My mom picked out my clothes for me every day. I do remember a particularly ugly pair of kelly green slacks we had gotten as a hand-me-down, and they were really not in style and I fought her on that one. I was usually pretty....docile? But I was made fun of enough without adding that to it. And I remember my first day of 7th grade, because it was a new school and our school counselor had told us that the teachers had heard about our class and already hated us all, and that the seniors had vowed to give every one of us a swirley and the teachers weren't going to stop them. I was terrified and didn't want to stick out. My mom told me I had to dress up to "make a good impression" on my teachers, so I had to either wear dress slacks and a button down blouse, or a dress. I knew NO ONE was going to be wearing a dress, and the only pair of slacks I had was canary yellow. They were also hand-me-downs from one of the upperclassmen and she was shorter, but heavier than me. So the pants were a bit too short, but really baggy. And the only blouse that matched was yellow and white, wide stripes. I kind of looked like a rodeo clown, but it was that or a dress that looked like this but in purple.
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Everyone else was wearing stonewash jeans and tshirts. I was literally the ONLY girl not in jeans and I was teased mercilessly. Even my best friends, who were all LDS and conservative were wearing jeans. It was seriously embarrassing, and rather than making a good impression on my teachers, it made me look like....well I'm not sure, but it didn't make the impression she wanted. They weren't so much thinking "She looks like a nice girl who has been well-brought-up", but more "Oh my. That girl doesn't even know how to dress herself."
Your picture day outfit sounds classy!
I remember having a huge fight with my mom when I was in first grade. It was "spirit week" for homecoming, and every day was a different dress up day. Crazy hair day, or hat day, or school colors day. Your class got points for how many kids were dressed up. One day was twin day, so you were supposed to find someone else to dress alike. So one of my friends and I wanted to dress alike and we kept asking each other "Do you have this? Do you have that?" And what we had in common was, we had both been in the Missoula Children's Theater production of Johnny Appleseed when they came to our town. So we both had a red Johnny appleseed shirt, and we both had pink corduroy pants. My mom didn't want me to go to school with pink pants and a red shirt. I told her I HAD to because that's what Khara and I both had, and it was for twin day! We wouldn't get points if I didn't dress up! My mom was so insistant that people would think she dressed me in mismatched clothing and they would think she was a bad mom. In the end, I threw such a fit she let me go in the clothes I picked out, and I don't think anyone was paying attention to the clashing was all about school spirit and all that mattered was that you dressed up for the theme that day. But oh man, I remember that fight. I asked Khara if her mom had told her she couldn't wear it....her mom hadn't said a thing. She picked out her own clothes every day. And that was when we were 6!! I didn't get to pick out my own clothes until high school and even then, I couldn't wear it if she didn't like it. How old were you when you wore the pastel striped jumper with the red and black striped tights?