working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Well I know it was in the news here a couple of weeks ago about a study, and they said the Netherlands is behind most other western European countries in equal pay and such, and that in most families, the woman does the lion's share of household duties and child rearing, even if she has a fulltime job. So I don't know how MUCH behind, but the Netherlands doesn't do a whole lot better than the US as far as that's concerned. I think with my husband, it's just a case of being oblivious. I don't think he MEANS for me to do most of it, he just doesn't realize how much I do. I don't know if it's a men in general thing, but I know my husband needs to experience things to "get it". Like, when he went back to work after E was born, he came home one day from work just as I was putting her in the playpen so I could go to the bathroom. He came in and was like "Oh....I guess I'll wait then." and I asked why....he could just use the upstairs bathroom, and he said he didn't want to leave E alone. And so I asked him what he thought I did when I needed to go and he was at work. Did he think I just held it all day until he got home? And he said he had never given it any thought. It had never occurred to him that I might need to go at some point while he wasn't home. If he hasn't experienced it, he doesn't understand. So because he's not the one doing EVERYTHING, and also his job is a desk job and mine is a physical job where I'm on my feet all day, he just doesn't put 2 and 2 together that it's too much for me and I need him to pick up some slack. I had to work today, and he didn't, and our grocery store is closed for 2 weeks for remodeling because they just built an extention. So we have to go somewhere else for groceries. I asked if he would take me to work and pick me up so he had the car to do grocery shopping, and he says "Or you could just drive yourself and get groceries on the way home." Now I'm thinking, I've just worked today, HE should take care of groceries and cooking, right? WHY would he expect me to work AND get groceries? Is he expecting me to make dinner as well because he figures I don't work as late on Sundays as on other days, so I have time? Because usually I work until 6 and then have to ride my bike home and don't get there until 7. I can't get groceries and start cooking at 7:30. So he cooks on those nights. But on Sundays, I only work until 5 and because DH doesn't have to work, I don't have to ride my bike and it's only a 10 minute drive. So I was he still thinking I should cook after work even though he's been relaxing all day? So I drove myself to work and I was kind of miffed, and I texted him to ask him what he wanted to cook so I could get groceries and he decided to order in.

I hear you on the epidural. When I went in for my very first appointment, I told the midwife I wanted an epidural. She said "we'd see" when the time came. I was like, no....I want drugs. In the end, they wouldn't let me get them until I had been in labor for 17 hours and was still only at 3cm dilation. They decided they needed to give me something to help progress the labor, and because that increases the intensity of the contractions, they let me have an epidural. With A, I didn't get drugs because it went too fast and they said I couldn't have anything until they monitored everything for at least half an hour, and because I was already so far, they didn't think they had time to do that. Labor for his birth was only 6.5 hours long and I wasn't even allowed to go to the hospital for a bit because my contractions weren't close enough together. Then when I got there, my contractions were one contraction wouldn't be done before the next started, so I wasn't getting any rest between them and I was already at 9cm, but wasn't progressing beyond that, so the contractions weren't doing what they were supposed to anymore. So they decided to give me something to hopefully make the contractions more even and productive. 4 minutes later, I was fully dilated and he was born 15 minutes later, where E took me almost 20 hours of labor and more than an hour of pushing. But I got no pain killers at ALL with A. But here, most people don't even go to the hospital. They stay at home. I told them I wanted to go to the hospital and I wanted drugs. They refused to let my friend Mojgan have any pain meds...the doctor told her she "didn't need them".

I hope things have changed since I had my son. I remember when I went into labor and I showed up at the L&D triage. I had a contraction that made my knees buckle and vomit right there. The nurse asked me if this was my first and I said it was. She rolled her eyes at me and tutted at me when I asked for a wheel chair. She acted like I asked her to give me something that was a personal belonging. She gave me one of those little basins they use for ear irrigation and when I got sick again, it was not big enough and I got it all over myself. She got me into a room and checked me out. I was pretty far gone and her attitude changed. She yelled at me for waiting too long to come in. I was only listening to my OB/GYN's directions, since I'd been in contact with for hours before I went in. She got another nurse in who hooked me up to equipment to monitor my vitals and was with me when it was time to push. I was really ed that she treated me like I was PITA drama queen. Why be a L&D nurse if you're going to be a jerk to women in labor? Even though I knew what to expect, I was still scared and anxious. The saving grace was the whole thing only took 4 hours. The nurse told me to get the hospital straight away the next time, because it's usually shorter. I told her I wasn't doing it again. She laughed and told me I'd be back. No, I kept my word and I have no regrets. lol

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
What's really funny is that I think I was more worried about what Sam's friend and her mom would think if our house was a mess. They're a military family and I always feel like they have higher expectations with order and cleanliness. That all changed when the girls did two rounds of cake baking on Saturday night and turned the kitchen into a sticky mess. Hey, they had fun.

Aw, that sounds like they had a good time. They made two cakes? Wow. What kinds? I used to like baking cookies and treats with friends. It was fun and eating freshly baked cookies is always a bonus.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with an upper body+ hiit workout. I am at my husband's apartment again. I like to use the gym equipment here and I had another day of solitary gym. Yesterday, I did a "dynamic full body workout" at my house. I also used the treadmill for a bit here today, since it's like upper 40s with intermittent showers. I don't have my winter coat with me (because it's May), so I just did some time on the treadmill. I am hoping to get out tomorrow, since I haven't been to Liberty State Park yet this year. I don't know if I didn't sleep well or if it's my sinuses acting up, but I kind of feel like I am fighting something off. I just feel a bit run down with post nasal drip. I'm just drinking a lot of water and chilling out. :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I'm trying to get back on track after 5 days of house guests. That mega cleaning really gave my body a workout, but we just didn't walk as much as I thought we would during the family visit. We went to a park with a nature trail on Friday, but it was in full sun and there wasn't much nature. We only lasted for a couple of miles. We had a cool front go through that night and higher winds the next day. We were maybe about .25 miles into our walk on Saturday morning when a gust snapped a tree in half right in front of us. So, we decided to head back home. We saw several reports of trees snapping and being uprooted, so it's probably best that we went home. Sunday involved hours of softball stuff and Monday involved a trip to the dr for a painful stye, so it wasn't until yesterday that I started getting back on track. Yesterday and today involved 10+ miles of biking each day, arms yesterday, legs today, and some abs work with the big exercise ball.

Sam had her evaluation on Sunday for Team USA's Softball High Performance Program. It'll be a couple of weeks before we hear anything, but I think it was a win no matter what happens. She had a lot of fun, she improved on several stats since her early April measurement session, and she conquered some of her fears and shyness to ask her evaluators for a picture. Honestly, I was just expecting one or two, but she got all five! The icing on the cake was that Team USA liked her Twitter post and retweeted her.



Well-Known Member
Aw, that sounds like they had a good time. They made two cakes? Wow. What kinds? I used to like baking cookies and treats with friends. It was fun and eating freshly baked cookies is always a bonus.

It was supposed to be a simple vanilla cake, but the first round was more like a pancake. We actually saved it and dipped it in syrup! The second round was a different vanilla cake recipe. It still didn't turn out quite right, but it was better. I bought ingredients for them to make chocolate cake and chocolate frosting, but they stuck with vanilla. The frosting was also on the thin side (and they didn't use the whipping cream), but her friend was super excited that I had all kinds of colors. So they made a light pink buttercream...of sorts. It was edible 🤣 Funny, but she brought us a big homemade frosted sugar cookie. Her bday is this weekend. Sam thinks it's an odd gift, but I got her a cake decorating set.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning! I'm trying to get back on track after 5 days of house guests. That mega cleaning really gave my body a workout, but we just didn't walk as much as I thought we would during the family visit. We went to a park with a nature trail on Friday, but it was in full sun and there wasn't much nature. We only lasted for a couple of miles. We had a cool front go through that night and higher winds the next day. We were maybe about .25 miles into our walk on Saturday morning when a gust snapped a tree in half right in front of us. So, we decided to head back home. We saw several reports of trees snapping and being uprooted, so it's probably best that we went home. Sunday involved hours of softball stuff and Monday involved a trip to the dr for a painful stye, so it wasn't until yesterday that I started getting back on track. Yesterday and today involved 10+ miles of biking each day, arms yesterday, legs today, and some abs work with the big exercise ball.

Sam had her evaluation on Sunday for Team USA's Softball High Performance Program. It'll be a couple of weeks before we hear anything, but I think it was a win no matter what happens. She had a lot of fun, she improved on several stats since her early April measurement session, and she conquered some of her fears and shyness to ask her evaluators for a picture. Honestly, I was just expecting one or two, but she got all five! The icing on the cake was that Team USA liked her Twitter post and retweeted her.

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I hope she gets in. From what you have written, it sounds like she got a lot out of the experience. If she doesn't get in this year, can she try out again next year?

Yeah, I don't blame you for cutting your walk short. I wouldn't mess around with snapping trees and dropping limbs. I am so over all of this screwy weather. It's abnormally cold here. Just two weeks ago, I had my AC and was wearing shorts. The past few days, I've needed my winter coat and it's been windy with rain showers on and off all day.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be a simple vanilla cake, but the first round was more like a pancake. We actually saved it and dipped it in syrup! The second round was a different vanilla cake recipe. It still didn't turn out quite right, but it was better. I bought ingredients for them to make chocolate cake and chocolate frosting, but they stuck with vanilla. The frosting was also on the thin side (and they didn't use the whipping cream), but her friend was super excited that I had all kinds of colors. So they made a light pink buttercream...of sorts. It was edible 🤣 Funny, but she brought us a big homemade frosted sugar cookie. Her bday is this weekend. Sam thinks it's an odd gift, but I got her a cake decorating set.

I did that once with a cake. I didn't realize the cake was supposed to be made with self rising flour and we had two pancakes. My son and I ate them and then I realized we probably ate the half a cake's worth of calories each. Ouch.

I think the cake decorating set is a great idea, especially if she was having a good time experimenting with food coloring and frosting in your kitchen.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a treadmill workout in the gym today. I tried to go out, but I had a fleece on with a t-shirt underneath and it wasn't cutting it. It was an apple fitness + workout and it showed my heart rate on my phone and the progress with my rings. It had good music and it was intervals of hills and speed drills.

Other than that, I just did some (very) light cleaning. I am going to give coming up here a break until it's reliably warmer. At least when I stay home, my son is there and we chat throughout the day. Even when the weather is warm up here, I don't really talk to anyone until my husband comes back from work, which is close to 7. So, I am looking forward to going back home tonight.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Checking in with a lower body workout. It was a good one. I like this program I am doing because it has traditional strength training exercises combined with more ballistic ones that get my heart rate up.

When I went downstairs tow workout, my little cat friend was waiting at the door for her breakfast. She was kneading her paws into the welcome mat. 🥰 I hadn't seen her in a few days, so that was a nice little surprise. She looks so much smaller now that she's lost her winter coat.

EDIT: I ordered some shorts from Old Navy and they arrived. As I was trying them on, I noticed the anti-theft tag was still attached. Has anyone taken these off at home, or do I need to go to Old Navy to get it removed? I ordered from Old because my local ON never has more than one person working at the check out, so the line gets quite long. I'd like to avoid that. LOL
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Well-Known Member
I hope she gets in. From what you have written, it sounds like she got a lot out of the experience. If she doesn't get in this year, can she try out again next year?

Yeah, I don't blame you for cutting your walk short. I wouldn't mess around with snapping trees and dropping limbs. I am so over all of this screwy weather. It's abnormally cold here. Just two weeks ago, I had my AC and was wearing shorts. The past few days, I've needed my winter coat and it's been windy with rain showers on and off all day.

She can try out again next year, but scheduling becomes the issue. A lot of girls missed out on this year's Houston regional because they were playing in tournaments. I guess some of those girls could venture up to Dallas this weekend for the other evaluation in our region, but I'm not sure if it's worth the travel at this stage. I guess I should be thankful. Regions 5 (TX, OK, NM) and 10 (CA, NV, AZ, HI) appear to be the only regions that have multiple evaluation options.

I've been keeping an eye on the NYC weather for a friend and saw that it's been on the cooler side. She's visiting for the first time and is still kind of all over the place in her planning. She was looking at an evening Circle Line cruise, but she's very cold sensitive and upper 40s/low 50s on the water with the wind would be utterly miserable.


Well-Known Member
I did that once with a cake. I didn't realize the cake was supposed to be made with self rising flour and we had two pancakes. My son and I ate them and then I realized we probably ate the half a cake's worth of calories each. Ouch.

I think the cake decorating set is a great idea, especially if she was having a good time experimenting with food coloring and frosting in your kitchen.

I prefer general all purpose flour vs. self rising, but my standard recipes have baking powder (and one also has baking soda).

I really liked the idea as well. It's probably not the highest quality stuff (especially for the cheap price- $20 for 64 pieces). Still, for a kid, there's a lot to this set that could be fun.



Well-Known Member
EDIT: I ordered some shorts from Old Navy and they arrived. As I was trying them on, I noticed the anti-theft tag was still attached. Has anyone taken these off at home, or do I need to go to Old Navy to get it removed? I ordered from Old because my local ON never has more than one person working at the check out, so the line gets quite long. I'd like to avoid that. LOL

I have never successfully removed one on my own. I'd start by contacting online support. I know this isn't your angle, but they may give you some kind of coupon or perk for your troubles. After that, I'd take it to a local store along with the receipt and ask them to remove it.


Well-Known Member
I hope things have changed since I had my son. I remember when I went into labor and I showed up at the L&D triage. I had a contraction that made my knees buckle and vomit right there. The nurse asked me if this was my first and I said it was. She rolled her eyes at me and tutted at me when I asked for a wheel chair. She acted like I asked her to give me something that was a personal belonging. She gave me one of those little basins they use for ear irrigation and when I got sick again, it was not big enough and I got it all over myself. She got me into a room and checked me out. I was pretty far gone and her attitude changed. She yelled at me for waiting too long to come in. I was only listening to my OB/GYN's directions, since I'd been in contact with for hours before I went in. She got another nurse in who hooked me up to equipment to monitor my vitals and was with me when it was time to push. I was really ed that she treated me like I was PITA drama queen. Why be a L&D nurse if you're going to be a jerk to women in labor? Even though I knew what to expect, I was still scared and anxious. The saving grace was the whole thing only took 4 hours. The nurse told me to get the hospital straight away the next time, because it's usually shorter. I told her I wasn't doing it again. She laughed and told me I'd be back. No, I kept my word and I have no regrets. lol
We aren't allowed to go to the hospital on our own. You have to call in and answer questions and they'll tell you when you are allowed to go to the hospital. With E, I had been in labor for over 11 hours before they would let me go, because my contractions were still steady, but I wasn't dilating. It wasn't until they determined I was allowed to get pain meds so I wasn't exhausted by the time I had to push because it was taking so long. They came over and checked me several times before deciding I needed to go get meds to make the contractions more effective and then they would also give me pain meds.

With A, I got these really strong cramps that weren't actually contractions. They were like... If you drink carbonated drinks too fast and you get a gas bubble, but then really strong. I called and they said they thought it was probably a precursor to labor. And then they just stopped. A few hours later, I finally got an actual contraction and when they got here, I was already a 6cm, so they sent me straight to the hospital and wouldn't give me pain meds because they expected I would be ready to push before they even got through the monitoring stage required before pain meds, so it would be a waste of pain meds... They wouldn't have time to work. But they won't admit you here unless your obgyn/midwife has examined you and then called ahead to say yes, you are ready.


Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be a simple vanilla cake, but the first round was more like a pancake. We actually saved it and dipped it in syrup! The second round was a different vanilla cake recipe. It still didn't turn out quite right, but it was better. I bought ingredients for them to make chocolate cake and chocolate frosting, but they stuck with vanilla. The frosting was also on the thin side (and they didn't use the whipping cream), but her friend was super excited that I had all kinds of colors. So they made a light pink buttercream...of sorts. It was edible 🤣 Funny, but she brought us a big homemade frosted sugar cookie. Her bday is this weekend. Sam thinks it's an odd gift, but I got her a cake decorating set.
I think it's a great gift! I would have loved it at that age!


Well-Known Member
Day 3 of operation back on track...nothing out of the ordinary, but another 10+ miles of biking, arms day, and some abs and stretching again. I'm dripping with sweat when I'm done, so I know I'm working hard. After helping a friend plan some of her NYC trip entertainment (they're going to see Chicago), I couldn't get the soundtrack out of my head. So, today's workout was fueled by the original 1970s Broadway soundtrack. I wanted to get into a habit before adding on, but at some point, I need to take this from 30-35 min to 45-50 minutes of biking.

I'm trying to game plan for dinner tonight. Everyone has been asking for stroganoff, even though it's going to be at least 85 today. So, at some point, I have to get the meat started so that it's nice and tender by dinnertime.


Well-Known Member
E and I have been getting some good exercise this week. I worked Monday and Tuesday, so I rode my bike for several miles and then yesterday, we rode our bikes to the Centrum to get some things we needed and walked quite a bit. Then today, we rode to my work together so she could look at the gardening stuff we have to get some ideas. Then back to the Centrum for lunch at Subway and to get to an ATM so I could transfer money between accounts and pay off my Disney trip. I feel much better now, having it paid off on time. It was stressing me out that the card wasn't working and I needed to pay it off by like June 5th. So now I have Halloween party tickets, and have the balance on everything paid off. So the only thing left are dining and tour reservations, and my window doesn't open until June 1st for that. So I have everything done that I can do up to now.


Premium Member
EDIT: I ordered some shorts from Old Navy and they arrived. As I was trying them on, I noticed the anti-theft tag was still attached. Has anyone taken these off at home, or do I need to go to Old Navy to get it removed? I ordered from Old because my local ON never has more than one person working at the check out, so the line gets quite long. I'd like to avoid that. LOL
Resist the urge to try and remove it yourself -- you'll end up ripping the garment. Suggest contacting the vendor and asking what to do.

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