working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Interesting tip about the salt. Feta is salty so it probably is a good idea not to add extra salt, that could always be added later. Do you think this would make a good spread for some crusty bread? I like to make roasted tomatoes and eat those with bread so I was thinking the feta might add some interesting creaminess.

I was thinking that, too, (about the salt), but now I know. I thought maybe the salt helped to break down the tomatoes? I think you could make a dip/spread out of it. If it seems too saucy, you could wait a bit, because the feta will firm up again as it cools.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I too have thought about making the Tik Tok pasta. I keep seeing friends posting about it.

Not much in the way of working out for me, although, I did lug around the camera with the huge lens from about 1pm-9pm on Saturday. My arms and shoulders are a little sore, but one of the girl's aunts let me borrow her large monopod for the day. That helped quite a bit.

Beyond that, I had a couple of conversations with the school today about the issues with my daughter and the girls on her team. They devoted a lot of time to this today. They hashed out a lot with the girls, took statements from everyone, and I spent about an hour on the phone with the Asst Principal. I still feel a bit raw from it, but we're making real progress. I also got a bunch of documentation out to VW today so we can potentially move into the repurchase process. @StarWarsGirl was kind enough to find the state lemon reporting portal too. I've talked to some friends who have lemoned in TX before as well as found some YouTubers in other areas who have lemoned VWs. A friend who lemoned a Jeep had to bring in the state because Jeep was refusing, but another who worked with a different brand for her lemon said hers was clear cut enough that she was able to go straight through the manufacturer. This approach is what the YouTubers I saw also did. At least I know that state resource is there if I need it.

I hope both your car issue and this softball issue get resolved quickly and to your satisfaction. I'm honestly still agog at the fake suicide thing. That is so twisted and I can't even imagine how upset and anxious your daughter was. Not only that, she was brazen enough to get you involved and do this in your face. She sounds like a Regina George on steroids.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of ticked off at E's school. The school sends out an email every Friday letting the parents know how many students/teachers tested positive for Corona, and they always say that those affected have been contacted and if you haven't been contacted, you don't need to take further action. Over the weekend, two boys in E's class said in their group whatsapp chat that they tested positive. One of those two boys is in a group project with E's best friend D, and sat next to D for 2 hours on Thursday, with no masks and not distanced...and he was tested on Friday and got the result Saturday. That means D was exposed while she was sitting there...even if they weren't sitting next to each other the whole time, like they get up to use the laser printer, or to grab some materials, or use the 3D printer. They are still sitting together closely, unmasked. So D is possibly sick, and while E tries to follow the guidelines pretty well, she does spend a lot of time with D and they don't exactly get out a measuring tape to make sure they are distanced. So she has possibly been exposed. Crickets from the school...not a word. So I called this morning to say E wouldn't be coming to the in-person lessons this week because of the corona in her class and the guy has the audacity to tell me that E was perfectly safe because the 5 close friends of the one boy were already notified and in quarantine. So I told the guy there are TWO boys actually, and one of them had close contact with her best friend. And he tells me that didn't count because the classroom for that is so big that they can distance, so that didn't count as close contact. Are you kidding me? 2 hours with no masks, sitting right next to each other is not "close contact" doesn't count as close contact because the room is big?? And he didn't seem to think the school had any reason to inform us that someone in their class had Corona. If the boys hadn't mentioned it themselves, we wouldn't have known. Contact tracing relies on the person knowing and remembering every person they had contact with, and it's also not 100% accurate. Just because you weren't around them for 15 minutes doesn't mean you CAN'T have gotten it from them. It just means the risk is reduced if it wasn't at least 15 minutes. It feels like they are hiding information from us because they want the kids to have in-person instruction and don't want the teachers to have to do so much online. We're writing an email to the school. LAST year, whenever someone tested positive, they sent out an email to every parent telling them in which class the positive case was. "2 students in the 4th year of Havo" or "1 Teacher who gives Mavo lessons to the upper classmen." Now they don't even tell you when it's someone in your kid's cluster.

Was this guy even present at all? It sounds like he is just parroting info without knowing the specifics of the situation. They should tell you who was sick in which class, because you don't know if another family member has a medical issue that makes them high risk.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I usually wake up between 4-5 AM, have coffee and workout. I have been sleeping to 7 AM the past couple of weeks. I'm just rolling with it, because maybe my body is trying to tell me I need additional sleep. I also feel like I am coming down with a sinus infection, but I hope not.

Anyway, I did a Yin Yoga class this AM. The theme of the class was "Letting Go." It kind of made me realize that I have been hanging on to habits and relationships that don't serve me well at all and inhibit me from realizing my full potential. I might have cried a bit--I'll call it a form of "detox-ing." 😉 Then I went out for a walk with my husband. I am going to start going on longer walks alone now that the weather is getting better. My husband doesn't have the time during the week to go on longer walks, plus I like listening to music when I walk. I love looking for signs of spring when I am out walking. I heard a woodpecker head banging 🤘 yesterday and I'm seeing buds appearing on trees.


Well-Known Member
Was this guy even present at all? It sounds like he is just parroting info without knowing the specifics of the situation. They should tell you who was sick in which class, because you don't know if another family member has a medical issue that makes them high risk.
No, this guy isn't a teacher or anything...he's staff...his job is basically to answer the phones for parents calling kids in sick, he takes care of attendance, tardies, etc. If a kid doesn't show up, he has to call and find out where they were. Also if a kid gets in trouble, he's the one who handles it. So like, a kid is disrupting the class, they get sent to Gerald. So he would have been notified that those boys were in quarantine, but he's not the one who would know who's in a particular project group with whom. So I'm sure he was just parroting the school "line" to me, but he doesn't know specifics. The school isn't allowed to give names, because just like in the US, medical info is confidential. So the most they can do is say "Someone in VWO3 has been infected." I'm not sure if they can say a specific class like "TV3B" or not. Schools here are divided by level and program, so you have Mavo first years are Mavo 1, 2nd years are Mavo 2, etc, and then those are divided into classes, so M1a, or M2B, up through M4 and however many classes of each year there are, so maybe M4f. Then you have Havo years 1-5 and however many classes in each year. Then VWO is split into standard VWO and Twee-talig (dual immersion), so they have V3a, or V6b AND TV3b. E is in TV3a, and all the kids who tested positive are technically in TV3b, but they are such small classes that they have a lot of them together. Their "cluster" consists of TV3a and TV3b, and they have most of their classes together this year because of a lack of teachers for some classes. So the fact that TV3b has multiple kids with corona (a third one was reported today) means that TV3a kids are also at risk. But they didn't let us know that anyone in either class tested positive. The 3rd kid who tested positive was not part of the friend group of the 2 boys, so it wasn't contained within their "close contacts". But that's why they need to tell parents that someone within a class tested positive, even if they aren't a close contact. You can still get it even if you aren't a close contact, and the school is basically assuming that only close contacts are at risk and so they are the only ones notified. That's what upsets me...if these kids hadn't said anything in whatsapp, we wouldn't have known that we should be watching and get tested if E has even mild symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Now the English teacher tested positive. Several of the kids were tested yesterday, so their results should be coming in either today or tomorrow. But in any case, I expect the numbers to rise.

My husband has now written to the school. According to the school's email, they are following the Health Department's guidelines as listed on their webpage. We took a look at that webpage. According to the health department, there are 3 categories of contacts. There are household (considered close), close contacts, and non-close contacts. A close contact (not in the household) is anyone who has spent at least 15 minutes near the person. (I think they mean not-distanced) OR anyone who has spent less than 15 minutes with the person, but in extremely close contact like hugging, touching, etc. NON-close contacts are anyone else who has shared space with that person, such as co-workers or classmates. Those are the definitions they give. And protocol dictates and when a person tests positive, all close contacts must quarantine for 10 days AND get tested immediately, and if the have a negative test, they must be tested again after 5 days. All non-close contacts must be notified and given a reference number with which they can be tested 5 days after their last contact with the person who tested positive.
My husband quoted all of this and the school email and pointed out that, by health department guidelines, D is a close contact and E is a non-close contact. Also per health department guidelines, E should have been notified by the school and given a reference number to get tested. So they are in fact NOT following the guidelines, and he trusts that they will make the necessary changes to their protocol. We still have not heard back from them and have no reference number to get E tested. E also remembered last night that she was standing right next to the boy who tested positive, and it may have been 15 minutes...she's not sure. She obviously wasn't counting. But she was explaining to their O&O group how to use the laser cutter. So she may or may not be considered a close contact, but certainly a non-close one.

In any case, so far, 3 students and 1 teacher in E's class have tested positive, and there will probably be more this week once results start coming in. And still nothing from the school to say E shared space with someone who tested positive. And Gerald "assured" me that my daughter was not at any risk. Right....

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Now the English teacher tested positive. Several of the kids were tested yesterday, so their results should be coming in either today or tomorrow. But in any case, I expect the numbers to rise.

My husband has now written to the school. According to the school's email, they are following the Health Department's guidelines as listed on their webpage. We took a look at that webpage. According to the health department, there are 3 categories of contacts. There are household (considered close), close contacts, and non-close contacts. A close contact (not in the household) is anyone who has spent at least 15 minutes near the person. (I think they mean not-distanced) OR anyone who has spent less than 15 minutes with the person, but in extremely close contact like hugging, touching, etc. NON-close contacts are anyone else who has shared space with that person, such as co-workers or classmates. Those are the definitions they give. And protocol dictates and when a person tests positive, all close contacts must quarantine for 10 days AND get tested immediately, and if the have a negative test, they must be tested again after 5 days. All non-close contacts must be notified and given a reference number with which they can be tested 5 days after their last contact with the person who tested positive.
My husband quoted all of this and the school email and pointed out that, by health department guidelines, D is a close contact and E is a non-close contact. Also per health department guidelines, E should have been notified by the school and given a reference number to get tested. So they are in fact NOT following the guidelines, and he trusts that they will make the necessary changes to their protocol. We still have not heard back from them and have no reference number to get E tested. E also remembered last night that she was standing right next to the boy who tested positive, and it may have been 15 minutes...she's not sure. She obviously wasn't counting. But she was explaining to their O&O group how to use the laser cutter. So she may or may not be considered a close contact, but certainly a non-close one.

In any case, so far, 3 students and 1 teacher in E's class have tested positive, and there will probably be more this week once results start coming in. And still nothing from the school to say E shared space with someone who tested positive. And Gerald "assured" me that my daughter was not at any risk. Right....

I'm just a petty cow, so don't mind me. But I'd BCC Gerald and say "FYI, because you seem to be confused about what constitutes "close contact."

Can you get E tested without a reference number? I hope everything turns out OK for her. What a stressful situation.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I am in with a 60 minute yoga practice. I turned the heat up to 75 in my bedroom and my husband came upstairs to change shirts for a zoom meeting and made a comment about the heat. :hilarious: I turn it back down when I have 20 minutes left and I open a window when I am done.

I slept so badly last night and it's probably because I binge watched this series called "Calls" on AppleTV+. It was really creepy and each episode was no longer than 20 minutes. You don't see any actors, you just overhear a series of phone calls between people with abstract graphics on the screen. But the descriptions of what happened to people was quite graphic and there was lots of screaming, panicking, etc. I went to bed thinking, what the heck did I just watch? I got sucked into it when I watched the first episode, because it was just so crazy pants. It was very intense. The whole time, I was trying to make sense of what was happening--because you never see anything. The following episodes were not as intense, but were just as bizarre.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I am in with a 60 minute yoga practice. I turned the heat up to 75 in my bedroom and my husband came upstairs to change shirts for a zoom meeting and made a comment about the heat. :hilarious: I turn it back down when I have 20 minutes left and I open a window when I am done.

I slept so badly last night and it's probably because I binge watched this series called "Calls" on AppleTV+. It was really creepy and each episode was no longer than 20 minutes. You don't see any actors, you just overhear a series of phone calls between people with abstract graphics on the screen. But the descriptions of what happened to people was quite graphic and there was lots of screaming, panicking, etc. I went to bed thinking, what the heck did I just watch? I got sucked into it when I watched the first episode, because it was just so crazy pants. It was very intense. The whole time, I was trying to make sense of what was happening--because you never see anything. The following episodes were not as intense, but were just as bizarre.
I didn't sleep well either between the front going through and my dh going in later than usual. Today is going to be a mostly zen day. Lots of stretching, several short easy practices.


Well-Known Member
I'm just a petty cow, so don't mind me. But I'd BCC Gerald and say "FYI, because you seem to be confused about what constitutes "close contact."

Can you get E tested without a reference number? I hope everything turns out OK for her. What a stressful situation.
Nope, you can't get tested here unless you have that number or if you have symptoms. So if she starts hacking, we can get her tested. Or if her best friend ends up getting tested and tests positive. I did just hear her coughing, but she might have just swallowed wrong. She hasn't been feeling off or anything.


Well-Known Member
So I just heard her coughing and had her check her temp...the last reading shows up, and it said 37.7C (99.86F) so I asked who last checked their temp because I knew we checked a couple of days ago. She said she checked earlier today and that's what it said, but she figured it was just because her room was so warm with the sun coming in through the window...her room is always like an oven. But she checked just now, and said she didn't feel too warm and it's 8:30 pm and her room isn't so hot anymore....still says 37.7 in both ears. So we'll be testing her tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So I just heard her coughing and had her check her temp...the last reading shows up, and it said 37.7C (99.86F) so I asked who last checked their temp because I knew we checked a couple of days ago. She said she checked earlier today and that's what it said, but she figured it was just because her room was so warm with the sun coming in through the window...her room is always like an oven. But she checked just now, and said she didn't feel too warm and it's 8:30 pm and her room isn't so hot anymore....still says 37.7 in both ears. So we'll be testing her tomorrow.
Prayers and pixie dust xoxo

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
So I just heard her coughing and had her check her temp...the last reading shows up, and it said 37.7C (99.86F) so I asked who last checked their temp because I knew we checked a couple of days ago. She said she checked earlier today and that's what it said, but she figured it was just because her room was so warm with the sun coming in through the window...her room is always like an oven. But she checked just now, and said she didn't feel too warm and it's 8:30 pm and her room isn't so hot anymore....still says 37.7 in both ears. So we'll be testing her tomorrow.

99.9F is the upper level of normal, so it might be nothing yet. Fingers crossed it is nothing. How long does it take to get results?


Well-Known Member
99.9F is the upper level of normal, so it might be nothing yet. Fingers crossed it is nothing. How long does it take to get results?
They say about 48 hours, but some have been getting results back in 24, so we'll see. For now, I stocked up on groceries....we were running low on soap and it happened to be on sale, so I bought a bunch. Then I got groceries that will keep, like potatoes and stuff to make potato soup, I just realized I should have gotten stuff to make tostadas, so I'll go get that in a bit. That way, if we have to quarantine, we're covered for this week and I asked about home deliveries and that is running again, so I can always have stuff delivered and hope it doesn't take too long. We'll see. Anyway, we're prepared. I already called in to work, and my husband works from home anyway. A is supposed to go to in-person school tomorrow, but we happen to have an online parent teacher conference for him tonight anyway, so we'll let the teachers know he will work online tomorrow. So we're set.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
They say about 48 hours, but some have been getting results back in 24, so we'll see. For now, I stocked up on groceries....we were running low on soap and it happened to be on sale, so I bought a bunch. Then I got groceries that will keep, like potatoes and stuff to make potato soup, I just realized I should have gotten stuff to make tostadas, so I'll go get that in a bit. That way, if we have to quarantine, we're covered for this week and I asked about home deliveries and that is running again, so I can always have stuff delivered and hope it doesn't take too long. We'll see. Anyway, we're prepared. I already called in to work, and my husband works from home anyway. A is supposed to go to in-person school tomorrow, but we happen to have an online parent teacher conference for him tonight anyway, so we'll let the teachers know he will work online tomorrow. So we're set.
Again good luck. I don't know what the rules are there but here if a family member is waiting on a test other household members are supposed to not go to school until everybody in the household is cleared


Well-Known Member
Again good luck. I don't know what the rules are there but here if a family member is waiting on a test other household members are supposed to not go to school until everybody in the household is cleared
Yep, here too. That's why I called in to work that I can't come, and we'll let A's teachers know he won't be at school tomorrow. Here, if someone in your household has a fever, or if someone in your household is either waiting on results, or has tested positive, you have to quarantine. I technically should probably not have gone to the grocery store this morning, but I didn't know how else to get groceries, and since she doesn't have a "fever", just an elevated temp, it's allowed. And now I know I can get groceries online. When this all started a year ago, they disabled the online order for home delivery feature because they got too many orders and couldn't keep up with demand. But it's back now, so I placed an order for Saturday. So now we're in quarantine until she gets a negative test result. If she tests positive, we all have to get tested, too, and then we have too. If that's negative, we have to wait 5 days and then get tested again. Once everyone has tested negative after at least 5 days, we're good to go again. But we won't starve in the mean time.

Now E says everything tastes weird to her. She did say that last night...things tasted off to her. But she could just be imagining it, I suppose. Kind of like when someone in your kid's class has headlice, you automatically start itching. I guess we'll know in 2 days.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yep, here too. That's why I called in to work that I can't come, and we'll let A's teachers know he won't be at school tomorrow. Here, if someone in your household has a fever, or if someone in your household is either waiting on results, or has tested positive, you have to quarantine. I technically should probably not have gone to the grocery store this morning, but I didn't know how else to get groceries, and since she doesn't have a "fever", just an elevated temp, it's allowed. And now I know I can get groceries online. When this all started a year ago, they disabled the online order for home delivery feature because they got too many orders and couldn't keep up with demand. But it's back now, so I placed an order for Saturday. So now we're in quarantine until she gets a negative test result. If she tests positive, we all have to get tested, too, and then we have too. If that's negative, we have to wait 5 days and then get tested again. Once everyone has tested negative after at least 5 days, we're good to go again. But we won't starve in the mean time.

Now E says everything tastes weird to her. She did say that last night...things tasted off to her. But she could just be imagining it, I suppose. Kind of like when someone in your kid's class has headlice, you automatically start itching. I guess we'll know in 2 days.
At this point maybe you should all be wearing masks even in the house and try and stay away from each other.

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