He's doing much better now. He is still building up his stamina. It really took a nosedive when he was in the hospital. He said he still has to walk his bike partway to school and back, but he's getting better, and I pumped up his bike tires yesterday, so that should help. I'm really excited for him actually...he's been getting invited with classmates to do stuff after school. 2 weeks ago, I think? He was invited to go to McDonalds for lunch on the Wednesday, because Wednesdays and Fridays are half days at school. And this morning he called me from school and I thought maybe something had happened to him, like he fell off his bike or something, because he hadn't been gone long, but he just wanted to ask if he could go get ice cream after school with his friends. With McDonalds, I took him out the night before and showed him all the routes he could take on his bike and which one was the easiest, and taught him how to order and pay with his bank card at the kiosk. But with the ice cream, it's in the Centrum, which is almost across the street from his school, so he can do that easily. And it's nice that he can eat everything normally again, thank goodness. So he's definitely in a better place than even a month ago!
No, the old boss had said to send in my info, which I did, but then the person who was handling applications told me they weren't allowed to hire anyone working for the company I was at. I tried applying again after I quit, but didn't hear a WORD from them. I took a job at a place where we sell home furnishings. Curtains, wallpaper, throw pillows, bedding, flooring, knick-knacks, garden furniture, etc. There's a TON to learn. I've worked there for 4 days and I'm not even almost close to being trained. I'm pretty good at most of the cashier stuff, and I know how to print out price labels, and which kind of labels go where, but I still have to learn how to do customer orders, follow the placement plan for stocking, etc. And that's JUST for the Cashier position. I also have to learn the Floor department, which includes garden and lighting, and the Upstairs, which includes Curtains and such. One of my bosses said she's been there for 6 months and there are still things she has to ask. Her goal was to learn everything in 3 months and she couldn't do it. There's a TON of training to do. So I'm not anywhere close, but I THINK I'm doing well for how short a time I've been there. The gal who was training me on register the first day said I was doing really well and most people can't do as much on their first day, so that was really positive. And she left me alone after the first hour or so and just stayed in the area in case I had a question, which she couldn't have done if I wasn't picking it up, so all signs seem to be that I'm not likely to be let go after the 2 month trial period. I think they would have already said something if I wasn't doing a good job, and they have 2 months in which they can send me packing without notice or reason, so they wouldn't invest the time in me if they didn't think it was going to work out. But I'm working nearly twice the hours I was working before. I was working about 12 hours max at my old job, and now I'm working 20, so it's an adjustment. I'm used to standing a lot, so that's not a huge problem, but it IS a lot different working during the day. But I make more per hour, too, which is nice. All in all, I'm making close to twice what I did at the old job, so I'll finally be able to save a little bit so if something happens, we'll have a buffer. That's a huge relief to me.
How are you doing? Are you feeling a bit better? I get that need for a bit of...almost isolation, I guess. Where I just don't want to be around people. I go through periods when I just sit and read a lot because I don't feel like being social. I don't know what triggers it, but sometimes I just need solitude. I hope you are feeling better now, and yay for the cat getting used to you! How about your son? Is he still staying at home or is he back at school?