working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning. 🌞

I did a cardio workout that used weights to get the heart rate up. It was good, because I didn't have to do any jumping.

My husband came home last night. I felt bad, because I didn't get up to say hi. It was like once I knew he was on his way home, my body was like, "Ok, we can sleep deeply now." :hilarious: I could hear him moving around and I kept telling myself I'd get out of bed in a minute and I just couldn't. My Fitbit tracks my sleep and I was in deep sleep for much longer than I usually I am last night. I just slept so badly all week. My husband's plane landed at 7 PM and he had to fly into Newark, because he "relocated" up there. He went to his apartment, took a covid test, showered and drove back. It was an 8 hr flight. That is a long day and I was really concerned about him driving back after being awake for so long with jet lag. He said he was fine.

The weather is great here, lower temps and much lower humidity. I am going to get some much needed yard word done and get out for a stroll. :)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to check in. We were pretty good about getting active on the cruise. On at sea days, we’d typically put in several laps on the 5th deck track before hitting the fitness center. Most days I’d do an additional 20 minutes of cardio followed by some circuit training. I had to ditch the elliptical because it was such an uncomfortable experience. The fitness center was in the ship’s bow, so every stride was impacted by every swell and wave. It made me feel like I was in a constant lunge. Just due to the size of an Oasis class ship, we were walking miles and miles every day. We also got in some decent physical activity on our excursions.

So now we try and get back to normal. Unfortunately, we’ve got a new obstacle with that…

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I’m feeling a lot better…about 98% normal, but it’s not how I planned to spend these post trip days.
I'm so sorry!! Hopefully you are fully recovered by now! We just got back yesterday and it's in the upper 90s and we have no AC, so it's not fun. I hope we don't end up with covid alongside it! Did you get sick while you were on the cruise, or just when you got home?


Well-Known Member
Three out of 10 of us are positive (me, husband, dad). My mom has symptoms, but has continued to test negative for 5 days straight. My brother's family seems to be fine, although, they had some illness issues towards the end of the cruise. I think omicron also went through their home in that could have helped them. He and my SIL have to test all of the time because they work in hospitals, which is also probably part of why they got it before. My kids are both still negative and no symptoms. School starts Tuesday, so I'd like a little bit of normalcy! 😂
How did you get it? Doesn't everyone have to take a test before they get on the ship? What a nightmare! We thought A might have caught it on the way to the US, but he tested negative. By the time we landed in Denver, he had gone through an entire pack of kleenex...his nose was so runny! But we tested him and he was negative...we waited a couple of days, tested him again, still negative, and then he was fine, so it was just a cold. None of us got sick.


Well-Known Member

I am having a rest day. My husband is getting up at 4 for his flight tomorrow, so I decided to swap my rest days, since I will likely be up at 4 with him. I did go for a walk this AM.

My MIL called earlier. Her partner had a massive stroke and the doctors told her he is brain dead. My MIL never remarried, so she can't consent to withdrawing care. It is up to his son, so she has called him. My husband might have to stay a few days extra now, depending on when (and if) there is a funeral by early next week. Otherwise he has going to fly home and go back. It's just so crazy. On my last visit to my IL's house four years ago, he seemed unstoppable. He was a very active man for his age. He was trying to get me to go "Modern Jive" dancing with him, but I declined. My MIL is supposed to visit us in a few weeks. It is totally up to her, but it might be a good thing for her to still come over. We had a couple small trips planned and she has her own living space here if she wants to be alone. But it is up to her.

Maybe it's not my place to say this, but I feel like my husband should be with his mom at this time, not doing a bank exam.
Oh my goodness, how awful! I take it his trip went through as planned? So he is already over there anyway? How long does the exam take? I hope it works out for him to just stay over there rather than having to come back!


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Checking in with a workout called Burpee Bonanza. It was not fun and after I started it, I remember this was on my mental "never do this workout again" list. I might go for a walk later, but I opened up the door to feed the cat earlier, I was smacked in the face with oppressive humidity. It's too early to be so humid.

Anyway, my MIL called my husband last night to say her partner passed away. His family had all been to say their good byes and she had just left the hospital when they called to tell her he was gone. So, it's almost like he hung on until he got to say good bye. My SIL lives 2 miles away, so she'll be there. I asked my husband if he was going up, he said he didn't know. She did tell my husband she is still coming over in a few weeks, because she thinks it will be good to get out of the house. My MIL has a lot of friends. Seriously. She used to come to WDW with us and on one trip went to Walmart to get some food. She ran into a friend. In Florida! :hilarious: I think her friends are going to rally around her, too.
I'm so sorry! It sounds like she has a good support system around her...that's good. Was she close with his family? I think it's good for her to get away. How is your husband feeling? I'm sure it's hard, even when it's not your biological parent. It's still someone close, family.


Well-Known Member
Good morning. 🌞

I did a cardio workout that used weights to get the heart rate up. It was good, because I didn't have to do any jumping.

My husband came home last night. I felt bad, because I didn't get up to say hi. It was like once I knew he was on his way home, my body was like, "Ok, we can sleep deeply now." :hilarious: I could hear him moving around and I kept telling myself I'd get out of bed in a minute and I just couldn't. My Fitbit tracks my sleep and I was in deep sleep for much longer than I usually I am last night. I just slept so badly all week. My husband's plane landed at 7 PM and he had to fly into Newark, because he "relocated" up there. He went to his apartment, took a covid test, showered and drove back. It was an 8 hr flight. That is a long day and I was really concerned about him driving back after being awake for so long with jet lag. He said he was fine.

The weather is great here, lower temps and much lower humidity. I am going to get some much needed yard word done and get out for a stroll. :)
I don't know about your husband, but I find it much easier with the jet lag going to the US than I do going from the US to Europe. Coming back here, you lose so much time! We had to get up at 2am to get to the airport at the recommended time....they say 3 hours before an international flight, and our flight was at 7:05am. The first shuttle from the hotel doesn't even leave until 4. We turned our car rental in the night before and took the first shuttle to the airport at 4. We got there at 4:25am, so we were a little later than recommended, but it took no time at all getting checked in and getting through security. Our bags were too heavy so we had to pay extra, but it wasn't bad otherwise. Then we got to Atlanta and had an 9 hour layover. By the time we landed in Amsterdam, we were exhausted. I slept for several hours on the plane, but I was sitting one row ahead of the rest of them, and there was a baby that cried more than half the flight right behind them...I was so tired I slept through a lot of it. And I guess they kept messing with the tray tables so it was like someone was kicking their seats. None of them got to sleep. We were glad we paid for the van to come pick us up and drive us home. We needed to get groceries and neither of us felt like it would be safe to get in the car, even for a few minutes. So we just walked to the store near our house. Then E and my husband crashed while I unpacked my suitcase and carryon and did laundry. I ordered food for A and myself, because everyone else was still passed out. But going over wasn't nearly that bad....we got there at like 10:30 pm, rented the car, went to the hotel and crashed. Got up the next morning and we were mostly ok. But we got the hotel room so we wouldn't have a long drive right after the long flight.

Does your husband fly direct? We always have a layover somewhere. It makes the day sooooooo long!


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry!! Hopefully you are fully recovered by now! We just got back yesterday and it's in the upper 90s and we have no AC, so it's not fun. I hope we don't end up with covid alongside it! Did you get sick while you were on the cruise, or just when you got home?

How did you get it? Doesn't everyone have to take a test before they get on the ship? What a nightmare! We thought A might have caught it on the way to the US, but he tested negative. By the time we landed in Denver, he had gone through an entire pack of kleenex...his nose was so runny! But we tested him and he was negative...we waited a couple of days, tested him again, still negative, and then he was fine, so it was just a cold. None of us got sick.

We all had to test pre cruise. The testing is a big to-do and a huge source of stress. I started showing symptoms the day we left the ship…so day 8…when we were about 350 miles away from the port in our journey home. Considering the incubation on this variant, I either got it on the ship or our first two ports of call. Thankfully it was really mild and never kept us from enjoying the cruise.

That’s awful to be without AC in those temps. I know many places don’t have it just because it’s not consistently warm enough to warrant it. It still doesn’t make it any better when it’s blazing hot.


Well-Known Member
Good morning and happy Saturday!

I’ve been taking it easy, but feel pretty good…minus allergies. David and I are both negative and only had mild symptoms for a few days. I know definitions of mild vary, but this truly was mild. Whatever got me sick back in December, before surgery, was so much worse than this. Both of my parents also wound up testing positive, but mild symptoms and went on paxlovid shortly after diagnosis due to age. My kids never had anything and tested negative, and while my brother’s family has something, they are also negative.

We plan to start back at the gym this week, but in the meantime, Sam and I have been making healthier recipes from an Australian guy she follows on TikTok. It’s felt like a bit of a detox after all of the cruise food. I’ve also been having a “dry” August after all of the drinking on the cruise.

Other than that…things have been busy! School started this week and Sam started tryouts to find a new softball team. She’s accepted an offer and we’re all pretty excited.


Well-Known Member
Good morning and happy Saturday!

I’ve been taking it easy, but feel pretty good…minus allergies. David and I are both negative and only had mild symptoms for a few days. I know definitions of mild vary, but this truly was mild. Whatever got me sick back in December, before surgery, was so much worse than this. Both of my parents also wound up testing positive, but mild symptoms and went on paxlovid shortly after diagnosis due to age. My kids never had anything and tested negative, and while my brother’s family has something, they are also negative.

We plan to start back at the gym this week, but in the meantime, Sam and I have been making healthier recipes from an Australian guy she follows on TikTok. It’s felt like a bit of a detox after all of the cruise food. I’ve also been having a “dry” August after all of the drinking on the cruise.

Other than that…things have been busy! School started this week and Sam started tryouts to find a new softball team. She’s accepted an offer and we’re all pretty excited.
Glad you are feeling better!! Allergies are the worst, aren't they?? I came home with something going on with my eye. My lid is all swollen and it hurts. Hope it will go away on its own!

We gained weight on vacation from all the heavy food. It's so much harder in restaurants....none of them serve veggies other than a side salad! When I'm there, I like to eat the things I miss. We went to saltgrass steak house and I ordered the brussells sprouts and they were disgusting. They were just burnt to a crisp, literally. I LOVE sprouts, but I couldn't eat these! There was nothing but char. So gross. The server said they have been having discussions about that. Some people love it and some hate it. I hate char. So now that we're home, E and I are CRAVING veggies. We went and got carrot sticks, grapes, zucchini, etc.

Yay for the new team! I hope this one turns out to be great!


Premium Member
Original Poster
Hello! I hope you are are well! Anyhoo I've been extremely busy as preserving season has started and I was enjoying all the heat we had and am sad to see it go. I'm getting back in the swing of things after yet again spraining both ankles. I swear this time it wasn't really my fault. No, seriously it wasn't my normal clumsy self so much as a wet spot on the floor of the supermarket which I came to find out was some type of soap. Today I'll get my steps in while cooking and try and find time to go for a walk but those bushels of veggies aren't going to prep themselves

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, how awful! I take it his trip went through as planned? So he is already over there anyway? How long does the exam take? I hope it works out for him to just stay over there rather than having to come back!

He did go. He went for 5 nights. The funeral is on the 26th, but my MIL is having it streamed for us and anyone else who is unable to go. She told my husband not to come, because she is flying over on Sept. 2. He has been in contact with her everyday and my SIL has been having her come over for dinner every night.

I'm so sorry! It sounds like she has a good support system around her...that's good. Was she close with his family? I think it's good for her to get away. How is your husband feeling? I'm sure it's hard, even when it's not your biological parent. It's still someone close, family.

She wasn't close with his family. She only met one of his sons.

I think my husband was concerned about his mom, but I think he was upset., too. They were together for 35 years. This all happened the day before he left for London. She was worried because the coroner got involved. I think this was because my MIL wasn't in the same room when it happened. But the autopsy revealed he didn't have a stroke. He fell and struck his head, which caused the brain bleed. My MIL found him on the ground and he was trying to get up, but he couldn't. So she called an ambulance straight away. She did everything right, but sometimes it still not enough, sadly.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I don't know about your husband, but I find it much easier with the jet lag going to the US than I do going from the US to Europe. Coming back here, you lose so much time! We had to get up at 2am to get to the airport at the recommended time....they say 3 hours before an international flight, and our flight was at 7:05am. The first shuttle from the hotel doesn't even leave until 4. We turned our car rental in the night before and took the first shuttle to the airport at 4. We got there at 4:25am, so we were a little later than recommended, but it took no time at all getting checked in and getting through security. Our bags were too heavy so we had to pay extra, but it wasn't bad otherwise. Then we got to Atlanta and had an 9 hour layover. By the time we landed in Amsterdam, we were exhausted. I slept for several hours on the plane, but I was sitting one row ahead of the rest of them, and there was a baby that cried more than half the flight right behind them...I was so tired I slept through a lot of it. And I guess they kept messing with the tray tables so it was like someone was kicking their seats. None of them got to sleep. We were glad we paid for the van to come pick us up and drive us home. We needed to get groceries and neither of us felt like it would be safe to get in the car, even for a few minutes. So we just walked to the store near our house. Then E and my husband crashed while I unpacked my suitcase and carryon and did laundry. I ordered food for A and myself, because everyone else was still passed out. But going over wasn't nearly that bad....we got there at like 10:30 pm, rented the car, went to the hotel and crashed. Got up the next morning and we were mostly ok. But we got the hotel room so we wouldn't have a long drive right after the long flight.

Does your husband fly direct? We always have a layover somewhere. It makes the day sooooooo long!
Yes, he was able to fly direct, thankfully. I was shocked that his return flight was just over 8 hours. That seems long for that route.

I struggle with the west to east jet lag, too. It just wrecks me for a few days afterwards.

That sounds like a really long day for you all. A nine hour layover? What did you guys do for nine hours? That's when I start looking at adjacent hotels with shuttle service to take a nap, swim, etc. I have really grown to dread air travel, especially international flights.

How was your trip otherwise?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning and happy Saturday!

I’ve been taking it easy, but feel pretty good…minus allergies. David and I are both negative and only had mild symptoms for a few days. I know definitions of mild vary, but this truly was mild. Whatever got me sick back in December, before surgery, was so much worse than this. Both of my parents also wound up testing positive, but mild symptoms and went on paxlovid shortly after diagnosis due to age. My kids never had anything and tested negative, and while my brother’s family has something, they are also negative.

We plan to start back at the gym this week, but in the meantime, Sam and I have been making healthier recipes from an Australian guy she follows on TikTok. It’s felt like a bit of a detox after all of the cruise food. I’ve also been having a “dry” August after all of the drinking on the cruise.

Other than that…things have been busy! School started this week and Sam started tryouts to find a new softball team. She’s accepted an offer and we’re all pretty excited.

Glad your symptoms didn't progress to anything beyond mild.

Hopefully Sam's new team isn't toxic like the last one. Was it Sam's old team that had all of that drama with the coaches? I know both of your daughters play softball, so I might have gotten confused.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Hello! I hope you are are well! Anyhoo I've been extremely busy as preserving season has started and I was enjoying all the heat we had and am sad to see it go. I'm getting back in the swing of things after yet again spraining both ankles. I swear this time it wasn't really my fault. No, seriously it wasn't my normal clumsy self so much as a wet spot on the floor of the supermarket which I came to find out was some type of soap. Today I'll get my steps in while cooking and try and find time to go for a walk but those bushels of veggies aren't going to prep themselves

OMG. OUCH. Didn't the supermarket have a "wet floor" sign? It sounds like you're healed if you're getting steps in.


Premium Member
Original Poster
OMG. OUCH. Didn't the supermarket have a "wet floor" sign? It sounds like you're healed if you're getting steps in.
THNX. Nothing at all. The store manager admitted fault and told me how to file a claim if need be:eek: even told me to go the hospital for an X ray. I noped out of that because it was ds' birthday and I had to get home and cook, wearing ankle braces. Thank goodness most of the food was prepped so there wasn't too much time I needed to be up on my feet

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I started week two of this 6 week YouTube program I am doing. Today was a lower body strength workout. This was a workout where I should have had a little something to eat before hand! 😅

The weather is really lovely, so I am going to get out for a walk and some yard work. :)


Well-Known Member
He did go. He went for 5 nights. The funeral is on the 26th, but my MIL is having it streamed for us and anyone else who is unable to go. She told my husband not to come, because she is flying over on Sept. 2. He has been in contact with her everyday and my SIL has been having her come over for dinner every night.

She wasn't close with his family. She only met one of his sons.

I think my husband was concerned about his mom, but I think he was upset., too. They were together for 35 years. This all happened the day before he left for London. She was worried because the coroner got involved. I think this was because my MIL wasn't in the same room when it happened. But the autopsy revealed he didn't have a stroke. He fell and struck his head, which caused the brain bleed. My MIL found him on the ground and he was trying to get up, but he couldn't. So she called an ambulance straight away. She did everything right, but sometimes it still not enough, sadly.
Oh that's sooooo sad! I'm so sorry! A friend of mine lost her husband when he had a blood vessel that burst in his stomach I think? He was in the shower, he shouted out to her, then just collapsed. So tragic when it happens so suddenly and there's nothing you can do. I hope your MIL doesn't feel like she could have done more. Sometimes it just happens too fast.

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