working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a kettlebell strength training workout this morning. I went out earlier for a walk, too. I wanted to get out before it got too gross outside.

Last week, I saw this video of this older woman playing a drum kit to songs like "What's My Age, Again?" and "Down with the Sickness." Then she made a little speech at the end about drummers come in all ages, sizes, genders, abilities, we're all still part of a drumming family. She also said you're never too young or too old to start playing. I used to play drums in Jr High and HS and this felt like a call back into the fold. I started looking at drum kits (ouch). But before I buy one, I am going to get some sticks, a practice pad and brush up on the drum rudiments. I want to be sure I absolutely want to do this before I plunk down the cash for a kit. I know I am never going to be the next Neil Peart, but I think it's good for the brain because you never truly "master" drumming. There is always something new to learn.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no. That's so frustrating. But you're there and once you're rested, you can all go out and enjoy yourselves.

My mom was just really manipulative with a simmering rage bubbling just under the surface.. I felt like we were rivals once I entered my teens. She picked on me for the dumbest stuff--things beyond my control. She picked on my body. I was too tall--"Boys don't like tall girls." My eyebrows. She made fun of me for getting my period at 10. I don't know what I was supposed to do about that? She used to tell me about stuff she did on dates, when I was 12. It was TMI and highly inappropriate. She eavesdropped on my phone calls with everyone--my friends, boyfriends, my freaking great-grandparents. She would fly into these rages for reasons only known to her. Throwing plates, screaming. I stopped talking to her a few years ago and I feel better for it. I used to get so anxious when I had to be around her. I know people don't agree with me not talking to my mother anymore. You would not expect someone to tolerate this behavior from a partner/spouse/friend, why should you tolerate it from a parent?
Oh yeah, my mom was a snooper. Even when I was in college and paying for everything myself. She'd wait until I went to the bathroom and she'd listen to my answering machine messages, and she'd go through my drawers. I had to hide my checkbook after I came back from the bathroom to a lecture about how I had a meal plan at the cafeteria and why was I spending money at a fast food restaurant instead! What a waste of money, and what did I buy at Walmart that cost $25?? She opened my mail, which is technically a felony. She wanted to know everything I was doing and make sure I did it all the way she wanted me to.

I was really scared to tell my mom about getting my period, needing a bra, etc. My mom seemed to hate me growing up. She was always harping about girls growing up too fast and being boy crazy, etc. Any time someone asked me about school and whether I had a boyfriend, she'd say "She'd BETTER not!!" and make it clear that the penalty for such an infraction might be worse than death. So when one of my friends came to me in 4th grade and said the other girls had been laughing at me because I needed a bra, I was afraid to go to my mom. That one turned out fine, same with shaving my legs. I expected her to have a problem with those indicators of maturing, but she was fine. So I guess I just got mixed messages. But she didn't think women should even date until they were in their 30s and had careers and their own homes, etc. So on the one hand, she's wanting me to grow up and be mature, but on the other hand, not grow up because growing up meant boys, which she was totally against. She didn't throw things, but she was more emotionally abusive. She'd imply I was stupid, and say things like "How can you expect to ...... if you can't even .....?" or "Use your head! You can't do such and such!" and she told me once that I wouldn't have graduated high school if it weren't for my brother. Like he did the work for me and I was an incompetent idiot.


Premium Member
Original Poster

I did a kettlebell strength training workout this morning. I went out earlier for a walk, too. I wanted to get out before it got too gross outside.

Last week, I saw this video of this older woman playing a drum kit to songs like "What's My Age, Again?" and "Down with the Sickness." Then she made a little speech at the end about drummers come in all ages, sizes, genders, abilities, we're all still part of a drumming family. She also said you're never too young or too old to start playing. I used to play drums in Jr High and HS and this felt like a call back into the fold. I started looking at drum kits (ouch). But before I buy one, I am going to get some sticks, a practice pad and brush up on the drum rudiments. I want to be sure I absolutely want to do this before I plunk down the cash for a kit. I know I am never going to be the next Neil Peart, but I think it's good for the brain because you never truly "master" drumming. There is always something new to learn.
Sorry for quoting the wrong post. The humane society may lend you a safe trap to get her to the vet

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a 30 minute dumbbell bodyweight workout from YouTube.

I slept so poorly last night. I knew I would struggle a bit, since this is the first time my husband went away for work since the end of 2019. But last night was rough. I woke up at 3 and tried to go back to sleep without success. :hilarious: So, I just woke up for the day at 4. I kept waking up through out the night, too. I think don't sleep as well in the summer as I do in the winter, anyway. But my husband is coming home later on, so hopefully tonight will be a better night's sleep. :)

I am making gochujang-coconut glazed chicken. I serve it with steamed broccoli and brown rice. It's another lazy-pants 👖, but tasty recipe. I only have to cube the chicken before I stir fry it, everything else is measuring things that are already prepared.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, my mom was a snooper. Even when I was in college and paying for everything myself. She'd wait until I went to the bathroom and she'd listen to my answering machine messages, and she'd go through my drawers. I had to hide my checkbook after I came back from the bathroom to a lecture about how I had a meal plan at the cafeteria and why was I spending money at a fast food restaurant instead! What a waste of money, and what did I buy at Walmart that cost $25?? She opened my mail, which is technically a felony. She wanted to know everything I was doing and make sure I did it all the way she wanted me to.

I was really scared to tell my mom about getting my period, needing a bra, etc. My mom seemed to hate me growing up. She was always harping about girls growing up too fast and being boy crazy, etc. Any time someone asked me about school and whether I had a boyfriend, she'd say "She'd BETTER not!!" and make it clear that the penalty for such an infraction might be worse than death. So when one of my friends came to me in 4th grade and said the other girls had been laughing at me because I needed a bra, I was afraid to go to my mom. That one turned out fine, same with shaving my legs. I expected her to have a problem with those indicators of maturing, but she was fine. So I guess I just got mixed messages. But she didn't think women should even date until they were in their 30s and had careers and their own homes, etc. So on the one hand, she's wanting me to grow up and be mature, but on the other hand, not grow up because growing up meant boys, which she was totally against. She didn't throw things, but she was more emotionally abusive. She'd imply I was stupid, and say things like "How can you expect to ...... if you can't even .....?" or "Use your head! You can't do such and such!" and she told me once that I wouldn't have graduated high school if it weren't for my brother. Like he did the work for me and I was an incompetent idiot.

I am sorry your childhood was like that. It makes me feel less lonely about mine, because I feel like nobody would believe the things that have happened to me.

That's unrealistic for your mom to expect women to date with all of those conditions. If a woman waits until her 30s, have a career, her own home to even start dating, a woman can be an age where it's a bit of a challenge to start a family.

My mom would tell me I was dumb in a more subtle way. She would tell me I was book smart, but I lacked common sense. I probably did do stupid stuff when I was a kid, but I was also a bundle of anxiety who was scared of making her angry all the time. So, my brain probably wasn't full engaged at all times, but that was due to external circumstances and not something from within.

Anyway, I hope you and your fam have a great time. What are you plans for the next few days? How is your foot doing with all of the traveling?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

Checking in with a 15 min HIIT workout followed by a 15 min abs workout. 💦

My husband came back last night, so I got a better night's sleep. I am thinking of going up with him next week, just for a change of scenery. I want to go out walking, but where the apartment is located is near a lot of abandoned warehouses that are creepy looking and look like a good hiding place for someone with nefarious intent. I know that sounds paranoid! :hilarious: But I figure if I go out in the day and keep my wits about me, I should be OK. I just won't listen to music on my phone until I get better feel for my surroundings.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry your childhood was like that. It makes me feel less lonely about mine, because I feel like nobody would believe the things that have happened to me.

That's unrealistic for your mom to expect women to date with all of those conditions. If a woman waits until her 30s, have a career, her own home to even start dating, a woman can be an age where it's a bit of a challenge to start a family.

My mom would tell me I was dumb in a more subtle way. She would tell me I was book smart, but I lacked common sense. I probably did do stupid stuff when I was a kid, but I was also a bundle of anxiety who was scared of making her angry all the time. So, my brain probably wasn't full engaged at all times, but that was due to external circumstances and not something from within.

Anyway, I hope you and your fam have a great time. What are you plans for the next few days? How is your foot doing with all of the traveling?
Yeah, what I told my mom about the dating thing is that I disagreed with that because if you wait until you already have a job, a home, etc, you are so used to doing things your own's harder to merge 2 lives that way. She and my dad were both in their 30s when they got married and had kids, and they were both so set in their ways and refused to compromise on how they had done things all their lives. They ended up divorced when I was 6. Mom kept telling me I needed to be in my 30s before I started dating and I needed to have everything done that I wanted to do...if I wanted to travel, I needed to do that before I started dating. And I needed to have my own home, a career. I said I wanted to travel WITH my husband. She said my husband might not be into travel. I said then we wouldn't be compatible. I couldn't imagine being married to someone who didn't share my interests or support them. And she said I was too young to get married when I was in my 20s, and I should be at LEAST 30. I told her there was no magic age at which marriage will suddenly work out. And I reminded her that SHE had been in her 30s and it didn't work out. Oh she was mad at me for that. But I didn't say it in a mean way, just that age is no guarantee of success in marriage. I'm convinced that half their problem was that they were both so set in their ways and wouldn't compromise...that, and they obviously didn't really get to know each other or talk about what they expected from marriage.

I ended up with flashbacks to my childhood yesterday, because my husband kept yelling at me about tiny little things because they weren't HIS way. He asked me to drive because he was feeling drowsy, then got frustrated because I asked things like how to set the GPS, and he got mad at me because we were looking for a McDonalds, and I went to " Points of interest" and then "Restaurants" instead of "choose destination"....he said his way was faster. Then I missed a turn....I had to turn left onto a street and then immediately turn right again, but it was a two-lane street, and you can't change lanes in an intersection, so I didn't have enough time to get into the right lane. So he yelled at me for missing the turn, so I just took the next right, thinking it looked like I might be able to get through via the parking lot, but I couldn't. But it looked like there might be a lane at the back. He's yelling at me "JUST GO THROUGH THERE!" was like the drive up thing on a hotel to stop while you are checking in. But I didn't want to go through there, because I wanted to see if I could get through at the back. I finally just told him to stop yelling at me, and was it really THAT big a deal to have to make a loop around the hotel? Then when we got to Rock Springs, the GPS said I still had a mile and a half before I needed to get off the interstate, but he saw a sign that indicated there was a gas station at the exit before, and we needed gas, so he kind of half points at the exit and grunted, which was apparently supposed to mean he wanted me to exit there. But there were 4 exits to this town....I was pretty sure there'd be a gas station somewhere off the exit the GPS gave us. He screams at me "YOU JUST MISSED THE EXIT!" I look at the GPS....I said "I still have almost 2 miles!" He says "But it says THIS way is gas!!" I went to the one on the GPS and sure enough, several gas stations. So I go to one, and it's started to rain really hard and even though the pumps are under cover, it's raining through, but the pump won't take my card because I have a Dutch address. So I have to go in to pay, and we were going to switch drivers at that point, so he was trying to move the seat. I come back to find him sitting in the car....he hasn't started pumping gas. So I ask, which kind we need. I thought maybe he had looked it up. "What do you MEAN, which one!?" I was like "Regular, premium?" "He snaps at me "I think regular is sufficient! Don't YOU?" Then he starts yelling at me about how he can't move the seat back....I'm short. So I ask, well, does the car maybe need to be on to do it? "How should -I- know!?" So I go and move it back no problem, so then I'm thinking maybe he meant that he wanted to move the seatback...I like to sit up pretty straight. He usually leans back more. So I ask him which one he wanted to adjust, and he yells at me like I'm an idiot for asking. "I want to move the fricking seat back!" I said "I know....but which part??" and he snaps at me again that he needs to move the whole seat back, which I had JUST done for him, and he's shouting at me that it won't move, and I said "I just DID it for you! PLEASE stop yelling at me! It's not my fault!!" He just looked at me like I was the biggest moron he'd ever met. I said I didn't know what I did to p*ss him off. He didn't say a word. Just got back in the car and we drove off, him acting like it was all my fault that he didn't know how to work the seat after he snapped at me for everything -I- didn't know how to do. I ended up in tears....I still don't know what the heck I've done wrong. Everything I do seems to be the wrong thing, and everything I don't know frustrates him, and when I do something, like look something up on the GPS, he gets mad at the way I do it. I think if he asks me to drive today, I will tell him only if he lets me do it my way and doesn't yell at me.

We're visiting my cousins today, then we head to the Bighorn Sheep center tomorrow, and Yellowstone the next day. My foot would be fine if it hadn't been for security taking 2 hours in Amsterdam. But that's another story.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Oh, no. I am so sorry you started crying. I could not drive under those conditions, either. I got anxious just reading that. I think I would just let him drive the rest of the trip and if he complains, just tell him you don't like being yelled at because you don't do things his way. Like you said, get him to agree that if you drive, there will be no hectoring from him. Nobody likes a back seat driver, especially one who yells and treats you with contempt because you're not following orders. Good grief.

I hope today is better for you. 🌸

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a lower body and abs kettlebell workout. It was pretty good, I feel like his workouts are fresh and novel to me. So I am enjoying them. I like that they are short, compact workouts, but he still covers a lot of ground.

My husband is off today, so we're probably going to pop over to Starbucks and catch up over iced coffee.

I watch this YouTube channel that is just vegan recipes. She put out an e-cookbook. I was going to buy it, but it's $40. Is it me, or is that a lot for an ebook? I have no problem with compensating people for their work, but this is an ebook. For $40, I think this should be hard copy. I don't think I've even paid $40 for a hard cover book.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no. I am so sorry you started crying. I could not drive under those conditions, either. I got anxious just reading that. I think I would just let him drive the rest of the trip and if he complains, just tell him you don't like being yelled at because you don't do things his way. Like you said, get him to agree that if you drive, there will be no hectoring from him. Nobody likes a back seat driver, especially one who yells and treats you with contempt because you're not following orders. Good grief.

I hope today is better for you. 🌸
Yesterday was much better as far as his attitude goes. Maybe he realized he was being a jerk. I would have liked him to apologize, but at least he's not being a jerk right now. The rest of yesterday was kind of a dud. E seems to be allergic to the mosquitos here and her leg is all swollen and red. In a matter of minutes she had so many bites on her leg, and they just swelled up into one big patch that pretty much covers her whole shin, and it's achy. We got her some ice and that helped, but it's not fun. I lost my wallet for about a half hour, but found it under one of the bed runners that goes across the foot end. My husband had stomach issues, probably from his meds. Then when we went downstairs to eat dinner, E tried to scoot her chair in, and the seat was broken and she pinched her finger in there. We did get to see some really beautiful scenery, but the rest of the day was a bust!


Well-Known Member

Checking in with a lower body and abs kettlebell workout. It was pretty good, I feel like his workouts are fresh and novel to me. So I am enjoying them. I like that they are short, compact workouts, but he still covers a lot of ground.

My husband is off today, so we're probably going to pop over to Starbucks and catch up over iced coffee.

I watch this YouTube channel that is just vegan recipes. She put out an e-cookbook. I was going to buy it, but it's $40. Is it me, or is that a lot for an ebook? I have no problem with compensating people for their work, but this is an ebook. For $40, I think this should be hard copy. I don't think I've even paid $40 for a hard cover book.
Wow, that's a lot! Especially for an e-book. I've only seen books cost that much when they are those big hard backs, like coffee table books, etc.


Premium Member
Yesterday was much better as far as his attitude goes. Maybe he realized he was being a jerk. I would have liked him to apologize, but at least he's not being a jerk right now. The rest of yesterday was kind of a dud. E seems to be allergic to the mosquitos here and her leg is all swollen and red. In a matter of minutes she had so many bites on her leg, and they just swelled up into one big patch that pretty much covers her whole shin, and it's achy. We got her some ice and that helped, but it's not fun. I lost my wallet for about a half hour, but found it under one of the bed runners that goes across the foot end. My husband had stomach issues, probably from his meds. Then when we went downstairs to eat dinner, E tried to scoot her chair in, and the seat was broken and she pinched her finger in there. We did get to see some really beautiful scenery, but the rest of the day was a bust!
The like was for the pretty scenery. Maybe an antihistamine would help E with the mosquitoes bites. Mosquitoes love me so I can sympathize with all the bites.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Yesterday was much better as far as his attitude goes. Maybe he realized he was being a jerk. I would have liked him to apologize, but at least he's not being a jerk right now. The rest of yesterday was kind of a dud. E seems to be allergic to the mosquitos here and her leg is all swollen and red. In a matter of minutes she had so many bites on her leg, and they just swelled up into one big patch that pretty much covers her whole shin, and it's achy. We got her some ice and that helped, but it's not fun. I lost my wallet for about a half hour, but found it under one of the bed runners that goes across the foot end. My husband had stomach issues, probably from his meds. Then when we went downstairs to eat dinner, E tried to scoot her chair in, and the seat was broken and she pinched her finger in there. We did get to see some really beautiful scenery, but the rest of the day was a bust!

In addition to the antihistamine, Benadryl makes an itch relief stick. It has diphenhydramine in it. A few summers ago, I was getting eaten alive. I was absolutely miserable. I bought this stick and it really relieved all of the itching. You just dab the end of the stick on the bites.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did an upper body kettle bell workout this morning and I went for a walk with my husband, too. My arms and shoulders are already sore from my workout. :hilarious:

Callie came by again this morning. She ate on the deck and a few minutes later, she showed up on our balcony. I don't know she thinks the balcony is a different house, where she will get more food, or what. I threw some treats out for her. She did come in the house again. She stays close to the door, but she sniffs around and tries to take everything in. For some reason, she only comes into the house in our bedroom, never the kitchen. My son ordered feral cat house for the winter and some toys for her from Amazon today.


Well-Known Member
I want to preface this by saying we are all fine, no injuries, just shaken. I'm going to put the pictures into a spoiler because it could be triggering for anyone who maybe has a fear of heights or something? Anyway, we are fine, the car is fine, and we made it to West Yellowstone. It took about 4 hours to rescue us.


Premium Member
I want to preface this by saying we are all fine, no injuries, just shaken. I'm going to put the pictures into a spoiler because it could be triggering for anyone who maybe has a fear of heights or something? Anyway, we are fine, the car is fine, and we made it to West Yellowstone. It took about 4 hours to rescue us.

Wow, glad you are ok.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I want to preface this by saying we are all fine, no injuries, just shaken. I'm going to put the pictures into a spoiler because it could be triggering for anyone who maybe has a fear of heights or something? Anyway, we are fine, the car is fine, and we made it to West Yellowstone. It took about 4 hours to rescue us.

Wow. How scary for you guys. I'm glad you're all ok, too. Here's to a smooth remainder of your vacation, you guys definitely deserve and need it.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good afternoon-

Just checking in with a kettlebell/bodyweight HIIT workout.

I'm headed up to my husband's place later on to hang out up there for a couple of days.

I saw the biggest, fattest raccoon lumber its way through my yard earlier today. Anyway, I was concerned about seeing a raccoon in daylight, but it seemed OK. He wasn't foaming at the mouth, screeching or walking erratically. He was just a big guy looking like he was on a mission (to find food, prob.). I don't know what the heck he is eating though, wow. He had to have been 40 lbs--easily. So now, my son is worried about the cat. I told him that raccoons won't bother her unless she attacks first. She is very small and very timid, so I think she would run if she saw a raccoon.

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