working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
You've mentioned before that they weren't particularly good about following mask regulations or anything, so I'd say you made the right call. Doubt means don't. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that either. Could you get a recommendation from a friend for someone who does good work and who takes things seriously? There have to be more stylists in the area, right? Surely one of them could do a touch up for you if you are self-conscious.

I honestly don't know anyone here. My roots aren't too bad.I have a full head of highlights and my hair growing out is grey, so it's not very apparent. I'll be wearing a wide brimmed hat when I am at the parks. I just wanted to look nice for our nicer meals. :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't feel comfortable at all and all I'm going in for now is a quick dry bang trim. Stylist is vaccinated and masked and the tech who does my eyebrows(wax and I really miss threading but.........................) is vaxx'd, masked and face shielded. Too bad you're so far south or I'd try and get you in. I've found the ones taking it seriously are booked solid

I wish I had a place to get threaded here. I am sure there is one, I just need to find it. My skin is less irritated afterwards, versus waxing. I do get my brows shaped where I go for my nails. Speaking of, I really need to get my those done, too. They are a mess. I like the place I go to. It's very clean, the autoclave is in sight and they sanitize in the front of the shop and not the back. But the owner was really weird the last time I went with my husband. She made crude jokes about the size of his feet. Then she kept talking to me while she was working on my husband's feet. I really just wanted to close my eyes and enjoy the foot bath and shiatsu massage chair. I was talking to her and laughing a bit, but I honestly wanted to zone out and momentarily forget about pandemics and vaccine stand-offs. I know she was just trying to be friendly. While I went over to get my hands done, I heard her ask my husband "what was wrong with me." I am honestly not a chatty person. I am not unfriendly, but I just wanted have a relaxing appointment and chill out. I am never snooty or rude. I am just a quiet person.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

This morning, I did a 15 minute HIIT workout on YouTube. I didn't feel like a long workout today, so this fit the bill. I'm probably going to go out and get some steps in, since we're supposed to get hit by Ida remnants tomorrow & Thursday. :grumpy: We're supposed to get 2-4 inches of rain and one side of my property is bounded by a creek that creeps close to my house when we get a lot of rain. Luckily, we have flood insurance, but I think we'll be ok. 🤞


Well-Known Member
Happy Tuesday...I was good all weekend with my workouts, took yesterday as my break day and got back to workouts today. Not the strongest effort, but it's done. Today was one of those...I really need it for both the fitness and my sanity...but I'm TIRED! So, I did what I could, because my brain needed it. I can tell that the arm workouts with the heavier dumbbells is starting to payoff. I'm seeing a little extra definition in my shoulders, and when I pick up my lighter ones, it's starting to feel like they're too light.

The exhaustion is just trying to balance life. Aren't we all? The older one's schedule isn't too bad right now minus some poor time management for homework, but the younger one is all over the place and has some days where she's stretched pretty thin. I hope I don't regret it, but I let her drop band for Spanish. She's been asking to drop band ever since she got her braces, even though she seemed to have a natural gift for it and really seemed to enjoy it before the mouth-gear. So, the plan was to have her start the year and hope that she found her way back to really liking it. Then the softball team thing happened, then she ended up in Journalism instead of Spanish for her other elective, and then she made the school volleyball team. We're all adjusting to the practice location and schedule for her new softball team. With band and volleyball and softball, she was getting to school at 6:45am for a 90 minute practice before school, then staying an hour after school for honor band sectionals, then driving an hour to softball (all while dressing and eating in the car), for 2 hours of softball, and then the drive home so she can eat real dinner and do her homework. Madness. Something had to give. The happy accident in it...she had asked for Spanish as her second elective, behind band, but was put in Journalism (which was pretty far down on her wish list). My older one had the Journalism teacher for several things back in her middle school days, and we just love her. It turns out Journalism also gives Sam a chance to work on her photography skills, since they do all of the non-pro pics for the yearbook. So, she asked to keep Journalism and drop Band. It turns out it was Band that was keeping her from Spanish and there was still 1 spot open. So, she's now learning Spanish instead of trumpet...and there are no after or before school commitments for that. Whew! We still have a lot of running around and I think the Band director was pretty upset, but Monday isn't quite as awful as it has been and I think she's a bit happier with life.


Well-Known Member
Happy Tuesday...I was good all weekend with my workouts, took yesterday as my break day and got back to workouts today. Not the strongest effort, but it's done. Today was one of those...I really need it for both the fitness and my sanity...but I'm TIRED! So, I did what I could, because my brain needed it. I can tell that the arm workouts with the heavier dumbbells is starting to payoff. I'm seeing a little extra definition in my shoulders, and when I pick up my lighter ones, it's starting to feel like they're too light.

The exhaustion is just trying to balance life. Aren't we all? The older one's schedule isn't too bad right now minus some poor time management for homework, but the younger one is all over the place and has some days where she's stretched pretty thin. I hope I don't regret it, but I let her drop band for Spanish. She's been asking to drop band ever since she got her braces, even though she seemed to have a natural gift for it and really seemed to enjoy it before the mouth-gear. So, the plan was to have her start the year and hope that she found her way back to really liking it. Then the softball team thing happened, then she ended up in Journalism instead of Spanish for her other elective, and then she made the school volleyball team. We're all adjusting to the practice location and schedule for her new softball team. With band and volleyball and softball, she was getting to school at 6:45am for a 90 minute practice before school, then staying an hour after school for honor band sectionals, then driving an hour to softball (all while dressing and eating in the car), for 2 hours of softball, and then the drive home so she can eat real dinner and do her homework. Madness. Something had to give. The happy accident in it...she had asked for Spanish as her second elective, behind band, but was put in Journalism (which was pretty far down on her wish list). My older one had the Journalism teacher for several things back in her middle school days, and we just love her. It turns out Journalism also gives Sam a chance to work on her photography skills, since they do all of the non-pro pics for the yearbook. So, she asked to keep Journalism and drop Band. It turns out it was Band that was keeping her from Spanish and there was still 1 spot open. So, she's now learning Spanish instead of trumpet...and there are no after or before school commitments for that. Whew! We still have a lot of running around and I think the Band director was pretty upset, but Monday isn't quite as awful as it has been and I think she's a bit happier with life.
Sounds like it all worked out well, then! I can totally understand with braces not wanting to play trumpet. We were warned in our brass class that brass instruments are really hard with braces. Well, pretty much any instrument except strings or percussion are difficult with braces, and braces can really mess with embouchure. But brass instruments are particularly bad because you put pressure directly on the lips. It can also create problems when they get the braces changes how it feels and kids have to get used to it again and almost relearn the embouchure. Does she own her own Trumpet? Can she still play if she feels like it?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Happy Tuesday...I was good all weekend with my workouts, took yesterday as my break day and got back to workouts today. Not the strongest effort, but it's done. Today was one of those...I really need it for both the fitness and my sanity...but I'm TIRED! So, I did what I could, because my brain needed it. I can tell that the arm workouts with the heavier dumbbells is starting to payoff. I'm seeing a little extra definition in my shoulders, and when I pick up my lighter ones, it's starting to feel like they're too light.

The exhaustion is just trying to balance life. Aren't we all? The older one's schedule isn't too bad right now minus some poor time management for homework, but the younger one is all over the place and has some days where she's stretched pretty thin. I hope I don't regret it, but I let her drop band for Spanish. She's been asking to drop band ever since she got her braces, even though she seemed to have a natural gift for it and really seemed to enjoy it before the mouth-gear. So, the plan was to have her start the year and hope that she found her way back to really liking it. Then the softball team thing happened, then she ended up in Journalism instead of Spanish for her other elective, and then she made the school volleyball team. We're all adjusting to the practice location and schedule for her new softball team. With band and volleyball and softball, she was getting to school at 6:45am for a 90 minute practice before school, then staying an hour after school for honor band sectionals, then driving an hour to softball (all while dressing and eating in the car), for 2 hours of softball, and then the drive home so she can eat real dinner and do her homework. Madness. Something had to give. The happy accident in it...she had asked for Spanish as her second elective, behind band, but was put in Journalism (which was pretty far down on her wish list). My older one had the Journalism teacher for several things back in her middle school days, and we just love her. It turns out Journalism also gives Sam a chance to work on her photography skills, since they do all of the non-pro pics for the yearbook. So, she asked to keep Journalism and drop Band. It turns out it was Band that was keeping her from Spanish and there was still 1 spot open. So, she's now learning Spanish instead of trumpet...and there are no after or before school commitments for that. Whew! We still have a lot of running around and I think the Band director was pretty upset, but Monday isn't quite as awful as it has been and I think she's a bit happier with life.

Wow, that whole before school 90 min practice + one hour after school band practice + 1 hour drive for a 2 hour softball practice is insane. That sounds like a recipe for burnout. No wonder she is a bit happier.

It's always the band directors who think kids are only in band and no other extra-curricular activities. :p I was in Art Club in jr hi and we always had an annual field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago towards the end of the school year. I always caught grief about choosing to go on this field trip because I would miss band class. Who didn't love a field trip in school, you know? That uncompromising attitude about "band first" continued into HS.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I am in with a "full body as many reps as possible." I'd like to get out for a walk. It's been storming all morning bu it looks like there's going to be a lull in the action for a few hours, so maybe I can get out then.

I tried my root touch up powder yesterday and I am impressed. I was worried about the color not matching, but it blended in and looked shiny, not powdery. It took five minutes tops to apply. I slept in it and it hadn't budged. I did a sweaty workout and it was still there. As promised, it comes off with shampoo and water. The packaging is like the size and style of an eye shadow quad, so it travels easily and it looks like it will last me a quite a few applications. I am most pleased. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Wow, that whole before school 90 min practice + one hour after school band practice + 1 hour drive for a 2 hour softball practice is insane. That sounds like a recipe for burnout. No wonder she is a bit happier.

It's always the band directors who think kids are only in band and no other extra-curricular activities. :p I was in Art Club in jr hi and we always had an annual field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago towards the end of the school year. I always caught grief about choosing to go on this field trip because I would miss band class. Who didn't love a field trip in school, you know? That uncompromising attitude about "band first" continued into HS.

It's still a lot going on, but taking band out of the mix makes it a bit better. It's just tough because both kids are now in sports for a grade. Where I grew up, everyone had gym class together for your PE credit and then school sports were a separate thing that carried no credits. My husband said that it's always been sports teams for PE credits in this part of the country.

The band director supposedly has a good working relationship with the coaches and would work things out for sectionals vs. practices, etc. if there was conflict. I think he was just genuinely upset to see her quit. She was one of a small group of 6th graders deemed good enough to play with his most elite 7th and 8th graders last year for his honor competition band. Both music/arts and PE/athletics programs have dealt with a lot of cuts in more recent years, especially the fine arts, so I suspect he gets a bit defensive when he sees a kid leaving. Still, she swapped band for Spanish, so in my eyes, she left for something that could really help her once she enters the work-world, should she continue with it for fluency.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that whole before school 90 min practice + one hour after school band practice + 1 hour drive for a 2 hour softball practice is insane. That sounds like a recipe for burnout. No wonder she is a bit happier.

It's always the band directors who think kids are only in band and no other extra-curricular activities. :p I was in Art Club in jr hi and we always had an annual field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago towards the end of the school year. I always caught grief about choosing to go on this field trip because I would miss band class. Who didn't love a field trip in school, you know? That uncompromising attitude about "band first" continued into HS.
Isn't that ANY class though? Almost ALL of my teachers had that attitude that their class was the only one that mattered. I actually had a teacher for computer lit that refused to give me my homework assignment while I was gone to All-State choir. School guidelines mandated that all work for excused absences (school activities) be completed by the due date. If the due date was while you were gone, it had to be turned in before you left. So I went to my teacher and asked for the work, but she refused to give it to me because she didn't want me to share it with my friends and give them an advantage in knowing what the assignment was and getting longer to work on it. But she also wouldn't let me turn it in late. So there was no way for me to do it. My mom even went in and asked for the assignment and the teacher refused. So I got a C for the quarter grade because I had that missing assignment that she wouldn't let me do. Technically, that wasn't allowed and if we'd have pushed it, she probably would have gotten in trouble. But it would have done no good and I was still passing, so mom said not to worry about it. The one and only time she ever ignored a "bad" grade. I also had an English teacher who did something similar. I asked for the homework, which she didn't have planned yet, so she made something up, wrote it on a post it and gave it to me. I did the assignment, turned it in, and she gave me a zero because it wasn't the assignment she gave to the rest of the class. I gave her the post it to prove that's what she told me to do, but she said "I don't make mistakes." My mom went to her, too, but she wouldn't budge. But since it was just one little assignment, it didn't really affect my grade much. But my experience is that most teachers I had saw their own subject as more important than anything else and if you didn't prioritize their class, too bad for you.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Good whatever time it is. Today's workout cleaning, digging potatoes, doing some minor clean up outside and prepping what I can for our BBQ Sunday. Thankfully most of our roads were ok by last night and we only had a little bit of clean up, just some stray branches. It's still too wet to mow, keeping my fingers crossed I can send the boys out tomorrow

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Yesterday was a foam rolling day and today I did full body "as many reps as possible" workout.

We really didn't have too much of an issue with Ida. We had a decent amount of rain in the early hours of Wednesday, but it let up until the afternoon. I am not sure if it was related, but while my son was showering, the shower and the toilet started backing up. So, we had plumbers come out to fix it--to the tune of $700. They were here for nearly three hours, though and they were working very hard. One even had to go up on the roof to access the drain. I am glad that happened in the day, because we did get hit with a lot of inches in the late afternoon into the night. So whatever the issue was, we had it cleared before the all rain could have made it a bigger issue. Then we had 2 tornado warnings with our phones going off. We were eating dinner. NWS out here is too broad with their warning areas--they include multiple counties in DE, NJ and PA. I don't think a warning area needs to be so large. I think it's counterproductive. We had two 45 minute warnings back to back telling us to go to the lowest portion of our house. So I looked at the radar and everything was going off about 12 miles away and moving opposite of my town. I went out on my porch to look for rotation/ wall clouds--I saw nothing. So, we kept eating dinner. :P We just watched for any signs of the wind picking up and getting darker to go to our designated tornado space. Then another warning went off. Nothing happened but lots of storms--thankfully. Some people got hit really bad, there was an EF-3 in an adjacent county.

I'm just wrapping up packing. We're flying to Orlando tomorrow morning. I'm going to (try) to get up early to workout and then get ready to leave. I got A group board for us. I'm quick on the draw. :hilarious:


Premium Member
Original Poster

Yesterday was a foam rolling day and today I did full body "as many reps as possible" workout.

We really didn't have too much of an issue with Ida. We had a decent amount of rain in the early hours of Wednesday, but it let up until the afternoon. I am not sure if it was related, but while my son was showering, the shower and the toilet started backing up. So, we had plumbers come out to fix it--to the tune of $700. They were here for nearly three hours, though and they were working very hard. One even had to go up on the roof to access the drain. I am glad that happened in the day, because we did get hit with a lot of inches in the late afternoon into the night. So whatever the issue was, we had it cleared before the all rain could have made it a bigger issue. Then we had 2 tornado warnings with our phones going off. We were eating dinner. NWS out here is too broad with their warning areas--they include multiple counties in DE, NJ and PA. I don't think a warning area needs to be so large. I think it's counterproductive. We had two 45 minute warnings back to back telling us to go to the lowest portion of our house. So I looked at the radar and everything was going off about 12 miles away and moving opposite of my town. I went out on my porch to look for rotation/ wall clouds--I saw nothing. So, we kept eating dinner. :p We just watched for any signs of the wind picking up and getting darker to go to our designated tornado space. Then another warning went off. Nothing happened but lots of storms--thankfully. Some people got hit really bad, there was an EF-3 in an adjacent county.

I'm just wrapping up packing. We're flying to Orlando tomorrow morning. I'm going to (try) to get up early to workout and then get ready to leave. I got A group board for us. I'm quick on the draw. :hilarious:
Safe travels. My friend down your way was driving his dad home from the eye doctor when all the warning were going on. He pulled over a few times to check the radar and make sure he was going away from the storm. They're both fine and missed it by miles.


Well-Known Member

Yesterday was a foam rolling day and today I did full body "as many reps as possible" workout.

We really didn't have too much of an issue with Ida. We had a decent amount of rain in the early hours of Wednesday, but it let up until the afternoon. I am not sure if it was related, but while my son was showering, the shower and the toilet started backing up. So, we had plumbers come out to fix it--to the tune of $700. They were here for nearly three hours, though and they were working very hard. One even had to go up on the roof to access the drain. I am glad that happened in the day, because we did get hit with a lot of inches in the late afternoon into the night. So whatever the issue was, we had it cleared before the all rain could have made it a bigger issue. Then we had 2 tornado warnings with our phones going off. We were eating dinner. NWS out here is too broad with their warning areas--they include multiple counties in DE, NJ and PA. I don't think a warning area needs to be so large. I think it's counterproductive. We had two 45 minute warnings back to back telling us to go to the lowest portion of our house. So I looked at the radar and everything was going off about 12 miles away and moving opposite of my town. I went out on my porch to look for rotation/ wall clouds--I saw nothing. So, we kept eating dinner. :p We just watched for any signs of the wind picking up and getting darker to go to our designated tornado space. Then another warning went off. Nothing happened but lots of storms--thankfully. Some people got hit really bad, there was an EF-3 in an adjacent county.

I'm just wrapping up packing. We're flying to Orlando tomorrow morning. I'm going to (try) to get up early to workout and then get ready to leave. I got A group board for us. I'm quick on the draw. :hilarious:

Hope you're having a wonderful trip!!!


Well-Known Member
I won't give you the day by day breakdown, but I've been staying on top of the workouts. Saturday was the first time I had to improvise. We had early softball, so I decided to walk the lot at the complex. I did half of my walk before game 1 and half after...then popped home for some arms and abs between games 2 and 3. I wound up putting in 5 miles and it felt pretty good. I may wind up in a similar situation this weekend. The rest has been the same old same old, but we're so busy that right now, I think just getting something done is better than planning on something different and not being able to work it in at all.

Just trying to stay sane. So much going on, so much to juggle, so much crankiness.

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