Monday night, which is a little unusual in the winter. I checked for her at 5:30. She usually comes out of her house when I turn the kitchen lights on, since her house is just outside our patio door. I waited a minute or two, then I turned my phone light on to see if she was asleep. She wasn't in her house. I could see nothing else, so I went downstairs to do my workout. When I was done, I checked for her and the sun was up. We have a large indoor/outdoor area rug on our deck. When I went to check for Callie, this rug was neatly rolled up next to her house. This is a large rug. I thought it was weird, but I also thought my husband might have done it with the intention of bringing it in later on. So, I went upstairs to shower and I asked my husband if he rolled up the rug. He said he'd seen it this AM, too, but he didn't know how it got like that. So I asked my son and he swore up and down he hadn't, which I believe because I have to light a stick of TNT under his butt to get him to do anything that doesn't involve gaming, Discord or cooking. It kind of unsettles me a bit and I know that sounds stupid. It wasn't windy last night. I watch, read and listen to too much true crime books, shows, podcasts, etc. :hilarious: I unrolled the rug, because I thought maybe someone left it like that as a "mark" for an accomplice to see. :D I am sure it's nothing but I do get worried, since my husband is not here a few nights out of the week and I feel a bit vulnerable. We have a security alarm, but I am thinking of getting Ring for my patio door. We had been talking about it anyway, so we would know when the cat was at the door. I just don't want her waking us up at 2 AM for food. 😸


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Checking in with an arm work out that was leggiest arm workout I have ever done. But it was still enjoyable.

It's been a weird morning. I haven't seen the cat since Monday night, which is a little unusual in the winter. I checked for her at 5:30. She usually comes out of her house when I turn the kitchen lights on, since her house is just outside our patio door. I waited a minute or two, then I turned my phone light on to see if she was asleep. She wasn't in her house. I could see nothing else, so I went downstairs to do my workout. When I was done, I checked for her and the sun was up. We have a large indoor/outdoor area rug on our deck. When I went to check for Callie, this rug was neatly rolled up next to her house. This is a large rug. I thought it was weird, but I also thought my husband might have done it with the intention of bringing it in later on. So, I went upstairs to shower and I asked my husband if he rolled up the rug. He said he'd seen it this AM, too, but he didn't know how it got like that. So I asked my son and he swore up and down he hadn't, which I believe because I have to light a stick of TNT under his butt to get him to do anything that doesn't involve gaming, Discord or cooking. It kind of unsettles me a bit and I know that sounds stupid. It wasn't windy last night. I watch, read and listen to too much true crime books, shows, podcasts, etc. :hilarious: I unrolled the rug, because I thought maybe someone left it like that as a "mark" for an accomplice to see. :D I am sure it's nothing but I do get worried, since my husband is not here a few nights out of the week and I feel a bit vulnerable. We have a security alarm, but I am thinking of getting Ring for my patio door. We had been talking about it anyway, so we would know when the cat was at the door. I just don't want her waking us up at 2 AM for food. 😸
I hope she shows up! We have a video doorbell, but it's a different brand. It's quite handy. I can see who is at the door and if it's someone I don't want to talk to, I can pretend I'm not home.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how the waiting lists work for housing. I know where E is going, it's not that long, but they also take into account where you live and because we live close enough for her to commute, she has a lower priority than someone who lives further away. She's been on the waiting list for over a year now, but she probably won't get a place in her first year.

Are any of K's picks close to home, or are they all far away? You're right... It was essential for me not to live with my mom, and I needed that distance. But it doesn't sound like that's the case for K, but then again I think college is kind of the time to start that independence. I can understand her wanting to prove herself.

That would make sense to have her farther down on the list if they consider residency location when prioritizing housing. Will she remain on the list after she starts so she can still be under consideration for future years? Either way, at least commuting will work with this selection. It's also nice for both of you since it will give you more time together.

K's closest acceptance is only about 35-45 minute drive. It's technically close enough for her to commute every day, but she wants that dorm experience. We have a friend whose house is only about a 5-10 minute walk to that campus and her son chose campus housing. K's #1 choice...which we're still waiting on, is about 3 hours away. Current #2 is about 6 hours. She's got five on the list in the 1,000-1,500 mile range. Minus one, they were destination choices (in addition to being schools known for generous merit awards). Obviously, the monetary aspect is critical, but we thought it could be really cool to go to school somewhere with natural/cultural elements that would bring more enrichment to her life beyond her education. I'm also really glad that at least some of her wants this independence, because forcing herself to learn, problem solve, and adapt is just going to help her in adulthood.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

Checking in with cardio/strength training workout. I realized after my workout that I have not taken a rest day since Dec.28. I think I got messed with the holidays, so tomorrow is definitely a rest day. When I was done, there was a small cat waiting at the door for her breakfast. I was so relieved. I was beginning to worry that something like a fox or raccoon had gotten her. She is currently chilling in her heated house. 🔥 I hope she sticks around for a while.

We seem to be missing the worst of that incoming storm. We're supposed to get little to no accumulation, so that's good. I am making beef bourguignon today to have for dinner tomorrow. The recipe said to let it sit overnight in the fridge, then reheat for a better-tasting result. It's gloomy and blah here, so it's something that will keep me busy.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I hope she shows up! We have a video doorbell, but it's a different brand. It's quite handy. I can see who is at the door and if it's someone I don't want to talk to, I can pretend I'm not home.

My MIL has Ring and the smallest things would make it chime. The entry door is on the side of the house. Her neighbor's cat likes to run in between her house and her neighbor's house and she sets it off. :hilarious: I do kind of want one for safety purposes, but I also I feel like we're slowly becoming acclimated to surveillance with all of these cameras. It kind of bothers me that I can be on someone's Ring when I am only walking on the sidewalk past their house.


Well-Known Member
That would make sense to have her farther down on the list if they consider residency location when prioritizing housing. Will she remain on the list after she starts so she can still be under consideration for future years? Either way, at least commuting will work with this selection. It's also nice for both of you since it will give you more time together.

K's closest acceptance is only about 35-45 minute drive. It's technically close enough for her to commute every day, but she wants that dorm experience. We have a friend whose house is only about a 5-10 minute walk to that campus and her son chose campus housing. K's #1 choice...which we're still waiting on, is about 3 hours away. Current #2 is about 6 hours. She's got five on the list in the 1,000-1,500 mile range. Minus one, they were destination choices (in addition to being schools known for generous merit awards). Obviously, the monetary aspect is critical, but we thought it could be really cool to go to school somewhere with natural/cultural elements that would bring more enrichment to her life beyond her education. I'm also really glad that at least some of her wants this independence, because forcing herself to learn, problem solve, and adapt is just going to help her in adulthood.
Yes, E will still be on the waiting list after she starts. I think she said that most students get a place somewhere in their second semester? We'll just see how it plays out.

That's a really healthy way of looking at it...that her being independent is a good thing and she'll learn more from that. That's exactly what my mom DIDN'T want for me. She didn't want me to be independent and make my own decisions and she tried so hard to keep me under her control and was furious that I didn't let her. I think it's so important to development to learn the problem solving skills and adapt to new surroundings, meet new people, etc. I've never regretted doing that. And living in the dorms for the first couple of years was a great way to meet new people and also to know what was going on around campus...there were always bulletin boards with flyers for events on campus. There was a guy living on my boyfriend's floor who always came to our concerts. He got season tickets for the fine arts programs and was really supportive of us, so that was really cool. I think living in the dorms was the best decision I made at that time. It really gave me a sort of social network, and it was sooooo convenient having the dining hall right there, and being close to all the classes, etc. Although, I did get a single room after my first year. Roommates can be a great thing, but also a very NOT great thing, depending on the person.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Happy belated 2024. Same old same old January for me. I'm doing Adrien's new 30 day series and it's similar to past year's as it's back to basics and builds on itself which really helps with my form. So far I like this year better than the past couple of ones she did. My walking has been mostly inside due to cold time and now snow and snow and ice coming in the next few days. Seeing we got about 11 inches up here and the boys have been shoveling all day we're having vegan nachos for dinner

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Checking in with a leg workout. It was intervals of rope jumping and different weighted leg exercises. It was sweaty and intense. I am going to get out for a walk today before the deluge strikes. We did get any snow that stuck to the ground, thankfully. The storm started out as snow, but quickly changed over to rain--lots and lots of rain.

We had the Beef Bourguignon yesterday. It was OK. I don't think it was worth the effort or the loads of calories. My husband and my son both really liked it. It was somewhat labor-intensive. It dried out a bit in the oven and then it dried out further in the fridge. But I was able to bring it back to life with a lot of water when I was reheating it and it tasted fine. I am not a big beef eater, so maybe this is why I didn't care for it. It wasn't bad at all, but the way people were carrying on about it, I thought it would taste amazing. Alas. :hilarious:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

I did a jump rope/full body strength training workout. I wanted something that would get me a lot of steps, since I don't think I'll be getting out today with the rain and wind.

I was matched with a person to make a lasagna, but they are not responding to my texts and calls. The info given to me said vegan lasagna and vegetarian lasagna. I'm trying to find out which one they want and when I can drop it off. I hope they respond soon, because I have to shop for the ingredients and I am not dropping off a lasagna to someone who doesn't even know I am making them one. I am guessing because I am an unknown number, they are not getting my texts and calls. :confused:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

This morning was a jump rope/back and shoulder workout.

Luckily, we never lost power last night. Even if we had, it is not cold out, so the house wouldn't have gotten too cold. I just heard a lot of branches hitting the side of the house and skittering across the roof. Callie wanted to come in and she let me get close enough to pet her, which is a first. I usually have to sit well away from the patio door while she eats. It was raining in sheets last night, so I opened the door for her to come in. I sat on the floor and she came over "close-ish" to me. I reached my hand out and she rubbed her face against it, which is her way of telling me it's ok to start petting her. She kept taking tiny steps to get closer to me as I was scratching her chin. lol

My lasagna match hasn't returned my texts or calls, so I emailed him. The regional leader said if I don't hear from him tonight, to just mark his request as "no response." I was excited to make another lasagna, but there will always be other opportunities.


Well-Known Member
Good morning.

This morning was a jump rope/back and shoulder workout.

Luckily, we never lost power last night. Even if we had, it is not cold out, so the house wouldn't have gotten too cold. I just heard a lot of branches hitting the side of the house and skittering across the roof. Callie wanted to come in and she let me get close enough to pet her, which is a first. I usually have to sit well away from the patio door while she eats. It was raining in sheets last night, so I opened the door for her to come in. I sat on the floor and she came over "close-ish" to me. I reached my hand out and she rubbed her face against it, which is her way of telling me it's ok to start petting her. She kept taking tiny steps to get closer to me as I was scratching her chin. lol

My lasagna match hasn't returned my texts or calls, so I emailed him. The regional leader said if I don't hear from him tonight, to just mark his request as "no response." I was excited to make another lasagna, but there will always be other opportunities.

Glad your power stayed on and it didn't get too cold. We lost power several times when that same system came through here and it cooled off considerably, but our cold usually isn't the same as your cold. There's a system that's supposed to come through next week that's really going to cool things off. We're expecting lows in the teens here, but I've seen several areas much farther north are expecting full deep freeze.

I'm sorry the lasagna match hasn't worked out. Now you've got me thinking about lasagna!


Well-Known Member
Yes, E will still be on the waiting list after she starts. I think she said that most students get a place somewhere in their second semester? We'll just see how it plays out.

That's a really healthy way of looking at it...that her being independent is a good thing and she'll learn more from that. That's exactly what my mom DIDN'T want for me. She didn't want me to be independent and make my own decisions and she tried so hard to keep me under her control and was furious that I didn't let her. I think it's so important to development to learn the problem solving skills and adapt to new surroundings, meet new people, etc. I've never regretted doing that. And living in the dorms for the first couple of years was a great way to meet new people and also to know what was going on around campus...there were always bulletin boards with flyers for events on campus. There was a guy living on my boyfriend's floor who always came to our concerts. He got season tickets for the fine arts programs and was really supportive of us, so that was really cool. I think living in the dorms was the best decision I made at that time. It really gave me a sort of social network, and it was sooooo convenient having the dining hall right there, and being close to all the classes, etc. Although, I did get a single room after my first year. Roommates can be a great thing, but also a very NOT great thing, depending on the person.

That's good that she'll still be on the list when she starts. I guess it will also help her acclimate to the class demand aspects a bit without the distractions of being off on her own that first semester.

That's a big part of why I really want K in campus housing. Dorms put you around more students and give you a culture and community you wouldn't get if you just started off in an off-campus least in a US based school. It's part of why we are steering Sam away from commuter schools when it comes to softball. Roommates are certainly a challenge. I look back on my freshman year and sometimes feel bad. We had a room style referred to as a split double, so my roommate didn't have to see much of my mess, but I was sometimes too loud and disruptive. Then again, there were times when she wasn't exactly perfect either. Still, it's an experience learning to share a space with another person.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good morning.

This morning was a jump rope/back and shoulder workout.

Luckily, we never lost power last night. Even if we had, it is not cold out, so the house wouldn't have gotten too cold. I just heard a lot of branches hitting the side of the house and skittering across the roof. Callie wanted to come in and she let me get close enough to pet her, which is a first. I usually have to sit well away from the patio door while she eats. It was raining in sheets last night, so I opened the door for her to come in. I sat on the floor and she came over "close-ish" to me. I reached my hand out and she rubbed her face against it, which is her way of telling me it's ok to start petting her. She kept taking tiny steps to get closer to me as I was scratching her chin. lol

My lasagna match hasn't returned my texts or calls, so I emailed him. The regional leader said if I don't hear from him tonight, to just mark his request as "no response." I was excited to make another lasagna, but there will always be other opportunities.
Glad your power stayed on and will keep you in my thought and hope the next mess Mon night - Wed morning doesn't happen!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
All is well except what was left of the snow pack is turning into a block of ice and lots of black ice so indoor walking it is:banghead::banghead::banghead: and I was not expecting warrior 3 today and seeing it's been a while since I did a balance practice is why I look forward to Adriene's January series every year

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I haven't worked out since Sunday, because I am in Scottsdale, AZ. We flew out very early Monday and when we got to EWR, it was a madhouse at 4 AM! There was a line out the door to use the self-check in, but I had to wait in the long "full service" line, because my known traveler/TSA pre check did not show up on my ticket. By the time I got that sorted and went through security, they were boarding my 6 AM flight. I was so anxious about missing the flight, my stomach was seriously messed up for the rest of the day and the next day too. BUT, when we checked in to the resort, we got upgraded to a seriously nice room. It was kind of crazy this week. We got room service the first night, because we were too tired and there was a basket of cookies with our order, just because I guess. Then we went to the steakhouse at our resort Tuesday night. Our server came out with 2 flutes of champagne as a thank you when we were done eating. When I passed on desert, because I was full. She came out with a complimentary dessert anyway that she lit on fire. :hilarious: We went on a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's AZ home and we went to Afternoon Tea at another resort. Today is my last full day here. I am kind of worried about tomorrow's weather back east, but we have plans in case our flight back is cancelled. I am hoping knowing we have a plan in the worst case scenario reduces my anxiety a bit. Other than going on walks, I haven't worked out. My stomach was messed up the first half of the week, so I was kind of tired. I'm just listening to my body and not stressing about missing workouts. I will get back to it as soon as I return home. I had such a fantastic time here, being in the sun helped my mood so much. We honestly just sat in the sun whenever we could and took it easy. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's still cruddy, slippery, snowy and wayyyy to bitter cold so I'm still doing walking workouts inside and 30 days with Adrienne. I'm glad tomorrow is meditate because it'll hit the spot after grocery shopping


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I haven't worked out since Sunday, because I am in Scottsdale, AZ. We flew out very early Monday and when we got to EWR, it was a madhouse at 4 AM! There was a line out the door to use the self-check in, but I had to wait in the long "full service" line, because my known traveler/TSA pre check did not show up on my ticket. By the time I got that sorted and went through security, they were boarding my 6 AM flight. I was so anxious about missing the flight, my stomach was seriously messed up for the rest of the day and the next day too. BUT, when we checked in to the resort, we got upgraded to a seriously nice room. It was kind of crazy this week. We got room service the first night, because we were too tired and there was a basket of cookies with our order, just because I guess. Then we went to the steakhouse at our resort Tuesday night. Our server came out with 2 flutes of champagne as a thank you when we were done eating. When I passed on desert, because I was full. She came out with a complimentary dessert anyway that she lit on fire. :hilarious: We went on a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's AZ home and we went to Afternoon Tea at another resort. Today is my last full day here. I am kind of worried about tomorrow's weather back east, but we have plans in case our flight back is cancelled. I am hoping knowing we have a plan in the worst case scenario reduces my anxiety a bit. Other than going on walks, I haven't worked out. My stomach was messed up the first half of the week, so I was kind of tired. I'm just listening to my body and not stressing about missing workouts. I will get back to it as soon as I return home. I had such a fantastic time here, being in the sun helped my mood so much. We honestly just sat in the sun whenever we could and took it easy. :)
Safe travels and try and get your flight changed as a winter weather warning for Philly was just posted for 6 inches of heavy wet snow. Even if your flight doesn't get cancelled it's going to be a cluster of epic proportions both at the airport and on the roads

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