working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I was more angry about the seat saving than I was the babies. Babies can't help crying when they are in pain, but I've never flown in a cluster of babies before. They've usually been dispersed throughout the aircraft. It's like one starts, the others have to join in. But I think it's ridiculous to save two rows of seats for your family. I think that many people who need to sit together should all pay for the Early Bird check in or fly another airline where you can choose your seat. It almost renders the boarding groups meaningless.

I know others have have answered this better, but I think it's nice. Bear in mind it is a convention hotel, so you might get large groups while you're there. There was a US Ballroom Dancing Championship going on while we were there. They weren't bothersome, other than an inability to wear a mask indoors where there is a sign posted every 25 ft to wear one. You get to walk or take a Friendship to two parks. There is a spa if you and your daughter wanted to do a spa day. If you spend $175, you get $30 off I think? But there is a $35/night resort fee and they have their own bus system. So, you're not getting off at MK, but the TTC and you get picked up at a different place at DAK. It's not themed, if that is an issue for you. The pools are great and there are plenty of recreational activities.

I didn't take many photos on the trip. But these are some from my room. My phone always makes thing looks further than they are. I think it's a very lush resort.
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As far as the transportation goes, they don't check that you are a guest there, right? So couldn't you just walk to the Boardwalk or Beach and Yacht Club and use their buses?


Well-Known Member

Yesterday I did a 30 minute yoga practice and today I did full body strength training from a YouTube video. It was brutal. I think I have a sinus infection. My right cheek and upper teeth are giving me so much grief. I don't have a fever, but every now and again, I get this intense pain behind my rt cheekbone, my upper rt teeth and my rt eye. It lasts 5-10 min and I have to lie down. I'm going to give it a day or two before I call my doc. I found some decongestants--the good stuff that you have to provide ID for and that seems to have helped with the pressure. I was taking way too much Advil before and I think this will be better for my stomach. My husband is nudging me to make an appointment with his ENT, because I have been dealing with this for years. It messes with my sleep because I sometimes have to sit up in the middle of the night to relieve the pressure in my sinuses.

I am making baked tofu with a lemon-tahini sauce, roasted cauliflower with honey and pistachios and couscous for dinner tonight.
Have you tried a nasal spray? They don't have decongestants in pill form here. You either get these capsules that you dissolve in hot water and put your head over it to steam and loosen everything up, or you use nasal spray, or both. But the nasal spray works well for me. The worst part is weening myself off of it when I feel better. But it does help with the pressure. And I used to get chronic sinus and ear infections, and my doctor told me to eat yogurt, because of the good bacteria in it. The good bacteria will fight the bad bacteria for space. It's a natural antibiotic. I hope you feel better!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Yesterday I did a 30 minute yoga practice and today I did full body strength training from a YouTube video. It was brutal. I think I have a sinus infection. My right cheek and upper teeth are giving me so much grief. I don't have a fever, but every now and again, I get this intense pain behind my rt cheekbone, my upper rt teeth and my rt eye. It lasts 5-10 min and I have to lie down. I'm going to give it a day or two before I call my doc. I found some decongestants--the good stuff that you have to provide ID for and that seems to have helped with the pressure. I was taking way too much Advil before and I think this will be better for my stomach. My husband is nudging me to make an appointment with his ENT, because I have been dealing with this for years. It messes with my sleep because I sometimes have to sit up in the middle of the night to relieve the pressure in my sinuses.

I am making baked tofu with a lemon-tahini sauce, roasted cauliflower with honey and pistachios and couscous for dinner tonight.
Do you use a sinus rinse? I used to get them all the time, and now I barely get them. I had one right before Covid (which I still think was Covid) and I haven't had one since. I used to get them every few months. Between that and allergy nasal sprays, I keep them away.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Well it sounds like an interesting adventure in any case. My kids were fine when they were little on flights....slept right through landing. But A was really nervous last time. I think it was more because of the stressful situation at the airport before boarding, and he was already overly-stimulated and couldn't process anymore.

I'm sorry about the CC! You wouldn't expect the person who picked it up to try to use it immediately. I would hope MOST people would turn it in.

I was thinking of looking into the Swolphin for our next trip, but I'm not sure. The next one is supposed to be a girls trip, either with just E and myself, or possibly with my bestie and her younger daughter. (her oldest is getting married in a few days) The girls are around a year apart in age, but have never met, so I'm hoping they will be able to get along well. In any case, my bestie is financially...more than comfortable, shall we say, and we are not on her level. She's used to really nice accommidations where I'm more used to budget friendly stuff. I don't think she'd have a problem staying at a moderate, depending on the theming, but she'd probably rather be in a deluxe, so I am also looking into renting points. Is Swolphin fairly nice? You still get the perks there, right? And you can walk to Epcot and HS? Or do I have that wrong?
@bee would be the resident Swalphin expert as would @MinnieM123 Bee is very nice and very helpful. I also hope E is feeling better by now and so does James
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Original Poster
I need to get back into my walking routine. We had some bad weather for a while and I didn't get to go out and now I haven't gotten to go for quite a while. I had to take E to the doctor yesterday because she was complaining that her hip hurts. The doctor said he thinks it's an infection in the ligament (I THINK that's the translation) and gave her some pain killers with a built in infection fighter. (I don't know how it differs from an antibiotic, but they don't CALL it an antibiotic, so I'm assuming there's a difference.) Anyway, we rode our bikes there and back, but she can't do PE for the next two weeks and isn't allowed to do any "sportsing", only the standard daily movement. So I have no walking partner right now either, and it's hard to motivate myself. Anyone else have that problem, or do you all like the alone time?
Most of the time I'd rather walk alone because I tend to walk faster than most. That being said I do miss the walking group and we're all hoping next year is better


Premium Member
As far as the transportation goes, they don't check that you are a guest there, right? So couldn't you just walk to the Boardwalk or Beach and Yacht Club and use their buses?
I used to do that sometimes -- just depended upon the time I had, and/or where I wanted to go.

Important: A few years ago (my last visit to Swan) they DID have Disney buses which I often would use. However, if I'm correct, it does sound like they (WDW) has eliminated Swolfin from their parks bus route, which completely sucks. Anyway, all that aside, yes, you can use Boardwalk, Beach or Yacht club hotel buses (but again, figure in walking and/or Friendship Boat time and distance -- sometimes it will work for you, other times, not so much). And regarding the Friendship boats, you may use any dock (hotel) that you want, without being a guest there.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I used to do that sometimes -- just depended upon the time I had, and/or where I wanted to go.

Important: A few years ago (my last visit to Swan) they DID have Disney buses which I often would use. However, if I'm correct, it does sound like they (WDW) has eliminated Swolfin from their parks bus route, which completely sucks. Anyway, all that aside, yes, you can use Boardwalk, Beach or Yacht club hotel buses (but again, figure in walking and/or Friendship Boat time and distance -- sometimes it will work for you, other times, not so much). And regarding the Friendship boats, you may use any dock (hotel) that you want, without being a guest there.
Last I heard Swalphin is using Mears and I'm not sure if they are going to TTC or MK


Well-Known Member
I used to do that sometimes -- just depended upon the time I had, and/or where I wanted to go.

Important: A few years ago (my last visit to Swan) they DID have Disney buses which I often would use. However, if I'm correct, it does sound like they (WDW) has eliminated Swolfin from their parks bus route, which completely sucks. Anyway, all that aside, yes, you can use Boardwalk, Beach or Yacht club hotel buses (but again, figure in walking and/or Friendship Boat time and distance -- sometimes it will work for you, other times, not so much). And regarding the Friendship boats, you may use any dock (hotel) that you want, without being a guest there.
Well the Disney transportation from ANY resort/park doesn't always work well. It took us more than 2 hours to get from CBR to Grand Floridian on our 2019 trip once. We waited something like an hour and 20 minutes for an Epcot bus, and I didn't think of the fact that the monorail goes to MK, too, so we could have taken an MK bus. But for some reason there were no Epcot buses showing up. By the time we got to Epcot and got through security to get on the monorail, we had to wait for a monorail, too. We were 15 minutes late for our ADR even though I had allowed almost 2 hours for travel time, just in case. They say 1.5 hours, but that wasn't enough. Transportation is always iffy. The good thing about going with just the girls is that we'll be able to use lyft/uber. My husband refuses to use ride sharing, and we didn't want to pay for a car rental and parking the whole trip, so our only option was the bus/monorail/boat transportation. I have no such aversion to ride sharing, and if he's not there, I'm not letting him dictate to me what I'm allowed to do. So we'll be able to use ride sharing if it looks like the free transportation isn't going to suffice.


Premium Member
Well the Disney transportation from ANY resort/park doesn't always work well. It took us more than 2 hours to get from CBR to Grand Floridian on our 2019 trip once. We waited something like an hour and 20 minutes for an Epcot bus, and I didn't think of the fact that the monorail goes to MK, too, so we could have taken an MK bus. But for some reason there were no Epcot buses showing up. By the time we got to Epcot and got through security to get on the monorail, we had to wait for a monorail, too. We were 15 minutes late for our ADR even though I had allowed almost 2 hours for travel time, just in case. They say 1.5 hours, but that wasn't enough. Transportation is always iffy. The good thing about going with just the girls is that we'll be able to use lyft/uber. My husband refuses to use ride sharing, and we didn't want to pay for a car rental and parking the whole trip, so our only option was the bus/monorail/boat transportation. I have no such aversion to ride sharing, and if he's not there, I'm not letting him dictate to me what I'm allowed to do. So we'll be able to use ride sharing if it looks like the free transportation isn't going to suffice.

Just curious on why your husband won’t use Uber or Lyft? I’ve used them many times, even solo. It seems as safe as a taxi to me.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
He doesn't trust it. I don't know why, but he refuses to try it. But if I'm on a trip without him, I'm not letting him decide for me. I'm using it!
It's funny because I think your husband and my father are a lot alike, but not on that one. My father never took cabs but considers Lyft to be the best thing that ever happened.

What I like about some Lyft vehicles is that they have this light up thingy and you get in and it displays your name. So when I took it from the airport it said "Welcome Missy". They also give you the license plate number to check and a picture of your driver. I've never felt unsafe in a Lyft.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Well the Disney transportation from ANY resort/park doesn't always work well. It took us more than 2 hours to get from CBR to Grand Floridian on our 2019 trip once. We waited something like an hour and 20 minutes for an Epcot bus, and I didn't think of the fact that the monorail goes to MK, too, so we could have taken an MK bus. But for some reason there were no Epcot buses showing up. By the time we got to Epcot and got through security to get on the monorail, we had to wait for a monorail, too. We were 15 minutes late for our ADR even though I had allowed almost 2 hours for travel time, just in case. They say 1.5 hours, but that wasn't enough. Transportation is always iffy. The good thing about going with just the girls is that we'll be able to use lyft/uber. My husband refuses to use ride sharing, and we didn't want to pay for a car rental and parking the whole trip, so our only option was the bus/monorail/boat transportation. I have no such aversion to ride sharing, and if he's not there, I'm not letting him dictate to me what I'm allowed to do. So we'll be able to use ride sharing if it looks like the free transportation isn't going to suffice.
Yeah, always use a Lyft when going between hotels or routes where there's no direct bus.

What made me mad last trip, even though the buses were running well, was that Disney was using an outside service, so there were motorcoaches. Not bad in itself, but there was a woman waiting for an MK bus who was a paraplegic. She had a Marine corps shirt on, so I'm 90% certain she was a wounded warrior. I don't know if the bus couldn't accomodate her wheelchair or what, but the driver (a non-Disney employee) was so rude to her and didn't even make an effort. The whole situation was despicable, but especially the fact that she was a wounded warrior. Thankfully a Disney bus came pretty quickly for her, but it made me so mad just to see.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
As far as the transportation goes, they don't check that you are a guest there, right? So couldn't you just walk to the Boardwalk or Beach and Yacht Club and use their buses?

You absolutely can. When we went to MK, we told ourselves if we waited too long we'd get an Uber. I think we were lucky because going there, we waited maybe 10 min for a bus at the Dolphin and coming back there was a Mears coach waiting at the TTC.

We did get an Uber from once from DAK, though. The small shelter where you wait for your hotel bus was getting crazy crowded and this woman sitting next to me on the bench kept coughing and not covering her mouth. My husband said "I'm not catching COVID waiting for a bloody bus." He pulled his phone out and called for an Uber, where we waited away from rude people. The irony is, the bus got there as our Uber pulled up. But I saw Coughing Lady get on the S/D bus, so I didn't feel so badly about calling an Uber. It was worth the $10 to not be around someone coughing and not covering her mouth.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Do you use a sinus rinse? I used to get them all the time, and now I barely get them. I had one right before Covid (which I still think was Covid) and I haven't had one since. I used to get them every few months. Between that and allergy nasal sprays, I keep them away.

I haven't. But I mentioned getting one to my husband and he thinks he has a spare. He has really bad allergies, so he uses some sort of a saline spray.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Have you tried a nasal spray? They don't have decongestants in pill form here. You either get these capsules that you dissolve in hot water and put your head over it to steam and loosen everything up, or you use nasal spray, or both. But the nasal spray works well for me. The worst part is weening myself off of it when I feel better. But it does help with the pressure. And I used to get chronic sinus and ear infections, and my doctor told me to eat yogurt, because of the good bacteria in it. The good bacteria will fight the bad bacteria for space. It's a natural antibiotic. I hope you feel better!!

I haven't. I've always had doctors tell me not to use them, because you can become dependent on them. I guess you can get rebound congestion, which makes you want to use your spray again, thus beginning a cycle.

The crazy thing is when I get a sinus infection, I don't get any sort of congestion or runny nose. I get a painful cheek, teeth and a feeling of fullness in my ear. My breathing gets a little bit congested on the affected side, but it's not like having a cold.

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