working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
What is a self heating pad?

I forgot to take Thanksgiving off. Again. Every year. I get to the week before, when the schedule is already up, and Thursday is one of my regular work days, and then I realize that that Thursday is Thanksgiving, and once again, I have to work. Sometimes people ask to pick up shifts, so I guess I'll hope someone wants a Thursday evening shift so I can have Thanksgiving off. I have the entire week after off because of various appointments. E has her first driving lesson, A has oral surgery, and His birthday is less than a week later...I hope he'll be up to celebrating. If not, I guess we'll celebrate later. My birthday is the week after his, but we don't have time to celebrate mine, either. We have parent teacher conferences on the 8th, I'm working on my birthday, and then A has a chess tournament on the 10th. (He's placed 1st in his division in the last 2 tournaments, so it's pretty exciting) But it's going to be a busy few weeks and no time to celebrate birthdays. We might have to wait until Christmas break.

It's this little pad that is filled with this material that reflects body heat back up. It's kind of crinkly-sounding, so I think it's that silver mylar-type material that you see people get at the end of marathons when it's cold.

I hope you can get Thanksgiving off. You sound like you have a crazy week ahead. Your daughter must be so excited about her first driving lesson. That's awesome about your son being a chess tournament. How long has your son been playing chess?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

I did a YouTube kettle bell workout. It was a lower body workout. It's part of a series, so I don't have to think about what workout to do. I sometimes get lost in Youtube trying to select a workout. I tend to gravitate to creators who put out weekly schedules.

Other than that, it's a pretty quiet week--no travel, no thanksgiving dinner prep. I'm just cleaning the house. Fun.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I just did a traditional strength training workout. I'm in a weird mood where I don't know what I want to do for my workouts. I figure as long as I keep moving, I'm good.

I went downstairs to workout and as soon as I turned the light on in the kitchen and filled my water bottle, a cat magically appeared at the door. lol We have noticed her tail never moves and that is probably connected to her incontinence. Her tail is also the 3/4 of a regular tail, so some thing must have happened to her.My son wants to take her to the vet, but he's not committing to pay for it. I don't know how much a visit plus scans or whatever would cost. Plus I think the damage is done. I think it's best if we just keep doing what we're doing. She doesn't seem impaired by her tail. She jumps, walks on narrow surfaces and gets up on the roof without any issue. The only thing I see is her incontinence.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁🌽

This morning I did a 40 min kettlebell from YouTube. I'll get out for a walk later, too. The weather here is still mild for the season.

I have an apple-cinnamon oatmeal baking in the oven and I have dough for baguettes on their first rise. The rest of the day is just easy. It's heating up stuff I picked up yesterday. LOL

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
It's this little pad that is filled with this material that reflects body heat back up. It's kind of crinkly-sounding, so I think it's that silver mylar-type material that you see people get at the end of marathons when it's cold.

I hope you can get Thanksgiving off. You sound like you have a crazy week ahead. Your daughter must be so excited about her first driving lesson. That's awesome about your son being a chess tournament. How long has your son been playing chess?
Interesting...maybe I need a self-heating pad for ME! :D

I didn't get Thanksgiving off. We did the traditional thanksgiving meal (sort of) on Wednesday night. I made a chicken for E and myself, since M doesn't like just a baked chicken or turkey. He likes the meat, but it has to be IN something, like fajitas, or a casserole. And A won't touch it. So I made a steak for M, and fries and Frikandel for A. We had green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and stovetop stuffing. Well....everyone except A. And E won't eat green bean casserole. But we can't have a nice sit down meal because the gaming computer my husband built over the summer takes up 3/4 of the kitchen table and there's nowhere else to put it, so there it lives and we dish up in the kitchen and eat at the coffee table. E and I will have leftovers tonight while the boys do the usual "friday is FRY-day". We aren't big fans of fried foods in general. We do like kipcorn and loempias in the airfryer, and we occassionally like fries with satay sauce, but neither of us can eat that every week, and A needs the routine. He knows friday is the day he eats fries, every week. So we saved the leftovers for tonight while they do their thing.

E is decidedly NOT looking forward to her first driving lesson. She really doesn't want to drive, but we're making her do it because it's really a necessary skill if you are physically able. I went 20 years over here without a license and there have been so many times when it was REALLY inconvenient not to have it. I hate driving, always have, but there are times when you really need to be able to. And she'll learn it so much more easily now than if she waits until she's 45. So she's getting driving lessons. She's dreading it, but knows it's best for her.

A has been playing chess since he was.....I think 4? Opa taught him and he loved it, and I think he was somewhere around 8 when he joined the chess club where he gets lessons and such, and it didn't take long before he had far surpassed Opa's abilities. Opa only knew the basics, but the club teaches the moves and the strategy behind them. There's a girl (Fleur) in his club who placed 2nd, or maybe even tied 1st in the nation for her age group. She's really really good, but her whole family plays. Her parents now run the club since the guy who started it moved a few months ago. But her dad at least plays competitively as well, and her siblings all play. There was a goodbye party for Niels, who started the club, and they organized a tournament for all ages. All the kids in the club and the adults could enter too. Fleur's little sister is only 6, and she beat even the adults she played. She's going to be amazing as she gets older. A won his division within the club last year. They meet every week, get lessons, and then play matches with each other. They keep track of the points all year, and then at the end of the season, the give prizes. He got a book about chess moves and he studied up and used a certain opening he learned about in the goodbye tournament and I think he came in shared 4th place in that and there were like 30 or more people. So he's doing really well with it and he loves it. I'm glad he found his "thing" because Soccer was NOT it.


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I just did a traditional strength training workout. I'm in a weird mood where I don't know what I want to do for my workouts. I figure as long as I keep moving, I'm good.

I went downstairs to workout and as soon as I turned the light on in the kitchen and filled my water bottle, a cat magically appeared at the door. lol We have noticed her tail never moves and that is probably connected to her incontinence. Her tail is also the 3/4 of a regular tail, so some thing must have happened to her.My son wants to take her to the vet, but he's not committing to pay for it. I don't know how much a visit plus scans or whatever would cost. Plus I think the damage is done. I think it's best if we just keep doing what we're doing. She doesn't seem impaired by her tail. She jumps, walks on narrow surfaces and gets up on the roof without any issue. The only thing I see is her incontinence.
Was it Callie at the door, or is there another cat showing up now?

I think just making sure you aren't sitting still for too long, you should be fine until you figure out what you want to do for your workouts. I've been going out for walks with E almost every day. We need to get on a walking regimen to get ready for our Disney trip in the Summer. I had my diabetis check up on Tuesday and I have lost 2.5 kilos since my last checkup. So I'm on the right track. You seem very active, so I think you are ok. Is it kind of a fall slump maybe, since the time change and it gets dark earlier now, and the daylight hours are shorter? I know you said you suffer from that lack of sunlight. Maybe that's a contributing factor?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
E is decidedly NOT looking forward to her first driving lesson. She really doesn't want to drive, but we're making her do it because it's really a necessary skill if you are physically able.
I don't think that's super unusual. A lot of my friends growing up didn't get their permits/licenses right when they could, and it still seems to be a trend. One of my college friends didn't get here until she was 21, and one of B's friends just recently got his; he's 19. I was one of those teens who couldn't wait to learn how to drive, and even now, even though I really appreciate not having to commute, I enjoy driving. Like, if given the choice between someone else driving and me driving, I usually prefer to be the one driving.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's super unusual. A lot of my friends growing up didn't get their permits/licenses right when they could, and it still seems to be a trend. One of my college friends didn't get here until she was 21, and one of B's friends just recently got his; he's 19. I was one of those teens who couldn't wait to learn how to drive, and even now, even though I really appreciate not having to commute, I enjoy driving. Like, if given the choice between someone else driving and me driving, I usually prefer to be the one driving.
Where I grew up, I was the ONLY one not raring to go to get my license. And pretty much anyone who qualified for a hardship license to get it when they were 14 or 15 did. Most kids can't wait. Maybe that's a more mid-west thing where there's a lot of rural land with lower populations. In Wyoming, driving meant access to entertainment. I grew up in a town with no movie theater, or bowling alley, or shopping, or skating rink. There really wasn't anything in our town for kids to do. If you wanted to do anything, you had to be able to get to Gillette, which was 40 miles away. Parents weren't always available or willing to drive you, so most kids were chomping at the bit to get a license and their own car so they could get to Gillette, or at the very least, go "cruising" around "the loop" in our town, which was a 2 mile long street that went around the whole housing section of town. It also meant not having to walk to school in pouring rain or extremely cold temps. I literally don't know anyone other than myself who DIDN'T go for their license as soon as they could. I had no desire, but my mom made me. She let me defer it one year, but then when I went to renew my permit, they had a problem with their system that caused them a serious backlog on the hardcopies. They were in a rush to get the hard copies out and saw my age, assumed it was a license and sent me one. I never had to take the road test. I really lucked out. Over here that can't happen because there's no such thing as a permit, and you can't schedule a road test until you pass your written test, and the waiting list can take months. If you are getting anything, it's a full license.

I keep telling E it will be easier for her than it was for me here, because she's starting fresh and has never driven in another country, never driven an automatic, and she's young and has never had mom-brain. She may even like it more than she thinks she will. She says she's terrified, and I get it. The stakes do seem to be higher here, which is why it's so much harder to GET a license here. You're driving a 2 ton missile around....if you don't look properly, or something happens, you can easily kill someone. With the number of people who ride bicycles over here and don't always look before they turn, or don't necessarily stay in their lane, it is scary. That's why -I- hate it. That and my navigation skills are terrible, so I'm always worried about going the wrong way and getting lost and then encountering one way streets, or whatever and not knowing how to get out of it. She's much better at that and helps ME navigate when I'm driving, so it shouldn't be nearly as bad for her.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I don't think that's super unusual. A lot of my friends growing up didn't get their permits/licenses right when they could, and it still seems to be a trend. One of my college friends didn't get here until she was 21, and one of B's friends just recently got his; he's 19. I was one of those teens who couldn't wait to learn how to drive, and even now, even though I really appreciate not having to commute, I enjoy driving. Like, if given the choice between someone else driving and me driving, I usually prefer to be the one driving.
I may or may not have had an out of state address I could use to get my license sooner:angelic:


Well-Known Member
Happy Monday :)

We spent the last week in Florida, so I didn't get on here beyond posting my Wordle results (I think I even forgot a day of that too!). Before we left town, we started to get back into a gym rhythm. We went 3x before leaving for FL. We had hoped to go while in FL since there was a location nearby, but we don't get to see my parents very often. So, we hit the gym in the hotel a couple of times and opted for more family time. We are trying to carve out time for some kind of gym routine now that we're back. We went last night, but we'll see how we do now that we're back in school/work mode. It's been hard because my back has not been happy. Some is likely the extra weight I'm carrying, but the ultra-firm beds a couple of weeks ago and my office chair may also be the culprit. During workouts, it's really just finding what doesn't hurt or feels like it's flexing that area in the right ways. Surprisingly, rowing has been making it happier. It's tough during the holidays, but I'm also trying to get back to healthier food/bev habits. I've been cutting back on my snacking, I'm 4 weeks into being diet soda free, I've started caffeinating with monk fruit sweetened coffee, drinking a lot more water, and some other dietary modifications. We'll see how it goes. At the very least, by traveling for the holiday, my house is not filled with leftovers.

So, no Universal or Disney while we were in FL. It always feels strange to drive through Orlando and not get a taste of any of it. It was tempting though. I went as far as looking at ADR availability on Saturday to see if we could pop in for a resort meal and see some of the decorations. I just couldn't justify it. We were more motivated to avoid having to stop for the night. Most of the week was spent just hanging around the house with my parents. They were grieving the loss of their dog (she passed the day before our arrival), so I know they liked having extra people around. We spent much of our first night watching old family videos, but we also got to see some of the burrowing owls in the park across from their house, we binged Wednesday over the course of three days (Tip- watch with the subtitles if you want some added entertainment), and we took an airboat tour on the northeastern edge of the Everglades. The airboat place was pretty interesting. They had wild/feral peacocks all over the place and number of Quaker Parrots also were hanging around the docks. No pictures of them, but also saw several osprey, a number of iguanas and a juvenile bald eagle.



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Where I grew up, I was the ONLY one not raring to go to get my license. And pretty much anyone who qualified for a hardship license to get it when they were 14 or 15 did. Most kids can't wait. Maybe that's a more mid-west thing where there's a lot of rural land with lower populations. In Wyoming, driving meant access to entertainment. I grew up in a town with no movie theater, or bowling alley, or shopping, or skating rink. There really wasn't anything in our town for kids to do. If you wanted to do anything, you had to be able to get to Gillette, which was 40 miles away. Parents weren't always available or willing to drive you, so most kids were chomping at the bit to get a license and their own car so they could get to Gillette, or at the very least, go "cruising" around "the loop" in our town, which was a 2 mile long street that went around the whole housing section of town. It also meant not having to walk to school in pouring rain or extremely cold temps. I literally don't know anyone other than myself who DIDN'T go for their license as soon as they could. I had no desire, but my mom made me. She let me defer it one year, but then when I went to renew my permit, they had a problem with their system that caused them a serious backlog on the hardcopies. They were in a rush to get the hard copies out and saw my age, assumed it was a license and sent me one. I never had to take the road test. I really lucked out. Over here that can't happen because there's no such thing as a permit, and you can't schedule a road test until you pass your written test, and the waiting list can take months. If you are getting anything, it's a full license.

I keep telling E it will be easier for her than it was for me here, because she's starting fresh and has never driven in another country, never driven an automatic, and she's young and has never had mom-brain. She may even like it more than she thinks she will. She says she's terrified, and I get it. The stakes do seem to be higher here, which is why it's so much harder to GET a license here. You're driving a 2 ton missile around....if you don't look properly, or something happens, you can easily kill someone. With the number of people who ride bicycles over here and don't always look before they turn, or don't necessarily stay in their lane, it is scary. That's why -I- hate it. That and my navigation skills are terrible, so I'm always worried about going the wrong way and getting lost and then encountering one way streets, or whatever and not knowing how to get out of it. She's much better at that and helps ME navigate when I'm driving, so it shouldn't be nearly as bad for her.
Yeah, I think wanting to go places was definitely a reason for me to get my license too. A lot of people at my school could walk places. I can't walk anywhere from my house, at least not safely. Plus I HATED riding the bus. Too many obnoxious kids.

I am also directionally challenged, but it really doesn't phase me. 🤣 I have Google maps on my phone and downloaded it for offline use, so even if I lose a cell phone signal, I can still figure out where I am. I call it "exploring new places." It's weird because I can get to different points fairly easily, like I can get from here down to the city, or up to Hershey, or to various places in PA, but then actually navigating around those cities is the issue. It still doesn't bother me too much.


Well-Known Member
Good morning :) We went to the gym again last night. This time, it was just myself and K since Sam had batting. Yesterday, I worked lower body. I felt like I was working hard, but I have no traditional muscle soreness like I would after a good leg day. I did leg press, calf press, leg curl, leg extension, hammy/glute kick backs, and then some ab work. So, I guess I just didn't work hard enough. Then again, I did an 11 or so minute cool down walk at the very end, so maybe that helped work some of it out? I also hit the rower again at the start and since my back was feeling a lot better, I added in a bit more extension in my movement and really tried to hone in on my core. That obviously did something, because I woke up with aches from the top of my neck going all the way down my back. It seems better now, but no rowing for me today. K has library tonight and Sam has high school preview night, so my after-work time is already booked. If the weather holds (storms possible), I think I'm going to walk at lunch and do some hand weights, squats and barre work in my office/gym. I don't think my back is quite ready for kettle bells.

While we still have practices and training for Sam, actual tournaments are done until some time in the new year. So, we get some free time back. We're still waiting to hear if the annual Christmas campout is on for this weekend. What's funny is that we've longed for a year when we had the availability, but we've been doing so much travel that we have 0 desire for a weekend of camping. So, if it's on, we'll likely go for Saturday's festivities. We also need to go out for some test drives. With used car prices still being insane and David also considering a new vehicle, we decided it made more sense to give K his truck and have him get something new in the year-end sales. She prefers driving his truck over my midsized SUV, it's more metal around her, and we know the vehicle's history. Now if I could just find some time to decorate for the holidays!!!


Well-Known Member
Checking in this Wednesday. As expected, yesterday was a bit lighter, but I got in some work. I did three sets of triceps presses, standing rows and shoulder presses with the 8lb dumbbells. I also did some hamstring and calf stretches after each set. I only got in one round of lower body work, but I did sets of calf raises, arabesque kickbacks, plies, standing glute kicks, and squats. I had a 1 hour meeting that turned into a 3.5 hour meeting, so I found myself getting up to walk in place or do grapevines every 30-45 minutes. After work, I got in a quick 1.5 mile walk on the trails before having to change and run out to high school intro night for Sam. We don't get much in the way of fall colors here, but it was nice to get out and see some of it while on foot in the forest. Oh, and I guess my body had a delayed reaction to leg day. At some point last night, my calf muscles and hamstrings woke up and let me know they were worked on leg day. I plan on hitting the gym after work today and am trying to get in for some traditional and hydromassage for tomorrow so I can help work out this knot in my lower back. If I feel well enough, I think it's time to decorate the yard. Considering my neighbors were set up the week before Thanksgiving, I'm feeling a bit late.


Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Interesting...maybe I need a self-heating pad for ME! :D

I didn't get Thanksgiving off. We did the traditional thanksgiving meal (sort of) on Wednesday night. I made a chicken for E and myself, since M doesn't like just a baked chicken or turkey. He likes the meat, but it has to be IN something, like fajitas, or a casserole. And A won't touch it. So I made a steak for M, and fries and Frikandel for A. We had green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and stovetop stuffing. Well....everyone except A. And E won't eat green bean casserole. But we can't have a nice sit down meal because the gaming computer my husband built over the summer takes up 3/4 of the kitchen table and there's nowhere else to put it, so there it lives and we dish up in the kitchen and eat at the coffee table. E and I will have leftovers tonight while the boys do the usual "friday is FRY-day". We aren't big fans of fried foods in general. We do like kipcorn and loempias in the airfryer, and we occassionally like fries with satay sauce, but neither of us can eat that every week, and A needs the routine. He knows friday is the day he eats fries, every week. So we saved the leftovers for tonight while they do their thing.

E is decidedly NOT looking forward to her first driving lesson. She really doesn't want to drive, but we're making her do it because it's really a necessary skill if you are physically able. I went 20 years over here without a license and there have been so many times when it was REALLY inconvenient not to have it. I hate driving, always have, but there are times when you really need to be able to. And she'll learn it so much more easily now than if she waits until she's 45. So she's getting driving lessons. She's dreading it, but knows it's best for her.

A has been playing chess since he was.....I think 4? Opa taught him and he loved it, and I think he was somewhere around 8 when he joined the chess club where he gets lessons and such, and it didn't take long before he had far surpassed Opa's abilities. Opa only knew the basics, but the club teaches the moves and the strategy behind them. There's a girl (Fleur) in his club who placed 2nd, or maybe even tied 1st in the nation for her age group. She's really really good, but her whole family plays. Her parents now run the club since the guy who started it moved a few months ago. But her dad at least plays competitively as well, and her siblings all play. There was a goodbye party for Niels, who started the club, and they organized a tournament for all ages. All the kids in the club and the adults could enter too. Fleur's little sister is only 6, and she beat even the adults she played. She's going to be amazing as she gets older. A won his division within the club last year. They meet every week, get lessons, and then play matches with each other. They keep track of the points all year, and then at the end of the season, the give prizes. He got a book about chess moves and he studied up and used a certain opening he learned about in the goodbye tournament and I think he came in shared 4th place in that and there were like 30 or more people. So he's doing really well with it and he loves it. I'm glad he found his "thing" because Soccer was NOT it.

My son has his Friday thing every week, too. He has to have the same dish every week from a local Indian restaurant. I love Indian food, but I am going to get something else tomorrow night. You can have too much of a good thing.

That's really great that his grandpa taught him to play chess. He will always have those memories of playing together.

My son rarely drives. In fact, we have to hound him to drive occasionally. He had a dentist's appointment a few weeks ago and he took an Uber there and back. I have never driven with him, but my husband does and he said he's not a bad driver, he's just overly cautious. I think he just needs to drive more often and he will get more confident in his driving.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Was it Callie at the door, or is there another cat showing up now?

I think just making sure you aren't sitting still for too long, you should be fine until you figure out what you want to do for your workouts. I've been going out for walks with E almost every day. We need to get on a walking regimen to get ready for our Disney trip in the Summer. I had my diabetis check up on Tuesday and I have lost 2.5 kilos since my last checkup. So I'm on the right track. You seem very active, so I think you are ok. Is it kind of a fall slump maybe, since the time change and it gets dark earlier now, and the daylight hours are shorter? I know you said you suffer from that lack of sunlight. Maybe that's a contributing factor?

It was Callie. Sometimes, I turn the light on and she's there, other times she comes up to the door once I turn it on.

I am having trouble sticking to one thing or sometimes I can't decide what to do. It's not that I don't have motivation, I just feel like I don't know what to do. LOL

From your check up, it definitely sounds like you are on the right track. Where are you guys staying when you go to WDW?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Where I grew up, I was the ONLY one not raring to go to get my license. And pretty much anyone who qualified for a hardship license to get it when they were 14 or 15 did. Most kids can't wait. Maybe that's a more mid-west thing where there's a lot of rural land with lower populations. In Wyoming, driving meant access to entertainment. I grew up in a town with no movie theater, or bowling alley, or shopping, or skating rink. There really wasn't anything in our town for kids to do. If you wanted to do anything, you had to be able to get to Gillette, which was 40 miles away. Parents weren't always available or willing to drive you, so most kids were chomping at the bit to get a license and their own car so they could get to Gillette, or at the very least, go "cruising" around "the loop" in our town, which was a 2 mile long street that went around the whole housing section of town. It also meant not having to walk to school in pouring rain or extremely cold temps. I literally don't know anyone other than myself who DIDN'T go for their license as soon as they could. I had no desire, but my mom made me. She let me defer it one year, but then when I went to renew my permit, they had a problem with their system that caused them a serious backlog on the hardcopies. They were in a rush to get the hard copies out and saw my age, assumed it was a license and sent me one. I never had to take the road test. I really lucked out. Over here that can't happen because there's no such thing as a permit, and you can't schedule a road test until you pass your written test, and the waiting list can take months. If you are getting anything, it's a full license.

I keep telling E it will be easier for her than it was for me here, because she's starting fresh and has never driven in another country, never driven an automatic, and she's young and has never had mom-brain. She may even like it more than she thinks she will. She says she's terrified, and I get it. The stakes do seem to be higher here, which is why it's so much harder to GET a license here. You're driving a 2 ton missile around....if you don't look properly, or something happens, you can easily kill someone. With the number of people who ride bicycles over here and don't always look before they turn, or don't necessarily stay in their lane, it is scary. That's why -I- hate it. That and my navigation skills are terrible, so I'm always worried about going the wrong way and getting lost and then encountering one way streets, or whatever and not knowing how to get out of it. She's much better at that and helps ME navigate when I'm driving, so it shouldn't be nearly as bad for her.

After I got married, we lived in England for a while. My husband tried to teach me to drive his Fiat Tipo. OMG, I sucked so badly. It was a confluence of driving on the opposite side of the road, trying to use my weak left hand to change gears and then trying to figure out what to do with the third pedal. We got to a roundabout and I was freaking out. It was a small roundabout in a residential area, not like one of those 3 lane ones. My husband kept yelling at me to stop riding the clutch. Finally, he told me to pull over and said, "That's enough driving lesson for now." He never took me back out and to be fair, I never asked again. I just walked and took public transportation if I ever needed to go anywhere.

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