working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

This morning I did a leg workout from YouTube. I was doing a program, but I just didn't like it. Everyone was raving about this program in the FB group. It only happens once a year, so I hung in there, thinking it was going to be amazing. It's not. It's very boring and not very challenging. I think I need to quit this app. I have never been able to stick to a program on it. The problem is, it's like a gym membership that I have to pay a penalty of $70 if I want to quit. Ah, well.

My husband asked me to go to Jersey City tonight with him. I really don't want to. I'm cynical enough to think it's because he doesn't have to cook his own dinner after work and I clean the apartment for him, so that is one less thing he has to worry about before coming to back here. Plus, the weather for walking is going to be "meh". I'll think about it.
You could maybe invent a reason that the timing isn't good for you? Like you feel like you're coming down with something? I don't know....but doubt means don't. If you don't feel like going, don't. Or stipulate that if you go, you expect to be taken out to dinner instead of having to cook? I've started telling my husband that I am not cooking while we're on vacation. If everyone else gets a vacation, so do I. It's bad enough that I still have to do laundry while we're traveling. I'm NOT going to be the only person doing chores while everyone else is free to play the whole time. So if we're traveling, we're eating in restaurants so I don't have to cook and do a bunch of cleaning up. And while we're at home, I don't clean his areas....he's responsible for his own space. I'll do the laundry and wash his clothes, because it all has to go in anyway. But I will NOT empty HIS trash can on his side of the bed, or take out the empty soda bottles there. I will sometimes take down a dish that I've noticed he's left sitting there for days if it's bugging me, but usually I leave it there and I'll remind him to check for dirty dishes. He's a big boy and I am not his maid. That whole "traditional gender roles" in which the "little woman" has to take care of her man bugs me and I refuse to do it. I have a job and I'm contributing financially, so I'm not going to also do all the work around the house. His space=his chore. That might be just me, though. It's fine if other people work it out differently in their relationships/homes...some women actually love to cook. Oprah has said several times that she actually LOVES removing stains. Some women like the "homey" stuff....I am not one of those women.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I hear that! We're actually not hosting Ariana here for that very reason. Our house is just too small. But one of E's friends lives on a farm and they have a sort of out-building where the kids play DnD together, and there's plenty of room there. His "twin" is female and is a friend of E's twin, so the girls will stay at Rick's house in that bunk house and Rick will stay in his room as usual. But we still want to do some things for Arianna, like take her site seeing and stuff. Her family was so great to E. E was coughing a lot, and the mom was so worried about her and went and got her meds. And she was teaching her how to cook all the Italian food. And she was talking about different things, and mentioned Risotto, and E was like "mmmmmm, Risotto" and the mom goes "OK!! I'll make that for you tomorrow!" and was just super sweet. Arianna has a 7 year old brother who brought E a flower, just because. So we can't put her up in this house because there's no room and because it would be difficult for A with the change in routine, etc, but we still want to treat her as well as they treated E. E had a GREAT time, but she said she was glad it was only a week, because she was starting to miss home. Her friend Rianne cried when they left because she didn't want to go home. She had so much fun there.

Aw. That family E got paired with sounds so nice. I'll bet she's looking forward to September already. That is a really generous offer from her friend's family to let them stay in their bunk house.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I always confuse that with Married at First Sight! 🤣 I haven't watched either one. I tried to get into MAFS for a season because an old work friend's sister was on the show and my friend made several appearances during the season. I just couldn't get into it. Music is working well so far, but at some point, it's going to be all about Paul Hollywood and Michael Kors.

When my MIL came over last year, she was telling me about MAFS. She found it while she was here. I honestly don't like reality shows or reality game shows, so I declined. There is an entire universe of 90 Day Fiancé. It's not just one show, there are. like, 3 spin-offs. It's honestly so messy. The only thing I don't like is they show people getting emotionally/verbally abused by their spouse/fiance. I will stop watching that season and wait for a new series to begin. I feel like the producers of the show have an obligation at the end of the episode to point out that behavior is abusive and share some info to get help if you are in a similar situation.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
You could maybe invent a reason that the timing isn't good for you? Like you feel like you're coming down with something? I don't know....but doubt means don't. If you don't feel like going, don't. Or stipulate that if you go, you expect to be taken out to dinner instead of having to cook? I've started telling my husband that I am not cooking while we're on vacation. If everyone else gets a vacation, so do I. It's bad enough that I still have to do laundry while we're traveling. I'm NOT going to be the only person doing chores while everyone else is free to play the whole time. So if we're traveling, we're eating in restaurants so I don't have to cook and do a bunch of cleaning up. And while we're at home, I don't clean his areas....he's responsible for his own space. I'll do the laundry and wash his clothes, because it all has to go in anyway. But I will NOT empty HIS trash can on his side of the bed, or take out the empty soda bottles there. I will sometimes take down a dish that I've noticed he's left sitting there for days if it's bugging me, but usually I leave it there and I'll remind him to check for dirty dishes. He's a big boy and I am not his maid. That whole "traditional gender roles" in which the "little woman" has to take care of her man bugs me and I refuse to do it. I have a job and I'm contributing financially, so I'm not going to also do all the work around the house. His space=his chore. That might be just me, though. It's fine if other people work it out differently in their relationships/homes...some women actually love to cook. Oprah has said several times that she actually LOVES removing stains. Some women like the "homey" stuff....I am not one of those women.

I ended up coming up. I didn't even say anything, but my husband suggested getting carry outs/or food trucks they have outside of the building for dinner. Luckily, he keeps the place clean, so when I clean, it's not too terrible. It helps get him home earlier, too. I did bring something to cook, but it's a one pot pasta dish and it's literally just throwing a bunch of stuff in a pot and cooking it. I do understand why he dislikes cooking after work, he takes a light rail, a ferry and a bus to get to work and does the reverse after work. I do a lot of cleaning around the house, but it's because I don't work. If things were reversed, my husband would be doing the cleaning. Also, if both of us worked, I'd get someone in to clean the house.

I hear you about vacation. They should be for everyone. We used to stay in DVC units when we'd go to WDW as a family. We would mix cooking dinners with eating dinner in restaurants. I just get so sick of Disney food after a while. I'd throw together things like a grilled chicken salad or I would make a really simple lemon-parmesan broccoli pasta dish for us to have to dinner. I don't do that anymore, I kind of wish we did, because half way through the week, I am craving something other that Disney food. lol

But there are two things that I like when I come up here. I sleep so well, because it is much more quiet here and I love using the gym here.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with "dynamic full body workout." I am at my husband's apartment. I got the gym to myself today and was able to use equipment I don't have at home. I had a really good workout.

I swear, every time I come here, the hallways smell like weed. 🤣 I don't care, but they keep sending out emails to everyone reminding us that all smoking is prohibited in the units. Maybe these people should consider edibles. One time I was here and my husband's apartment started smelling like weed and I hate the way it smells.:depressed:


Well-Known Member
I ended up coming up. I didn't even say anything, but my husband suggested getting carry outs/or food trucks they have outside of the building for dinner. Luckily, he keeps the place clean, so when I clean, it's not too terrible. It helps get him home earlier, too. I did bring something to cook, but it's a one pot pasta dish and it's literally just throwing a bunch of stuff in a pot and cooking it. I do understand why he dislikes cooking after work, he takes a light rail, a ferry and a bus to get to work and does the reverse after work. I do a lot of cleaning around the house, but it's because I don't work. If things were reversed, my husband would be doing the cleaning. Also, if both of us worked, I'd get someone in to clean the house.

I hear you about vacation. They should be for everyone. We used to stay in DVC units when we'd go to WDW as a family. We would mix cooking dinners with eating dinner in restaurants. I just get so sick of Disney food after a while. I'd throw together things like a grilled chicken salad or I would make a really simple lemon-parmesan broccoli pasta dish for us to have to dinner. I don't do that anymore, I kind of wish we did, because half way through the week, I am craving something other that Disney food. lol

But there are two things that I like when I come up here. I sleep so well, because it is much more quiet here and I love using the gym here.
I think what bothers me is just that when my husband and I first got together, we talked about everything like who would work, who would stay home, who would do what chores. We had agreed to stay in the US. He never mentioned wanting to move back to the Netherlands until after we were married and I had never agreed to that. I had said I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and we agreed that he would work since he had a higher level degree and could get a better job than I could. And we agreed that he would do dishes and lawncare since I HATE dishes and am not good with plants, plus I have hay fever and I'm very sensitive to the sun. I would do laundry and ironing, and everything else we would divide according to who was working. If one of us worked full time and the other stayed home, the stay-at-home would handle the majority of household chores. If one of us was full-time and the other part time, we would divide accordingly. And if both were full time, we'd share evenly. Then we got married and he suddenly said he wanted to move back to the Netherlands. I said no because my mom was sick and I didn't want to be in a different country if something happened. She died less than a year after we got married and he was like " Ok time to move to the Netherlands" and I asked if he would be able to support a family on one salary there because we had agreed I'd stay home. He said yes, no problem. Then when we got here, we couldn't even afford an apartment. We lived with his parents for 3 years while he worked and I went to school to learn Dutch and then got a job. We finally got our own house, but it's meant for starters. It's pretty small. And it wasn't long before I had to go to work because we were barely scraping by with just his salary. I only work part-time, but we never adjusted the household chores, so I was still doing all the childcare, all the cooking, all the cleaning, etc. And then in the last couple years, I've had to start doing a lot of the dishes, and I do all the lawncare, too. So I'm doing like 70% of the labor between my job and household stuff. One nice thing about this new job I have is that I work until 6pm and don't get home until 7. He gets home at 5:30, so now HE has to do grocery shopping and cooking on nights that I work, so finally he's taking on some of the labor that I always did before. But I just kind of decided that if I'm going to be doing all the household chores, he can handle his own spaces. It was never the agreement that I would work AND do everything in the house, so I just don't. I do the necessities and leave a lot of the rest because I would have to be cleaning non-stop outside of work and sleep and I just won't do that. The boys aren't particularly clean creatures and I just don't have the energy to follow them around cleaning up their messes if they won't do it themselves. And when we're on vacation, I'm just not going to continue to be doing all the labor while everyone else gets a nice lazy vacation. Not happening. And since I really don't enjoy cooking anyway, I'm not going to do that on my time off.


Well-Known Member
When my MIL came over last year, she was telling me about MAFS. She found it while she was here. I honestly don't like reality shows or reality game shows, so I declined. There is an entire universe of 90 Day Fiancé. It's not just one show, there are. like, 3 spin-offs. It's honestly so messy. The only thing I don't like is they show people getting emotionally/verbally abused by their spouse/fiance. I will stop watching that season and wait for a new series to begin. I feel like the producers of the show have an obligation at the end of the episode to point out that behavior is abusive and share some info to get help if you are in a similar situation.

I tend to gravitate towards baking and fashion reality competitions. While they sometimes have drama, I really enjoy the creativity and artistic expression. When you think about it, it's kind of funny that I'm working out to people making extremely rich and fattening baked goods, then watching people make garments I could never wear if I eat those baked goods.


Well-Known Member
As expected, there was no time yesterday or today for conventional working out. I've put in close to 12.5 hours of deep cleaning over the last 20 hours. I tried to get some sleep before work, but we had storms roll in overnight. I've never been able to sleep through bad weather. I'm just happy we didn't lose power, because it would have been really frustrating to be mid-mopping at 2am then suddenly be in the dark. Either way, it's a ton of work to get this house into shape for guests. On top of my parents coming to visit for 5 days, Sam's softball friend is supposed to spend the weekend. Her parents were in the military and I know she has chores, so I have to assume they have higher cleaning standards 🤣 I've never been a clean freak and we're often so exhausted from kid stuff that we all have lower expectations on home tidiness, but it's different when people come to I don't want to have them think we live like pigs. I still have some staging areas with stuff crammed into closets, drawers and other little hiding spots, but I cleaned A LOT...and I keep finding more things I missed. Parts of me hurt like after a tough workout, especially my legs from some of the hand washing of smaller spaces, so I know I got in some work.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I think what bothers me is just that when my husband and I first got together, we talked about everything like who would work, who would stay home, who would do what chores. We had agreed to stay in the US. He never mentioned wanting to move back to the Netherlands until after we were married and I had never agreed to that. I had said I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and we agreed that he would work since he had a higher level degree and could get a better job than I could. And we agreed that he would do dishes and lawncare since I HATE dishes and am not good with plants, plus I have hay fever and I'm very sensitive to the sun. I would do laundry and ironing, and everything else we would divide according to who was working. If one of us worked full time and the other stayed home, the stay-at-home would handle the majority of household chores. If one of us was full-time and the other part time, we would divide accordingly. And if both were full time, we'd share evenly. Then we got married and he suddenly said he wanted to move back to the Netherlands. I said no because my mom was sick and I didn't want to be in a different country if something happened. She died less than a year after we got married and he was like " Ok time to move to the Netherlands" and I asked if he would be able to support a family on one salary there because we had agreed I'd stay home. He said yes, no problem. Then when we got here, we couldn't even afford an apartment. We lived with his parents for 3 years while he worked and I went to school to learn Dutch and then got a job. We finally got our own house, but it's meant for starters. It's pretty small. And it wasn't long before I had to go to work because we were barely scraping by with just his salary. I only work part-time, but we never adjusted the household chores, so I was still doing all the childcare, all the cooking, all the cleaning, etc. And then in the last couple years, I've had to start doing a lot of the dishes, and I do all the lawncare, too. So I'm doing like 70% of the labor between my job and household stuff. One nice thing about this new job I have is that I work until 6pm and don't get home until 7. He gets home at 5:30, so now HE has to do grocery shopping and cooking on nights that I work, so finally he's taking on some of the labor that I always did before. But I just kind of decided that if I'm going to be doing all the household chores, he can handle his own spaces. It was never the agreement that I would work AND do everything in the house, so I just don't. I do the necessities and leave a lot of the rest because I would have to be cleaning non-stop outside of work and sleep and I just won't do that. The boys aren't particularly clean creatures and I just don't have the energy to follow them around cleaning up their messes if they won't do it themselves. And when we're on vacation, I'm just not going to continue to be doing all the labor while everyone else gets a nice lazy vacation. Not happening. And since I really don't enjoy cooking anyway, I'm not going to do that on my time off.

A week or so ago, they released a study. It was about women who are married or in a long term relationship who work are still doing the lion's share of the housekeeping. I wonder if this is true in other Western countries?

I didn't set out to become a stay at home parent. It just happened. I finished my college degree after I had my son and then went to social work school. Then we started moving around. I'm left wondering why I even bothered. All I have to show for it is student debt. I turn 50 this year, so it's an uphill climb to get hired.

I did go to live in England after I got married. He had a well-established career, so it made sense. After a while, I wanted to come back. I just missed a lot of things about the US and if I got pregnant, I wanted to be somewhere I was guaranteed an epidural. That's not always an option over there. You get a canister of nitrous oxide and maybe a TENS unit. I wasn't going to be huffing whip-its while I am in labor. 🤣
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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
As expected, there was no time yesterday or today for conventional working out. I've put in close to 12.5 hours of deep cleaning over the last 20 hours. I tried to get some sleep before work, but we had storms roll in overnight. I've never been able to sleep through bad weather. I'm just happy we didn't lose power, because it would have been really frustrating to be mid-mopping at 2am then suddenly be in the dark. Either way, it's a ton of work to get this house into shape for guests. On top of my parents coming to visit for 5 days, Sam's softball friend is supposed to spend the weekend. Her parents were in the military and I know she has chores, so I have to assume they have higher cleaning standards 🤣 I've never been a clean freak and we're often so exhausted from kid stuff that we all have lower expectations on home tidiness, but it's different when people come to I don't want to have them think we live like pigs. I still have some staging areas with stuff crammed into closets, drawers and other little hiding spots, but I cleaned A LOT...and I keep finding more things I missed. Parts of me hurt like after a tough workout, especially my legs from some of the hand washing of smaller spaces, so I know I got in some work.

I am sure your house is fine. 12.5 hours of deep cleaning is a lot, really. During the pandemic, I backed off a bit from cleaning. I think because all three if us were home all of the time and things were getting messier as a result. Now I prioritize the kitchen and the bathrooms. Nobody dies if I am not dusting and vacuuming all the time. I do need to purge stuff, though.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I got another day of gym of myself. I did an upper body strength workout then a 15 min hit session. It was great and I love using equipment I don't have at home. I am thinking of coming back next week. 😛 I don't mind other people in the gym, but I did have an instance last year where someone tried to hog a bunch of equipment for her own personal circuit training class. That's the kind of stuff that puts me off using this gym.

We're going back tonight. :)


Well-Known Member
I am sure your house is fine. 12.5 hours of deep cleaning is a lot, really. During the pandemic, I backed off a bit from cleaning. I think because all three if us were home all of the time and things were getting messier as a result. Now I prioritize the kitchen and the bathrooms. Nobody dies if I am not dusting and vacuuming all the time. I do need to purge stuff, though.
I purge and make money ( ie garage sales )

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a lower body workout. It's been raining a lot here today, so no walk.

Just a low key day here. I bought a window perch/hammock for the cat. It sticks to the window with suction cups. I need to figure out a way to waterproof it because of her lack of control. I was thinking saran wrap, then putting an old towel on top. I will switch the towel out if/when she has an accident.

She comes up to my bedroom after she eats downstairs. I think she thinks it's a different house serving up different food.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning--

I did a full body workout. I love these workouts, but the app is really unstable. It crashes. It freezes. The timers stopped beeping when the time was up. It's the most unstable app I've ever used. I did have a good workout in spite if these issues, but it gets frustrating when it happens a few times a week. I left feed back at the App Store, but I went back to look at the reviews and others have had the same issues going 3 years. It's a platform that lots of fitness "influencers" use to put out their product, so I don't understand why they can't update it. It hasn't been updated in 2.5 years, so...

I am hoping to get out for a walk, but it's been raining since yesterday morning. I'm going to try to sneak out in between showers. :)


Well-Known Member
A week or so ago, they released a study. It was about women who are married or in a long term relationship who work are still doing the lion's share of the housekeeping. I wonder if this is true in other Western countries?

I didn't set out to become a stay at home parent. It just happened. I finished my college degree after I had my son and then went to social work school. Then we started moving around. I'm left wondering why I even bothered. All I have to show for it is student debt. I turn 50 this year, so it's an uphill climb to get hired.

I did go to live in England after I got married. He had a well-established career, so it made sense. After a while, I wanted to come back. I just missed a lot of things about the US and if I got pregnant, I wanted to be somewhere I was guaranteed an epidural. That's not always an option over there. You get a canister of nitrous oxide and maybe a TENS unit. I wasn't going to be huffing whip-its while I am in labor. 🤣
Well I know it was in the news here a couple of weeks ago about a study, and they said the Netherlands is behind most other western European countries in equal pay and such, and that in most families, the woman does the lion's share of household duties and child rearing, even if she has a fulltime job. So I don't know how MUCH behind, but the Netherlands doesn't do a whole lot better than the US as far as that's concerned. I think with my husband, it's just a case of being oblivious. I don't think he MEANS for me to do most of it, he just doesn't realize how much I do. I don't know if it's a men in general thing, but I know my husband needs to experience things to "get it". Like, when he went back to work after E was born, he came home one day from work just as I was putting her in the playpen so I could go to the bathroom. He came in and was like "Oh....I guess I'll wait then." and I asked why....he could just use the upstairs bathroom, and he said he didn't want to leave E alone. And so I asked him what he thought I did when I needed to go and he was at work. Did he think I just held it all day until he got home? And he said he had never given it any thought. It had never occurred to him that I might need to go at some point while he wasn't home. If he hasn't experienced it, he doesn't understand. So because he's not the one doing EVERYTHING, and also his job is a desk job and mine is a physical job where I'm on my feet all day, he just doesn't put 2 and 2 together that it's too much for me and I need him to pick up some slack. I had to work today, and he didn't, and our grocery store is closed for 2 weeks for remodeling because they just built an extention. So we have to go somewhere else for groceries. I asked if he would take me to work and pick me up so he had the car to do grocery shopping, and he says "Or you could just drive yourself and get groceries on the way home." Now I'm thinking, I've just worked today, HE should take care of groceries and cooking, right? WHY would he expect me to work AND get groceries? Is he expecting me to make dinner as well because he figures I don't work as late on Sundays as on other days, so I have time? Because usually I work until 6 and then have to ride my bike home and don't get there until 7. I can't get groceries and start cooking at 7:30. So he cooks on those nights. But on Sundays, I only work until 5 and because DH doesn't have to work, I don't have to ride my bike and it's only a 10 minute drive. So I was he still thinking I should cook after work even though he's been relaxing all day? So I drove myself to work and I was kind of miffed, and I texted him to ask him what he wanted to cook so I could get groceries and he decided to order in.

I hear you on the epidural. When I went in for my very first appointment, I told the midwife I wanted an epidural. She said "we'd see" when the time came. I was like, no....I want drugs. In the end, they wouldn't let me get them until I had been in labor for 17 hours and was still only at 3cm dilation. They decided they needed to give me something to help progress the labor, and because that increases the intensity of the contractions, they let me have an epidural. With A, I didn't get drugs because it went too fast and they said I couldn't have anything until they monitored everything for at least half an hour, and because I was already so far, they didn't think they had time to do that. Labor for his birth was only 6.5 hours long and I wasn't even allowed to go to the hospital for a bit because my contractions weren't close enough together. Then when I got there, my contractions were one contraction wouldn't be done before the next started, so I wasn't getting any rest between them and I was already at 9cm, but wasn't progressing beyond that, so the contractions weren't doing what they were supposed to anymore. So they decided to give me something to hopefully make the contractions more even and productive. 4 minutes later, I was fully dilated and he was born 15 minutes later, where E took me almost 20 hours of labor and more than an hour of pushing. But I got no pain killers at ALL with A. But here, most people don't even go to the hospital. They stay at home. I told them I wanted to go to the hospital and I wanted drugs. They refused to let my friend Mojgan have any pain meds...the doctor told her she "didn't need them".


Well-Known Member
I am sure your house is fine. 12.5 hours of deep cleaning is a lot, really. During the pandemic, I backed off a bit from cleaning. I think because all three if us were home all of the time and things were getting messier as a result. Now I prioritize the kitchen and the bathrooms. Nobody dies if I am not dusting and vacuuming all the time. I do need to purge stuff, though.

What's really funny is that I think I was more worried about what Sam's friend and her mom would think if our house was a mess. They're a military family and I always feel like they have higher expectations with order and cleanliness. That all changed when the girls did two rounds of cake baking on Saturday night and turned the kitchen into a sticky mess. Hey, they had fun.


Well-Known Member
I have soooooooooo much I'd like to sell at a garage sale, but we're always busy when they do our community sales and we're not permitted to have them at any other time. It's been ages since I've done one. I've heard some areas are shifting away from cash sales and using Venmo...any truth to this?
I'm old school. Cash only and neighbors oblige. Haggle to make a sale at times.

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