I think what bothers me is just that when my husband and I first got together, we talked about everything like who would work, who would stay home, who would do what chores. We had agreed to stay in the US. He never mentioned wanting to move back to the Netherlands until after we were married and I had never agreed to that. I had said I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and we agreed that he would work since he had a higher level degree and could get a better job than I could. And we agreed that he would do dishes and lawncare since I HATE dishes and am not good with plants, plus I have hay fever and I'm very sensitive to the sun. I would do laundry and ironing, and everything else we would divide according to who was working. If one of us worked full time and the other stayed home, the stay-at-home would handle the majority of household chores. If one of us was full-time and the other part time, we would divide accordingly. And if both were full time, we'd share evenly. Then we got married and he suddenly said he wanted to move back to the Netherlands. I said no because my mom was sick and I didn't want to be in a different country if something happened. She died less than a year after we got married and he was like " Ok time to move to the Netherlands" and I asked if he would be able to support a family on one salary there because we had agreed I'd stay home. He said yes, no problem. Then when we got here, we couldn't even afford an apartment. We lived with his parents for 3 years while he worked and I went to school to learn Dutch and then got a job. We finally got our own house, but it's meant for starters. It's pretty small. And it wasn't long before I had to go to work because we were barely scraping by with just his salary. I only work part-time, but we never adjusted the household chores, so I was still doing all the childcare, all the cooking, all the cleaning, etc. And then in the last couple years, I've had to start doing a lot of the dishes, and I do all the lawncare, too. So I'm doing like 70% of the labor between my job and household stuff. One nice thing about this new job I have is that I work until 6pm and don't get home until 7. He gets home at 5:30, so now HE has to do grocery shopping and cooking on nights that I work, so finally he's taking on some of the labor that I always did before. But I just kind of decided that if I'm going to be doing all the household chores, he can handle his own spaces. It was never the agreement that I would work AND do everything in the house, so I just don't. I do the necessities and leave a lot of the rest because I would have to be cleaning non-stop outside of work and sleep and I just won't do that. The boys aren't particularly clean creatures and I just don't have the energy to follow them around cleaning up their messes if they won't do it themselves. And when we're on vacation, I'm just not going to continue to be doing all the labor while everyone else gets a nice lazy vacation. Not happening. And since I really don't enjoy cooking anyway, I'm not going to do that on my time off.