Now the English teacher tested positive. Several of the kids were tested yesterday, so their results should be coming in either today or tomorrow. But in any case, I expect the numbers to rise.
My husband has now written to the school. According to the school's email, they are following the Health Department's guidelines as listed on their webpage. We took a look at that webpage. According to the health department, there are 3 categories of contacts. There are household (considered close), close contacts, and non-close contacts. A close contact (not in the household) is anyone who has spent at least 15 minutes near the person. (I think they mean not-distanced) OR anyone who has spent less than 15 minutes with the person, but in extremely close contact like hugging, touching, etc. NON-close contacts are anyone else who has shared space with that person, such as co-workers or classmates. Those are the definitions they give. And protocol dictates and when a person tests positive, all close contacts must quarantine for 10 days AND get tested immediately, and if the have a negative test, they must be tested again after 5 days. All non-close contacts must be notified and given a reference number with which they can be tested 5 days after their last contact with the person who tested positive.
My husband quoted all of this and the school email and pointed out that, by health department guidelines, D is a close contact and E is a non-close contact. Also per health department guidelines, E should have been notified by the school and given a reference number to get tested. So they are in fact NOT following the guidelines, and he trusts that they will make the necessary changes to their protocol. We still have not heard back from them and have no reference number to get E tested. E also remembered last night that she was standing right next to the boy who tested positive, and it may have been 15 minutes...she's not sure. She obviously wasn't counting. But she was explaining to their O&O group how to use the laser cutter. So she may or may not be considered a close contact, but certainly a non-close one.
In any case, so far, 3 students and 1 teacher in E's class have tested positive, and there will probably be more this week once results start coming in. And still nothing from the school to say E shared space with someone who tested positive. And Gerald "assured" me that my daughter was not at any risk. Right....