Nice cake.
Did something similar 22 years ago for my nephew’s 9th birthday.
9 layer cake with the center hollowed out and filled with candy.
His mother was not happy.
She stopped asking me to make his cakes after that.
Wish I still had the pics.
This is a beautiful cake. I like the colors, very piñata-like. My husband loves Reeses' Peanut Butter cups, so I made one with mini peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's inside for his birthday a few years ago. I bet it was delicious with the Earl Grey + honey-lemon buttercream.
Wow. I am sorry about Sam and her injury? Is this the same hand she had surgery on this year?
Good morning.
Checking in with a leg workout. It was good. It went by rather quickly, which is always a good thing for me.
I started using my new light box today. I think I need to mess around with it. There is a setting where you can choose the shade of white that is most comfortable for your eyes. I'm still messing around with that setting--also the timer. I thought I had set it for 20 min and I looked at my phone and saw that 30 minutes had passed by. Oops.
I finished cutting out my felt "toast" for my MNSSHP costume, I just need to glue it together. I am just going to safety pin it to my top. I am also staying home this week and not going up to JC. It's taking me longer than I had anticipated to deep clean my house before my MIL arrives, so I want to get to a point where I feel I've made serious progress.![]()
Yesterday was more of an unconventional physical activity day. K and I drove across town and put in about an hour at the shelter.I think we walked around 10 dogs, but some required more physical exertion than others. One of my dogs really enjoyed walking the point that I decided we should do an on/off jog. That was all well and good until pooper scooper needs were an issue. So, K volunteered for that while I managed two dogs. They were kennel mates, so it was fine. I ended up taking them into a big field where we were able to run them some more and play some games. We contemplated staying more than an hour, but...
1. One of the really vocal know-it-all ladies showed up and immediately tried bossing us.
2. Kendall was stung by a bee.
I was really shocked that the shelter didn't have any kind of first aid kit. My gut says they do, because how could they not? I believe it's an OSHA requirement. Thankfully, K is not allergic to things like this, but I still left with her to get her some meds just in case. Between the lack of first aid kit, the cranky volunteers, and the long drive to get there and back...we're kind of over this. Unfortunately, the volunteer commitment is a minimum of twice a month for 6 months, so we're only about halfway through our obligation. They also won't sign anything for school related stuff until she's volunteered at least 30 hours. While that's not a huge amount, she's in school full time, I work full time, we both have other obligations, the shelter is 40 miles away, is never open longer than 11am to 6pm, and involves a route with a lot of rush hour traffic. K already volunteers at the library and has other short term volunteer opportunities that she might be able to finish in time for NHS this year. i.e. we'll fulfill our 6 months at the shelter, but she probably will never meet 30 hours to get anything signed. It's still something she can list...she just won't have the signed paper from the shelter.
In other news...K passed her driving test. She didn't even realize she was taking the test!The driving school she went to is licensed to administer the test as her final road lesson. What she thought was a practice test was her actual road test. She got a 98 out of 100. She insists that she should have gotten a 100 and that the woman was looking down at her notepad when she did what the lady said she didn't do, but it doesn't really matter...she passed. We head to DPS today to give them everything to get her official license. And now I have about 4 months to figure out a car...since we told her it's waiting until Hanukkah/Christmas.
Congrats to K on passing her driving test! So crazy about an animal shelter not having anything for first aid. They should at least have something for the animals!
I'm glad you're at least able to see the signs of the change and have some means to help cope with it. I remember a number of friends dealing with this during college as we were in one of the worst cities for seasonal affective disorder. I've always been sort of the opposite. There aren't many studies on it, but I tend to be at my happiest as we lose daylight and have gloomy/overcast conditions. Sam seems to be the same way. While I don't normally notice it until sometime in September, I start getting this boost as we approach autumn.
Can't wait to see the finished costume! Also making me feel like I should have done more to clean our house!I ran the robot vacuum...even had to clean out the brush. That's something!
Yesterday was more of an unconventional physical activity day. K and I drove across town and put in about an hour at the shelter.I think we walked around 10 dogs, but some required more physical exertion than others. One of my dogs really enjoyed walking the point that I decided we should do an on/off jog. That was all well and good until pooper scooper needs were an issue. So, K volunteered for that while I managed two dogs. They were kennel mates, so it was fine. I ended up taking them into a big field where we were able to run them some more and play some games. We contemplated staying more than an hour, but...
1. One of the really vocal know-it-all ladies showed up and immediately tried bossing us.
2. Kendall was stung by a bee.
I was really shocked that the shelter didn't have any kind of first aid kit. My gut says they do, because how could they not? I believe it's an OSHA requirement. Thankfully, K is not allergic to things like this, but I still left with her to get her some meds just in case. Between the lack of first aid kit, the cranky volunteers, and the long drive to get there and back...we're kind of over this. Unfortunately, the volunteer commitment is a minimum of twice a month for 6 months, so we're only about halfway through our obligation. They also won't sign anything for school related stuff until she's volunteered at least 30 hours. While that's not a huge amount, she's in school full time, I work full time, we both have other obligations, the shelter is 40 miles away, is never open longer than 11am to 6pm, and involves a route with a lot of rush hour traffic. K already volunteers at the library and has other short term volunteer opportunities that she might be able to finish in time for NHS this year. i.e. we'll fulfill our 6 months at the shelter, but she probably will never meet 30 hours to get anything signed. It's still something she can list...she just won't have the signed paper from the shelter.
In other news...K passed her driving test. She didn't even realize she was taking the test!The driving school she went to is licensed to administer the test as her final road lesson. What she thought was a practice test was her actual road test. She got a 98 out of 100. She insists that she should have gotten a 100 and that the woman was looking down at her notepad when she did what the lady said she didn't do, but it doesn't really matter...she passed. We head to DPS today to give them everything to get her official license. And now I have about 4 months to figure out a car...since we told her it's waiting until Hanukkah/Christmas.
That seems weird to me that the shelter won't sign off on fewer than 30 hours. Why is that? Is volunteer work mandatory for her school? We only had to do 2 hours I think, which was difficult enough in our town. We had no shelters, no nursing home, no hospital...there were no real opportunities. Our school arranged a trip to Denver every year for graduating seniors to get their credit, and they worked in a homeless shelter, but my mom wouldn't let me go on that trip. I ended up using my D.A.R.E. role model experience as my community service credit. I don't like that requirement....I get that it's important for kids to be well-rounded, but with all the other things they expect kids to do, I think it's too much to expect volunteer work as well. I had my school and homework, I had a job, I had speech and debate, student council, honor society, drama, music, and church, too....when was I supposed to fit in extra stuff? Volunteer work should be.....voluntary. It should be something feel called to do because they see a need and they feel passionately about making a difference. Otherwise their hearts aren't in it.Yesterday was more of an unconventional physical activity day. K and I drove across town and put in about an hour at the shelter.I think we walked around 10 dogs, but some required more physical exertion than others. One of my dogs really enjoyed walking the point that I decided we should do an on/off jog. That was all well and good until pooper scooper needs were an issue. So, K volunteered for that while I managed two dogs. They were kennel mates, so it was fine. I ended up taking them into a big field where we were able to run them some more and play some games. We contemplated staying more than an hour, but...
1. One of the really vocal know-it-all ladies showed up and immediately tried bossing us.
2. Kendall was stung by a bee.
I was really shocked that the shelter didn't have any kind of first aid kit. My gut says they do, because how could they not? I believe it's an OSHA requirement. Thankfully, K is not allergic to things like this, but I still left with her to get her some meds just in case. Between the lack of first aid kit, the cranky volunteers, and the long drive to get there and back...we're kind of over this. Unfortunately, the volunteer commitment is a minimum of twice a month for 6 months, so we're only about halfway through our obligation. They also won't sign anything for school related stuff until she's volunteered at least 30 hours. While that's not a huge amount, she's in school full time, I work full time, we both have other obligations, the shelter is 40 miles away, is never open longer than 11am to 6pm, and involves a route with a lot of rush hour traffic. K already volunteers at the library and has other short term volunteer opportunities that she might be able to finish in time for NHS this year. i.e. we'll fulfill our 6 months at the shelter, but she probably will never meet 30 hours to get anything signed. It's still something she can list...she just won't have the signed paper from the shelter.
In other news...K passed her driving test. She didn't even realize she was taking the test!The driving school she went to is licensed to administer the test as her final road lesson. What she thought was a practice test was her actual road test. She got a 98 out of 100. She insists that she should have gotten a 100 and that the woman was looking down at her notepad when she did what the lady said she didn't do, but it doesn't really matter...she passed. We head to DPS today to give them everything to get her official license. And now I have about 4 months to figure out a car...since we told her it's waiting until Hanukkah/Christmas.
You are the third person I know who says they feel energized in the Fall. Oddly enough, you all live in the South, so I wonder if it is the reprieve from intense sun and heat? I read there are people who get Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Spring and the symptoms are loss of appetite, anxiety, insomnia--the opposite of the Fall symptoms.
My costume is really basic. I know some people go all out with the Disney costumes. I am about being cheap and cheerful--and not blowing my luggage weight. My husband wears Mickey skeleton T-shirt and that is the extent of his "costume."![]()
Congrats to K on passing her driving test. That's funny that she didn't even know she was being tested. What kind of car were you thinking of getting her?
X1000 for the crabby volunteers. What was the problem? It sounds like you were doing what you were supposed to be doing. I would think they would have had a first aid kit, too. Forty miles away in heavy traffic? Oof. I hope this goes by quickly for you guys. Maybe it's good you are sticking it out, because you can't always quit a job or a project when a coworker is a crabby pants--maybe a little "life lesson." I hope the next visits are bettering this goes by quickly, so you can both put it behind you.
That seems weird to me that the shelter won't sign off on fewer than 30 hours. Why is that? Is volunteer work mandatory for her school? We only had to do 2 hours I think, which was difficult enough in our town. We had no shelters, no nursing home, no hospital...there were no real opportunities. Our school arranged a trip to Denver every year for graduating seniors to get their credit, and they worked in a homeless shelter, but my mom wouldn't let me go on that trip. I ended up using my D.A.R.E. role model experience as my community service credit. I don't like that requirement....I get that it's important for kids to be well-rounded, but with all the other things they expect kids to do, I think it's too much to expect volunteer work as well. I had my school and homework, I had a job, I had speech and debate, student council, honor society, drama, music, and church, too....when was I supposed to fit in extra stuff? Volunteer work should be.....voluntary. It should be something feel called to do because they see a need and they feel passionately about making a difference. Otherwise their hearts aren't in it.
Congrats to K on getting her license! That's exciting! Well done! Will she buy a car herself?
At least she didn't have to deal with the stress and anxiety most people face when taking their test. I love that the driving school handled the testing. Although, the part at the DPS office was also a breeze. We arrived 15 minutes early for our appointment, they took us as soon as I checked in and were done about a minute before our actual appointment time. I am developing a short list of vehicles. The Subaru Forester is currently at the top, but I have to be careful with years since some years of this model (as well as several others on the list) were impacted by the Takata airbag recall. I completely had forgotten about it until my boss reminded me. One of his eldest daughter's friends was one of the casualties.
She's never happy with the dogs we've selected to walk. I was in a kennel getting a leash on a dog when she tried to give orders to Kendall. She claimed that the dogs we were leashing up had already been walked and that we needed to go two kennel rows.buildings down because none of the dogs there had been walked yet. We ignored her and walked what we wanted that was in our clearance level. In hindsight...
1. If those dogs two rows down were such a high priority and hadn't been walked yet, why wasn't she down there walking them?
2. The shelter is only open 11-5:30 on Sundays. The dogs we were leashing up had their first walk around 11am and it was now after 2pm. Seems right on schedule for a second walk. Both were housebroken and used some of the time to relieve themselves.
Personally, I think she's just trying to be territorial and keep us away from her in the areas she's walking. When we heard her come back in, she sounded angry and frustrated with the dog she was walking. I do think it's good that we stick it out, for all of the reasons you noted. Plus, cranky people don't get to winKendall seems OK with not meeting the 30 hours, but understands that we have to do this through November to fulfill our obligation. And who knows...maybe we can squeeze in the time at some point so she can get the hours. If I could get away for just one day of her October break, we could try a marathon 7 hour shift.
I was thinking maybe they were walking a dog that SHE wanted to walk.....that she likes particular ones and they were leashing one that she views as "hers" and was trying to get them to go somewhere else so she could have "her" dog.I am glad you ignored her!it sounds like you prioritized the right dogs anyhow. I do think it's weird she doesn't want you in the same area she is walking. What does it even matter? I wonder if she is a little short with the dogs and she can't be a jerk to the dogs when others around. What a grouch.
Yes! I find it difficult to clean my house. For the longest time, my husband was working from home and the kids did remote learning, so I couldn't clean during the day while everyone was at home on the computer having teams meetings. But I work in the evening, so I wasn't home to do the cleaning, and so nothing got done with any regularity. I did clean it up back in May quite a bit and got rid of some toys that were taking up a lot of space. But now my husband is building his own computer and we have a small house....there's actually no room for this gaming computer, so he put it on the kitchen table. And there is plastic all over the place and cardboard boxes and everything from all the computer parts. And it's still WAY too hot to do anything today. Still in the 90s, inside and out, so I'm not cleaning today. And I have to work tonight, and I also have no AC at work, so I'm definitely not working at home first and then going to work. I need a week of cooler temps so I can get things back in order in the house!Hello-
Checking in with a glutes and hamstrings workout.
I have a banana bread with a cream cheese ribbon through it in the oven. I just felt like baking something. I really didn't need to turn the oven on today, but I wanted something to do that wasn't cleaning the house. I wish my husband and my son would go away for a few days, because it would be easier to get the cleaning done. This is taking longer than I thought because my house has gotten cluttered the past two years. It was so much easier to clean when my son was in HS and my husband was in an actual office.
I finished "Severance" yesterday. The series ended with even more questions--annoying.I like this show, but I find it deeply unnerving and a bit unsettling to watch. It's not violent or gory, it's just...weird. But it's a very different type of series.
I am glad you ignored her!it sounds like you prioritized the right dogs anyhow. I do think it's weird she doesn't want you in the same area she is walking. What does it even matter? I wonder if she is a little short with the dogs and she can't be a jerk to the dogs when others around. What a grouch.
I was thinking maybe they were walking a dog that SHE wanted to walk.....that she likes particular ones and they were leashing one that she views as "hers" and was trying to get them to go somewhere else so she could have "her" dog.
I was thinking maybe they were walking a dog that SHE wanted to walk.....that she likes particular ones and they were leashing one that she views as "hers" and was trying to get them to go somewhere else so she could have "her" dog.
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