Sorry it's taking me a while to get back into the swing of things. I had such a great time in Dublin, but it was SO fast!! I got to the airport at something like 1:30 in the morning and couldn't get in at first, but I found another door and that one wasn't blocked off. I really didn't want to stand outside all night waiting to get was so cold! But it turned out that not all the airlines waited until 4:30 to open their check ins. Some were open already around 3. I was starting to get pretty anxious, but I made it through security super fast actually. The security line wasn't even open when I got checked in, so I had to wait more than an hour for the check in, and then another 30 minutes or so for security to open. But we didn't have to remove anything from bags, didn't have to take shoes off, and it went really quickly. Then going through the passport check, everyone followed each other into 2 lines, but there was another lane open that no one was getting in line for, so I got in that line and was through before most of the others. My flight wasn't until 7:35 am and I was already through security and passport check by about 5:30, and the McDonalds didn't open until 6. So I sat at McDonalds, right by the kiosk waiting for it to open, got my food to go and took it to my gate. But my gate was actually downstairs and it was roped off, so I sat in the upstairs gate and ate my breakfast, and finished just after they opened the escalator so I could get to my gate. It all went pretty smoothly, except we had to be bussed out to the runway and board on one of those metal staircase thingies and it was WINDY!!!!! The woman in front of me didn't have her ticket ready and didn't know her seat number, so she's standing in the doorway, digging through her bags looking for her boarding pass, and I'm standing at the top of the staircase in the wind. When we got there, it was too windy to land on one of the shorter runways, so we had to fly around a bit and wait for the long runway to be available. One of our friend group got re-routed to Shannon because they didn't have enough fuel to wait, so they flew to shannon and then waited for 3 hours and came back after refueling.
I got really turned around and I had gotten an SMS that my phone plane works in Dublin, but I still kept getting this message that I needed to turn on roaming and I would be charged, so I was confused and couldn't find my way to the hotel from the bus stop. The bus was literally right outside the doors of the airport, so getting ON the bus was no problem, and the announced the stops, so getting off was fine too. But FINDING the hotel was an issue. I think it took me about 45 minutes when it was only supposed to be a 7 minute walk or something? I finally asked some people where the cathedral was, because the hotel was right across the street, so I found it, took a shower and a nap, and then walked into the city center to shop a bit. I was the first one there, anyway.
Did you guys want any pictures? I took pictures of food, I took pictures of the museum I went to, I took pictures of the I can share any of it, or not, if no one is interested.