So a whole camping trip got cancelled because of this woman? And she was still angry that you made alternate plans that didn't use troop money because you didn't invite her daughter? Ugh. She sounds frustrating to deal with.
I know you were raising to see a movie and have Pizza Hut. I have nothing against fund raising and kids working for a goal or extra money, I've done it for band field trips and even selling Girl Scout cookies. This seems like it has the potential to be abused, like you could have someone do something you'd probably should hire a professional do. And maybe I am a Nervous Nelly, but I would not want my son in the house of someone I didn't know or know very well. This goes double for girls.
Oh it wasn't for strangers. It was just people in our church congregation, and in a small town, it wasn't a huge congregation, so it wasn't dangerous. But yes, the one woman had wanted me to shampoo her carpet, but then couldn't rent a shampoo machine for that day, so I ended up cleaning her house instead.
And yes, the Karen was angry that I still got to go with the girl scout trip from Minnesota. A couple of years before, we had taken a trip to Mount Rushmore and while we were there, there was another troop of girl scouts there at the same time. We chatted briefly and found out they were from Buffalo Minnesota, and a good friend of my mom's from her high school days happened to live in Buffalo Minnesota, so she asked her friend to find out who the troop leader was and set up a pen pal system with that troop. So for the entire year, we wrote letters to our penpals and they were raising money for a trip to Yellowstone. So their leader and my mom worked out a plan... My mom had been to Yellowstone quite a few times and their leader had never been and was nervous, not knowing her way around. She asked my mom for advice and they thought it would be fun to do a joint trip with both trips. So they would drive out to our town, we would host them for a few days, take them on tours of one of the coal mines, and of the Durham bison ranch just outside town, and then we'd go to Yellowstone all together. We'd been planning it for a whole year. Our troop had two leaders... My mom and the mom of two other girls in the troop. I had worked so hard selling cookies that year, and I had sold over 500 boxes. The next best seller didn't even break 100. And in a town of only 1200 people, selling 500 boxes of cookies is a huge accomplishment. So really, probably about 75% or more of the money raised for that trip was raised by me. So anyway, plans were underway, we had the itinerary, etc, and then this mom from our church threw an absolute fit that there would be a boy on a girl scout trip, staying overnight with her angel and on girl scout money that her daughter earned... Nevermind the fact that her daughter hadn't even sold 25 boxes of cookies and hadn't sold a single one of her calendars. We took over her calendars and sold them all. So her daughter hadn't really raised any money for the trip. But they threw a hissy fit and demanded that my brother be removed from the trip. My mom was a single,divorced mom and my father was emotionally abusive and not really involved in our lives. She couldn't leave my brother with him, so she was stuck, and she tried to explain that she would be paying his way herself, and that they would have a separate cabin from the girls, so he WASN'T using girl scout money, nor would he be sharing a cabin with any of the girls. But the mom was very judgemental about my mom being divorced and us being poor... She felt that divorce was a sin, bla bla. And I think she just wanted to cause problems for my mom. Her kids regularly made comments about how we didn't have a "real family" because our dad didn't live with us, etc. Anyway, she wouldn't relent, and she got a couple other parents riled up about my brother going on GS money and about him staying in a cabin with the girls, even though my mom had explained it. And so my mom said they didn't HAVE to let their daughters go if they weren't comfortable with the arrangements. We'd just go without them. Then they all got mad that the OTHER girls would still get to go, and it wasn't fair that some got to go and some didn't, even though it was their own choice. So they ended up just saying either everyone goes or no one goes, and since some refused to let their girls go if my brother was included, that meant that no one got to go. So the Minnesota troop still came to visit and do the tours, but their troop leader had been depending on my mom to help guide them to and around Yellowstone, so she asked if my mom was still willing to do that. And none of them had any problems with my brother going along since he wouldn't be sharing their cabins and my mom would pay his way. My mom agreed. It was just no longer associated with our girl scouts... It was the Minnesota troop's trip and they would basically be paying my mom to be a tour guide. So it was a job, not affiliated with our troop in any way. But the fact that we still went to Yellowstone with our pen pals when the other girls didn't get to go made the other parents livid. It was their own fault. In the end, my brother went to church camp in Nebraska at the same time, so he didn't even go on the trip, but the damage was done. The other parents had already pulled their girls and refused to let them go. They made that choice themselves when if they hadn't been so unreasonable, the trip could have been salvaged. The girls were incredibly jealous that I still got to go and they blamed me... I mean these were 11 year old girls... They were poisoned by their parents into believing that we were taking the girl scout money for ourselves. They cheated their girls out of an amazing experience because the Karen mom looked down on us because my parents were divorced. Years later, my mom worked at the grocery store with the daughter, and the daughter went to my mom and apologized for the way she had treated me in school. She got married right out of high school and I got the impression that her marriage wasn't a happy one and her parents wouldn't support a divorce, obviously, and I think she realized that they had made our lives miserable and she felt bad. Her mom was just an absolutely horrible person and her daughter paid a big price for it. Not just the canceled trip, but she had been raised a spoiled, entitled princess who wasn't used to being told no or not getting her way. She hadn't been taught to think for herself or to have good judgment and she made some big mistakes that she never could overcome. I feel bad for her. Her little brother had turned into a decent person by high school despite his parents... I don't know where he ended up, but I hope he escaped. I think he had already realized his parents were jerks and didn't care whether they agreed with his life decisions or not, so he may have been able to find some happiness, but the girl was so fixated on living the way her parents wanted her to, I doubt she's very happy. But yeah, Karen mom was a piece of work, and I think most of the time, it was her way of punishing us for our "sins".